ArriTftl of Trniua. The following change of schedule took i y 4, 1897, 12 o'clock. effect Juy Southbound. arrives at GOam, " 10 Q7 a m, u " 7-22 p m, . r ' X ' 12 33 si 62 11 20 a m (li;eiii- SOUTHBOUND. 07 arrives aii o "i vA .( 33 u u (( 44 10 28 a m, " 9 02 p m, . 44 9.27pm, .. ort 27 and 38 stoD only at Char -hT' Sa.isburv. Greensboro lot e, v, - - Panzers for local noint, between these stations will haye to use tne uvu gYP. Deaton, Local Reporter. SHORT ITEMS. : :. . , LOST. TWO dfi&k Rn? rn3(nfna keys, and button hoofc on rice. Re turn to this office, v The Holv Commnninn will Ho KuTW administered at Trinity Reformed 1 I , - cnurcn tommorrow in connection with the stir vice at 11 a. in. Prices mm Tab. READ THE FOLLOWING: - Ii Has the I 0A inch Fancy mixed j Suiting at 25 cents. all wool Three I alians, harpist, flutist and violinist, struck town Friday morning aud dispensed very tweet music on the streets at night. . Prices tell toe tale. Read the ad vertisement of the Ould Mercantile Company in this issue, and you will inch all wool SUITING at be convinced that thev mean busi- 22 1-2 cents. ness. See John P Alliscn before selling your cotton. He pays highest cash mam a akll r 4 1v a L Z TT Hiiuee iur au vuu ton tae mm. xie , - 11rtT,.-i ot-d.ti uiVA Wri 3"black. at 23 1-2 cents'. n fftrnriftr a nn wi 1 1 ha I no nHoa r aa I - - Fancy mixed Silk and Wool Suiting new and ur-to-date, 27 l-2c. Fancy all wool Suitings, all the rage, only 25c. yard. 1 44: inch all wool Sergey 37 l-2c, yard. 36 inch all wool Serge 25c yard. ': cl inch all wool FRENCH COV-O-rrt ciiOTH worth 75c. for 60 cents. 5 inch all w6ol at 33 1-3 cents. .iffrailetl,t-encilecl and Properly the Cheapest. - Robinson & Franklin's big circus Go to John P Allison's for best will show in Concord on Monday, n0 for wheat and oats. October 11th. The bill-posters will 4 . ' . - j 9 be here on Tuesday next, and from Have you PP61 l . trade that timeon the whole county will Write Devenny Bros., McKeesport, b ) Bluckup with pictures, etc. , t 4 Allison & Addison's guanos are 1 r r O CASHnERE. the 20 cent. Several loads of watermelons were ih . t n thiR fnftrkftt r whftRt L D for 12 1-2 cents. oa the Btreets tcday. 1 he season for gaie by Jno. P Allison. He sells 05 . u n f w v h. 9 i, about over. - them so close that it makes them 36 inch all wool Henriettas at 25c -Rpv vV C Alexander will fill his cheaper than other brands of equal 45 inch alLwool Henriettas. The 65 rpulpit tomorrow morning auu 4Uft"; 1 night, as usual, at the First Presby w p Hornbuckle was before terian church. Eequire C A Pitts, charged with as- becrins sauit. and J B Shamblin was tried LUV xicuiuH j o ' with tomorrow at sundown. This for trespass. The court fined the is considered one of the most sacred :nen each a penny and costs.4 Mr. days of all by the Hebrews. Hornbuckle appealed to th 3 Supe- J rior court. For Sale. One good 6 year-old . , . horse. Will work anywhere. Good Invitations have been received in traveler. Uall on or aaaress vv n. 1 uuwuuuui .uo English Coyerts for the Tailor Made Suits. 54 inches wide, 75c- . Satin finish wool Soliel, just out, 52 inch all wool suiting, 37 l-2c. yard, The celebrated C L E Oashemere, always isoldat 20c. yard. Our price 15c. cent erade for 57 cents A genuine bargain. 50 inch all wool Storm Serge that) would be called a oargam oy others at 65c Our price 50c Call for it. 46 inch all wool 8torm Serge, the greatest bargain in Dress fcrooas ever shown, price 42Jc. , We are well known as the leaders as and save Money ;Stone, Conccrd, N. C. fSirONDERFUL are the cures ly arilla makes p U R C BLOOD sp26 I of Mr. Alexander Parker, of Salis-1 0f low prices and will continue to IBS uui jr w 11x100 uauto xojr tuu v wuu- i IRAQ. i-ii ; iL. sion, 01 uincinnau, ine ceremony Cannon & Fetzer Gomp any - Dtuui vj uiubtuuaiii dud ldiduiuu i Hood's Sarsaparilla, and yet they. to take nlace in the First Presbvte are simple and natural. Hood's Sarsa- -an An,k f a aViftnio Shoe Department. OULD MERCANTILE "COMPANY.;. ' Toe Cash Bargain House of Concord nan cnurcn or Asheville, on Wednesday evening, October 6th. wA have shoes for evervbod v and ... 1 t 1 a. "i i it iii 1 nn nw mi . uuuiuokiuuu -'--- There are ten public . W.w out for busineas, and if fair Rocky KWer in Cabarrua, built and lotte Observer eaya: Arthur Davie, "".f , rfl'nrB .. for monev kept up by the county. Tnis 18 a coioreo I ooy waa j louna near . hougein" the 8late only one water course. u V- gel it We wilUet our part. nf Mr .Cress Alexander. I Bftn OUUIU M MU UU.UUOU1UUO .UUUltlUUl of Bethpage, became frightened and jjis head has a severe cut, blood ran away at the platform Friday fr0m his ears and he has some afternoon. No serious damage re- internal injury. It is not known suited, however. : whether he was stricken by a pass- Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, Jn? train or he jumped from it. He . C ; will b6iin ConcoVd, at the St. Cloud Hotel, on Thursday, pctober know the cause of his in) ury. 1ltVi ihia nn Hair nnlv. Hia mac- tice'is limited to the Eye, Ear, I JG ALA DAY AT MT. GILEAD Nose and Throat. The Standard's good friend, Ju lius Brown, of No 8 township, eave no a thin mnrninp. He IS I Tnrlav wrh a cala rlav At Mt. Gil amoner the most substantial Cabar- ad. At 1 o'clock the bright rus farmers. boys and the pretty girls of No. o nr m a j n j w township, made recitations and de Mr. Stafiord Goodman Bays that livered 5ecIamationB. We wiU tell the recent rain put the ground in you next week the programme in sucha fix that the farmers w t We had ice.crFeam ana any plow to an ad vantage, the soil being amount 0f nick-nacks. tOO Wfit. - - In ancient times, there were old a. B m I A MVVft Ik W W V mm K W X WW w pigs have been taken up by Mr. North Caf0lina. No. 5 township Anthony Host, an JLast Depot street. - this inn0Cent amusement. Owner will please go for them ana w"e simplv buy a beef and the best pay damages. ; - shot gets the choice beef. Today T u a mrtrv,0 TOiin some one will have the extra cut of Laboring men.nJifl01mnwot Mr. Ed. Lipe's pretty beef, and four 0 otherUetinde, barrus Savings Bank the most con- The equinoctial storm has spoiled vieni ana enectuai means 01 accum-1 our pretty ut cuuuu, uu it ib get- In 11 i. 9 We desire to callltliej public's atten tion to the'fact that we are'now prepared to rurnish anything in our undertaking depart ment from! the cheapest coffim to the best burial cases. "We give our personal attention to all funeral worH; FREE HEARSE i Old-Tlme Abootlnsr Match Great loba In Cotton to Farmers Other Items. i m m UMHW1 MANUFACTURERS OF Our elegant new hearse has arrived and we offer it FREE OF CHAKGKE to all our castomers who may have occassion to need it. This oifer applies to ine cinzens ui China Grove, Enochville, Mt. Pleasant, Harrisburg and any where in Cabarrus county as well as in ioncora, . : We have a large stock of FURNITURE. Call to see us. Quick sales and small prohts. very respecuau, GRAVEN BROTHERS,'! One Poland China sow and six fnflh:nnfi Hhnntinir matfthfl a11 nver r?i-nA n-mornamS,' by Mr. Kth n. ' ijnft- Kn K tnwnahm ' , amusement. Outlll0, ClOtJlS. i Plaids. Sheetmo- and Sal Bas Dealers in GrENEBAL MER OH ADISE Next door to DF. Day vaults. plishing that end sp28 d ting yellow. The loss is great to the A protracted meeting will begin . wafl done. . All , the talk about at the Baptist church tomorrow ft ig coUon cro and a down grade night. Rev. Dr. Barron, of Try on in prices is bosh. It is not inthe street Baptist church of :Charlotte, COTfntry. The dry weather set the will assist the pastor next week. air on a month's crop and as the . Humors in the blood, .'pimples- ngro says, the 'economical storm" Eccofala sores, are promptly eradie of the past three days did-the rest. artea by Hood s barsapaniia. tne Buvers of -n One True Blood Purifier, tonic and health builder; Mr. Georea Krimmingeris quite -TTTVTrpTD "V nerval tt:. 5 .U. n.n wy w XI Av 1 o nff rilM UU.BH IB UUlUUiU. UUb V o 1 i , . hone time will improve and relieve 1 - PROD U OJli Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. C ore indigestion, ' Jail iousness. 25c. ' ' him. C A Cline is having His house fe painted, and finished upV Mr. Cline Kfta A Hnlfindid countfv Home and a Rom a timft ken it wan discovered I hflantiful vard. adorned with fruit- tnat a regular tramc was oeing car tui wees. 6i all kind and 4-toot wood;always wanted- ried on by Chinamen in San Fran- The bad weather did not stop the - n f nr eo me Cisco, who imported Chinese women wooa hauierB: they go and come all ; OeStSpriCeS IOT bctmc. v-u a i j i j aweet potatoes tot mate mm, ne , v SSoS S fi-S bu8hBooHb tion rot aH tne -oods v wni-.' a , cion averaged 300 bushels on 1 r - I MtVAO . i . ' ( . - j 1 5 , .:,''. j I F .f. ... - . ... .-' - I we manuiacture. BEGONIAS 6c to 50. RUm hunting in' this township, I f I . FERNE ' 10c. to 2. Thursday night, caught more dew QDELiLi MFGr- CO., : GERANIUMS 5c. to 25c. and cold than they did 'possums.. ;v:;0,;: ;. , :ry-r : PALMS 75c. to S3.00 Your, new, carrespondent,: 1 rjonCOrdN. C rkri. liiainAnn. nubllO a re- liable, permanent, conservatiyeand hininnf institution. -rrr mnr Hiinineafi Wltu in U BUWkJw" . . , m 1 l 1 tMnf w-k assurance 01 nonoramo uoa"- end due appreoiation of your pat Tf we can serve you at any time, dil olidto ttife you ;come J3 M " !- LIBERAL; 'ReeOMMODAT IONS TO'eablUMtiHai Gaftital and SultIus$70 000 D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier .. J. M. OPJiibb.'rrea. w fTT . 01 etc uortTTVFJjY CURE irilmpotency. Sleeplessness, etc- caused bV'Abdae or'other Excels and todia- HiTvuHt in oldoryounz.and ToforRtadT. business or marriagf,. n?id effeeta a CUBE where all 1 It 'upou having the S 5 it.n nnarantee to effect a cure g? g, " nail, in ocKv Vrfi" Wa& Forsaleby J PJ Gibson; Drdggists wii-:';.lir'"'m, F5t : ItJ 1 -. M f tf 1 II Needs No Explanation. ! Woinn. N. O.. Aug, 4, 1897. Goose Greasa Lmiment Co., Greens boro, lSi . C. . 1 . rn- Please ship us at one 3 one gro Goose Grease Limment. We ... L ntiL Don't fail to solp at aiu - ... once. FIea5K Aive ub r JUuT.w It is the thing we DaYe oc is just as coyi-w WAKAOTED. PRICE 50 ctS4 ji - fJALATIA. IIXS. NOV. 16. 18S3. oiallcdi5ino.,.8t .Mo action as your Tonic Yourstruiy. For sale and guaranteed by ; all r;-. t r f v -, druggists. ..--

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