Vol. XII No. 149 GONCOUL N. Q. MONDAY NOVEMBER. 8 1897 W HOLE No. 1044 LEXINGTON SALISBURY I SOME NEWS. to (Salisbury In a uicycie in Ileard to the Responsibility of Taylor Will Come to the htore-Keeperi and Gangen ofDlt- tlllerles. Will et if front. . . I - T nvinntnn I U - 1! iL I M ' Mr Alex springe, ui xjcAiugwu mo uuy iub lunuwing irom me PERSONAL POIWTEKS. 1 , Mr. Will Lindsay, of Salisbury, who is (travelling- for a Baltimore firm,- is ia the city today. seems, wants to get Salisbury's News and Observer of some day. niV? Ch-Qe wUh h?s icjcle champion, Tony Taylor, on ago, m regard to the responsibility friend,1 W J Swink. -u apA track, to beat or get beat. a . ' - Have Fresh High Grade it b tee im -V ... ' u- BwreaeepeiB mou guagers; : -Mr. Robert Jalian. of Sails The following letter was written District Attorney Holton received bury, spent several hours in the Editor Jno. M Julian, last . Friday, the following letter which exnUini city this mprning in the interest of which explains itself: Dear Sir :-I have written to two Doaitlon M fl tore-keerar and CT three parties in your city in re- U write tQ jye if there has RANTS o thft Snrinirs-Tavlor fiTQ-L: ;V . l I i - v I -- . . gnru - an oraer issaea irom tne -uepart. mile meet, but by some m- ans I have meQt of jfo th4t store-keepers been unable to hear from thm.: ftre tQ be lndoted with distillers in Now, if Taylor wants to meet me he of 8eizare m r Tlolatlori the will have to name h-s date at once, re?cnlie ,awi ? -It hM n5tblln the 80 I can go in training, for I am ca8tom hitherto to do so. toa will ready to go in- confer a . favor by giving the abovt He can make his date any time mformaD The district attorney between me iou. anu wi, uuv retllied M f0ilowl . T mnttt nform yon that store-keepers and gangers are the trusted agents of the United States assigned to distilleries to see iihftfc tViA 1 aw in on m nil Aft with unri For OTer Flltr Tmw 7""" " .""V. Mrs. WiosWs Soothing Syrup has the tax npon the spirits produced been used for over fifty years by paid. They are required to give millions of mothers for their child- bond and tatce oath for the faithful rpn while teething, with perfect SUC j;'u. t uA;. ,int:.. .Mi ... cess. It soothes the cnild, softens I , . 4U fc - n. 1 One t)f the most interesting fea- the gom8-alay8 all pa.n, enrwwind rr-' ' rT.T..,: T. tnr Of the Pr.abyteri.n Synod in to YOU. colic and .U the best remedy lor - IM;ffi4fsiiiikT,i,kwU .: nAA Ahavn. hM rinfua hfiflno finoa omHI T . T . . . You Heard It W INTE B is ROASTED Well, You Ought to Know It. eOMING, later, for business prevents. Awaiting a decision, I am, A A Springs, Jr. COFFEE AT we Jiave jdst opened and 8 now on the way from new line of all-wool e froz;n no.ses' andIP10SIfiy a fnr MntlTr,T, "tOeSeS," of OUT Kl0Ddlll That today a 1 Z C x A ." JL friends. So the ladies should Hrvin tV ITIlth; ,Aflf rr rJ be prepared to give her a waim jL will noli if tVi'A RSITTIA WflV. iicvcptxuu. jr GROCERS. "J of the school child- rrru o.La ra on thfl reiuand her own dainty foot L V- in a pair of onr handsome r - flfvAtirr tAmrnvrohla ann rfnrnw u We'll be glad to . show, them D On7IadsW-. and ottr handsome' shoes for Rumple Hell. Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor! charge their duties heavy fines and little sufferer immediately, bold by I imprisonment are imposed. I am of druggists in every part of the world, the opinion that a 8t0re-keeper and Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure nonnlw foVa v,;, ' a i fnr Mr. Winslows SootU who would take upon him- WB - .!... !.. ir Svrno." and take no other kind sen a" tnege oougauons ana go as a trusted agent or tne distiller to ae- Joyoas Day at St. Andrews. It was no liwtle pleasure for pastor And neonle of St. James' church to leave their own sanctuary and join thit noble mission band at St An drews in making Sunday the 7th one of glad recollections. : The house of worship has nndef fraud the united States of its tax 8houtyl be more severely dealt with than the distiller. Besides, ray obser vation teaches me that when; men forget themBel veg, violate their trusts and oaths, become partners in crime, they Boon lose all moral restraints and ere loner thev do not gane some much needed improve. h u t t int th . t h n Q in inents of a substantial character, A priTlfct8 controversy between their and till this was done the congrega- Wghborg and 8wear falaew if the tion found themselves with a little emergency requires. When a man church so neat and inviting as to be 0-ncloM8 hia reardfor his oath, he a joy to every deTOut worshipper foseg re8pe3t for himself and the entering it. obligations he owes to his country, Rev. V R 8tickley, president of and la unworthy to be trusted. If the North Carolina Synod, assisted WQ calmot eneaee in business in a by Revs. 3 Q Wertz, 0 B Miller ,egitimate manner it is beat to aban- that otihi entire body's going by excursion train : to Barium Springs, where the new bmlding;was formally presented by Drf Rumple to, the Synod aud by- bnanimous vote re ceived and named "Kumple Hall." This name was given it fin honor of ur. Kumpifi w nose great cervices wereso. conspicucfus.in the.consum. mtionof the scheme. It was.pre sented to" the 8ynbd - uhincumbered with debt and at the call for; means with which to furnish the bnilding, in Uss than twenty minutes, says tbe Silisbury World, 876 were contributed- Thetrain returned to Salisbury m the evening. - The Synod closed a moit notable sersion on Friday. cam k mill co childrens' wear, combine th& best points of merit. Respectfully, Dry L Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. BSSISBiSSMSMSBBSMBSSSSSSMSJSMBMBMBlBSMBWBMBWSSSSMr-SSSi - - At the Clinrcbes. Rev. B F Davis is suffering with a carbuncle on the neck and was and Pftsknr MonnllrirMrh. bv the im-l . i.i.-y unable to preach morning cr even -j aon tne pursuit ana seei otner avo- , - preseive rile of the Lutheran church, cationg even though less profitable, mg at Trinity Reformed church, dedicated, or set apart, the church You may rest assured that the yiola St.; James church was closed in and all pertaining thereto to the sa- tIonB ot the law by store-keepers tbe morning but Rev. V R Stickley cred purposes of worship. and gan-era wiU te vigorously filled Rev. Miller's pulpit in the At 2 o'clock m the afternoon the proaecuted. You may also feel ae- evening, congregation again assembled and aured that if you 'prove faithful to Jkv. J Q Wertz preached at S-. I!" . afd'mf d b7 t,Cley' your trust and your oath your ser- Andrews" Sunday evening for Rev. Sabject,The Duty of a Sunday- icea will be appreciated and conn ucGMough. school Teacher:" by Rev. Wertz, -ntxA 6 . , -The Ohildren of the . Sand,- tmed- ... Be,. O W Bobineon, of North .v--i u. nf- if -d c:ni-tn- Don't Tobacco MDltana moke Toar Wilkesboro. preached mornine and "The Fatnre of the Church " All i, 70U watTo quU tobacco ub- evening at the First Presbyterian received close attention, and we ing easily and forever, be made ohurch instead of the pastor, Key. trust much encouragement wa9 im- well, strong, magnetic, full of new Alexander. 5 parted.- life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the - - - , . . , wonder-worker that makes weak a Runaway Marriajce. A snenial fflatnrfl nf nipannrfi was A u;: A j Ine mueic rendered b the yoonK Xs. Ored! Cille fnf aheS 08 60me people under the training of Mr Buy No-To-Bac from your own news in the way t of a runaway marT Tnnar ruhn i nnnfi a. uincr. druggist, who will guarantee a cure. Haze. The contraoting parties were iDg school in the church. It makes 11 cago or New York. BeW Harris Co. Havejbotight out the entire stock of, Farniturer and good will; of Lowe, Dick & Company. Casfc They Bought for SpOt at a. price and they - It - TO - 'Bought If you need anliiii in the Sell.' VfSWBXf WmE Mil one glad to see a band of music lovers making the welkin rinp with the outpouring of loyely sentiment in joyous song. This choir is a model of clear and intelligent enun ciation, a feature of sirable yet so poorly attained gen erally. ., This with the whole programme of te day made the dedication ' of St. Andrews a day of joy and glad ness, and we hope that St. Andrews will score a power of great good. Under the ministerial seryice of Rev. McOullough the number of members has increased from 48 to 71. Homicide In Monroe. A special from Monroe to the Charlotte Observer says that Ham p. music 1 so de-1 Carpenter, a white man, and Louis Olyburn, a young mullatto, full of whisky, went to a festival Frilay night and Carpenter got into a tus sle with Tom Smith. Carpenter called. on his friend to shoot Smith. Olyburn fired, the ball pasaing through Carpenter's thumb and into Smith's heart, from which Smith died instantly, v Olyburn was arrested promptly. gentlemen who has been working in our city for seyeral years, and Miss Mamie Martin; of Cannoaville, daughter of Mr. Mangum Martin. They succeeded in boarding the train Saturday n?ght for Pineville, where they were made husband and wife, and have returnod home to spend tbeir honeymoDn The opposing parties, we learn, are becoming pacified, and "it is all over now.' don't fail to- give us a call. To Bent. The vacant store 4 rooms cellars and stable? ou the Litaker lot. if, W G MB41S. With a Fra Hearse and the bestllmeioi UNDERTAKING :: GOODS in thelState .oiirMV. Bell wiUjanswerEall caLsSnihtlov da-T. il, km 1 Gompanv.

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