Daily Standard, 70HN D. BABRIER & SON, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IN BRICK RONf fTT v. Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION f One year Six months............. ) Thr3j rnonihs Aj One mouth... .......... Single copy.. . 05 The Weekly Standard is a four-pige, eigbt-coluoan paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price 81 00 per annum, in advance. f ADVERTISING RATES :. Terms for regular advertisements made kuown on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD; Concord, N. C. CONCORD, SEPT. 25 1897. When the new telephone line is complete, it la hoped that persons will nos attempt to break the ring- up. NORTH CAROLINA AT LARGE. The Baptists of . Wadesboro have purchased a lot and are building a 2-story bricfc house. Wadesboro has no high Bshool at present. More persons have bien sentenced to death m this v State during the past few months than has been the case iii years. There hae been two executions in leaa than thirty da)s and three are now under the een tence of death. Will be Busy KondayvV j Five parties who have been em ployed at the Cabarrus cotton mill in this 1 city, have brought suit against the mill concerning wages and the cases will come up in Justice O A Pitts' court Monday. The 'Sq lire expects a baay day. . - - 1 Fair and warmer tonight and to morrow, says the forecast. We wish to caution all users of Sir? men Liver Regular on a subject of the riVpes: interest and importance to their health 'Pka nfl(rftOJ ftrfl riaintr nntt ripall v I perhaps their lives. , The sole proprietors lhenegroeaare rising politically j of Simmc,.s Liver Regulatff in Eltmon. Saturday nignt in doleiun conclave they resolved to cut loosefrom Republican apron stijngs and be their own . men and their own party. They denounce Harry Skinner out of reach. i ! I 4i .... p. 3 l . learn kuai ci jtoruers are oilpu ueieiu uy buying anu taking son.e medicine of a Wilberforce Coliege in Ohio, has a Zulu studen-. who ia preparing himself for the work of enlightening his countrymen. A man may be struck by a wo man's beauty, and jet not be eeri ously injured, unless she happens to be a wheslwoman. A boy named Rushwortb, who a ed in Lancaster, England from a kick received in a game of foot-ball, is the first yietim of this season. Cabarrus county may not be re pre lented at the Good Roads Congress to be held in Terine3see,but from all indications at presen, she will surely have gcod roads. As there is a hearse in town that can be need free of charge, on con dition, !t is no special inducement tor a man to die, but there is conso lation in it for the poorer classes . Sow if the energetic undertakers will inaugurate some scheme to get fhe grave-diggers to work free of charge, a poor, man candie more easy. The Southern railway should ahow its appreciation of the patron age it receives at this point by fur nishing a more commodious freight depot. On rainy days goods are 3 acked In the small warehouse and she merchants are delayed in getting Them. More room . is needed at the passenger station, also. When the cold weather comes on standing room-will be at a premium. fn A Cat In the Choir.' , ' Saturday night as the choir of a I certain church were wai ting-to-bepin practice in the basement of the sac red building a poor, lonely "little hlacki.nd'-white cat waa seen wan tiering drbund.inUhat portion oflthe basement where shadows fell. The sexton opened thedoors and to ac celerate' the movements of the crea ture went near it and exclaimed, "Shool Scat !" He now wishes he hd left it alone, for he has since had tv bury his clothes, whilst the choir .is sadly broken up, one lady faint ing, another declaring she'd bseh pofsoned whilst all soon after had to leave for home j at least that is how it wa3 told to an Advence man to ehy. It is perhaps well to add that -the demure little , blackand-white xittan was a pole cat. Lynchburg Advance. Mr. R R bmith, our popular court-crier, hasa aiark in thi cen tre vi his forehead inda a "few days ago by a large squirrel shot. , He was out shooting at one on an old hard Spanidh oik limb, oneotne shot rebounded and struck hirri in the forehead, but his head being harder than the shot no Berious damage was done Chatbam Re cord. Tllow Fever ia the South. Summuar? of yello fever in the South shows the status of affairs in the following : ) i A dispatch from Horieri Tertrou & Co., of New Orleans, urging an investigation by Surgeon General Wyman, of suspicious fever at GaN veston. iiouBton, uauas uau can Antonio, says that all Texas is threatened. Mobile reports three new cases and four deaths, among the latter Fattier Murraj; to dat 41 cases, 6 deaths, 19 discharged, 16 under treatment. New Orleans three 'deaths, seven new casee;'100 to date, death iate 15 per cent. At Edwards there are 29 new cases, total to date, 133 Jackson is closed . against the return oi reiugeeB in the North. IredelTs Santer A ppears Near Moores. yllle. The 1 Mobresville Record of this week contains the following : The much dreaded banter of north Iredell is, it seems, traveling south, probably hunting . winter quarters. On Back Creek, two miles east of Mooresville, on the lands of T N S:eele while his teis ant hands1 were engaged in pulling fodder in bottom land near a much traveled path, made by negroes pass. ing to and from Mooresville through the farm, they saw an indescriable animal. .So far as they .could see it was biack and white with a loDg shaggy mane projecting over its forehead. It ran from them atjfirst, then stood and , growled and, rmade an unearthly sound. They, thought it was about the sizd of a yearling calf, filt is beyond doubt a danger ous and $ ferocious beast and very likely of a carniverons spscie?. How- eyeri - the- negroes -cculd... find lo rimilar appearance or taslr, believing it to be Simmons Liver Regulator. We ward you that unbss the word .Regulator is on v.e package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver te - THE - - a) 7 2oo Pif ces Silk Eibbonw inch wide lc. 4b inch wide at 35c. , Gents 'gulator. No one else makes, or I Tafferty,Mbrie,Satin and G G. nade Sirnmor.3 Liver Regulator, ox J - '" ' rver has made ix.: ii- but J. if. Zeilin & Co.. hd r by anyone elso Is the aam 1L JTOU ior, ill who use it know how necessary il Fever and Ague. Bilious ' Fever. Cbi don, Headache, Dyspepsia andalldison trising from a Diseased Liver. v - del J. U. ZEILIX & CO. tracks s. Baeklen's Arnica bbito. ' Best Saiye Jn the world, for putai Bruises,! Sores, jtTlcersi Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,' Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin JEruptions,'and positively cures Piles 7or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give 8 tatief action-or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box " For sali at P B Fetzea-Ufn store. r - .' pre, jccidento J. F. HURUEY, Agent. Over Marsh's Drug Store North Carolina In Ofiice Clerk Cabarrus County) Superior Court. I Notice ia hereby gven of filing of articles of incorporation of , ''The Concord Telephone Company. 'r The names of the incorporators are N- F Yorke. L D Coltrane, W H Lilly, John P Allison and W C Houston, and such others as they may associs ate with them; that the principal place of business is in Concord, N C, and its general purpose? and business is the conducting a ger eraJ telephone busaess4 within the State of North 4 Carolina; to at tfce duration of the corporation is thirty years;' the capital stock is $1,500 with privilege to increase to $10,000 divided in shares of the par value of $50.00 each. : .. ' . Sept. 18tb, 1897.' ."v 1 - ' ! Jasl C. Gibson, " o20) Clerk Superior Court. T -5 ! T'K T" a fY Care for Typhoid Fever . ' Anyone suffering e with ty pheid fever, I guarantee to .effect a perma nent cure, ,n8ing preparations of m own, made bf roots? and herbs. I have recently cured fire cases and can furnish testimonials. Anyone needing my eemcesf call on or ad dresa me, ' : A mosMcNeely, Oct.15 lmoa&w. -' Concord,1 N. C.' ' . a jr. in ) - 3 rT-yTorr X '. n . . A u - - - ri il i P- TIL 5- T o 1 1 . 5 WCOQ-yT l V Ti 2 i7U !? .U7 .1 il o. , m. 5 2;Styies;;;f a Ladies' Collars at , v 10c. Cuffs 10 and 13c. j Ladies' Shirt I Waists . 2J and 5oc. i HANDKERCHIEFS lc to 37Jc.; Ladies' Pure Linen at ioc. White Goods 5 to 23c per yard. LAUNDRIEfB COLORED , , SHIRTS Seven different prices 23 to 95 cents. LADIES FAST BLACK SEAMLESS HOSE, 31 inches long! The Best I OCent Suspenders CLUB TIES ; at 2 to 18c. 4IN HAND TIES i 6c and np. CURTAIN POLES 22ic HADES 12 to 25c. LACE CURT AITS 68 to 1 9o. 6o BENEHAjDHOEI LINEN DAMASK at , 47c. SCRIM for Curtains 5c up. GINGHAMS 4c up., D J. Bostian. 0ISK These, cold blowing winds will causeyerybody to put on shoes. If you have not got them 'tis time that you are looking around to see who will fit up you and the famis ' ly for the least money. There is not a house in' town better prepared to supply your wants than LOWE DICK. t - .1 We have put on bur Bargain Counter 200 pairs of Ladies, Shoes N o, 3, 4 and 5, that solcl : f or $1 joo' 81.25 and $1.50, Tou can take your choice for the smalFsum of 60n Th' ( est MANS,s$'l00 Shoe on earths i ' f : r Birgains m,. Misses, i Children and Ladies Shoes. 1 ' Our stock is com Plete and very . large and if you: will . c?me seeiBsj wet, can save you , money, vl; ; .3 f.; V;-if ZS-U, r, . ;., ' . Don't: forget us when you want J yrPURNITURE; :! Wiihft our small expense to do business ihere is no one that can undersell us. ' 1 it rt si LOI