jn.-No. 165 OONQOKTJ, N-cTDBDAYNOVEMBER 27 1897 Whole No.-lOCO iConcord to Get an imuMTnii nfln I nnnnriT . iii.;J I l' " linjc their Platform. lhe National OrganizstionCom The following i ittee cfjhe Populist party met in Concord's petition for better facili a xauw ou the 24th. It appointed ties for its growing freight business mietmg of the sme committee in jand means an early concession-to the ssffie place for January 11,1898, 0ur reasonable demands for better tBj recommended a national nomi- pa38enser accommodations. It is ssting conyeDtion on the first quite gratifying :. Wednesday in April, 1898id State wa3hington D Q No7 26 mention, on the tnird Wednesday Hfm j L e in March. It recommended holding N C Congrfowl conventions after the Dear Sie :ReferrlDg further to national convention. . Yours of SeDf ember 25 th. trr.nM Tiii outlines of the platform ; i,;, . . . . J- Jl- ' I Ollr OnlPT Cir CM n Dor hots lnatvimfinnn flere indicated a follows,: our chief engineer has instructions .1. Absolute paper money, bSSid Concord to the extent of 40 feet as opoa tTr commoQuy ana le.ource a8 he can posdbly get to It. , rf the n.tion, a-inii legal tenaer, We ha, e under consideration the aBi receivable for -all dnes of the que8tion of better pa.Senger f.cili- United a:atev tie3 for you, and hope a definite con- a Dree coinage oi gom ana nir 0lnswn w,n be arrWed b(,for al the present legal ratio; tne coin reat whn Yours truly, . debts ei tne unueu oiaitu pajauw W. H. Greejt jnei.ba at tne opuon ui tne govern- i. ' mem. Dead Easy. '.3 AU -nnncy to be.iscned by tbe That wag a a3 D0Te ag u waj I 1.- J! L A- I government ana paiu - out uireci.-iu brilliantly , fcucceeaful that the the p ople for Eeryscea rendered or Henderson poople took to raise a to be leaned to them at a low rate horse 0ut of a wtl! and it wai dead of interest on safe Eecurity, and ea8y too. They just put down without th.--intervention ot private u03e an(i tnrned on th- water till bant?, provided that the. volume of they buoyed his horeeship to the cuneucy snail not exceu per top. c&p.ta. . Government ownerships and op ration of railioads, telegraph and tekptone lice3. Lewis Irown irAtriTnArl , frnm Charlotte laa rrierht. T o 1 Mr. C T Hodges went over to unariotte laa night.: - Archited Hook is in the citv today. I Mr: Chi-1 from China drove this morning. Mr. Oh 1 Corrielina retrirneil this morning from a short business trip to GaBtohia. 7 Mr. andkrs. Luther Biles re turned ftoii China Grove this morning. n tat Ask Your DRUGGIST CATARRH Mr. Al Day vaults, Short busi ton. lea, salesman at - D P returned from on a ess trip to Lxinj- Rev. T High: Point, home of his W Smobt, formerly of spent Friday at the irnthfir. Dr. .1 "R Smnnt. Ho returned, tov Salisbury Friday nignt. BIG llOTOFRUGS. Diva Inf J D limn r Florida ran for generous 10 Cent TRIAL SIZE. ELY'S CREAM BALM 04 rttt ""5 Cpr.o3ition to alien ownership and holding of land for speculative purposes. ''6 UPPBltlOn tO Court-maue J contains no cocaine injurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once, 9 . 9 . .. , it opens ana cleanses " r- ''8 We especially recommend the the Nasal passages. PHI n Ihi UPAH , - . I Allays innamation. vvkW kimv initiative and referendum and. tne I Heals and protects the" Membrane, Restores" the . i jj : i sense ui lasic ana ouien. run jiic juv i lmnfTAtlVe mandate. - . ' Sise wp. at dniP-dsr or hv mail. m m m I ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warran Street, New Ysrk At the Baptist Cnarch Tomorrow. laws. hi H nn -ait inn in. fmta b Land- FREsi CAE ' A "MI- COPYRIGHT ' . : . - 7' 1 1 1 elling- them cheap. e them before yon y. Carpets from 5 to 60 cents. Damask and Chenille Curtains, Table Cov ers, Lace Curtains from 50 cents to $4 oo per pair. ; See Lthem. i . Gannon & Fetzer Company. QR003R5 finest eotton jflbringing 5.45 to- day. it ... 1 Rev. J J Payseur informs us that L Dreyer Brothers, Chicago s lead- Mrs. jo." N-Iamnger of Spen- .... '' L I ? r r m K r-l ccsnla Allot rtfV t Q 1 1 fiTCl TPO n t. I 1 . .V . ' ' ' there win be a missionary Bervice at yj0 cer,1 wno in8 teej in ine county, re - a TAnrftflAntfifi va tn Rfill onstom made I t' j i- A - xi'i : X. l : r night tnere will be a call conference cago, ill. tnennqider the bvlawB and- rulea-as I- . - , . , , . I Mite Meetlnr Postponed mittee. ..... I k . .-. 4 if .Jvfif r-v i Marriea at ast.. J 'i . Uiriflfttinorwiiidh was- tb-'-JiaveJ beBrjX4 '. . hsburYSun we learn uaA ofc MiBfl x.ariTlU pnon' VSi r ' .mf T iMiFS "!Edna Lowp, v 'of ' LoWeaville. rV innlumonrtV ff f . i t" the vreather 'last nfght tMjlWea atreet,,.,,-,!:, a person on From the Salisbury that the couple that was in our last Saturday night " wanting to married, have just returned from ntfZQ in profframme. "being off..ot . So n th Carolina. ' The parties "were i i iMr. FrantFarrrof Georgeville, Mr. Rod Mavo. and Miss Ella Gunteiv n nljiiir-J tl'Jiln chMWmh ioKo6f4rM,crAJ8ns., both of Spencer.: . W JSjM1J?3 i. w J r.ill Lnimrf nnma : hntirf 4h' . A octm ftiefc.- i; i.' oi i We wish to caution all users oi simmoi yi. o'-'Vfc t th'- hnniA nf h!a It certainly looks like it, but Ut er EegulWonbject ;ohi nd BB.ftoj af hfl .iil.Cnn! mterest and importance to their health- faiher. , , , . ' 41 fcuwcio: iu,hM Myw-r,., rhaps their lives. Tbe sole propnetora f""- '" W - -' JLX y ADyuouycniryuwuu at i maters. Sjirirno mg?towr..;iierwlU,.li1.covwXet. , , .7 , 4ji .vrTi..,:: .;f . Back aqd Weak,, Sidneys.. MaUrW lin that customers are often deceived by f l,ry ru:KW H''L,Vf .LrL ,rrrn-PinV-rrT-w -' - or nervous troubles" We Wean he bnYmg and taking some me(hcme.ipf W'M Rep e, editor JisW 'fc'TMSSffT!3 can cure himself right away hy riinilar appearance or taste, beheving it to faie tea iJ eon't1 ke -JlbjLJJ(& taking Elecri0 3itters.ThiB-medP be jSimmons Liver Regfe or. We warn hT e with Dn Kin g,& ew jis. -0:-'? 1 TO;!-r -JiSwAT?Si V . . -fo cine tones up the wh oe system j! ! :: dWd4li acts as stimnlentto verd, else makes, or AJ&lfe V . , ; , SKlmf 5T :.V - : leganfiRs and Melancholv. It, is UyJanybne else the Bam We alone cap Aw .'u061- & 1 . ri'ii k's!-k U tf ' .nd we cannot be reBponsiDiev-Ml a J -nAta;n vi Q vr -sssjp , v purely vegetaoie, a miia ' Jmmvo, 1 ediSies represented as tie same do lsi Xh 7 " 1 3 : ft f, R iF4OT v.uh -r.i V ? and restores the system to its natu: JW iS' olto exiecttliey cdre for Cis ;P?te Wpmz XSSy. . Hearst and liUl. XI VUlOUtllU ivvui w, i , i warsrnn Ton, tohii hi iiiiiiii: mum uaa i J-r -r n j - , . . . l j i.iH nnnci nnon rnor. rnnv hth h. iiiira lij- 4. u nt naiticra. mAiiir.nR wnirjii iuhul wilu muor 'ibiuouicoi ovouaai '-1 ? ..j -; rtr. - u.r( ? 1 1 i rvi al. j "A ir 1 rvi i i 1 ijiv aivi 1111 . - 1.. " 3 mS T V . - ' W i T- .! LADIES' HEALTH SHOES v i li cork soles and heavy rad' Donr'la kid, with mediuiu ioaud toes, are last the thing-. ro Me;)"yfa from catching cid duiuig the com liig-'Wiiiter. Of cars "there are others, " a nd we- have them . from A to Z in every shape, weiut ana fctyie, out ail ot the best manufacture, and up-to-date in every "particular. we are constandiy adding new goods, daily, & t u dying, th e wants ot our customers, with the desire tf pleasing them. We are not promising "you. the world, but defy any legitimate Competition in quality ,or price. Come, buy yourself and children shoes and have them polished and oiled free of charge at the shoe store. Respectfully, Dry L Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. Haveboughtjout-the entire stockjiof - iFurni ture r,-. t , ( . . t f ' J V O U I 4 Bdtx g at a price and they v; Jt irt His 1 en 7 7 louneed anTTthin inithe J Every bottle gU&japr fpnsupposedto be Simmons Erve Regtila4 'tbej(axehUKa?ionL.''tyQUc-aa jast.aB) 50o. a Ebottle at P B W becaupe the name was somewhat like g(jod as Drling's NeWt J?is9oyerj, riL fitknrl the rjackace did not nave the word rpLft l ftfl crnod.hflfianBA thin cle worker. Every bottle.- teed. Only 50c. a Fetzer's Drag Store. Don't Tobacco Spit ana Smolte Toar lilfe Away.; If you want to quit tobacco us ing easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the Wonder.wnrkAr that makes weak wu uo. hm m-- Tfcu-iirM-M Trn n Buy No-To-Bao from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample mailed free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chi Jago or New York. . - Xtlce. V. ji . f, . - , , . ... - t 'Min-t r-,i vat i- e, - With' ' a! - Fre the best lmeloi !.;ttfl? l. " " : '1 " V t Ut 3lJ ? r- v v ?" 1, wflKFanswer all . . w 4 v- . : . r' . .V., Vv,' - ,V1J.' i I -4 m wrapper, ana: ny.wurum w wiwwuij i--,- r - . - v Wn medicine edlfid Simmons Liver Regulatoi b an old perienced COQk (WllB. j.h.iisiluico. I ciciiioorei hi at rocer ce jonn?- . - t fcBtWle .Bric Bow j tmvaon8 2frr Mfxui$& near the Gfft jjaopse. ? .: ; ,K j j. . 4 . .. ..... r .ipw. i-wi. . . . . lr V(U U .'iL . f 1.. vt