mi V 4 V If. I '4J;. ... i .... ! . j - i,: t ik I : it 1 17 MILES IN OPERATION if 11 !f,V. i . ' 'li .it i - i; ; W': r,rs.- -f - : - . - il H i II If IIS H The Darham and Charlotte Railroad Is Being Bapldly JBulU. Baleigb News and Observer: "Seventeen miles of the Durham and Charlotte Railroad," said Maj Guthrie yesterd?,, haye been com pleted and . are now : in operation, while six miles more are nnder con tract." A corpa of civil engineers eleven in numberis novr surveying the line from Gulf to Durham They are today between Pittsboro and Haw River. It is a trial survey and the, line runs within a half mile of Pittsboro. Two Jiundred haads and about fifty teams are grading the road bed . Most of this work is being done by fg-mers living along the line." , Maj. Guthrie is one of the moving spirits in the building of this rail road. He get the charter through the L-gu aure? helped organize the company wbch iscompfsed pritici pally oi Poiladelphia capitalist, and h is btf n general counsel for tire road ev. r air-ce it has been jn exisK f o. Its construction poeane; much f r the rich agricultural ana? rain "l V section of the State through whic i it runs, How will this effect Cabarrutf It stems I ke it would be hard to miss ub ? Concord, Monday October 11th INALLTHE WORLD. 'H ;pi;(SsEs iMi ' ' QpQGotdffi :.- ! ' i - i.-- " 1 .,..'L .. j i ; i NQWmfEflAiajESi; GRANDEST vnd BESTAMUSEMENT INSTITUTION lit f - i f; ;-;? '..V:',i' u jiff it in 1 i P t!T - il !i i .- V. :' If e i ' i" . Don't TobM plt and SmtL Toot LlfeAway If 700 want to ouit tobacco ue-S iQR.aB.U7..:aRd.MfQi9v.0r,beMma(le - wen, Hiroog, magneuc, juu oi new i life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds' in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from your own . diyggist,. who will guarantee a. cure. Addrees Sterline Remedr Co.. Chi- i The yellow fever cases r increase in v Nt w Orfeans with the tayn Jo? decrenees. TJo to ii ate, 'says rbf Me z, there have be n 157 cases nd 21 deaths with 38 discharged aeA nd a hopeful view is taken of the 118 cases still on hand. Three ne . cases and two deaths are reported at JSlobile. " ,, . i; .. At EdwatQsVMiss . 168 ceases. & " cluuing the mayor, have been re pped apd pqlyr 6 deaths, yet maeljj uneasiness is suffered. v At Baloxi there were 17 oew caces and.pnetn .Monday. ? r A$ Scjapton, there' were two ne cai?fl and onft death. . At Ocean Springs no new c ies o ; deathVafe VepnrVed. ' : The mails are thoroutrhlv fomif gated. and quarantine, is rigid. .l Sweet Jkw, . i rhesu gar beet ; experiments, this T3ar. haye been sc ch as to encourage i .1 : I i I 'I ! .1. I'll - fa'. il. . ,. the near future . ... - - - Mi-. Mil J ::s' "I, h v v . . i; ' it it -" 'il: 'I ; Was-firowingdtse: f r.: t.f Di.s-"I .', 7V j jLfxer aiidtpmh TroMblTo jWeaJc ork-jow Able to bo t-AU MerT wousewcrK, 1 I' A' Iwaa nodev the. care of a phyiician f ctfr'two yekrsanl tie was treatim? me for . . :;-itoiaach .and liver .troablea and female uiiucuibivs, va x only .grew wore; tmaer his treatment. I was so weak I ooold 'do i hardlv any work. ... I was at last Indaoed Hood's . Sarsaparlla' and pod's li lv: - ? Puis and these medicines hare donem so much good that : I , now weighs 112 pounds and am, able to do all my house- ; j. )j , worac . 1 nrmiy oeiieye x Bnooia naye Deen lU''Wioofl, SwsapatlB My , little girl was jafflicted with phthisic. I gave her. Hood's :s: i r. r. ': .I- 4. li i- r: f ) 1 r v i'Miw. ito Habpbb,; 701 University Avenue Jmoxvill9,,TenAes?e If-. ; i- , . M . ail druggists. Be sure to jpet jaopds. j ure Mvertlls, etoytotake, i7 1 Mtf nfBt U VCt AM .il'IH U y .! ? 1 -. V HfHe4 to Separate At AltonX Ill.i therei? trouble about the . city . . sohoolsS Arran ce ments hav5 been made.to acepmmba date the. colored people i in separate 8phooi8 from the whites tout" the" rie groes refuse to accept; the -situation and demand entrance with the white children. Litigation will probably roilow. ' For Over FJI1Y Year Ars. Win8lpw's Sopthin 3yrup has been - aged for over fiftv vwirn 1 millions of mothers for their child- r l-;vsvi 'iaj - xii is meaicine. is purely Fy?nin& "n periectsucregetaWe, :aots by giving tone to jhiK raxs,. amtiB town near w t TnlH u.; m- - i: ? r. 7-.Tr r'. Cranberry, had a re Monday that. whiarBto -Ouban consumed much of th bnainPfl 7 part. The $15,000 with ance; Onlv a still atmosrjhera pn- abled the heroic fire-fienters. which inoln(ied,nianj women.to saTe a part of the town. ' mnph of the busmfSB at statesville, tells .oar thatvoaoer Jnnta. 7 the Cobane are in good U' Vl??!;'1- a ind ttottonoUCPji.aBA that gpin- will toon th about' $2,500 insnr. .faave b' consoliaat sSnSHbegm withdraw her tr'ooDs and ly.astill atmoephere en-has vet been BelmtttVihS'ir-.- iV . . V00? na r. .ft vyiUbVS States for her " f 1B no trtiole tp get a pew Jt apbthea the child, softens "the gdmsyVallayja all pain, .cures win cpJIcjnaXv iaM the . rest remedy fdt Djargoea, .1-will relieve the poor 4ittle sufferer jm mediately. Sold by AxTfTtrnA 1T ATOvv rtof ftf f Via rni ' " . . ll- OD"'"''r v T Vii T UWi V VJL IIUO TT V& 1U Kr i Xnmftye cents a. bottle. Be sure aid ask for 'Mrs. Winsloirs Soothe iLg7 Syrup, and take no other kind - - i ; ; Something tn Tlnnir It ma.v be worth something t,h know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric t:h. mu j i- ibors: xiiib meajcine. is purely the naive centres in the stomftnh ; gently stimulates the Uver and kid- neyBt8na aids these organs m throwing off impurities in the blood Electric, Bitters: improves the ap. petite, aids digestion, -and is pro nounced by those who have tried it as the yery bst blood purifier andiicrve- tonic; Try it: v Sold for 50c and 1.00 per bottle at Fetzer's Druug store, - -- dated paper at Uoncord Anyone -soffenng-, with typheid feyert I guarantee to effect a perma nent cure, using preparations of my own, made of roots and; herbs. 1 have recently cured firs "cases and can furnish testimonials."" Anyone n?e!nR ,my. servfcescalt on, or ad dress me,. ' ' Amos McN"eelt, Oct.15 lmod&w. I Concord, N, 0 :At Gold Knob correspondent S?.tin?. t0 JaJisrmnSoA ajrsc "Miss Came Trexler is thinking of going to Concbrl to ichobl this fait" filibustering boat thiough after it leaves our shor. b1VU-:Jl - can t catch our slowest boat. oJ1 Best Saiveim; the world for Oats, Bruises, Sores; Ulcers, Salt Handsj. .Chilblains, Corns and all on jfirnptionsj and positively cures Hes jor no pay required. It. is aranteed. to giye statisfaction or monevref uiided, Price 25 cents per store. at P B retzeia 0rnS 1

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