IT IT T A r n T T "D "D A Tvi Hno I x n jj v v I N 1 0 PRUNES " runny nolnsn Down at Raleigh. FOREST HILL NEWSV n-r S ate treasurer, in the admin- , ' : - ; Jion cfhis Office, COnld bedlled People MotIb , ,Hll-Soaay j3trauuu i- School Entertainment A Runaway a funny man were he not eo serious : A chemist m our Midst. . aDd inconsistent. He refuse? to pay Messrs M L Moore and John R udment against the State (m the vVood went oyer to Charlotte this Fresh High Grade ROASTED thority of the 5PI jM HQFFEE 1 A 1 Pimilo' oyster cases) in favor of a evening by private:co?veyance and lamiiQ uyatci will fpend Sunday in the Queen eheriff and clerk for fees in eemng City. . , nnoaa KrMirrlif. Vtxr fVio Mr- QonrffA Fraziflr. nf Mnntcmm. nrOC2853 iU wco Miw6u vj, nuu . --- a j i v 1 solicitor, uy uua. auuj u. "-family Friday and will make this Ipcrislature. ine estate lost rne his future home. n,c: nnd the supreme ccurt ha3 V , fv, ha Qfof mof I bis Sunday School class at his home r three times tnat toe State must a.. ijL i Cut" . . mi x . . pav t nf s cass. me treasurer re- evening fused to pay a warrant issued in ac fibip of 35 echolara in his class at cordance with Supreme court decis Miss Maggie Stary and Chasie ions, when he had money in the Cauble and Mr. Roland 'Teeter,' -'of " AT Mr.-B' N H Miller will entertain a Sunday School class at his home on Stauley street this (Saturday) pmrj ''Ctriii'K'c evening. Mr. Miller has a member- Lrl V111 OlUlLll GROCERS. It TP ill Surprise Yon. ,?r. HOI WWW- TORE Cold Snaps Are Comiiiffi Don' t be caught without a fall Wrap. Wraps cost less than pneumonia. , W efye the handsomest line of Stylish Fall Capes ; and Coats that were ever produced in' this or any other country. We have a great range of shapes, pats terns,, fabrics and prices. Jt will please us to- show them nearly as mucb as "it will please you to- see them. -:. And we have the Dress Patterns (.0n nnt ot.hprwiaft armro- Montgome ry county, are at Mr. B N The regular mite meeting of the npd " -Thote was again car- .Jre? ?nd will make Forest Preibyterian church, was held at pnafed ine case was again car- Hilt their future home. . f. a Q rtf , Mra r w -;.A fn th RnnrPmfl court, which Mr. G V Jnhnann' hnrsn ran e home of Mr. and Mrs. J W 'thft trMnr must mv away a few days aRo and created Oannoar-Friday night. Ic was a " J , , . considerable excitement on Stanly tefy pleasant and also exciting U nnnr kA1 ftV thai . J I . r tie ciaiu.. uu.,.k..u, rtreet fortunately no one was eTening. By the exciting part e auditor, says there is no money in badly hurt. The driver, . Master alijde to the gaesing contest, Oor ntViPrwiP nnnrnnHAtpd Root. Harrington, was knocked . , . - treasury not otherwise appropaated, downand run but not serious- which must call forth commenda- and the claimants! must wait and My hurt. tion to the Originators, as i,t was anolv to the next lfgisia:ure. It is The latest thing in chemistry has Yerf exciting to see them drawing. true there -a no money now in the JJ been completed by an expert, Tfae 6 . ue6aer of the even 3 , in this end of the city, which con- J 'r . . . , treason not otherwise appropna'ed, Bisted of analyzing a quart of Moon- lDK wa8 Ml'8 Minnie Daniels, who a? the las- fusion legislature appn hine Sow Paw, which contained was giyen a nice" paper cutter, while nH9vd notonlvall there was. but the followlog Three fights, four Mr. Maon Stuart canied away the .v, - Ih.q,.t.iiic. ."T ?v ODJJr8 D1D' P'i"' for his bad luck in nwv than tna IflT S f i T I HP FflTP VllI I nt, nnK a mi Vk n kin Kit m nrxnl . nat there during these two current same, nine smutty jokes and a lot guessing. , ... v , lef so-called fun, costing in clean years. And while he may be correct . niHfni,pnm nf ftn 4n now, and justified in referring the fc In order to prove the great merit Woolens and Silks. - tv,. iotofnro u For over FiitT ea of Ely's Cream Balm, the -most ef- : ... f ... - uj-i :o.u Mr8 Win8loVa SootbinK syrnp ag fective cure for Catarrh and Cold in fiDds money in the treasury with De,n n8C0 for , over fifty years by Head, your druggist will supply a vhich to pay the fusioniet Babb for millions of mothers for their child- generous . 10 cent trial size or we preaching eoberness and practic- ren while teething, with perfect sue will mail for 10 cents. Full size 50 , i '"..i. l cess. It.'soothe8 the child, softe&s ce.- ' ,T - mg drunkenness at the penitentiary. aa a jn cnre8 wind ELY BR03..56 Warren St., N. i. also to pay $133 "for Kentucky colic, and is the best remedy for Ely's Cream Balm has completely whisky for the use of the peniten- Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor xed me of catarrh when jyery- There wfts no aDDrobriation little sufferer ,mmed,ately. Sold b, thin. els fa led. .Manyacqainteu. made b, the last Legulature for O"" , in eve y part of ths .world ; ?e6ultAlfred W. 8teven8, ;Cald- the penitentiary. There is no an- UHd ask for Mrs. Winslows SootL- well, Oqio. thority of law for one cent of the jLfr Syrup," and take no other kind A irK5 Beet. money m ine treasury uemg u8eu : - We have a good many enrios in tor or oy tne peniienuary. iflMe mb-,.wu. oi,r office m notatcea. eggs. etc.. but isnotthe excuse of simply antici- Mr, Clint Ury, who has been here M G StamDer of Forest HiH no Mrrr on a rrinirtri nf inn ftB . Tlftfll .ifmvnl t-i ecra nn a vooafinn is . - .. . . . . piuis Triut; - i iui trovciai " vi - w beats us wnen it cornea to Deets. At sometimes been done. Yet the D0W at Bath, S. C, working in & the company store, where it is onex COttOn mill. liKif?nn: tnn will find it. When ... U W. W.WU, J a - -" ' ' Mr. Dozie Thompson has been I weighed it balances the scales at heard from by friends here.' He is I eighteen T pounds, is twenty inchta now in Augusta, Ga. :It will beh0Dg and twenty-five inches in cir- rememhered that Thompson left our I comference at largest place. town on verv short notice, oil account ! ot tne last armng 01 a norse oe. u vm JAj 111 KMM iJf. V FORCONCORD. We have opened up, Hud goods arriv ng almost daily, an exclusive line c f Footwear, and ask ihe people of Concord and suiroan iig coun-V try, to inspect same. - VVe will en ; deavor ta keep what yob may want. U we haven cwnftt you 'want, don't r e i-rraid to make your wants known to 08. Come in and see ua Next door to Savings Bank ; Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting. a continuance of same, we remain, Respectfully, Dry & Milled SHOE FURNISHERS; POT ASH treasuier without warrant of law, or the color of law, has advanced thousands f dollars to help run Governor Sussell's . diegracefully mismanaged institution, and con tinues to pay out money contrary to law for dranken populist preaoh ing anl whkky enough o make all band 8 drunk at State's expense. &w what is funny acd may be come serious is, how can Treasurer Worth reconcile his paying; out money without any authority when he b9 not, "Sn law" got any, to the penitentiary, and refuse to pay a jost claim against the Stated after the Supreme Court has said for the third time he must pay it? How can he find money for the one and not the other? Funny doings down at the center. AshevilU Gazette. Jim Folks, who has resided in our Uver Begulr on a subject of the deepest town for a number of years, is now L,hftm t.hW i,W Thft ninronrietor8 worKtng in tne cotton mius at iatn, and mairers ot Bimmons ljiver egmaicr inlands at die Head. , Aug, J Bogel, the leading drug met of Shrevenort. Tja.. save Dr. King's new diecovery is the only imng tnat cures mv cougn, and it is the best seller I have. J jP Camp- belL merchant of Rafford ' Ariz . writes: Dr. King's New 'Discovery is an that lis claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consump tion, coughs and colds. I cannot say enough for its merits Dr. King's New Discoverv for con" sumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. IS has been tried tor a quarter of a century, and to day stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at Fetzer s Drug store, Havemejer, the great sugar mags uate. ii seriously ill of appendicitii. He had an operation performed. SO. Mr. David Parish, who has been confined for some time with typhoid fever, is gradually improvh g. Ur. Victor Blick welder, who has for some time past been working for Mr. J M Bnrrage, is now" work, ing in the new machine shops of Yorke & Wads worth. ' Mr. Tom Keareey, who formerly worked at Cabarrus Mills, bat left here for Elizabeth City, and thence to Albemarle, was in our town today (Satn rday.) He will probably ac cept a position at the Pattereon. Mill. Dry & Wads worth are having a new brick dry-kiln boil t near the machine shop. Come and Get. Her. A red borhlesr CO", with chain halter. Call at W A Penninger'e at Forest Hill. Rev. Wm. Black, By nodical Evangelist, is visiting Mr. D F Can non, on Main street. E:kin is to have electric ligh's. barn thai cr atom ers. are often deceived by buvine and- taking some medicine of a limilar appearance or taste, believing it to be Simmons Liver BegUtor. We warn you thaf'Unless the word Regulator is on Vie oackaee or bottle, that it is not Simmons T"kw 1 1 TLT -1' ' t iiiVer xveguiaior xxo one eise ut ever has made Simmons Liver Regulator, ot toy thing called Simmons Liver Regulator, fcut J. EuZeilin & Co. nc 2r medicine made tj anyone elsv i the'sami. G We alone cap out it ud. and we-cannot be. responsible, ii 5ther medicines represented as the same do aot hel d vou as vou are led to expect they tnVL Bear this met well in mind, ii you have aeen in the -habit of using a medicine which rou supposed to be Simmons Liver Regular lor, because the name' was ' somewhat like t, and the package did noj; have the word ieguUtor on it, you have -been imposed lpon and have-not be taking Simmons Liver Kegulator at allC Ihe Regulator has ieen favorably known for many years, and ill who use it know1 how necessary it is foi Fever and Ague. Bilious Fever, Cknstipa apnt'Hdftche. Dyspepsia, andalldisoroers rising from a Diseased LWer. : We a?k vou to look for.y 'urselves, and ee that Simmons Liver Regulator, which rou can readily distinguish by the Red 5? )n wrapper, and by our name, is the only liecucme caiita cimmons juiver jveuiavot J. l. SOSTLIX & CO. - Bell, Harris & Co. Have'bought out-tha entire stock of Furniture and good will of Lowe, Dick & Company. t They Bought for Spot Gash at a' price and they r . 'Bought - It - TO - Sell " : r If you need anhin in the don't fail to; givei us a call. 1 rZHZZLJr Hearseand the best-line-ot UNDERTAKING GOODS f n TO N D E R F U L are the cures Vy uu Hood's Sareaparilla, and yet tney are simple and natnral. Hood's Sarsa-, yarilla makes PURC DLOOD in the State oixtMr. Bell will answerlfall caLsfnio'htloiida. . : , Harris & Gompany.

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