VroL.XII.-No. 162 CONC0TU ; JSV C., TUESDAY NOVEMBER 23 1897 Whole No, 1057 NOT TO PROSECUTE. IVIll Waft Until the Supreme Court Tests the;Mtir or delinquent ' Tabd Jttyern. 7 i t'i i' J ; i i ' i The conrt now in session will not prosecute delinquents tax payers. - T Hon. Theo. F- Kluttzr presented the subject to Judge Coble imme diately on the convening- of court this afternoon. - : 1 Section 5$ and-58 ofithe Revenue act of 1897 .were red. . . .: , The judge appeared silenC as to the law an i deferred giving :,hi8 opinion u n ci 1 the v test case : now p?udirg -before, the; Supreme cour has been decided. Solicitor Bolton said i mutely Hhat he? would not 3 MT. PLEASANT ITEMS prosecute any one until "the test case is settled. He said publicly itiat he To Arrive Shis :i.r Death of Key. Dr. lake Dorland, I Serin sfield. Ill - Nov. 12.--ReV as seen By standard Reporter over Dr. Lake Borland, of Hot Springs TT ii- r Ter' ----- N. O., founder of the Borland Uni- .ttella! What's i.o-matter with vemty, Hot 8prings, died today at the telephone company?"" ' ' 4 u the home of his son, Chas. J Dor- - Preparations are "bein? madd W la3 in this city, aged 83 years. ' a wedding in our little town. It is 1 teT- Dr. Dorlin once had charge ? Plon trie 7th 6f -Decern- of Scotia Seminary, in this city, her, aiid. from whkt we can hear lt.ia Inite a number of years ; ago, and to be a erwMl affair ?' - . M"om nerene went' 10 not Donncr, ' Rev, W; H Stubblebine cave a N- C where he at once -foundi! lecture in the Reform church on that institution l.aat.Satnrdayight,B PERSON Al"pOIW TEKS. land's ley Mountains? - .The leotnre : : v : .i r : :, was accompained by magio lantern Rev. Arnold returned this views, which' made it doubly inter! norning from'Asheville. eating.. , " ' Messrs. S J Lowe and Charley Misses' Caps-Tam ()' Shants I There wiU bV Thanksgivin fe! : 8pedS : thd vices in the Lutheran church Tburs- ulgD rolnU Lor, v i " i :mftr At nWnfefdoW -LMioa T nnxr Mnntirnrviortr loff 5 , .3 9 Styl6 and COlOT. mm v u j u A Jul Ui OL40 V UlK U w I w w " ' ui w a w w w . : - 60Q Childrens1 and Boy's Knee Pantr Suits.? Bought way nnder" cost of ';.-'- .. 4 . I ........... making, ,to.cios small ldts. T 150 dozen Childrens':and tne Luther League 'and Ohildrens this morning for TJavidson, where m;: i i -ir ; she will spend a few days. , Missionary society will give a public . . ; ' debate, and an arinnal nnfiiin mwt. Misses Bettie Alexander a d was inclined to continue the matter. This practical ly settles the ques inn as to the, indictment of'delin- - a ' . 1 ueuate, anu-an annual puouc meet- .oAauuc aftTYlft rtf tv,0 inQC1f ivr. qaent tax payers. SalisburyrSun. inty rJnUiw ' ' - Constance Cline returned Uo E iza- some 01 the largest Mannfacs - ' V r J r i " - beth College last night .3ZSTi?i l)ied of paralysis. v 4 .- Prof. Thompson, of ; Concord,?de ' n Mr. EzekiaV Kiley, of Mill Hill, livered a lecture before the eolUira Miss Annie Misecheirapj. of died Monday morning' athu home A:-Hanffli.m last. Fr day. nighn.- B x.ei.r M'.H Uill. Mr.. UUey' had at- was highly complimented by all who Mr. G T Crowell. , - ined the good;ripe,of 82 year?, beard i fiaite a namber of the Smm miB, but yie.QtaMiir v uDaer1? Birose oi j r-r.-rr-r' r. ntr I ivieDane. arrivea mis. i qeBaayj These Caps are all new and fresn, being samples, from turers in this line; and: fepre j sent tlieir finest nd best prcv n,H?i ..Thimain were infer. Pre8ent ' - morning and wiU visit their uucle, ni a't TriiW hrch, R9v. V B Bi?d ters-fbangjng Taway" MrShakespeare.Harr.8.; -; . - I ir f hia aanrtnn 'rrxtr Wo has aw I - n n i Slickly pastor, today (Tuesday.) v 0 . to m tnis section now. We' lieat of s-zMrJ Charles S Stone returned to large nets, but neyer tee the game. Charlotte last --night; after spending ;aciiies nip itj j Qf corgi oubMtie ? chof ! Sunday at the lliome of ? his; father fi'heteaVSaiireiLlUiviorWffcr 1 lfi " j V?I'V in-law; Cap tlM (Alexander. . 1 jk,' Bruise1 Sores, Ulcers, Salr nuntsman or fisherman, fee bareful n f " ' A 1 Rheuia, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappt i poje, fome ni tuesurrouaing lao : r;r ' " ' Han'd3, Chilblains, Corns and ale owners nave theiPeyes pn you.'! TTrwi H C' in n p 1 1 1 . i 'niiu um iiiihi ibKkU I'll i rN 1 ' ma-v a Lias; ooiainea a PiW or no pay reqm-ed. It is ball rpnn for,' the j studentsVVjtr guaranieeu. w.give oiaiiwiiouou ui , located in front 0f ther CQllege mone7 refunded. Price 25 cents pertl rnnnfia nnvthfl lnL Ahimnnmh-W box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug J.' wh 0,a ; 0u can't sin , thd Let's haye soma match games next Oraii followed Its Mother to th Graye. The vonn child of Mr. Geo. Cor-Reason. riher. of Forest Hill, died Sunday Mr. Horace Blackwelder has had, night and was buried Mo in? at the city cemetery v7es about two montns oia and was preceded to the grave onli a few ges 75c, ?1 0.0 and Jl 25, We sell teem at 15and 25. cents. No rise ta let- the: children wear old c ! shabby 7 caps, when yoxi can get fine and handsomse new ones for 15 and 25 cents, worth three times that much. Cannorl-.' .i. C -SC Ty7 1 dflbVHIGHT I HOW ' dflbVHIGKT 1AC - f tying Shoes , . ... :-y-r i ? should ba shoes 7 that keep the feet dry-and warm thereby- preserving your health and saving -you money in doctor's bills,. while giving you. comfort, aad style at.thejme time.. .We .have, them lu all shapes and toes, in French Calf, box palf,; winter tans and also chip '.' '.. - - - - . dren's school shoes. i r . '- ' . v . ; . . .. j SHOE FURNISHERS. ! Cotnpa - 4 ; sc." ' 3., . iondiy eyenf hh'l!0D. miJ FRESH I CAKES l-rk td that there. is' Bomethmg more m ,"6TV..: T'8 ch,,a it ttan merely a sawing of wood, i 1 ' " - - , - n A JN OTHER. AND Forest mildews, weeks by its mother. Mr. Comher H Oook and daughter, ' rA v has oar sympathy m hie multiplied ,ittie Miss Carrie7accompanid MVa ' A C W P :H? 1 bereaveinenis. Coos brofther, Mn M WWd : fl V . ' M ' J ' t 1 Salisbury Sunday night, where thiyj -- j y 11 . i i j n - r- jrfi diuivruw Awnu i t 11 ... . . - i I t Aiooddany of oui reader wilDr" ,f "- T 3 I -v-'o .T AT.- u i ' ine nine iwo-moutaa-om uauKac r,reomoeT thcr0" -H?l?g- -f of-Mr.-and Mrs.-W-0 Ritchie died V" ; ' 1 : V. J ; Mr R P Lentz, on Depot street, of ,8t night at their home on North piri ' CmifH' whiph pnmfithinp has been said in muij nf- ' X1)V:I1I S14jliiii'i ,y The SthjJda'rp in regard toits ywe think aU t he hiembers of thef '';V; V?.T GROCERS. V r : laiKing. .uai Jimrow isueaa. rAjrfSt Hill MeinoQis cnurcn are XTr. f i0 Koo r coon Viitrhlv nlpasfid with the return of BusineMrxocals, .i . I Put .t Arnold f.ri this p,harcre aain I FOR rKENTAftor T January 1 a crow mat coma come fcr 0 year 1 1898the a torVrocm now occupied talking as this one. You could tcr anotner year, by Gibson Morrison. .- Tt r t weu understand it wnen furwou an j Q ff li KfcWI M f V.1 FOR RENT-Two bed- rooms c?o llTTlU T: ' o- fanr rl h Ofl I I t T T" - - - j cjr iJiciiu u iuj. auu ioi uu,ii i words, tnouga none so plain aB ine ones mentioned. I I i t (1 a T LI il A 7 I Uamm. . .u . -i ' E 1 ; j over jd eizsi: p LruK.oiuxt?. ,T T Jewish tb caution all users of Simmoci 7 - wr - T , a . -v ; - T-w ... .TT A - XLiLiAttl'lVlINCi. , ' 1 oil i jjiver Kegulitor on a supject 01 ine aeepesj interest and importance to their health-f iportan ( ( A t Ton ti fin ' I. o! nHl I 1 The 1 Improved OrlSer T'Hebtaf Ifiearn that cr3tomers are often deceived by saphs' a eaeshyreVoBfed fbl bg JZLU meei tonigni in regular Bession. be Simmons Liver Regulator. We warn 'perhaps their lives. The sole proprietors f - y x , 1 " i iad makers of "Simmcas Liver Regulatd The telephone officials ea7 that a great .man i m pro ve m ente ire to be 1 1 1 J I . J I A M M i you tnat unless vne wora xveguiatur ia uu Mrs Slardinxrof -Farms-, pacfeagoriottle;..thatii is notimfcons , ii.'i I f1. ' arms Liver RSuiatoV. NMont else rhalesV o ing, after spending a few das with nytw caued Simmons Liver Regulator, her sister. Mrs. Judge Montgomery. f t j pt Zeilin & Co.. anc .jo medicine mad oy anyone else j the uam(.. vVe alone caj J 1 J . A M m 4- k . fADAmO wiwiu ; . t . 1 ag youareieci to expect tney there is really no trick about it. Bear this fact well in mind, if you hav I Anybody can trjr it wno nas, Jyame 1 3eeQmtiie habit of using a medicine -wmcl made.,b,y .them. next, year tin, the) State.- , .r.vf 1 , , effort is heingr made to. have theCnev ;papeiT at llaleighi appear nkvingl) " A Republican who 'holds a prone - inent oflpce says the "Democrats.' are yetVing'5 toether.f : ' tajt ar the RepnblicaHsJJsp6ke of Democratic - Bell, Harris" & o. -Have"bonghtirt-the entire stock :of - Eurnitnre and igoodi ynLVj of xo w.e-,I) ;ck-. & c -Cpmpany a - '- " H i hev Douent tor . . . . ...... v : , ; :: : vat a price and tliey. ' !f' i' :2 It i -1 Sell . ..-I IT STS". .JSrtl "3r!w J Hr M. IWi TO- II! : 3t ; ' V don't fail tp .ve us a:call:: ! - V Hearse-and. Mt jliiie, oi 0 7n r : . , . - . ' the State! . .Aurl'M .' : Bel1 : wiU ;f answer - all ...... -..i-V . .,. ...v -'J - . . - , ; ,,.7. -7 . . 4 -7' Back and Weak Kidnevs.i 'MaflaHJUronsnlfeedto be Simmons Liver Regulai or nervona tronbles. We mean helbr. becaiire the name was somewhat like ws I disorganfzaf ion; "Now it ls'tne Pop 14 ulists whoVthey sa'fraelitelly gbiie io t)iece?. . .. : .: 1 ; 7, FfOr over FlltTrr eawu , . used c for over nf ty vcarS by uvi V J UO tlUU UlCOi v v w aviu - 1 ivi, wvw- - , . . , . , 4 can cure himself right away by j. ana me pacKagp uiu Uking ElecricBitte JZi cine toes) up 3.bwli0 acts aB a stimulent to the Liver and een fav0rably known fo: ,-nany years, anjl Kidneys, it is a blood purifier and t wboruse itnow how neceskry it is of norira t. .MrtWoiikooV Di-tT,4 A Ti?oTRWnns Fever. Constinav Headache. Faint ne S Dells, ?Sleep- ionrHeadach?,-I)pepsia, and all disor bssness, and Melancholy. It is sing from a jJiseased liiver. 1.1. u i 4 " 1 We a?K VOU to 100K lor yuxacivco, auu purely vegetable, mild axative, 5' Liver Regulator, whicn ana restores the system to its natu- pQU can readily distinguish by the Red raivigor. Try JJecmc merSLaiiqj Wrapper, and hy our name, is tne omj ii . ,v - - -- - . - - - zzAS .szczt lt'z i rje.CoSvinced WMlfcd Siimon. LivW BegoW-ag"t8 in ""J'M.-T :! 5, X- A .vT .n 77.u.,7t.,M .4T 1,7..,,. c - i . i. tT 171 -t I vr iSTr.Tv jfe nn. , 4Twfentvfivfrwnts-a bottle i6 sure I ' 11 ; j - . . ...... teed. Only ,50c. aLMtlefatP, ' - ' ' 1 Sc:, . Fetzerfat MTL K i I tessm r Pf take;u uv orjcl ,-u::777 -7- .: :, Mtb been millions dt mothere for their "child ren while teething; with perfect suc7 cess. It , soothes - othe.ohil joitens thegumV, colic, and is,. the .heat remedy for Diarrhoea; : :it ? wilf relieve tOoor fnttl6 'sufferer immediately; Sold by drueeists in everv part of thevorld. wenty-fiveoen tsa bottle, Be sure UNDERTAK1NQ 1 : r 3 '" . 7 -. v z:. heart i-zi . s o? -i. "i 1 1- . . - v . i v -, - v .... Kf . - 1 , 1 Q . f 7.f ! t!:;.77 t . M-: v.:: :: 1 V