(Lords " Cure3 talk " in favor 5 Ta8 Es of Hood's Sarsapari 11a as lor no other medi cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad vertising. Many of these cures are mar velous. They have .won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa rilla the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary ior its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth.; Hood's; Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has madeoures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, catarrh and malaria. Such Cures as Jh Is Prove Merit. " My little nephew was a plump and healthy baby until a year and a half old, then pores broke out behind his ears and spread rapidly over his head, hands and body. A physician said the trouble was scrofula humor in the blood. The child , became one complete core. ' We had. to i lestram ui nanda to Keep mm from jRev. j.p. Arnold.pastor. Preach cratchlng the sores., . ye were induced ' j o 0 , TT.Wono t a ahivt : e at 11 a. ua, and 8;00 p. m. Sunday time he had morelif ev , He improved rap idly, hia Bkiir became entirely clear" of sores and he is now a healthy child.".MES. Florence Andrews, Clearfieldlowa. x. Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. I - w j, n, ure liver ilia; easy to tlOOa S FlllS take, easy to operated SCHEDULE Bnri ii . - , ft i I eaa i ll hp M r n KAIL W ft I In Effect Jan. 18, 1897. This condensed schedule is pub Tithed as information, and is subject to change without notice to the Vtblic: -' . Trains Leaye Concord, N. 0 - 9:57 p. m. No. 35 daily ff or Atlan t a aii eVCharlotte lAir i5, e division; ana all points South and Southwest. Carries through4 Pullman drawing roomuftet sleepers between New ' Yorkv Washington, Atlanta. 1 Birm ingham, Gaheston, Savannah and Jacksonville. Also Pullman alee oer CI ta"itej9 "B""5: :,-i-.w...t ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman 1 sieeppr New, York to New Orleans and .New York to Memphis . ' ' Din ingar, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, $un dayd ' " ;' ' ::, 9:02 p. m. No 9, daily, from RiclT mond, Washington, Goldsboro.Nor'1 folk vSelma, Ralign. Greensboro Kucxville and Asheville to Char otte, N. C. 10:30 a. m. No. 11, daily; - for At lanta, and all points South. Solid trains Richmond to Atlanta; PulU man - Bleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 1 , r . 10:07 a. m. No. 36 m daily, for Washington, .... RichmQP.d,,. Bialeigh aminlhpoints North.":Carried1PullB man Vlrawingroom ' buflTet sleeper, iiaiveeton to- Mew xork . Jackson Tille to New York ; 'Birmingham to NewATork. Pullman ourist cars from San Frar cisco T hursdays. :02 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton;-and Southwestern vestibuled . pmited,, for ; Washington and all lioints North. Through Pullman "ear' Memphi s to New Tor k ; New Orleans to New. York; Tampa to New York, Also: carries vertibulerli 'coach and dining car. ;. : :7s22 p. m. No.12, daily, for Richs mond, Asheville, Chattanooga. Ralw North- r Carries Pullman Bleeping car trom.tireensboro to; ujchmond. Conn ectsat Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car f or RaJeiebv 6.17 a. m.H-No; 10, daily, for Rich mond : connects at Greensboro lor Raleigh, and Norfolk '; at DanviJle for Washington and points North ; ac oaiisDury ror Asnviile, iinox ville and points West. : All freight trains carry passengers John M. Culp, W. A. Tuek, Traffic M4gr. ; Gen'l Pass. AgV W. H. Green, Washington , D. 0. Gen'l Superintendent, V' . Washington,. D. C S. H.Habdwick, Ass't Gen'iP. Ag'fc t v ' Atlanta, Ga . H, Tayloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, "0 1 " ; . Louisville, Ky. Ggwak Dusekbebt, Lc cal Ag't, - - ' - Concord. N, O. ANTEDUpriaht and laithful gentlemen or ladies to travel for re 8pon8ible?:' established: housed in orth; Carolina. Monthly $65 00 arid expenses. Position t steady! Reference. E ncloBe 74ielf-addressed stamped envelope. 7The; Dominion Company, DepU H, Chicago. ' e25. inr r Sarsaparilla f CHURCH DIRECTORY. First Presbyterian church Rev WyCJ. Alexander, Pastor. Preach ing every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7:00 p. m. Sunday school at 3 pi my -Prayer meeting every Wed nesday night at 8:00 , Baptist Churcii Rev. J. J. Pay seur, pastor, ; services every Sunday at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 7:00 p. m. pi ay ermeeting every Saturday at, 7 00 p. m.; Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Public cordially in vited; r ' Trinity Reformed church Rev. B Frank Davis, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. Sup day school at 10a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 8:00 p. m. AH are cordially invited TiiLity roimed Chapel West Corbin street, He?. B Frank Davies pastor. Sundfly school at 3 p. m, Preaching t I p. ml All are o r Hally invited to attend. , Forest Hill M; kihurch, South school at 9:45 a., in.-, Prayer meeting every Saturday at 7:00 p. in. The nublio cordially invited.; Epworth League meeting at 6 p. m. Bay's Chapel, Methodist Church Rev. W. B.McGee, ! pastor. Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Suns day school at.9:30 a, my v v . ... .-, p Central Methodist 'Church Rev. J. E. Thompson, pastor Services at 11 a rr art1 -imii y m VnrtfloTr onli I ... Z. fat 3:00 o'clock, p m. Epworth League meeting at 6 30 p. m. aii oamis jiipiscopai cnurcn iev J b.'DaVisrrectdr. Horning service school at 10 a. m. Prayers Wednes day at 5 p. m. V: i St. James Lutheran Church, Main street Rdv. Chas. B.fcJIilIer, pastor, services "hi 11 ai m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday School 3 . p. , m., Luther League 1st and 3rd Sundays 4 p. m. Wednesday, .eyening . prayer 8:00 All-are TOrfiallyinvrted-. - - : - fit AxlMqvw Lutheran - church, tahhontiifPRey.H:A.McCu lough pastpr. Sunday ., School at 9.30 a. ,l8t6undayt 11a. m. and. regular BetVtce -erenr Sunday nUt' af 7KW o'clock ? excentincr th&K first and third "Sundays in each month, when eeryioes "will-be held ofi? the firs! Sunday at"H a in., and third Suns day at 4 p. m., each month. TieGratitest Ilctrifdy.V i a Mr. 1'R B ; Greene. . merchant, of ChilhQwie,- Ya. certifies that , he had consumption and ws giyen up to die,;eought all medical5 treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he, could , hear of, but got np relief ; spent many nights sitting irn in ft chair; v?as induced to try jJr. King s New Discovery, and was cured by, the use of two bot A,esi '. For the past three years has been; attending to business, end says ; Prt King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as:it has done eo much for him and als'o for"6ther8 m hiscohimuhity. Dr. j King's ' New- Discovery i is guaranteed ? for coughs, colds and Consumption;' ;It don't fail. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug store. - Raleigh's cotton mills are now running what is ' known ; as seven days' 7 to the week that is extr time for the first time in three years. ;' For Over Fmv Vears . ; r Mrs. Winslow'tf Soothing ,3yrup has been : -used l for- overt fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect buc. cess,;::It7 soothes- thexhild; softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind col f and, is the., best remedy for Diarrhoea,': It will relieve the poor little sufferer; immediately, i gold by d rnggist8 in every part of the wor I d. Twenty-five cents a bottled' Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows BootU iLg Syrnp." and take no other kind r i . ii v.-; i : ? -Youirto w u tax for 1 g974tmoTV due, and the t a books bate been deliver ed to trie ith 'instructions : to col ! c ct, o and. Cf or; that v purpose I : am authorized to use all lawml means tp collect, the same promptly. : rpay" npor "taes" at one saie trouble.'ttnd cdsts s 1 ; once and JnonL Milierfs atore. i .f.ThiB l6th Sept,, 1897. 5 ; . i ol7.) . ,-. Jo. K. Pattebson,' - Tax Collector for Conaord. Tax Notice ABOUT THE COURT HOUSE. Celrks Office FlnisHed-o. 3 Paid More Taxes Than All Otbera 'Squire ruts Moved Wnlie IVasn- I lug-to Be Done. , . , The 'dark"- room at the court house, formerly known as the Clerk's office, is finished, the vault having been completed and turned oyer to the county ; -0Friday;' :CIerfc ,pt the Superior Coart, J O Gibson, and his efficient assistant, Mr. John Cook, fwill begin Monday transferring books and papers from their tempo rary room into the newly equipped oid.quarters . The room, however, wili.not be ready, for occupancy for some time or1 until the concrete is thoroughly dy r xr t, Sheriff Buchanan says than Nbv3 is the banner township in tax-pay-i ig. More money for taxes has been received from that township than from all others "upi to date, r The sheriff says people are coming in and paying up riglit along.. - Kegister Weddington has been granted psrmiesion by the comrnis miaibners to have! his office white-; washed, which will be done in a few days. - 'Squire O A Pitts has moyed his office out of the left band corner to the one opposite. The room he vacated will be used by the county board of ede cation. Something: to Know. It may be worth something to know that t he very bes t medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitter 8. This medicine ispurely: vegetable, acts1 by giving tone to the noive centres in the stomach,! gently stimulates the liver, and kid neyfl and aids these organs : in throwing off impurities in the blood Electric Bitters improves the ap. petite, aids digestion, and is pro nounced by. those who have -tried it as the very best. blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at Fetzer's Druug store. V ' Dressed lor1 ' tbe ! Gallews, but the Jeffarson, Ga., Sept. 24. The; execution; of Grady Reynolds and -Bad Brooks, murderers of M O Hunt, in Jackson county did not take place today. At 3 o'clock this morning the Governor respited Brooks for four weeks on a confer eirn made by Reynolds that he, single handed, had committed the murder, but that Brooks planned the crime and shared in the diyision of the money. Reynolds was dressed for the gallows, but on a . request of the brothers of the murdered mao, that both shall be hanged, to gether, the execution of " Reynolds was accordingly deferred also. When! you - are t suffering from Catarrh or Cold in the head you I--... . - .... . ., .. want relief right away Only 10 10 cents is reqnifed'tb test it. Ask your druggist for the trial, 8ize of Ely's Cream Balm, or 50 cents size. We mail it ; ELY BROTHERS : 56 Warren St, . New York City. I was afflicted? With: catarrh last autumn. . curing, the month of October I could neither taste nor smell and could har but little. Ely's Cream Balm cured it.r-Marcus tieo.Shaatz, Rahway, N! J. - Ihe seventy-four pound water melon; which; was shipped Mrs. D L Russell from OHarlotte was packed indollar wheat." It. was 3 feet 8 inches in ircrimferehce. &EX.TS CXHEAXX llAT.TtT fa nMtfiMMH. Apply into the nortrfl. . Jt la quickly absorbed. 63 cents at Druggists or by mail ; samples 10c by ELY BROTHJEBS M Warreo 8U, New York CU GREAT BARGAIN , ... ' ' , ENAMEL and NICKEL Grates. HeatingSt oves, and Cooking Stoves. All sold on theinstallment plan at CLOSE CASH prices. Get every tiling:" read now while the weather is good. yc 30C 3JC yc yc yc yc yc yc yc yc i yc ' yc W. JC pnjnitnIn:;iiln1mHi1!iiritTinilJii!!iJrtiin: Advertisers!will find n6 r! better means to reach the people than through the columns of 4 . THE STANDARD . T If you want the ipatron age of the people, make your wia'nt'is, known' through j this 'medium.1. Our local advertisements are worth five rente , per line : for first imserion,i, and reduction-given on successive insertions. .- : All other rates given on application. I -1 Whenfinneed of J; JOB WORK of different descriptions,4 yon v, ill do well to cklt on tis, as we kcan 'save . yon money, Prices on different kinds of JOB WORK given on application at this office. concord: nvcC CAPITAL STOCK, : ..5O,O0O, We are now readv for bnainM at our new bankiDg office in the PropBt Dmiamg. xour account is respects f My Bolicited, and ire pwlmi ybu careful and conrteons .attention and eVery facility consistent with sound banking.' - v ; ; ' ' ' i- Deposits from 25 cents up taken in our ----- rl: j-'--; ' ; 8 A VINGS DEPARTMENT. r Interest paid on savings and time deposits;. , ; ., ri ' t u . Call to see ns and see our burglar; proof safe with time Ibcki P V?)IKE0T0R8 f ; WOANNON. IjAWSON" J. TPftTt: DR R. S. YOUNG. C. W. 8 WINK, : DR, D. W. FLOWS, D. P. CANNON, JAS. C GIBSON. President. I Cashier.' ? MAKTIN BOGER, H. L1WOODHOUSB Vice Presidentj m Teller ftl THE STANDARD. : ! .. '- it''1''"' v r-ir-t . X X X X X X ft X X X X X X X X X J. HILL. It iniliiiii: . Zniiiiliiif.SiUiiiIrnIiiiIiiCiiintinIitt, .There is nothing that is as -essential to the hap - piness of the - family as the local newspaper. - If you are not yet a sub scriber send us your name at once, and let THE; STANDARD start at once. You can not do without it, neither can the family. Pliilmli. j !iiiiliumr WbiiniHiImIiiiiHrIiij!ii When you wish clubbing rates on any kind of news paper or periodical with THE -STANDARD yon will save money by call ing on ns, though all orders must invariably be paid in advance. 0! MONT ArrvoKa 3EMINAKY, v . FOR LADIES ' MT- PLEASANT, N. C :: Advanties First-CIass, Rates rs'-'ny H Moderate. ' , , .'. A Cabarrus County Institute. Next session opens September 9th, 1897. . For Catalogue or other informatiSn ap ply to REV. HENDEItSOK N. MILLER, ; Principal, Srf S?SLK'",ed? Aotly Unknown U twwwwn. Penuaeat Owes, in; 15 to 35 OortCt a.vra ucMlUCLrtlV M4f ' ff:h fAea:k MJiA thA ninft nana i sere we I Will MmfMM or paj expense of railroad tad. hotel bills, and Ckmrce,K cure , tt je fair to iimpleA,CopprColoi PrtQrtbebo3y,Halror it ia t.h Pln.. "" VIA! P. KB itn rati .nrl .k-n j the world for ee WW . ity -o nd wo O MMtfe Temple. Chleaco. IUInoifl