Vol. ah. a o. J Do CONCOULV N. C. MON DAY NOVEMBER 29 1897 Whole No,- 103 farmers' Hntuikl. be Farmf rs Matual Fire In guraoce Association of Cabarrus met at the court house Saturday at 2:30 o'clock President Zeb Morris in-the chair- Agent Chas. M Palmer acted as secretary. There were more than thirtj-ti ve members present. jMr. JSC Carpenter, the State 8gent, was present and addressed the TO THE PENITENTIARY COLLECTION TAKEN. Two Years for tlie Flilllns of .Henry JLare ConerreeaUon-Tlsltla Folks Averm-Manslanster the Ycrdlct. Golne and Coming. By telephone from Salisbury we Mr. T H Cook went up' to Salie- learn that Gilbert Hammond; who burv Saturday night and; returned was tried in Salisbury last week for Sanday night, accompanied by Mrs. the killing of Henry Averitt some OooV and :;Httle Miss Carrie, who time ago, goes to the penitentiary had been vi8itiD Messrs E M and for two v ' ro M M Ward, brothers of Mrs. Cook. - j . wuomwamo Ci" I - ... ft . . ! meeting in his own entertaining way citement was aroused in Salisbury '"mo w h, insists is not oratorv U . .... . : .. Bradley of Bpltimore, spent Sunday uia ttuair, ana quue an amount wjfn Mr . H M Wilson, son -of - Mr.! called to i Pa 1 m art ar ei If f .......... I m - ageaiB-i 4ucvfiuture of time was snent on fthft p.m J TC Wilsnn pated 5330,000 insurance in the Xhe cage wag given to the iurv I Mr J T Tarl ton was coonty up to date, ne association SAtnrflav a .n . . ln , China Grove to see his mother, who harbacl cne loss, that of Mr. Flor- . , , ,." is quite sick at the abov place. DC; Wallace, as noted in The tbe ry "ndered their verdict of i Fr0m tKe sizeof the clhgretioa asdabd. At the time of this man8lauShter at 5 o'clock Sunday at the, morning nd evening eervices ,. . ' dvAA v ii evening. " " - at the Forest Hill church Sunday, lo3F which was $700, the policiea of 1 K -jk - VA ... , . lost, n , - in ! one ould, think that tnv congrga- the association amounted to 244,- Bortiware-Mciioweii starring. 0 Hon was Well pUned with th? new OOC; the. assessment was therefore Cards are -out announcing, tjie pastor -wh'oH baV b-etf assigned I ' . n-t - i. - . (T-1'fr. (t nc rt I n....! .t T : XT .llF-.r J 1 t n m fir. or rf Kav eaor-". r- . f -t i nnrH nil fvfr-v.-iiiii- n.)i h iiihi r huh hi hi ikh iiiiim i v m m i viii iiiw i ku tui j.vjx uuu uuc& i iui . . t . ; : : wih cork solea and- heavy grade Doimola kid, with medium j on ud toes, are iast- t he thing 'xo. Keep you from, catcliiner cold d ii r r?'thft o;nmL I See them before, you jibg winter, ot -course 4 4 there tanf the amount is already in the ell. of Charlotte to Mr. .Umca 1 & rchiUoHon wq Taken for the -u rirtrv4. -Pr-i are oxners, ana vV nave tftfin w i - i - . - i r m i -i i . , ii.-' ' nil u . vvn.L un ii uin i j. . rr u 1 urn 1 Big Lot of Rugs, it , v . . . - LADIES' HEALTH SHOES them. cheap. d to treasury and the time allowed for Richmond Boalware, on Thursday, Utt.? . lUB u" u ' . I ' ' .l DeriKip Siii H . n i V Inn Qtvinnnrar collection only expires tm the 12th I) camber 9th. ; - ! Tlfi4( . v of December. Notica was eivenh jMiBS McDowell has many friends j, i tfv! J H; Bracl ev Ufc for his at at the next annual meeting un tne city ana is wen Known -nere, home Stwrtifty rnnming. there would be a proposition to ere- having qnite often visited her' sii'ir, dp a small emercenov fond -th.t the Mrs. o J Lowe. might meet 25 to 60 cents. PERSONAL POlNTEHS. iuucur -" onoKlexi'H Aroun illTA. trivial losses without having to call Best Sdiva in rr. world for the city Sunday. on th? policv ho!deis for too very Outs; BrniBcs,: Sores, Ulcers, Sal r Mr. Horace Fieem m as in the T)er XQ1V small amounrn. - m, j cvci uui, n:w1H cuy vesinraay. The ones' 01 aro.. as to whether 1 y , . a' Skin Eruptions, bnd poaitivcly cures tho afteruooa in Charlotte the insurance covered -stock outside. nr noXiV nnid It is . -aueru " -?fr"?-.- - 1 . l.j!e or no pay i-quieu. Lit 10 t . -rv ta ti t .j uni. of the buildings insured . 1 he real I gnftrantee'l to in every shape- weight and; style, but ail of the heat mannfarnrft nnr? tit-- Damask andGhenille to -dat e n e verv Tia r tic alar : I LUnamS, laDie OOy new 0ods daily, studying the ATR T.q.nA niirtfl.iriR wants of our customers, with T?blS'J Hurley arrived ( from 50 Cents to $4,00 We are not Dromi3iDe vou the world, bat defy any legitimate competition in ; quality, or price. Come, buy yourself and children shoes and have See -them. i i 1) .qmed.. It is f D ; D d Johnston and little CannOtl & FetZer l6 Polished -ana oiled free ; give ctatiBfaction. ol irl came home surday night. . of charge at. the" shoe store. , Pnc' 25 cento per . 6 . -R.Aftpnf.fnllv .template thi3 as it 1 insurance their consents. Some" understood Ito Tcacbers. that a horte -ineured ih:a:barn i ins It hus been suggested. by of L j ;Mr Jale'fcReitzel, of Greens fro m Cb apel Hi 11,; 9u nd ay night. . i - ,r 1 s- - ? ' - -- ." ; '. Mr,W J Swirtk; came down from China GrQvej'SMurday night. stock as on ents of a Teacher .Association beIormea, .red aRainst o b, The anes Uon igdod one, aM ia . 1 ligbtnioe. i; m accordance wUh the reepmmenda- J ith his family. Fared anywhere, othera-'understand the teachers that a Cabaan8unybor tkitonlythc stock, as cm ents of a leacheras Association befmed building is mai fire, stcrm an It was readily seen that a uniform tion of the State superintendent. , A h J E R0ger is Visiting at titoderstanding is well enough to ar- well attenaea ana wii conauctea hisfathfira rliw, Mr J M Barrage, rive at but a decision either way is teachera' association: shonld1 H or- onorthMaintreet. fQ omoiinaf ihlp Avil lrv eanized in ever? county of the State Mr. J T, M Rogers who is em- man knows that if the insurance 6 covers his horse outside bis . stable it second Saturday the 11th; of Decern. ,i w. ull nrnA covers all others thus insured, and if ber at 11 a. m., in the, court holism tQ Bchool .at .chapel -Hill, alter he baa no meurance on his horse out- lis appointea as tne timoior meeting. Upending ar few days at iome- ' -' .j . i ' ViUr Kiini. ikl i AU tPftftbpTa m-CabarrnaVcoiintv h iur faWi hTTftnatnn r. Dry Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. pav the loea of others' borsea ander are respectfully inyited to be present tamed home from Monroe today, " ..Vbir thence purpose of ;an fJjS JS deoi8ion is arrived, at will be cheer- ojgan.ztion. . ;, , ... - penfnyV.the'hom8 of Dr. J fully acauiesced in. ! for ; ft bearr . There to-no' better way-f improT- EH!Sn;oot and returned home thia (POT frflSH : . HBHHIIHHMHHHMHHBiHiBMiiHHBaHinHnMEilH - ' ' r - - ' ' ' 1 m -3 ;; , ... u - . r i f J " - j - a 15 enaallv. m it3 advantages and disad- ing the 'public schools : than bxim- Unornin vintages, upon all: ''''.: ) V L , P.WiDK ?He, and theie Ja . no &Re Father jogeph, who held w i, V i,:UV; 'eM?ff helter .wav of imnrovine aurselyes as services - at his church in No. 5 tHcS'foW Sobers - . - - t. mil. -s.r,n n Hionnooin rr rna-, manrn .""""'"O" beat institutions we know or, ana we F8C v.iw t . All.a T.uu onftnmn'anM - . I . . t 1 1 B wi. auu Au.Jo."jrw'i""'""- Wifejc uu uuf uu;i by---Mis-tizde Montgomery, b-st of working order. V teacners. ;iomap; ofr retntned this morning irom a visit OIntne 3WOrK OI ,.iUO.r icauuex, vu XO Al0emarecMU iiuiwuyu. Have'boTjglitont tlie entire stock1 of Furniture, and good : will of ; LbweV Dick &; Comt)any.r 1 tt. Thiev Bbugmfori SBOt -Cash c y " tj TtrtTr? teacher must think' well of it himself, j iMiss AnhieiMisenheimer, .who Send-your address tooRErEncfr :vr , - - , ...a. i,00u viHttinff at the home of i. p --.J r.L- : .: j - nr. r to nth fira annreciate the value , nas neen vj siting at iuo.,uuuie ui ien or. uoM vnicago, auu.e ,"ri" v. ' - - Mr GiTiMCrowell, returned home auiF10 uua: u(tii6o oA wouuv.uvv.h .r. tnig morning. x ii B. vim. t must maKe tnem va uau. " Mrn Manbarv arrived 01 tnur merited inese iiia are as '- v, ' rAt.f. a-.ii '.pty.i,n--"n7.--- . - , in action and are particalarlefiec;t A iivL. ! l9t T1S . ' r v-i ..... ? v i ti nniorinn ,wiii iiu muuii tunniuo rnn in i ixiuru.i i muuiuui ng to the efficiency Of . the public New -York ' 'yvl'j .ii. t imparl fViof i iMi- ilriR ij Carnentei 1(1 I M. 1 L. ID UU LLU WUbV W - V I w I - I. . - - w - A proved invaluable THey are gua u, lin Ybt inthaTcountv: agent , for i-Fmers - utual anteed tobe perfectlyfree from every M" " u 1 r -Fife- "Insurance,,: Association, re deleterious Substance ahd to bV will receive the above invitation with tuyei tQ Kaleieb,' Saturday night. purely vegetabler " They "do not favor and attena tne meeting. hhk "eaten Dy tneir actiuut v .uu wj 4 . :vji x. o. . uuiiwjLWj giving tone to the: stomach and - M . -'v:;;lv gnpefv8qff' bowels greatly invigorate the sys- ji ' v' ? tem. Reaular size 25cH DerMbox. ov.,, xoy ,n , ; 71 bold by P B Fetzer, Druggist. BOU nt T' - a ti a price and 1 theyt. It - Sell Flonoa; a. Oran CATARRH ,i,v. V- Ask Your for a generous 10 Cent I TKIAI. SIZE. ELY'S CREAM BALM contains no cocaine ercury or any other injurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once,v " opens and cleanses the Nasal Poec-o 'm. iL' I vm Jl M Srthe 1 Trial SeetS aniPrtects the ftierhbra etoresr c?nse of Taste and SraeTl .icFulllSla6c'iTj , New v.rk " W Sperry, Uartiora, ono p '?VC;at drug or bv mall. "KUTHERS, 56 Warran Street AND - FRESH" : GAKlB '-5t. s.; IIP. S3 : :and - '! i'v i - Tagiye ,'ybu an0(9ppoytnnity:of testinl' the great., metit. of ; Ely's; Cfeam Balm, tne most renaDie cure fnr Atarrh and coltf id tne neaa, a generqns 10. cent trial siz3 j.can be bad of your druggist iprLwejrnail it for 10 cents. uu size ou cenia. t is the medicine above all oth- h era forr"catarrn, ana is HV- does aftBat ir ciaimed lbK it, B , v.rArF :0 1C1 t "" ' Ml 3 A doh'tlf ail tQ give us a call. r r .1 S -if. v - -a & s m :1 5 V it. V' .-: I y b a tzz cz ' .' rfi With a Fre 5 r AT 'c " SI UNDERTAKING in the State, our M4; calxslnio-httda'Ti ? Hearse .and tb ebesfc lineSot GOODS I BeU will :aiiswer3all .7 Smith GROCERY . .. .' , . . . . ? wJ 1 1;. - ". ... v . .- it . -.' ft'1' , '.'.If r . uoniDaiiv. - , .4. - v -

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