CON GO 117 , N. C., MONDAY OCTOBER 18 1897 Whole No.- 1026 DIMVKN !0 D HAT FT. THE LITTLE BOY DIED, Fine Hay f Brown Bros., UicMiafis-Kate, tne i vi I Vaul I" ?5are, Also in apu nx. fir? V unrr. me favorite bng:gy Bros., today lie3 a horse of corpse A Sad Home The Remains Conveyed to Prospect for Bnrial. Frtd Atwell. the little old well, of Cannonviile, who was acci RlT.TOftr. 8 on of Mr. and- Mrs. H 0 At- frcui the tll-c'8 oi oeiiiK ruuu,B.j aentaliy shot Saturday, died Sunday driven by thoughtless youn man. morning at 8 o'clock. ' Crawford Stfeie, a young white It wss a sad death, and the home n1on of Oannuville, hired the horse ia shrouded in the deepest gloom. ! early Sunday morning, anu auer a The mtle fey0)7 8uffered a great trip to 3ore,v;lle in a rounasanouc deal and fought for life with a wsy; on his return the horse fell brave spirit, but all to no avail the dead while ascending the little grade wonnd wa3 fatai. The ball entered front of the new Cannon factory. beow the brea3t taking an upward limal bad been driven in The am death. left lung to the shoulder. Surgical Bob Brown, another young wmte gkin couId not save him. man, had Kate, a beautiful gray The remains of the unfortunate mare, to a buggy, one is a une child were conveyed to Prospect beast, but came near expiring last church, near Mooresville, for inter- night from the effects c hard drivioe. Dr. Griffin, the Messrs. ment. PERSONAL POINTERS; I re- HI4MT. it con Brown and others, worked with her Bncfclen' Armca air until 12 o'clock Sunday night. The The Best Salve in the world for fl,-m,i ia foundered. Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salr o i i r a oil I Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ghappt Pa., is spending several days in the sh Steele and Brown were together all n0' n ' - Ls .-h 5f at, -m.0 p t?. Lf . I U.CIUUO) VUltUlMUB) VU1UO QUU CJC I v wJf H ' W gUCOD V XIJ.l . UUU 1U 1 O, J- -1.J 1 Mr. James W Cannon has turned from the north. Mr. W A Sells spent yesterday in Charlotte. Mips Alice Sims left this morn ing for Raleigh, to be gone for some time. ; 1 " i 1 Mr. C. E. Cornelius spent yes terday at Mooresville, and returned today. Miss Mary Wilson, a charming young lady of Mecklenburg county, is visiting Miss Mary Johnston. Misses Belle Moser, Sallie Cas spent Sunday in Mt. Pleasant. the 8hoe is strictly high gr.ue f hey Mrs. Zeb Blackwelder and two are made from natural models and little boys;! of Hinton, W. Va., are bound to lie all shapes of feet We visiting at the home of Mr., Giles T make the shoe fit, the foot ratber Crowell. ' " . than try to make the foot fU the , -w-v , , T shoe. And our prices there's where -Messrs. Frank Brumley and X we have another advantage oyer a J Kluttz spent Sundam the city gQod b to . . ; ; ; in nne goods we keep a full line Stoughton Shoes. The best $3.00 hoe m the market. We stand back We don't allow a You are easily seated Here in Shoes, . ' NOTICE. As executor of L G leilig, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the late residence of said Hdilig, . in Mt. Pleasant. N. C on Tuesday, the 2 d day of November, 1897, the following articles of personal prop Vii: Householdkndkitchen ' furniuire, " farming tools, wagons and other 'article. '' . Any of t?aid property may be purchased privately from me before. Hay ojfeale. A Is some town lots in Mt. Pleasant and other real estate, are for &Ue. Parties desiring ' to purchase any of said real property , . are respectfully asked to Call on me for information without delay..' Nov 3 C G Heilig, Executor. every pair. customer to get cheated. We make day long, and covered an immense skin Eruptions, indpc ;'ive?j curu j Harris. -v-v- nf f Lffl rnPV I IJi 1 aw v w vm j-1 Ti ilk t, 1 rAAn nil f r o " guaranteed b give otatUfaction oeL.nXI" cheat er lines we can't be, i- ftct nan fa nn I r a J O no I Ifirl VV a mva trnri ha nrcatoa t yari ty in styles byri in low price shoes. Take our $1 line of fine Philadelphia is represented in shoes for men: try to mach tne line the city today by Mr. Herbert Ais- m style, m quality, and you'll be m. w . ib m,nr n a liiiiiiik 11 Liin i . i ii v . i i iv om reopie. monev refunded. Price 25 cents per LVitr . ti , "ail 1 Old neonle who require medicine box For Bale at P B Feta Drnir "t?'0?"" V1"1" ? i, Kia irM . . - . -o wnere mey nave oeen visiting l, (j xc4UlcVto iiucii uwii uio mjjiv nu I ObOre. neys will una tne true remeay in T-ii i Dill lllL.'n ' Hiiecinu Diners, xuia uieuiwuo rTirVTPlv4 T?irA PIFFI wbiskev nor other intoxicant, but innt wnoirayeis ior xoung, omy in, surprised now rar superior t is to acts as a tonic ana alterative. 1H , 1- " I - Jl riwu oc.iu., me largest noaiery competition. TDen our $1.0 line. acts mildly on the stomach and .r" . house in the United States, and Mr. ,-n which vou'll find ffre4t varietv in Doweis, amiiiSBtiouBui uu giving .j ames nail, 01 n aigier UrOS. Bnoe HfvlPa and flnlfindid nnalitv. w . , J. No trouble to show them to you. Just drop in and look through. to the organs, thereby aiding nature About 4:30 o'clock this (Monday) fame. Electric Bitters is an excellent ap morning two negro conyict trusties, petizer and aids digestion Old I Oharles Barnhardt and Luther Lottie at Fetzer's Drugstore. unknown, and that without giving notice of their intention to leave. ncorporatioD. t 1 Nokth Carolina 1 In Office Clerk Cabarrus County ) Superior Court. - Notice is hereby Riven of filing of articles of incorporation of "The Concord Telephone Company." Tht names of the incorporators re N F Yorke; ij D Coltrane, W H Lilly, John P Allison and W C Houston, apd s-ich others as they iLuy associ atb with : them; that the principal place f business is in Concord, N. O, and its general rjurpose and business is the conducting a gen era) .telephone busiuess within the State of North1 Carolina; t rat the duration of the corporation is thirty years; the; capital stock is $1,500 with privilege to increase to $10,000 divided in i ehares of the par value of 850.00 each. O Jas C. Gibson, o20) Clerk Superior ourt. LOOK! Fresh Gandy ffllillECO' purcnaee a Wheeler & FOREST HILL NEWS. Superintendent Blackwelder was EVERYBODY LIKES THE Celebrated. Nunm lly Kr. carrett Taken suddenly sic-wn at an early hour and gaye other items of interest. notice of their departure to the The services at Forest Hiil Metho- sheriff, offering A reward of .$15 eact dist church yesterday were very in-1 for their capture. tereatmg -Eighteen united them-T Both negroes jhave made Buccess- alvpa nit.1i thp nfenroh nn nrnfpflRinn I f n I PBOfin&B from the Cmrtr. Miller nf f.41-fw a v. Afi,.L0o vrhM tho rrrr ftH ; ' 'And we received by Express to day V iniuu cuu. uj tiuaic. jo. u tuc ivoumvu " "- E,wuh a'n'other Supply of it evening service a large numoer cme icnargs oi jar, Lteorge r x9rnnrai;, m . . I . -a 1 io r ward and gp?e the pastor their I about b years ago;ana tne negro Vianrl frr a "KtfoK lifa ' ' I VL irn li Arrl f. crnt. ft tra v frhm Mr T-Tfnrv I Mr, David Cook, of Mount Gil. Mr during his first administra- ErVlIl & OlTlitn S Ition. terday wit h his son, Mr. J C Cook, N. B. Don't-forget that we are in good shape on all lines of sheca Children's, 51isses , Youths . and Boys'. ; ; 'Any one wishing lo new. High Arm, Wile n Sewing Machine, four drawers, coyer and end leaf, flae 0(k finish, with complete attachments, should call at this office. We only. have one, and will offer the buyer special price.' oRtf . POT SBh ASH ALU GROCERS. A DISASTROUS FIRE. Yellow Fever Germs p.t Mr. John Mclnnis'e, on North I breed, in the bowels. Kill, them and Church street. He returLed homelyou are safe from the awful disease. this morning, accompaniei by Messrs Oascarets destroy the germs through ET Goldston and John Mclnnie, oat the system and make it impos Jr., who will be absent a week orlsible for new ones to form. Cas tendajs. carets are the only reliable safe- Qf jjq 5 township, and tenant on qaite sick for aveml dava. ia some. XellOW JaOK. 1U, antt DOC, all buuuubu 0oo. jr ""J Bell, Hairis & o. Have bought out the entire stock of Furniture 4 YonnK Man Burned vOnt "In No. 5 Township Everything Lost. Mr. Jake Safrit, a young farmer and good will of LowejvI)ick v&; : Company. i uaJ8- " careca are ine on reuaoi" saie of No 5 township, and tenant on DAti)cKT fisw Cr4 l; Mrs. ML Moore, who has been ard for young and old against the plantation of Mr. F Barrier, IC y DOUSni TO I ODOI VuSO u , . . vn,.rrr inv in o.K andKOo oil sutained a severe loss bv fire Sun- . druggists. what better this morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers of I Eddie starrette Dead day afternoon, when the dwelling in which! he lived was entirely coe sumed. toerether with all of KB Rowan county, who have been v.sit- T3Jdie. th8 T-year-old eon of Mr. .,"1 it'g Mr. John Overcasn, father of and Mrs. F S Starrette, of Moores- ton arid thirtv bushels of wheat. Mrs. Rogers, have returned to their villo. died at their home this'f Mon1. 1 Mrs. Safrit and her Utile child had home. " I jn :n ;n gone to the home of a" neighbor, u. :. . . . .u; ... "A"ODO UA r while Mrl.Safrir was Visifihganotht r. j j uarrett, one of the clerKs week. er neiehbdr. leavine no one about m the store of the OJeli Manufac Mr. J M Alexander, grandfather the premises. The origin bf the fire turing Company, was taken suddenly of the little child.? accomnanied bv is not known, but the loss to Mt. ill whilp art L.. . . , , - Safrit and to Mr. riamer is a severe urday evening about 4 o'clock. .Mr; Miss Nannie Alexander, has gone to attend the funeral, which will one. The Standard joins the many friends of the sorrowing parents ib ment. rr.ea 10 me omce ana iake ,ace in Mo0resvilIe at a late IJr. I ,1 NTT TTTO . 1.1. J 1. i I - ao ,aiiCU tu atieilu iiim. hour this aftern0on. waa removed to the home of his, Mr. H M Bartow, on North Main street, where he is rest ing quite well this morning. Mr. W W Scarboro, of Montgom ery county, has moyed to this place with his family, and will work in the cotton mill, ; Mies Myrtle Hamilton ha3 re turned from a visit to Montgomery coanty. much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. James Walker will leave for Greensboro tomorrow, to visit relatives for several days. ) Major Lewis Ginter, a rich capi talist of Richmond, diedr last week. His estate was estimated at between seven and eight millions of dollars. extending the deepest heartfelt He was unmkrried and left a good ptrmnathv in this, their sore bereavel part of his estate to his relatives. at a priets and they "BOUgllt - It - TO If yoii need anything in the : i ; r ' don't fail to give us a call. Sell" mwm Yellow '.Jack. Killed. Cascarets Candy Cathartic kills Yellow Jack'wherever they find hiim No one who takes Caecarets regular ly and systematically is in danger He remembered all the charitable institutions in the city of Rich mond. -Commonwealth. Tellow Jack Preventative. - Guard against Yellow Jack by from .the dreadful disease. Cas- keeping the ' system thoroughly caret8,kill Yellow fever germs in the clean and fjee from germ breeding : DOVveio auu prevcu ucw uuco lrum Uianer, ; vnouaicio vauujr uaLuui uu breeding. , luc, oc. ana ; ouc. an win cleanse me syBiem anu k;u an druggists. contagions disease germs. Free With a Hearse and the best line oi UNDERTAKING :: GOODS in the State, EonrtMx . 1 Bell will answerla 11 caLs nifht or day, ft Harris & Go iij. ... r ,-

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