Vol. ah. no. jo A GOOD ENTERTAINMENT. THANKSGIVIN(J FESTIVALS CONCOllLV N. 0.1; FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26 1897 t, I PERSONAL POINTERS. I Whole No. 1059 OnrGraded Rchool Qlve Us Music and And a Host of Tlsltlnr Qotne On at Itecitaiions Miow their Training " Forest mil ' v ' Downed on Singing , mu : teed in The Standard - r 4 .' w the A n n n nn Tl AS 9UUU " UnmU. v- .i ... j ,1 oAnrti ap . -uw' Ui u8 lamuj connections graded school, or rather a parti n1 . , . - 4 - an entertainment in the Of ,( gave uu i.....iiu.eU.. u luo savthftt TnrltAV OA9 court house Wednesday afternoon, much shorter order than Greece was The exercises were opened with a some time ago. . chant theLor'd'a Prayer by the Mr. M L Moore gave? an oyster school. This was distinct and 4m- sapper Thursday evening tb his ai pressive. sistants in the mill and a few friends. (,hn Hoover read the Prpfiidpnt'fl A most deliffhtf al eveninff was fmanf Thmksgiviag proclamation. at the hospitable home of Mr. and ThP achrol then sans "God is Oar Mrs- More on North Church street. Mr. and Mrs, J M Odell are tis iting at Lancaster, S. Mrs. W R Odell is yisitiug her sister, Mrs. E M Andrews, at Ohar-r lote. Mrs. H M Rarrnur onva a Thank-ft .piring powers with that well trained Llving patty t0 tha Jnveniu Mis. sionary Society at the residence of Mr. P G Cook, on North Church recitation, and was followed by a street, last evening Themite boxes . i sen?, "Row Brothers, Row." were opened and found to contain This was unique. We recogn?zad about $17. A pleasant evening was the song 'Greenville' or "Go Tell enjoyed by the Juveniles Refage," C'audius Smith and 01a Brown each recited. America was next sung, and pur national air lest nothing -of its ins band of singers. Miss Grace Patterson rendered Mr. Frank Cannon ramn home from Qhariotte this mormog. -DrvD :D 'Johnston snent Thanksgiving Day in Hickory. Mr.'Nfiolland Thorn nnnn in spending few days at Chapel Mr. irid Mrs. C B Fraziftr and little Lncile went over to Charlotte Wednesday night. - j Uti Douglass flartman re turned this morning from Salis bury, . .--Misses Iva and Lucia Parks are visiting at the home of Mre. W S Binghatn. S ' '' ' "' - Miss :Mary Hendrix came home this morning from Mount Pleasant. A Jones Yorke has gone to Philadelphia on a short business trip. ' r-MissesMamy Ury and EHa Walt r arrived Tnursday frm Mt. Adoeca to spend a few days at borne. Mr. R M White left this morn ing for Charlotte, after spending yes- tflrHotr of tha hnma F M 12. AT Aant rarsy, at nrsr,wiin au moutn u jj. xjiauicjr, wuo w uam Lye closed (bard as that is to do) then, ferred from the Franklin circuit to , . . i Ithe Andrew nirftniL fa viaifincr Vt? wmie it was snng in regular way, , w - . - to Charlotte Wedndav mVht. rp. ramer, mr. o m uraaiey, mi tnu nnmnan- H . . Mrs. Charles S Stone returned about hall the high-keyed voices plase. companied by; her brother, Mr. John Alexander. Florida Oranges mar a ainnrincr ranirllv snmA rtAiAA wa nuc .-r -j r "-i xr-r. ai rtvi t j did not recognize but that did not , 44 , . . . - I which measures 44 inches in length. spoil me original. Miss Lillie Widenhouse, of Bost's Miss Mamie Lentz recited a poem Mills, is yisitlng friends .at Forest to mke people give liberally and Hill this week. X Mr. Harry Hendrix spoke a piece. Mr. T F Widenhouse, of George dividing his time with the gobbling ville, spent Thursday night here gobbler, whose decapitation would! with relatives and returned home1 Boon occur, and some other imanm- this (Friday) morning. ary being we could not catch. M ss ;-Drr. ana Mrs. oamuei acarooro, Jannie Patterson then - sang a solo wbo have been visiting Mrs. Scar with orzan accompaniment by Miss bor,a pwenta in Montgomery county Hams and piccolo by ProfKeesler, for the P"t week, returned home to Thl, for gentle swee A C K E R CAUCiiCU uu vvuuiu, ui ibociJ., uaio Big Li il Rigs. Selling- them cheap. and LADIES HEALTH SHOES wih cork soles and beavy grade Done: ol a kid, with meaium xound toes, are jasfc the thing to keep you from catching cold during-the com See them before VOU lnS Winter. Ot course "there buy. Carpets from from" A to Z in every shape. weight and style, but ail of the best manufacture, and up DamaSK and Chenille t0'date m every particular. Curtains, Table GOV- new goods daily, studying the ova T a no HnffQiTia wants of our customers, with ' the desire of pleasing them, from 50 Cents tO $4 OO We are not promising you the world, but dely any legitimate j.- competition in qnaiitv or Seelthem. price. ) Come bu"y yourself and children shoes and have j them polished and oiled free VaiillUll iX JTCtACI of charsre at the shoe store. - Respectfully, VUIIIUUIIY. Dry L Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. FRESH : CAKES AND vere attack of Rheumatism, is much . AT tuauc luc eutciiniuiucuti a ouuucoo. I improved "Carolina," the pride of all North Four new soinninf? fiames from Carolinians, was then rendered to tlie whitin Machine Shop, Whitins- tifVin & omitiT S gPOT 3 ALK the j -y of all the natives. Iville, Mass., have arrived, and two Miss Florence Pounds made the! of them are being placed in No. i last recitation. mill here and the other two are being Then tight sweet little girls sang placed at Buffalo. bo nicely that they were encored, but noger-coou jnarnacre. could not be induced to repeat. Six- The Standard if in receipt of teen of the same quality presented the following invitation cf mar- themselves, however, and, as they r B 0 sang, made such cute little anties, as to cause the smiles to xuu from e r to ear of that packed audience. Prof, Lewis explained the two tables full of clothes and edibles as the gifts of the school to the poor as a thank offering, besides he said he had a pocket full of money about ten dollars, collections from the little givers. The school then waited on the au GR0CER5 COMMITTEE APPOINTED. Capt- Jonas Cook invites yo .to be present at the marriage of his , daughter Jennib r-. to r i Rev. William j. Bog sr. Tuesday Evening, Decembe. seventh, ' eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, at five o'clock, Holly Trinity Lutheran Church, Movant Pleasant. North Carolina Bell,' Harrisl&lCo. Havejbought'out the entire stockof Furniture and good will, of ,iLowe,'Dick & Company. They Bought for Spot Cash . at a price and they 1 )r. I. Siigaraan, Preparations Being: Made for tns Transferrins: of the Body of the I.ate Gen. CI infill an. , .. . : ... .. .. . - From I the Asheville Citizen we i . .. .... learn that the committe has been appointed to escort the remains of th'; Ifttft Ofin. T L OiiriDrman to Asheville for interment, in the per- V"R011 P'll'ft - - T?0 - SPll sons of Col. Wm. H S Burgvn. Co O v A B Thrash and Capt, James P Sawyer. , . Unless unfavorable weather pre yents, the exercists of the day will take nlace on Court square ; in that city on Dec. 7 Members. of Gen. Clingman's old If you need anrthinp in the m don't fail to give tis a call. Eye specialist of New York, will regiment, the 25th North Carolina, dience and receiyed a free will sup- be at the St. Cloud Hotel; Concord, will act as honorary and active pall- pliment to their treasure. J IN. 0., for one week only commecc- bearers. Tha nh.rr nonm nf mnflin wfts ioi? Mondav. Nov. 29. Dr. Sugar- Governor Kussell and his staff will -Dixie" The audience was invited man makes also a specialty of diffi. be invited to be present to join in and drown the voices of colt ca&es particularly astignatism, Don't Tooaeco spit ana smoke roar . . , . , land all who fail to Set the right i WfeAway- ue onoo.. was reiramea irom fr6m th eM will find ,t their . If you jwant to .quit tobaecd ns- for the beat of reason. L.n ,SU him. Head- W.T . "::? The exercises reflected great credit rV::r:T-, K AMM "!8 ml W-i US?. uuuca iitutuwj vhmw j mvvviw auu Vlgur, fcaio j.i u a u-xjau, , tuo I'sWitli a Fre on oar graded echool. The recita tions indicated good training, though in the packed room the writer could not hear every word. The singing we regard aa exceptionally fine and confirms the wisdom of the board in employing a vocal ! music teacher. The effect was compliment enough to Prof. Keesler. As we hare no hall large enough for the whole school Prof. Lewis promised the au dience an entertainment by the other part of the echool about Christmas. yision can be cured only by perfectly wonder-worker that makes weak fitting glasses. Examination .free. strong. Many gain ten pounds xJr u i -, i.n a m ten days. Over . 400,000 cured. Office hours from 1 to 4 p. m. Buy NoTo-Bac from your own na.ineioeai " druggist, Who will guarantee a cure. IFOR RENT-After January L JSJ 1898, the store-room now occupied uWiugu1.J 7 ziZ "M" ;Qr, cago or New York. - FOR RENT Two bed rooms over Fetzert Drug Store. . For terms apply to Elam King. Hearse and the best ImeUbi UNDERTAKING :: GOODS in the State, crar Mr. Bell' will answer all calisfniht'orda-r. ! -1 . " i' GREAT GALEC prove tne great merit5 of Hood's ' ; Sarsaparilla. Hood's 1 Sarsaparilla sells - because it accomplishes GREAT CURED .if

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