WHOLE No.IOQS . . 1 T WELCOME PROVOST evening, and all of us worked to F PERSONAL POINTERS. Makes His Appearance from gam the beat prizf bat there was CONCORD, NO. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1897 Si. Urowell, in his.hannv stvle. delivered Pwj..tniB morning China Giove, Noy..29, 97. the prizes, after which refreshments Miss Ella Walter rfttnrfirl tn jjditob Standard : You may were eeryed. Then all reluctantly, Monfc Amoeaa this morning. .i i 1 1 1 u vu mmmwa Ha nun 1 1 1 1 1 1 r nr min uiftni i ci . -w wiu . -'kui. was uwM oupennienaent jiyaer was in t-M r no i oar raw mnnrna ! - i . . . . . i t . . . . . - - the weluei uiuutuo, i tug U5nj . Ua mnr correspondent Ha nf hnt IVj u w I .:: M T o. ba3 baa bu uiauj ..w-w.f Tne 0hiQa G nramatic Glnb epent yesterday in' this citv and re- . 4 It It a a Kiam 5 . . . 1 . - . . m . - tribulations m - tt give an entertainment in the wrnea tWs morning: jeewse - mow academy about the 28th of De Editor R A Crowell. of Albe .litters," jet ior mm woo wor&s I cember. All are invited marie, arrived in the city laft 11 . I I aDd walt8 mere wU 01 re- g. uary. Snnrt h.. nirlnfl tn iinii -. .; I -Miss Mamie Pharr. who haa Tne Klondike regions may never T - v ' - been ?ipitmg relatives and friends in be opened to the world, the king h 4 . po 1 township, returned home cotton planter may decrease, the T r&ne. wheat growers consumer yKSr. : u,uox. v i UrB. H 0 Owehr and M.!W rtwr own production, but this gTeatl - v7.V, . ' M .wt8.on ho hav; t-e, n yiai'iug at Don't Neglect the Boys. It don't cost much to keep them nicely and warmly clothed that is if you buy their clothes here i 1 We are friends to the boys and girls, and always look out for them. Mr. Fe zer made a trip to New York las week especially for the boys and girls. He bought a suit for evtry boy in townand plenty for the boys that live, in the country too. He bought thsm for about half price, and we are" selling them tbt way too; You'll be enrprised when you see them, at tns low price atld good qaaluy. There sui; are going fast, no don't pot off coining tov long tc get your boy hia aoi Some I kaontifnl world of onra will Qan imi. ..;.. a n t?tjv" lu,f UDiatt ' u ao i'OOii rtiurnea lu wu; luigu beautiful worm of ours mil Jend yodress to H E Bac io t , e bom Ja aligQr thi8 Not every boy will wutVa Reef, r o0Te onward and upward, advancing ffeV9 morning. V , ;J . Over Jacket-tbat iot every boy's . nhri.i.nu sample box ofDr. Km es Ntvr Life r- Lr rir v-i. - J1 1 1. , - j - : - uittiun wm unot (Dgeiocr Duj one lil s . y :- i - ges ,U""WM - . rr. Pills, Atrial will -con v lace, you the 8npreme Ruler of the unU 0f thr merits. TheseDills are easy terse shall decree that lime shU be iD action and are particular! efi(ec-1 ro more. As father time moves tie ir the cure of-ConBtipatioriAtidu Ite4uhi.y along were one r"S" TOlSI familiar to the inhabitants of our proved irivaluable. They are coar little village and whotfe'lif- and I anteed tobe perfectly free from every I werev was devotea to ner ooa wei- uphjmjuumh" iuuowiu uu irtrir1 TUf energy t f. . purely regetable. - They do not RESM: 1 4 ' fare have pasted oyer the riv.r of f iheir.action.T boi "by: M: ,4 dcatn ana meir Piuc. fuavcu gifinj? tone to the stomach5 , and j fey jonsger men who, though young Lbowels greatly invigorate the sys- ; ..ur,M A innftr,tn fVi da-Item.: Regular size 23o per box. t many are the changes recorded upon J neat it if t can. lip napes of its historv. Today I Here comes the cotton record foil! AT v 1 o m 9 , . , --. churches, school buildings, one of whjcJvr(Bjgn 1 houses, etc., are being irected. ThVh0asP We we're told eomj ttme,.rjE'Iili';e;--& time may come wntu cau HuaaM that a cotton recoroTrasj soon to J . QRQCER5 of our magnincent.cnurcn.eaiaces, come anQ Capt. Ohas. McDonald, Smith 5 V s 1: cotton factories, elegant rei.dencea of bar oityj now has. it f or pabiicai Esli.r .ndalso riv.l Yale, Princeton d tion; " 01I oV CKic Mn 'MoDoni ; Ene!n( 3 XSnmsrardner. - Engineer Bdmgardner, who wrs so we d id n tge t a Ree' er3 forftJ boy in town, butr we got; apotlt Cw d,zen very nice pptin, tf tWel !tbe aboQt 25 nobby and stylish ioclcink boys around town when thipse Heifers go out, Who will these iyiieb looking boys b? jjWell, tbr? ers don t coat a fortune ?they re veri chio andjnatty AUd yunr boy might a wel f 1 nave oni any pother todyr hoy. W have rctfert f or httieirl too, bra Uapes ftQd jACietf fpr the r Then asto' bead irear well,;we're in-tbr::swiatost anjd aas. isrery style you csa-thinfc cxV and the pricej Way, itV nothings- is and5 as cents for caps worth 50, 7$,;r nd $1,25 i Ifsf ndiculous, bbtit's so. Gome and ess for yourn Self, t krWii- i.:-J:. cannon., cc X o vl " W ' ' V 3 aldhae. realized 11,843 poundt of shot Friday near.Pletch'er by a deaT With Sw.nk, Orowel , Patterson hi;X M perate chaVactef atned Lambert, Carpenter and many others of :pns . tniicre, died io the; hospital , at; Asheville ,nd energy we may yet look, for J . Sunday night. There is mnoh sor- greater improvements. .-. lm,, thal no rowramong the-i railroad fraternity, . The msbjtenan cnnrcn near- ,! oyer his death;' as he was popular ing completion,, y the .Uhina roye ago wc uu high Bohool building is' in course cf the north-western part of ouncun erectioa. Some of our old bachelors ty made ' nearly a bale to the ; acre, are building nice4 ridencea and 'in hut in this case there - is an, average obedience to thef! Din vine injuno- 0f one and three-thirteen ths . of a tion that manwasnot, made toliye balr to the acre C v Visl&V . -. , jut- - . . .-i . and well known by the railroad men -Governor Rus8ellhas offered a reward of $400 for the capture of alone may at 8dme' future titae take nnto themselyes some fair; maiden whose pslace Bncklen'aJiriilca t , , ' Salr tppt We mighrenumejate many -;other Han(tfla ohilblaihs; 'Corns and ale business improvements but time for Skiri Eruptlonsand positively cuTes bids. We - win fOTctpoffitne social- PHes torcpayreqni-ed lt4 u guaapteedi 3to.i giye MwfactipjbpJ . .' si nionev refunded. f;Price,25 centS:per Mr. -Frank Pattersonansiswr Miss Myrtle,1 accompanied by Misses itdre, 1 iJ ' V CoraW.lftViid Me Miller. tJl-U -il Tciiie HiW attending iebooF atMC aieasant AkVa . spent Thanlsgivingwith homefolkfi ft)r. MSnBawshe'm LADIES' HEALTH. SHOES . " ' wi h cork soles anCL . heavy grade. Donola kid, with medium round toes, are just the thing to keep yon from catching cold d u ri ng the com ' ir Wiater.( 01 course vther are, others, 17 and w have them from A to Z in very sriape weijw arid. t y,U tint ail: of ' ilre fiestramrlactnre , an d Tip- to -da t e l nx p very . xia rncnla r ; ''v;we': arconstandly adding new goods daily. tii dying the wan ts of onr cm tlms, wi'tli the desire of; pleasing rhem, WenTe-nat premising yon t bo ,Worldr;bnt def y any iegitimatiM competition quality r or f price; Cqinev, buy; yourself f and children shoes and have them pdlishejd , and oiled free of charge at the shoe stored ? , itRespectftilly, : ? - - : , 't ... : i. ..... i . r . i. -v .: vw-U:i f ' . , Dry 1 Miileii il oi iyc ru ivi i o i i c; tvo : " l! company ' . - . X -V- ' 1 i Osborne Lambert. ":$ it .. : ' TTairhinTifrht. nnf. thft AnMrA flfnnlr of TTnTTilfTirA and go6a;oWilP?6fBB Ciy' ?; "Ti wiah tb caution all users of Simmon lSver Reguli )n a siibject of the depeet interest and imuortance to , their fhealthtr werhana .tneir uvea une.Bpio pruunctuio V haa.made BimmorisMver ttecuiai inVtMAtsalled Bimuiotfs -Liver 'Regulator; ,; J Dy anyone e;s .41x19 aint. v e aiouB.wwi . .vi st w v ai j 'Vii,ot'.ivtj r $ 43 returning Sunday afternoon Missed-Ml e 8hi at4 w.06 tH liSJl welcome. detect of ethejeyes known asastgi matism which mostlyd causesj heM TUT n.trrfii. i I . i poud to m( (about .flfSper centjof . . l ' 1 wsM . I nosed , .1 lUO'UftSM uuu u.i w & o 7 , , 1 and such are traveling put it up, andJweaunot: beesponsible, h I . , , , flrrfTC' ;ftoft?Mrfp.SftDreaferitef as Uiersaine aoi - " " :t ' ' l UotThelp you aa.jyou ar.led to -expect theykjbv e'St rJji Sail : Ml lvastt tmi!$$ aeen in WnwwS jff hij rjm jrv jlrT nil l&UJlJ J- fOU supposea to a oiiiiuiuuo ixji vo gHf 1 f .ctxaidcc iv a ,vrT,Wsi-jt ,f t u a br, becatrpe tbe.lhamea.sornehat 'like i.,and thetpack.acefcaid not nave tne.wpfa tJno Zisia., cere .dq jeeu javoraoiy xxusffti. io .aur j 1 tii wno use h kdow row uw58ujr m 10 wi i Fever an'df'Asni Villous : Fever; Gonstipa-J ",v"u wnma oyouw lcanf DeSuCCe3SIUllj ' Conccrd with his brcftherTFrea, who! PBfi ticians: qte wk.:- M vit?, M j Wfewther loialr mi. ... . . :ii i. I The tnnex to the 'Patterson mills has been IsompletepDanolvtfiere has been II new Whitin Icoms ptitih; Everything is in a " hustling conalj tion just now, ' xoAnviin The many f rfends of ; Miss Ethel Patterson were delighted: with the elegant reception given ' last 8atur evening. "Litefaiy Leayes" was as 1 can proveHt br numerous testiT monials from leading.citizens of this State. At the St Olond Hotel office. Honrs from lrto'pm. ft fff; ! ! 1 Examination' free v 1 . l OOOD'O Sarsaparllla has over ana UTU cover : again proveo ays iui cures, mViAii all other T)rcDarauon liuieu, tu4 a most .interesting feature of1 the! U jthe One True BLOOD Purifier VH An idon Headache: Dyt pepsia, and all disordeis :We i&kpii'itbi' look; for ylves, lee iriJic Jbiramons ijiverxvtjuiaicn, nmui. T6uJa'Ti n?adily -distiniih'by tlis Eed 2 vedicica called gimnvOTS Liver KeuIatOT j r. .. 3 Hearse7and;tliersMhe2o Xotlce. r ., ... , .. v., ,.-fV..-.: 1 . ; . .-;,..,.;.' .. . . ; Wheny on want - Fresh Oy sterf , stewed, fried .or raw, birds on toast, fresh fish or a "iqoare' meal, prepared by an old - experienced cook (Wils. MoMoore) "caU at -Bbger & John? ton's1 1 Restaurant in the Brick' Row near tne uoort-nouBe. - , 7 W. ' in tlie' Stateu otm ? Mi:i !r Bell will iitswerSall' i n s ( In iia -Ijj . - m 11 111111 1 a s t m a i m L lldlllfi, WMMh . . ? . . . r. ...... ; . - - : .... - .lan-J : t : 1 r 1 1-edT- J.iIic7:i?;

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