Vol. XII. No. 163 OONUOUlt; N. C, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24 1897 Whole No. 105E BE SURE TO GO lo Tbanksglyingr Advertisements. Dr. Gibson TnnnKsslTlng. Services at tb . . ------ r - Cnnrcnes. giviug oraiion tO OUr STANDARD; There will be Thanksgiving aer-1 readerB in this issue. See it in iris vices at Central Methodist church BPaca tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Rev. J D & J F Yorke have the con- An old will preach. A collection Yeniences: fo engraving, and in will be taken for the vOxford Orphan PERSONAL POINTERS. 1 r Mr. M J Freeman came home last night to spend Thanksgiving. i- Mr. G W Patterson returned to the city last night. -Mrs. P B Fetzer arrived last Asylum. . 1 Thanksgiymg services at ' St. James' Lutheran chnrch at 11 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. W 0 AN exnder. Collection will be taken fo- Southview Orphanage. Thanksgiving service at Episcopal church at 11 o clock. Sermon by Rev. J 0 Davis. A collection, will b? taken for the Orphan Asylum. their advertisement they solicit night, after having spent some time your work for all kinds of that m wasnmgion. WOrk. " I MIpb Annin M Dry & Miller, the shoe dealers, mother ofCharlotte, are at the home uag nu auvcruBouieuu lur iuu, la- Jus To-daj. 18 Hats- dozen Men's Klondike -Sold everywhere for 50 10 dozen Bo's Corduory A Household necessity. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderlui medical discovery of the age, pleasant, anaS refreshing ti.thr taste, act gently and positive 1)' oa be kidneys, liver and bowel?: c!ean3iDg tbe entire system, disp cold, cure headache, fever, habit dies to gaze at before purchasing Mrs. J P Allison returned last tiioir DBxi pair oi Bnoes. oee tneir 1 night? from Baltimore, where she cents, except at tnis store, vf e au vorimemen v. I has been smnnriincr stoma H-no I . " . . r rrwMM.D sen inem ax tfoc. Mr. Will Gibann namo homa BnslnessLocals. hV :Mu ni 1 cr:u I lilDb UlUUb JIUIU LUUl CI lAill. Lll FOR RENT After January 1, onfind a few Hav. Hats Reenlar '50 cent hat. 1898, the store room now occupied i m, . " - by Gibson & Morrison. Mrs. Dr. Houston hit this These go at 25c. morning ior Monroe, vr. Houston 80 dozen Children Eton will go tonight. - . , wxx Jf Gaps-Sold1 every where at 25 the city this morning, and will and 85 cents. We sell them Bpena several aays nere. f or Miss Pearl Brown will rooms FOR RENT Two bed over Fetzer's Drug Store. For terms apply to Elam King. COPYRIGHT The Baltimore Presbytery has arrive 50 dozen Tarn O'Shanters at presented a nag to tne ecnooi at tooiebt from Elizabeth Collt e. ac Sunderland Hall. Kev. W C Alex- frinrl MiBQ T iiW 15 and 25 flftnts- Worth all cousutiuuu auu umuuaucBB. x icaao i auuer, uu mo parii ui iu it rofuyiery, Khyne, of Mt. Holly, who will n.iy mm uy a uua ui i-uay, jicrmany preeenieu ine uag ai i:ou nrjend Thankscivins with her 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaran teed to cure by ail druggists. A German Last NIffht. A gerrnan was given by the Cotil- lioa Club last nisht in the Phifer dancing hall. It was not as lirgely p. m., today, and Rev. CF Rankin, representing the school, accepted the flag and passed it to the school. Florida tVe wish to caution all users of SimmOni Oranges attended as usua, but nevertheless Liver Regulator on a subject of the deepest tn -AND- AND w,crhv onivpfl hv nil tbp n-tioi- interest and importance to their healt 1 1 J J I MPrhn.Ta-thPir Iivps Thp snip rrrrvnriPtora ruinta I n ft Kpos pr rirohoafra ronl?j i o: t: T ..l-i.'l! f .- uu ixiauia ui uiuiiuuud uiyu o 1 TTT. TT TlIT A TT TT" dered most excellent music for barn that cptomers are often deceived :by I J- MlQJnl I AIRlQ the occasion. Tae following are' ik? appearance or taste, believing it to the onfs that took Dart: be Simmons Liver Regulator. We warn f' ' tn j-i ri'i. - I rou that unless the word Regulator is on Misses Emily Gibson, Agnes LAvwbnjA "that. iHR not Simmon Liver Regulator. No one else makes; oir O -A H O rmRimmor!i Liver Regulator. OJ V Lallan um, baaie msner, ; wace "IJ Simmons Liver geeulator Fiaher; Messrs Richmond Mont- tut J. H. Zeilin & Co.. wic' medicine made goniery; Eil Brown, F 0 Howland Caal White, O L Smith, 0 J Harris, the way from 50c. to 81-25. Childrens' and Boys' Knee Pants in today. Not much over half price. Make the boys and girhs bappy fcfor Thanksgiving. Open to night till 10 o'clock. Come in. Cannon & Fetzer Company, LADIES' HEALTH SHOES wih cork soles and heavy grade Donejola kid with medium ioand toes, are just the thing to keep you from catching cold duriDg the' cons. ing Winter. Of course u there are others," and we have them from A to Z in every shape. weight and style, but all of the best manufacture, and up- to-date in every particular. Vv e are constandly adding new goods daily, studying the wants of our customers, witir the desire of pi easing them. We are not promising you the world, but defy any legitimate competition, in quality or price. Come, buy yourself and children shoes and : have them polished and oiled free of charge at the shoe store. Respectfully, Dry k Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. AT a Tom White. Will 7 Flowe. The stags were Messrs W L Stark, - Joe Goodman, J O Wads worth j ..Geo. Patterson, Jones Yorke, Dr. Young and Aubrey Hoover. " ' air, Caldweirai Maprnanlmity. We learn that Major Jim Wilson allowed the limit of time for, him to appeal, his case, to the. .Supreme Court to lapse, which would have virtually placed his opponent, Mr. L 0 Caldwell, in possession of the chairmanship of the railroad com mission. ; But Mr. Caldwell still agrees, we ar told, to e xtend the onnortnnitv to Mr. WiUon to test the case fully, if done ithout un necessary delay. This mformatfon! is given us from a eource thatiwe confide in, and has in it some credit to Mr. Caldwell's magnanimity ?We are willing he shall have "credit j for that or any other virtues he may possess. v GROCERS. oy anyone elso 3 the 6am l. CWe alone catf nnt it. nn and wa cannot be resnonsiDie: i )ther medicines rnrsented as the same do; prvf, & Gm th nr. hp n von ftr vfra arft ea 10 eiueci mev ffill. BeattH3 fact "well in mind, iiyon hkvs ieen in tha Eabifof using a medicine which . fn avYrnaarl tr ho SimmnTis I ,117 Pi , rvPCTn 5t t tor, because 1 the name was somewhat ,nJie t, and the package did not hvjihe:wbrd 1 From4 the Salisbury World , we Wl?,tor on it, yon have been imposed Xf , wo om W T, T!flf. mon and have not ben takineSimmbira - t"t, "r",. Liver Regulator at all.O rtleg5iator ias ley, of. Richmond, was put on the POT ASH 3 ALK ieen favorably known loi ayjearSj anq chain gan& for tmrty days by Mayor ill who use it know how necessary'ltris. for. 6 , B - Fever and Ague .Bilious Fever. Constina- Linn, but when the prisoner' was ionHeadache.Dy&pepsia, and all disorder? J en to- the gang he, refused ; to. rlsine from a Diseased Liver. 's i , , ' V V' A ! We arkvou to look for y-urselves, and' WOrK, ana at mo urstcnaiiuo ineu iu - h1 t ti-.i4 vicUI?" "V. rrit-- -1- - l i- r ' n t n T T 1J. lieaicine canca oimmons.xjiver xveguia.ioi - - J. Jti. r&JSTLIN & CO. liand Sale. Yellow FeTer Germs breed iu the- bowels. -Kill them ani you are safe from the lawful disease.1 .14 Oascarets destroy the germs through out the system and make it impos sible for Dew ones to form. Cas carets are , the 'i drily reliable safe guard for young "and old against Yellow J ck. 10, 25, and 50o., -all druggists, , . iewboM Causht. ; xNewbold, the, Mniarlconstayejpf dispensary odium that shot down J H Turner becaus , he did not ston at Newbold's command "has)heen aiJ rested. The killing seems to be an unmitigated outrage and the case will be watched with interest. ,:, "H E ON LY True Blood Purifier " prominent v in tZQ public eye , tp daisHooa&Villa. t1 Jherfore Hooa's -andOWLY -HOOD0. By virtue of a decree made in a special proceeding, in the4Supnor UourHor Oaharrus 6ourityrMay the 3rd, 1897, entitled, "In the matter of the estate of S P Brainarcl Kim mons. ' sane, by E M Kimmdns, aaidian, ex p rK" and duly ap each time' havine:, sent one .entirely through his arm and freely spotting his - back and hips "with buckghot. It is :ribt thought to be fatal, though he is painfully injured. Don't Tobacco Spit and'Smoke Tour litre Away,? ; If you want to quit tobacco us ing easily and. forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take JNo-To-l5ac,. the Bell, Harrisl&lCo. Haveboughrout the entire stockkof Furniture and good will j of Lowe,Dick & Company inev Douent ror odut s at a price and they "Bought - It - To - Sell." nroved bv tlenrv R Starbuck, judgei wrnilHiPr.wKrkftr that "i riiakea weak presiam , m me oiu juuiwaj u4? men strong. Many gain ten pounds trict, I as a commissioner of said in ten'day&g. 0ver T 400,000 cured; c,our,t wd Bnv No-To-Bac from vour own' ord, on . Mondaythe 6fch day of druggist, whb will guarantee a cure. Ade'r, one tract jof land "cdhtainins; hAddrefes Steriing'Remedy Co., Chi- one nunureu uuu luuijcimco I cago or Xiew. acres, in urau uiuuatu iuwudui, xa UonHflnknrw flnnntv. heme? ft Dart o - -V , I of what was formerly,, snownas ine v ,v.i , -i ri Samuel tiKimmdhsf homeiiUce,i on When you want ;Presh Oysterp, f hfi Hividincr line bfetween eaidcoun- BtewedJfriedo', aw.' birds: on toast. ties and adjoining the lands of D L J ftea fiahxira gqaare" meilt p'tfepared Terms of sale: One third (1) cash, and balance to be paid on the first day of November, lba, secured- Dy nose, ht purchaser with-' two -good SiireHeVand title' reserved. -R. M. KIMMONS, Guardian, Commissioner. -fe 2hd, i89f. w - 1 : : If y on need an7thin in the abii't ifail to ?giye us a call. GREAT SALES prove the great merit of Hood's Sarsaparilia. Hood's Sarsaparilia sells because it rapcompUshes GREAT CURES. fl M f f ache ana kheumatism reneve McMoore) call at. Bqer , & Johns ton's Re8tauran t n 'theT Brick Row near Ihe'tJonrt 'House, t ' 5 -j in the -State ,6urlm call s rdrht w dap". ;iYellow-Jacfef Killed. Cascareta ,,CandyrCathartip kills Yellow .jrackrwherever fiod him. No one' who1 ta&es Oascarets regular ly and "systematica fty Ms in danger from & the dreadftt I v disease.' Cas cajQts jlj XUo,W' f ftverrgerms in the bo el 8 and prevent new ones, from breecijnjj, 10c, 25c. and 50c. all druggists. 1 'With u Fre " . r Hearse arid the Ihest'hiie ot - Gi)ODS VBell wiU answer all ... i i liaiit'. Dr. Mile&'ijfn ifU are guaranteed to stop I UeocSoeAelnSO nxlnn "One cent a dosa

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