cffc Arrival of, Trains. rue following change of schedule took Tulv 4, 1897, 12 o'cl ck. Ko 8 arrives at COS a m 1f 117. n m 7.9.9. n ni (I I H 9.02 d ra. f F) " 11.20 a m (lieua SOUTHBuUND, vn S7 arrives at 8 49 a m, (F) 11 " "10 28 am. " 9.27 pm, 353ft 37 and 33 stop only at Char irtte Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro .1,1 Danville." Passeneers for local io'nts between these stations will naye to li the other trains. ?5 u What Is tne Vajneof Life ? - Toe following contribution u as sent The Standard by a lady Lfriend of the county, which we pab- hfch for the benefit cf all concerned : Nothing to breathe bnt air, Nothing to but food, Nothing to war bat clothes To ke-p us from going nude.. Nothing to a0 but t Dings, '. Q tck a a flih they're son. No'wbere to fcill but off, Nowhere to' tit but on. A For A' Others!! Harky P. D'eaton, Local Reporter. Time Nothing to quench but n thirst ; Nowhere to sleep but in bed. Nothing to haye uu. what we've got, Nothing to bury but dead. Nothing to weep but tears. Ah me ! Alas and alack I Nowhere to go bat oat, Nowhere to come but back. What ia the value of life ? We offer the buying pnblic of Concord and vicinity IS $15,000 No man guesses at the amount of his capital in dollars, and none -can t-fford to measure his golden moments with an inac curate watch. Get our prices. A. J. & J. B YORKB SHORT ITEMS. Paragraphed, -rendled ana Properly PlaceU Here. The Bis Warehouse. The material for the construction of tie largs cotton warehouee for the Odell manufacturing company is being placed on the ground. The warehouse will be b in in the rear of No. 2 mill, and will bt located in a position that will cut 1 000 yards Outing worth Qi to go off Forest Hill street at th hi wpIIJ at 4c. somewhat changing the course of 1 .uuu J"8 VUUDB wurtu oau w iu Birt-e., wuica win oena ana come x coo jarda 0ating worth i03 to go out mio UDurca street -ust above worth of Dry-Goods," No lions, Hats, Caps, Shoes aud Clothing at less than New, York cost. Come and see for yourself Prices talk. Every day you will see prices in these columns for less than they can be bought wholesale, 1,000 yardsTlaids wortn 5c. to go st 31c 1,000 yards Plaids worth 6c. to go at 41. 1 000 yards extra heavy Plaids worth 7c. to go at 5c. The Celebrated air-tight Sheet IonoHeatingStoves coal and wood Heating Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Vapor StoveSfOil Stoves, and Coal Grates at PRICES to suit the times. For Sale By W. 4. Mill at 71c the Walker store room. Several of 1 000 yards Outing worth 121c to go rri. , .nrfnr1 moofinrr of Fnrpfit I the Old hO'JSea that Btnod nn "PnrAat I at OC 1US muuowuu uiue. I I . T D-;A Hill closed Tuesday night. Hill street, facine the factory, have 1 uuu yaras ;.anuara uu gu hurniture, . , , ? l " WOrWMBUiKUWiiu - ww The steam laundry win De in jr mano ruuui ior t 000 varda Oanton Flannel wortn readiness for bosines in about ten the new building. 81c to eo at 5a days. 1 1 000 yards Oanton Flannel worth , . i . j 4 I Don't Tobacco Mplt and Smoke Your I 10C to CO at 71C t air ana warmer - ur.A..r, 1 000 vards Caaton Flannel worth n .i rrr ia wno nroniriinn m Liin i i . r 1 Tf An u 1 121c to coatee forecast. i " j 4"" wuwwu uB- -1flAft - , ; i;fcQa nrtb n., fltnlr line ood v onH ..,JlX UUU ValUO OUIUU ujukuuiub " v w" I V i. Several new houses are in cousre weji 8trone. maenetic. full of new ' 60 t0 8 afc 40 of erection on Simpson street at ufe an(i vigor, take No-To-Bac the m 5 Forest Hill. wonder-worker that makes weak IVQ ISUtfl pntw Furniture,G;purnitUre! is now aboutcoinplete. If you are needing any new money. A hall dozen Mountain wagon, men Btrong. Many gain ten pounds made Oil goods. loaded with apples, chestnuts and .p to SCC US and cabbage, etrucK our town mis morn- - r 7lTV v irZ druggist, who wilr guarantee a cure. 6 Booklet and sample mailed free. " Mr. Robert Hodson, who has been I Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chi confined to his room for several cago or JNew York. weeks with rhematism, is able to be out acain. I Market Quotations. i n oat sal F ft Drove thereat lorKstocfc ana cotton quo vfl merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla. tations furnished by W A Porterfield ever come Article of save Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it accompli shes CT'AT CUREO. Mr. and Mrs. R E Ridenhour have moved into the Gillon house, on West Corbin street, recently Vacated by Mr. Fred Swink. I fin orar For nice bread, cakes, pies and TODacoo canaies, every aay, can wo uuu & Co., of Richmond, Va., branch office oyer Marsh's drug store: STOCK MABKET. New York, Oct. 14, 1897. cord City Bakery, street on iiasi uepoi oc5 lm, OPEN 1411 86J NEW YORK COTTOK. CLOSE 1401 841 OULD MERCANTILE COMPANY. The Cash Bargain House. MAKUFAOTURSKS OF Furniture remember that we are prepared to meet your demands. We want your trade. I You will find our prices reasonable. let us 1 Quick Sales and Small Profits"' Our efforts will be to pleasejyo't: see if we can't. . B Best attention given to all work in our Undertaking Department. flO CriAKbt runncacn Next-door to , D. P. Dayvatilt's. OPEN 6.26 6 27 6.25 The mite meeting of the First December Presbyterian church, will hold its January weeKiy session on rriuay oveuiug at the home of Mrs. E!am King. Mr. R P Black, the popular clerk at Cannon & Fetzer Co.'s, says that Mr. Harry DeGastor, the new bar ber at Sells & Hartman's, gave him the best shave he ever had. A nnrnhnr of vnnnff neoule from vw v-. r I I . a, m miles A buccn 01 Keys was iouna on in the country Wednesday night the streets and left at this office. A delightful time was had. T wen- Owner will call for them, and pay ty-five couples were in attendance, for advertising. close pje Ginghams,7 C 9Q I Outm uiotns Wheai, Dec. Corn Ribs GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Chicago, Oct. 14, 1897. OPEN 6U 28 4.50 CLOSE 901 261 4 52 Plaids; Sheeting and Sal Bas Dealers in GENERAL. MEROHADISE -o Buyers' of Thirteen weavers left their looms, Cabarrus people certainly ought fifty-three in number, at the Salis- to be proud of the Superior Court bury cotton mills Tuesday last, and Clerk's office. It is one of the cozi spent the day in sight-seeing at est rooms in the city, and Mr. Cook, Robinson and Franklin Bros, circus. 1 the oblighing clerk, looks quite j at nOTTNTRTT gentleman coming in from y Charlotte this morning, stated that Mothers praise Hood's Sarsapa 81 bales of cotton, from near Pine- riua$ because, by its great blood en yille, passed through Charlotte this riching qualities, it gives rosy morning at an early hour, heading cheeks and vigorous appetites to for this market. Edward C Ray, a North Caroli nian and former citizen of Charlotte, died in New Orleans Wednesday, a victim of yellow fever. Other mem bers of his family have had the fever, but recovered. pale and puny children. Hood's pills are the favorite fami ly cathartic and liver medieine. Price 25 c PRODUCE 01 all kind and 4-fodt wood always wanted- best prices for same. We invite an7; insec tion ot all-tlie o-oods (in '( ii " - 1 1 1 kW- FAT- AslpCf & J TAa ItLtaa-. $ EB3MS3 n n 51 n n (I n i i 1 I ; r 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m . ' 0 y o 0 4o'"l s 023 inn r2 m mil 1 n in nn v - r! CD 2fc JjO .a' 2 in O s ' iZ I JZ, III r- fl2 1 ini C M Coffin, a street-car conductor of Charlotte, was run oyer and For the last few weeks, the Sun- killed by a switch engine on the church has been preparing for a day. Cofhn was walking on the W IlialiUiGrU w uj. Seequi-Centennial service! Thifleer-j track and attempted to " mount the ' vice will be held on Sunday, Octo- pilot of the engine, when he mis- OTlT?.T T . "VTrTG CO. m.u iL. t.-1 j . ri . i it. m. v uum mere oe anviaiDK iuic. roe wneeie. wmcn srouna mm tn tv-p i i oAtn ii eeting to you in such service? death. IS JUST A5 uuuw rwnwii"w- WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts GAXiATIA, IIXS., Nor. 16, 1833. iT-ig Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. - . . m . I, t iWiftn We Bold last year, 600 bottles oi -&wJ?H TASTELESS CHILL, TONIC and haya aBOyB8 -CABx f. thl vear. In &ii omr ex wgD il ve in the drug business, have Solor your Tonic " &0? For sale and guaranteed by all druggists. ;5lO r 5 Nobody need have Nenratglau GetDr.Ule PtoMkfiSwx druggists. "Onecejit a dose- Needs No Explanation. ; Madison, N. O., Aug, 4, 1897. Goose Greasa Liniment Oa, Greens j boro, In. O. Dear Sirs 'Please ship us at once jne gross Goose Grease Liniment. We are entirely out Don't fail to ship at once. Please give us jobbers prices. It is the beat thing we haye ever Eeerc