Vol. XII. No. 156 CONCOULV N. C, TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16 189 Whole No.- 1051 v0ME NOTES CSafiiered Up By Onr Forest II' 11 Re porter. "C M Thompson, of the Lexington 8ash and blind factory, was here Monday. i W R Odell left for Asheville this morning. Mr. Odell is a delegate from this district to conference. Rey. Mrs. J D Arnold left for Iteleigh Monday morning. She will be absent for several days. Mr. M N Ross, of New London, Stanly county, is visiting Mr. and Mia. T P Ivy at this place. Mr. J N Bohannon, of Hickory gHIiog agent for the Keer Bag Co., u here. Mr J W Gibb?, of the D A Tompkins Company, of Charlocte, is here today domg some work on the cooling tower. Mr. C 8 Barrett, of the Odell g ore, ia playing Nimrod today In the country. The birds had better hideaway. , EVANGELIST FIFE Ilold'ng a Meeting at LeifntJon- liarjje Crowd Attending - Town Growing Fast. Dou'l Tobacco Npit and Smoke Tour L.ir Away, If You want to quit tobacco us ing easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. PERSONAL POIMTEKS. I Rev. H A McCullough is epand ing the evening in Charlotte. ; L t tn r lj ,t.i ; l ne following letter was sent The rv i 1 i t., r lL i Standard this (Tuesday) morning he;t this morning, on business. j Dunn, in regard to his Lexington rip: Lexington Noy. 15, 797, Dijtor Standabd '.Evangelist Bill Fife is holding a meeting here Mrr. Ab. Lilly, of Mr. Gilead, Montgomery county, is visiting'her sister, Mrs. D J Bostian, at the S . Cloadthotei. ! Mrs. Gibbs, of Charlotte, ar rived in the citv last niiht and -pnsnt in the court house. The house was the Dight with h-r many, friends at well packed both Sunday morning Omnonville. She returned to her and Sunday night to hear this man; home this morning. He had quite a levival here , aboat Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Morris re fjur years ago The meeting will turned to the city this morning, af go on all the week. I hope he may ter spending a day or two at the . 4 u i home of Mrs. Morris. Mr.and Mrs. giiethe old town a good shak.ng Turner WBat with them Satnrdav - A a a "ft I up. uexington seems to De sun evening, but returned Monday. growing new buildings are to ,be seen ala 03t in ail parts of the place. J. S. Dunn. ';i 1 l3 OacKlen's Arnica air. The Best Salve m the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salr Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappt Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skin Eruptions, and positively care! Piles or no pay requi-ed; It u guaranteed to give atati pf action os monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drug 9tore ". i Fancy It li Not Dead Bat Sleepetb. The infant child of Mr. and Mra. James Blackwelder died at their Package Gandy .ii A Stylish Dress At least one, is an absolute necessity in every woman's wardrobe. We have provided for this need the largest and most varied line of jtylish patterns in wool dress goods that we or yon ever set eyes on. We can't say much about price, because we can't ade quately describe the goods. To rightly understand how low the prices are you will have to see them. New Tine of Ladies' Plush Capes in today. Booklet and sample mailed free, home near Concord on Sunday antl DflPfl1 u pYnTP Tn-Bav n -"SL TL. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chi- Lp8 buried, at Gold Water church ReC61Ved by ExPress io'D CanHOll & FetZer cago or New York. .Monday, He v. S D Steffey. conduct - AT - Ervin & Smith's GROCERS. Twenty-seven cars or Banmsr row ling, the faneral rites:- ' 1 . Oaf sincere ' svmnathiea are exv The great baking powder train to this oaoirAcbuble tha to which reference has been made maafc a yield their first .born cff- has been detained in Kichmond. It mmg i0 the grave, but knowing E KIOU3 CUTTING AFFAIR. only naa twenty-one cars loaaeai ihftt wuaf tt. ju ftW A uAt;; .aI.'I. V.nv;n . . . . 1 Henry Stir wait the Victim May ouim.j ni.u. ua .pcMu n()f but gjjj knQW nereafter, W6 Prove Fatal. .u.- i"1! commend them to the Soarce of all I A: serious cutting aflair took place , I v TX ' T I Pomort in tie3 0f gorrow Mdd,s- j" bejond JSnochville th (Taes1- will Ipftvfl Rifihmnnn I hnrfldav. - lfc-f r-. . H J is intended that joa shalli see " . oinK soon after midn.ghU; von want to. Tt . eiahorkfelv w.,.. . Oti policemen are in poesesnon of ratedand is ihe largest shipment of Henry Willis has been confined ;the description of the man that is baking powder ever-shipped, pro Da- to iail in Cnarlotte on ; the believed to baye done the cuttinf, . bly. It travels onl in daylight, charge pf entering the house of Alf. but not the name. The Victim is We will try to keep'in formed V and Caldwell; and aisoetriking Caldwell Henry Stirewalt, let the neoole knowwhen to co - tol when be iumned out of bed. Both ! The wound is a fearful one and the depot to see it,. believing, alU will parties are negroes. The evidence be pleased. 1 seems to be very plain. Company. Vly'l cdPVRMinT 1 897 Thanksgiving Shoes should be shoes that keep the feet dry and warca, thereby preserving: yonr health anjl saving you money in doctor's bills", while giving yoa comfort sad style at the 8 4 me time. We have them in all Bhaps and toes, in French Calf, box calf, winter tans and also cbiW dren's school shoes. Dry L Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. 1 . 1 ; ! 1 1 ' t' POT 11 ASH p. ALK may prove fatal The knife en tered the side just under the ribs and ranged a little upward piercing the spleen. 1 Bell,' Harris & Co. Havebought out the entire stock oi Furniture ue is uomine; uown sooin. i rnv rrmtv mvm It will probably be remembered by lla AJBUN Al?3 i some of our Standard readers that wish to caution all users of Simmoci The hemorrhage was - vvery pro some time ago an: advertisement fn8e. Dr. Wethers, of Enochville, was incerted in this paper from De- perhapa their lives. The sole proprietors was in attendance and Dr. Steyens md makers of Simmons Liver liesulalcr, . . : u -. venny Bros., of Pennsylvania, tb 6arn that cutomers are often deceived by waa called into consultation. - as usual, tneaimcuity seems aue to intoxication, though the affair Keesport, PaTimes, we learn that rou that unlasa the -'" seems shrouded in secrecy. Dr. r ' 1 ' , Hie package or bottle, that u is not bimmona , ... , , the advertisement's result was not Liver Regulator. No one else makes, oi oteyens knows nothing beyona tne only a satisfactory exchange, but tver has made Simmons Liver Regulator 02 condition of the patient, for whote - , . , . J . ' inything called Simmons Liver Regulator, ,, . . .. . r. . , eo many desirable properties were if Zeilin& Co.. W jo medicine made recovery he entertains a fair degree ofiered that Mr. Devenny, of the 1 ty anyone els 13 the same.. C We alone can 0f eDe firm reill loo o o W oxrc fn H Pit it up, and we cannot be responsible, n , - ther medicinep represented as the same do . and good will of L6we,Dick & Company They Bought for ppt Gash at a price and they - I. ' . : J ' ' ' - ..i i , V ' ' "Bought - It - To - Sell If you need anTrfcliiiiy in the m m w don't fail to give us a call. I absent three weeks, during which l nnt hftln vou a3 Vou are led to expect they iime ne will visit a number of the fitfui. ueanmBu vycuiuuimu.nuua aim iino, w u Auma icn ima nrino.in.1 niH'ou r, 11 nnU PeeQ in the t0?1 GoldsborO. ' number of prominent Southern or, because the name was somewhat like where they will be for a few days, capitalists and will inspect a large &9 and from there they will go to amount of property. ipon and have not bev taking Simmons Goldsboro, to make it- their f uture - Liver Regulator at all. O The Regulator has ' ... , . 4, Business Locals. s een favorably known fo: many years, snd home. Mr. lurner will work in tne FOR RENT After January 1, ill who use it know how necessary it is lor jngurance-business there. ' rising from a ..Diseased T- . . our midst, as he is considered by all We askou to look ;for,y'..-urseIves, ana . - 1 - that' Simmons Liver Regulator, which a 'most excellent . man;' Mr. Turner ?ou can readilv distinguish by the Red 8ayS he.will Visit our town occasion, jn wrapper, and, by our name, is the onq v . ... : medicine called bimmons jjiver iveguiavoi i oo.;uo io wu ujuuu ui, on u- i J. xl. 'ISTLIN & CO. 1 VJ;' '(.., ,.rr back by Gibson & Morrison. FOR RENT The. large room oyer Marsh's Drug Store. FOR RENT Two bed rooms over Fetzer's Drug Store. . - -For terms apply to Elam King. Evans, the Rockingham outrager of Miss Oole, was found guilty and sentenced to hang on Friday, the 26th. ,- Hearse and the best line'ot V . ' UNDERTAKING :: GOODS in theHState our M Bell will answer all i ealislnio-htov dav. mirer of- it not to pay us a .'visit; oc casionally,' ,.! -" ' - ifnEAT SALE8 prove the great a merit of Hood Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it accomplishes GREAT CURES. o Rent. 1 Hairs i Gompaav. The vacant store rooms, cellars and stables oa the Litaker lot. tf; W G Means, t