Cures talk " in favor ol Hood's Sarsaparilla m tor no other xnedi cine. Its great cures recorded in truthim, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad vertising. Many of these cures are mar velous. They have won the confidence of v.o rwvnio. hftVA tnven Hood's Sarsapa- rilla the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture the latest laboratory on earth. Hood 8 Sarsaparilla is known by the curea it has made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver and kidnev troubles, catarrh and malaria. - F Such Cures ashls Prove Merit. . t i 11 .V.m nr. a a Til Tl Tfc ftTlA ' healthy baby until a year and a half old, then sores broke out behind his ears and fpread rapidly over his head, hands and body. A physician said the trouble was scrofula humor in the Diooa. 'me cniiu became one complete sore. We naa lo restrain his hands to keep him from scratching the sores. We were induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, ana in a scorn time he had more life. He improved rap idly, his skin became entirely clear of V eor es and he is now a healthy child', Mas. Flobencb Andrews, Clearfield, Iowa. P . -. WM I iAta From we wrn. Our farmers are about through a Tivin nnrftTA haa decided that aowine oata and have begun so wing ; ianot ftffift. but wheat. From present indications a token or ei-n, that when a there will be a large crop of wheat young woman bieaka the engagement gown and a large amount t Some of our farmers , sav thev will quit couon rdu ,i tv stables UhPir farms in wheat Our advice if inn h rrrmm iamn n mm u. a a w a - i mm . .fir' a- rrAfU tlift rtaidence Un irn slow with the one crop basx- 01 Jxcrru mcbw ,.-v - l . - . ,, of W P Hamilton, adjoining, of Rook ness, better diver8.iy,eepecia..j u" Hill. 8. 0., were destroyed by nre g0 iu debt ror ierwir -t - ivfmidav afternoon at 5 o'clock, to make a &ig iniog on.wiiw There were 35 or 40 norses ana Mr j 0 fqu'z, our nuemuK mules in the building and it is ne;shbor of No. 6, Cabarrus county, thought that all were saved with the lfl a man 0f paah. He carries on a exception of two or three. An im- ,arge farm cuta grass for the neigh- mence quantity of feed stun was borhood, drills wheat not oniy m burned and several vehicles. The cirrus but also in Rowan, has an atablea were partially msurea. interest in a molasses manuiaoiyj, . - I i.:u V. ViaIkio f.n ftin and POes -IU W111UU HO uciva o Mrs. Elizabeth Hammet was cnUrch on Sanday. killed by a team of runaway mules Mr Q B e who haB been auf near Fieenville, 8. 0., on the 9th. fnz ..ifhrhnnnlM. ia now abe - i ri i ii z nmu Wva. -r j fn oHi AKnnt the hoaao and yard . j W lww-. . . Braev Barnato's tortune is rouna to amount to 54.819,327,12. fc,lt DAILY ID VjiilnliilnOnliiilinlHili . i tn a Aaverusera wuj ui-u v . better means to reach the people than through the columns of - THE STANDARD. mIiiiiiiIiiiIiul!uInintfit!!iiiIiii!niBniit1niiiiii tthe matron. age of the people, make your wants known tbrougn tms meuium. rim. lnnal advertisements are worthfive rents . per line for first insertion and reductions given on successive insertions. AH other rates given on app ication. When in need'of JOB WORK Sa'rsa pari 11a Is tlie best-in feet the One True Blood Purifier. i w, riMl cure liver ills; HOOd S PlllS take, easy to operate 25c mm SCHEDULE a - m of different descriptions, nrt, TTawv Beaver, who von ill do well to call on j to amount to 54,819,327,12 i. it guarding on the Eowan ns, as we can save yon j is well to note the halftcent. Bar. Deen K - A rPhft mTr: Prices on different ney would baye done so," says M -that three kinds of JOB WORK given ; Kichinond Dispatch. PDB "TT , Cn application at this office, j I. - , Mr. Brown Cox. who has heen U - o I n MAenfi KVoftll TPftnrda in that viaitine nis lamer, nev. w ix cfa -Rnnniinftlpp. nf Perth. Kan. left Wednesday of last week for and Mrs. Mary Renfrew met in the Gettysburg, where he will finish his morning throogh the agency of a theological course mis BeB8iu. friend, to whom Mr. Coles had mti- Mr. J L Cruse, of Danville, Vs., mated that he was looking for a wifp, spent several dpys visiting f rienBs There is n ol bin g, that is as essential to the hap pin ess of the family as the local newspaper. If yoo are not yet a sub scriber send us your name at once, and let THE STANDARD start at once. You can not do without it5 neither can the family. BlniIi!!!!ilHi!nilniIiurlii:liiiIiiilinliiiil1iiil When yon wish clubbing rates on any kind of news paper or periodical with THE STANDARD ! you will save money by call- ing on us, though all orders j must invariably be paid iu ; advance. . 1ST MDARD In Effect Jan. 18, 1897. This'condensed schedule is pnb-Jleh-d 9 information, and is subject to change without notice to. the Trains Leave Concord, N. 0 , 9-27 p. m. No. 35 daily ior quan ta an & Charlotte Air 35, e division, ana all points South and Southwest Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers between New 'XT u WooTilnohn Atlanta. Birms ineham, Gahreston, Savannah and Wantin and they agreed in four minutes to marry. He is 72 and the bride 74 Ex. The production of wine in CalN fornia from the grape crop of this year is expected to reach twenty million gallons. This would furnish a quart apiece for everybody in this country, and leaye a small remainder for picnic occassions. The wine in dustry is now finely established in California, and the product compares ingham, vaiTCBiu.u. j .( . - Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeotr f avorably with the better quality of 8a in,Prted om Europe.- ton and Southwestern vestiouiea (Jreensboro Kecoia. limited ior Aiiam xituiiu&iam, i t i.r. Mnnr wfiTnnrv. iti i ii 11 im nnti i , luempuio, . n 7, I uneK ten's arnica bwih Nrw Orleans, and au Pom Th fi g y in world or and Southwest. Through Pullman r J rtVOB TTloora Ralr QAr)pr New xorK to jxew uneaus vuio, wiuwco, v .HlOO , YTAMV,:o "n;-r- D1 . Sin-ma Toffo-rfl fthftnnt ing car, vestibuled coach, between Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Washington and Atlanta, Pullman skin Eruptions, and positively curel tourist ar for San Francisco, Sun- or no rqni.ed. It is daJ xr o frnmTiinK cmaranteed to eive otatisf action os mond Washington. Goidsboro,Nor monev refunded. Price 25 cents per folk, Selma, Ralign. lireensooro box For sale at f b Fetzers Drug -ir. onrJ AsViAvillft to Char- 1 . nuuiviiio w w - store. otte, N. C. .. . . , in.Qn ht Nn. 11. daily, for At anta and all points South. Solid Richmond to Atlanta; Pull rron. filfiAninff car. Richmond to Greensboro., . 10:07 A. M.iNO. JD, and relatives around Organ church. Ma k e ailV; ilHa 01 U XWJtQ There seems to be a special attrac tion here for Mr. Crnse, and we think the population of Danyille m will be' increased soon by one oi Rowan's fa rest daughters. XT. No Hoo. FOR A gjy SHOULD CALVflN US We haye Wheels for boys and girls. We will have another lot of those Westfield's in a few days. The demand is so great'that we can not keep them in stock all tfhe time. Remember the price oE these wheels There U Nothing: So Good. There is nothing just as good as "n-. VineSa TJoor Tiofnvfirv far con XLtUg a V l ' wiww - - J sumption, coughs and colds, so de- . na m mand it and do not permit the & A P jl d A rr dealer to sell, you some substitute. Sh( ) IJU TO 5o4rO.UU Ha will not claim there is any thing IJUV.W 1.1 11 J A. MM I oetter out in oruer w uiwo profit he claims something else to be e also give you your preference as to handle bars lustasgood. You want Dr. King's i- Now is your opportunity if you want a New Discovery oecause you Know y - il" it to be safe and reliable and guaran- wheel at a low price. tfiftd to do crood or monev reiunaea. v ap Huancwnnn v.'i"ii. T?a. MnnffViQ nnldo nrn pnmnt.inn find I iX all affections ot tnroat, cnest ana lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's JNew uiBCOvery. inai bottles free at FetzeVs Drtig store. . mm A . m m. ml AAj Regular size ouc. and vi.uu, m mmm TkHiialBan. Dangerous Folly. It seems the Southern is haying a good deal of trouble from tram This niece of viallalnv 1U:UV A. M mv, ou, i , t - Washington, Richmond, jaieign wm probably be kept up till some and all points North. Carnes P .J ' and the cal man drawing-room uu Bix, ;o Galveston to JNew xorK ; uacsson-j "iJO ville to New York ; Birmineham to ep .?rt than they are contemplating. New York. Pullman tourist cars val from San Jfrai 'Cisco jnursaays. .wivvrMn 9;02 P. M.-INO. 88, daily, Yasning- 0 V f M.IM JLilJ ton and Southwestern vestiouiea, fC. nmitAd for WashmgTon ana au we wisn w cauuon au uscis wuiiumu . .i rri 1- -r.11 I . T 1 L . ...iMAit rY the rl AOTiPR? I oint8 iNOrth. xnrougn jruiiiuau car ijiver xveguii.r uu i ouujcv, vv, . Also carries vertibuied coach an i nad malrrs of Simmons Liver Regulate f Viot. ritrimprs n.rft rtften deceived bv aimntr ca. i l " wwrf . . 7;22 p. m. IN 0.1 1Z, aauy, ior xiuu-n ouymg anu vuuu buiuo cvv, -mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, RaN j timilar appearance or taste, believing it to pih (ioldsboro ana au poiuia De oimmons juiver xevai. North. Carries ir unman Bieepmg trou mat unies3 me wuiu AO car from Greensooro to JSichmond. Hie package or bottle, that it is .not Simmons Connects at Greensboro with train Liver Regulator. No one else makes, or rarrvlnfr Pullman car for Baleieh. rver has made Simmons Liver Regulator or 6 17 am. No. 10, daily, for Rich- my thing called Simmons Liver Regulator, ond -connects at Greensboro for but J.ILZeilin&Co. nc .10 medicine made Raleieu and- Norfolk; at Danville by anyone els-13 the samt. (P We alone cap of. hf responsible, h tor vv asningiitf" auu iyui , pu.ii ti, - - - - r , at Salisbury for ABhville, Knox. ther medicines represented as the same do ville and points West. ZZ J. lot help you as you are led to expect they r V? ...-At t-.;na Aovrv TkQoa incrAra. :n p.a..i-tiift fqrt.xcftliin mind, if vou nave t ht nTTT-n W. A- Thbtt. -wrfl i"n tlA lia.Wt nf nsmc a medicine which J Hurt Hi. . vum , ' - - t w i in vu i iw " - o . - Vp Simmons Livei Recula ttt rr n,Tiw Wn.Rhincrt.nn D P. 1 1 KanoA io Tiamft W&a somewhat lit " Gen'i Superintendent, U and the package did not have the word S H Habdwick, Ass't Gen'lP. Ag't apon and have not ben taking Simmons V v . Atlanta. Ga. RAtmlator at all.OThe Regulator has H Tayloe. Ass Genl P. A.g4t, , j teen favorably known foi many years, and Louisville. Kv. ill -nriio tjra it know how necessary it is for GowaS Dusenbeby Local Agt, Fever and Ague. Bilious Fever, Constipa- . Concord. N. O. ion, Headache, Dy&pepsia, and all disorder? - " .riaiTK? from a DiRpflsed Liver. Attention Farmers. Weapkyou to look for yourselves, and x -ii U5n Pnnrnrd on Satnrro v "iac eimmons l-iver Awumiui, Lwill be in Concord on Saturday, distingui8h by the Red 5 Fell and Killed Himself. Mr, U H Fields, in Charlotte, lost a horse Monday by: the animal's rear ing and falling back, its head strik ing the curbstone. t More New Postmasters. J W Mullen has been appointed postmaster at Charlotte and D C Pearson at JVlorganton. CATARRH A Iocal Disease A Climatic Affection Offer the business public a re liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating banting institution. We solicit your business with the nf honorable treatment tind due appreciation of your pat ronage. ' If we can serve you at any ume weshai b e glad to have you coine LIBERAL AeeOMMODMIONS TO CUST0MERS1 Gatital andulplus $70,000, l D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier J. 1VL 0PELL, Pres. Tac Notice ! Your town tax for 1897 is now due, and the tax books have been deliver ed to me with instructions to col lect, and for that purpose I am authorized to use all lawiul means to nnllfirtt. the same -nrornDtlv. Pay up your taxes at once and save trouble and costs. You can find me at my office in Jno. L Miller's store. This 16th Sept., 1897. ol7.) Jno. K. Patterson, Tax Collector for Concord. E-ArMAN October 23rd, at CorVs livery and Btables. with a car load of horses nd f mules that I will sell cheap. Remember the date and be pou can readily distinguish by the Red 2 )n wrapper, ana hy pur name, is me oay T.edicme called oimmons iiver xveguiatoi J. U. Z-JEILI' Si CO. . .i i i.i - COLD N H E AD ealsndote'The No Cocaine, No Mercury, No Injurious drug Fu!l Size 50c; Trial Size ioc at druggist or by mail. AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBI ory.Impotinsj', Sioep?essn3, etc., cause by A.bus6 or other ilxcsasos tnd Indit rT rtoro Lost Vitality ia old or yonnr;. mic jit . 1 tiW i " , . ' -.m - . . . . rfiir-ufli!K jrreTT: in;si:-E. i-.-h .. ...... i. tikoin inn"?. Tlieirwt iomedif.t xxpiove ne'Atandl effects b CURE tfro all cthsr fail tn- :-t cpgq aliens; the i.i;t;ine AUiX Tablct3. UAVfl cared thoiKJtm-is a;in vi! 1 cure yon. JV i &o& UiTt. vrritten gnarante to etf act a cure Cfj HTQ 111 o-ivc rHiPI at once I wwiiwaiur (wun j i ..;'w. - - - - -. - givs reiiei ax once, i k pkgsft ,fuji treatment tor $2.5J. By opens and cleanses, the I Sail plain wrapper, cp receipt oi price. Circular . 9 .. ir. fllfl Ii-MVSf-sIV L, I.. . 7.. For sale by J P Gibson, Druggists Nothing but a local remedy or change of Himnte will cure it. Get a -well-known phar- maceuiical remeay, ELY'S CREAM BALM. It is quickly absorbed, civs relief at once, Old clothes made to look like new by the CflAKLOTTE DYEING and REPAIRING CO., No. 8 East 5ih street. Pants pressed 15c. Mens' enits dyed $2.00; Pants cleaned and press- ed 35c. Ladies' dresses dyed $1.00- $1 25. Vests cleaned and pressed 25c Ladies gloves cleaned 10c. Loats cleaned and pressed 60c. Mens over coatB cleaned and pressed $100 to $1.50. Snits pressed 50c, Suits cleaned and pressed $1. Ladies' cloves dyed 25c, Pants dyed 75c. O T Hodges, agent, corner of Main arid Depot streets. Work left here will be promptly attended to. W J Bbasley, ' i- Proprietor, i Coal ! Coal For all kinds of coal Soft or Hard call on me. My Lump Coal can not be surpassed in quality. Prices as low as can be had. s o o V J.A. C. Blackwelder At;wiore onSWestiPepot Street. North Carolina In Office Clerk Cabarrus County s Superior Court. Notice is hereby given of filiosr of articles of incorporation of "The Concord Telephone Company." Tb names of the incorporators are N F Yorke, L D Coltrane, W H Lilly, John P Allison and W C Houstor, and such others as they may associ ate with them; that the principal place of business is in Concord, N C.j and its general purpose and business is the conducting a gen eral telephone business within the State of North Carolina;'. that the duration of the corporation is thirty years; the capital stock is $1,500 with privilege to incre?ase to $10,000 divided in ehares of the par value of $50.00 each. Sept. 18th, 1897. - Jas C. Gibson, o20) Clerk Superior Court. Ii Mew Secret Kei et W colateiy ifujpw. rvi LOOK! Anv nna wiBhin? to ourchate ia new, High-Arm, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, four .'drawer 8. cover and end leaf. fine oak finish, with complete attachments, should call at this office. We only have one, and will crier the buyer special price. o9tf . f tees with those who coming, tnd hotel m fall to Ton h&vo uucu mcr T . iuu care acnes and In mouth, Sore Throat. yelrows fAlIluic out, Secondary a ' Tertiary gvaranteetocore. Wo ate ases and ejjouener eautat cure. This dis- rea baTe C3 m j - - j - and the same jraaran;; prefer to come cere wj them or pay expenses r bills, a Charge, nn re. BBB1 Land enry, lodiue poisu pains, Mucous riv it is thJ Primary. r?4 ... mo mOSt ItDHIBK the world for aeasej wj enilnent Py"f For manr vears we havn look vnis aisease wit o 'are duv,ovo caplU.Wdnina our ft Maaonle Templ. Chicago. IUlmow present.f-ll A wdd.