Daily Standard. JOHN D. BABRIEB & SON, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IN BRiCK BOW. The Standard is publisbec? every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. . 4" BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year.... Six months f W Three months . . . . . ..... 1 One month. -V Single copy.., . The Weekly Standard is a four-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : Termp for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. CONCORD. OCT. 2 1897. BROTHER HALE TOO FRACTIOUS. We have on our exchange list few if any of wider acquaintance withmen and measures, facts and fic tion, ethics and aesthetics, than the Fayetceville Observer, and there are few pens whoae readiness we would rather possess than Editor Hale's So much the more is our astonish ment aud regret that he will now wield that pen, as in the following, with a determination, it seems, to fiaht a nrofitlesa battle, instead of unitiDg with most of the press over a - the State in the effort to rid the grand old commonwealth of her present shameful regime : "Well, we have had a pretty close call here in North Carolina; but after a fortnight's campaign, Dem. ocracy and Bryauism hold the field. Tne eoemy are no longer in, sight, their cue now bang to avoid all agi tation of the vital question, "How can the two wings ot Vance's victo rious Democracy be gotten together again." The Democracy's object, on tne contrary, must Dj to get the goldbugs out into "the open" once more. If we succeed in forcing tbem to discuss tne question, the people will soon see the utter tody of tne goldbug position and will be prepared mend only true Democrats to tne Stat9 convention." 'this is from the Observer of September 30th, with no campaign ai hand, but a time preeminently ub iu injr aoiue a queenuu uu Will OH honest men differ, and which has bat a very indirect interest in the uext State campaign, if any at all. Farther on the Observer says : "The head light of the grand cir cait herein our State has retired a i. . i :j ' i' li.i. with a snarl, and the little lights are quite dn nle again. Let us stir then up." Tne hjead light of the grand cir cuit, we presume, refers to the Charlotte Observer, for in the same oolumn he is pleased to quote the Morgan ton Farmer's Friend, in which that journal says : in last we express tae opinion th? without Editor Caldwell there would b3 no gold men or Cleveland man in the 8taf3." This is indeed very complimentary to Editor Caldwell, but it is alto gether more influence than we think tlT. A. m c ui ouy uuo eiee ui ma gooa sense would claim, and must recoil on the soundless of views of iLz author. In the same issue of the Observer Mr. Hale is pleased to say: 'The issues are the same today; it is the question whether we will re-unite the whites whom Vance led to victory or permit the Cleve land scaUwags to divide ns in the interest of Republicanism." This is with reference to" Vance's famous campaign in 1886, Now in the name of common sense, can we get together to regain the State for good government if we pre going to expet ! one energies at alienating each other? Not we would like, to believe e rongfy that free coinage woud hring about all necessary financial eform, it would be nice iO be in the swim, but we do not want to become so enthused over tree silver as to believe that nobody is sincerely of the opposite conviction, nor would we want to indulge in unkind epi thets upon them. The fact is we have no convictions so strong just now as that we should unite to oust the present political domination in tto btate tDd we wish Mr. Hale id be more considerate of the f 3 jDgs of honest opponents end mere amicable in the pursuit of uni y and ultimate victory. A r:U.'IeSfvke Adventure. Mr. J T McEnnis, of Robeson county, tells us of a very thrilling adventure with a large rattle snake last weak. He was in his low grounds. id as he stepped over a log he fe something under his foot, and on WJng dow, ho was horri fied toe35 th?t he was on a large jl' c.. But for tha fact that the su had just swallowed a rabbit, which prevented him from striking, Mr. McEnnis would have had trou ble. The nake had 18 rattles, and was tie sest ever killed in this eeotion, bs the hero of the story.- Favettevi! 5 e Observer. If you feel unappreciated, before jou begin to think harshly of oth ers, are you just "re that you have so lived ss to sr aut the best opin ions and b of the meritorious and the t.r.o? These days, as of others, a thing or person, ought to prosper and will succeed according to deserts. Excellence should be required, and we will be encouraged, ii worthy. Nothing less should be given, nothing more asked in re turn. Good sentiment leads to a noble superstructure, but is not the building. Marion Messenger. - Tne Grandest Remedy. Mr. B B Greene, merchant, of Chilhowie, Va , certifies that he had consumption and was giyen up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no reliet ; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King s New Discovery, and was cured by the use of two bot ties. For the past three years has been attending to business, and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for coughs, colds and consumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug store. To the People of Concord. Having opened up a first-class dyeing establishment in Charlotte at No 8 East 5th street, I am prepared to torn out first-class work, which will giye entire satisfaction. I will be in Concord next Monday and Tuesday, to receive yonr orders for work and it will be to jour interest to save your work for ns. Below will be oar special prices for this trip; : r THE CHARLOTTE DYEING and CLEANING COMPANY. Pnts pressed 15c. Mens' suits dyed $2 00. Pants cleaned and press ed 35c. Ladies dresses dyed $1.00. Ve3t8 cleaned and pressed 25c. Ladies' gloves cleaned lOo. Coats cleaned and pressed 60c. Mens overn coars cleaned $100. Suits pressed 50c. Suits clecnpd and pressed $V W J Beasley, Proprietor. It if. J L Wiofield, editor of the Watch Tower, the organ of the Christian Church in North Carolina, died Tuesday at Washington, N. C. To Fine Them 8300. - At a recent meeting of the board of alderman for Salisbury, an ordi nance was passed prohibiting the popping of fire crackers at any time during the Christmas holidays, making the penalty a fine of $500 for each offense. We wish to caution all users of Simmon Liiver Regul&tnr on a subject of the deepest interest and importance to their health perhaps their lives. The sole proprietors Mid .makers of Simmons Liver Regulator team that cr Vomers are often deceived by buying and staking some medicine of a limilar appearance or tacte, believing it to be Simmons Liver Regulator. We warn vou that unbss th9 word Regulator is on She package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. one else makes, or tver has made Simraona Liver Regulator, or Inything called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. H. Zeilin & Co.. and no medicine made by anyone e'se 1j the samt 1 We alone can put it up, and we cannot be responsible ther medicines represented as the same lot help you as you are led to expect they trill. .. Bear this fact well m mind, if you have been in the habit of using a medicine which . 1 i 1 w . rou supposed to De Simmons uver itegnia ior, becau?e the name was somewhat like and the nartn era Air Tint ViAVA fhA mrrtrrl egul?,tor on it, you have been imposed mnn an1 Viotr Liver Keguiator at all. Ihe Regulator has een favorably known for many years, and ill who use it know how necessary it is for b ever and Ague, Bilious Fever. Constipa don, Headache, Dyspepsia, andalldisorc uising from a Diseased Liver. de ei We ak you to look for yourselves, and lee tha Simmons Liver Regulator, which you can reaauy aistinguisn Dy ine Ked a m wrapper, and by our name, is the only ueuicine caiiea oimmons Laver itegulatoc J. u, ZBmy & co Slmsaon river SartHa$or. Tax Notice l Your town tax for 1897 is now due. and the tax books have been deliver. d to me with instructions to. col lect, and for that purpose I am autnonzed to use all lawful means to collect the same promptly. Iray up your taxes at once and save trouble and costs. You can find me at my office in "v-" jj uxiiicx a a buret. This 16th Sept., 1897. ol7.) Jno. K. Pattebson, Tax Collector for Concord. fire, Life an Accident. J. F. HURLEY, Agent. uver JUarsfi's Drug Store. . A I I 1 1 II I I Vew Secret ReiAet W tuolntelv TTalmn-om tc ca TprOfe8sion. Permaneik. area in 15 to 86 daysfY borne for the same price re r una money ii we ao not care, you can be treav. . at tee i witn mose wno ana me same nAran. refer to come here w coming, nd hotel Make no win contract to em or pay expense ol railroad bills, and Charge, It vre fail to you have taiten nicr- cury, iodide potash and cure, ii stui nave acnes and In mouth, Pore Threat, puns, aiucous fatchea PimpIetsCopper-ColoF. nartof th tuvivHatn ed Spots. Cicero on &y Eyebrows Mac ott,' KSJ " ta Primary, 3wuiiryu itrarrTDanlBTrniHi mat w raarantee to cure. We H kJ J -ocvv tne most obsthk. ate cases and ch alien trefcswaa the world for A MU WA eataiot cure. This dis-jjj k VI m cue h&jL always baiHed the skill of the most kj Pk H eminent physlcin. b or many years we have BVi5 made a specialty of creating this disease witcr CYPIinJiE and wa iave capita.v aaina ootm icondiuonal "Tuarante. Write us for I t.page bov V. id absolaitf Q ?07 Masonic Temple, Chicago, Illinois-. I n ) o c "a v a2 ;n Sin n2-Irlorri S ' V Ill m o O m 2Eo NSURIGE fiv II f. J J o V - THE - fa) J3 200 i inch wide lc. 4 inch I wide at 35c. Tafferty,Morie, Satin and G Q. 2 Styles Ladies' Collars at 10c, Cnffs 10 and 13c. I ft f AC ' I-VVIIVJ Waists 2'J and 5oc- HANDKERCHIEFS lc to 37ic. Ladies' JPnre Linen at loc. white Goods 5 ta23c per yard. LADIES FAST BLACK SEAMLESS HOSE, 31 inches long. I i T r I 1 1 n rr i Over the Misses and childrena' Shoes. 360 pairs of Misses and Childrens' shoes bought from a manufacturer who was closing out his stock. Bought at 50c. oir the $1.00, The Shoes are all DONGOLA and VECIKID- The numbers run from 6 to 8, 8 to 10, 11 to 2. LADIES' SHOESa full and complete line, from 75c. to $3 00. MENS' SHOES from $1.00 to $5.00, Call and see us on SHOES, -WE 1 Gents " LAUN DRIEfD COLORED SHJRTS Seven different prices 23 to 95 cents, The OCttlt Suspenders CLUB TIES : at 2 to 18c. 4hIN HAND TIES 5c and up. CURTAIN POLES 22ic. HD ES - 12 to 25rv LACE CURT AITS 68 to 1 9o. 6o BENEH AD HO El LINEN DAMASK at 47Jc. SCRIM for Cnrlains 5c np. GINGHA.MS 4c np. D. J. Bostian. iv -r -r-i J HAVE A FULL LINE OF Best DRY GODDS & NOTIONS Our fast black HOSE, seamless, from 81-3 to 35e. are the -ery best that money can buy at that price. ' .. : O CAPES and JACKETS. PScAeloF as the lowest. FASHION SHEETS FREE, Call and see us. GIBSON & MORRISON.