CONCORD, N. 0. THURSDAY DECEMBER 2 1S97 f. lim Whole No. 1067 YoL. XII.-rNo. 069 FUTURE 0UANGE3 To Be Amongst tlnr Business SI en at the First of tne Year. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Democratic Committee MetTues- ' day Night and Issued an Address. There will be seyeral changes of The state DemocrftHft exenntlVfi business to take effect at the.first of commUtee met at the Yarboro Rouse .98, some of which we have been re- Tuesday night in Ralegh, quested to hold until now. J q The firm of Lowe & Dick are go- . Waa foil and free diecua, in, out of budness, though can not Bl0Cr of Political matters withoufc say that they will be oat the first of reservation by members of the com the year, The future business of mite. these two members of the firm is not Col. Francis D WiDston lntro definitely decided upon. duced an address which was adopted. , The store room now occupied by The address reaffirms the principles Lowe & Dick will be vacated; .the of the Chicago platform, rejoices at first ot the year to the firm of Gib- I the Democratic victories m the re- 8on,& Morrison. I cent election, says the greatest vie - --- - ' luncs were woa m . me. oiarea wnere t It . VV " Vv A M AM Tr VA 4 - In A I who u uccu cugcu ;iu , Wm. J Bryan -personally appealed to . B j . J . the people, views with alarm the de- T I lit: - tni I' riianAtitinno f hflll" I jury, oJt PERSONAL POINTERS. I Mr. Ed. Beltbn returned today. from High Point. Mr. M J Freeman left this morning on a busine&s trip. Merchant CT Hodges went to Charlotte last nigjit. - Mr. J H Mason returned home last night. , Mrs. T P Johnson and children returned to Salisbury last night, af ter visiting relatives here. tonrtitHt'- t m t Miss Lena Fetzer, left this .Leaders, morning for bahsbury to spend a week with her friend, Miss Mary Bernhardt. ' 1 t -.. -. . . - 1 Misa SaUie Belle Erwin leit thia luuiuiug iui uiiaiiuur, iu uti ju at tendance at the marriage yi her friend, MW Loia McDowell. - 1 will1 discontinue their business here the first of "the year Mr. Littles is jet undecided as to what he will be engaged in, while Mr. Chal Cornelius will take a part nership with hia brother, E L Uor- pressed condition of trade and the low price of products of the farm, think 8 those who assisted in carryi ng the State for Bryan and invites theta intn the councils of the party Florida OraxL -on ntlius, at Gaatonia, who id engaged pondemos in strong terms the pres in the dry goods bui-iness ent rule in this 6tate an ends with The room occupied by the last To joor tentp, btx Israel !M namea mm, ib now rt-iu irum tuc 'L-ne loiiowme: resolution w&s tirsVof next year by Mesera Ervin & Smith, though wa are informed authoritively that the plans of this firm for the coming year is not de. cided fully. PRE: AND M : CAKE: .AND- For Over Filly Year Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has -been used , for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their , child- unanimously adopttd: That all white electors who in- Q AC K E R tend to voke with us in the next election, and who desire the rees- AT tabliehirient of Anglo-Saxon eoprem acy and honest government in North Mgj.jj , SlTlitll S Napoleon Gladstone and Dep- w each a leader in. a different line, encn successful because he devoted , him -8erf to one line ;of Bndfavor and himself master of i. l-ii---1 1 a e Bucoessfal in our lice, it is becttue ws are .thorough' master of it. We ktio everv1 detail from A to Z Sue; easful ujerchandiBinV is having whut people netd, and want 'o buy Dd in .being. able, to sell ihesc: things ar. prices, people caa af ford to py. . Now when farm prod vcra ar ctuap and wages and salaries I'jsv, int is tbe time, for merchants tr doubln vheir ffcts to bay goods low 6o that they can tev boju-iow . Kihr. hre we coma in.' Weuse all our energies of mind and body to g-t the riht things nd atthe low est i oidible prices. We are here to serve on r costomerf and our con '8tHnt effort is tohayw what jou want and need and to' save money f ryou by giving you' lower pric s than you Woald have to pay otherwise. Whatever pur experience, our QRGCER5 close at participate in all our primaries." The meeting came to a ren while teething, with perfect eucli 1-30 Wednesday morning, when final cess, it Bootnea , tne cnna, boiujiib aojurnmenc was uu. the gums, allays all pain,'cures: wind The following members of the colic, and is the best remedy for committee were present : , , .'- little sufferer immediately.; SoloVby Clemen Manly, cbairman,no. Highe8t temperatnre 76 on 15th. druggistsra every part of the world, v i nompson, secreiary,ji. o jiit Los?egt 25, tJ 19th Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be su? j T F Kluttp, J R WebaWr E J Hale, ? 24th ana asK tor "Mrs. vv insiows dooiu- J j j Laughinghouee. J rou, F -L lLg byrnp. . ana tase no omer kiuu winBtnn TT RStPvflnB W.D MnTwr.L, . ' . . . .- .' mormai mraa leuperaiure E 0 Beddingfleld, H A London, J E Tntt r.;f.i, Bnrl Accident. . , Y0nDg, A; EWaUef B7 Qfttt&i J -NTnrrnttl mean rainfH The local freight train met with D Glenn' .Heriott Olarkson, . H B . No. clear dflJ8 18( part, ciond, 4, an accident on the. side track lead Vurner Paul -B Means S TPfmb9r- ; - , R ing to uaeirs iaciory yesteruay ion, 11. u0, : v y xwittuu,-- w No of days on which rain fell 6. (Wednesday) evening. xne cause m h iQ. rain feiLbetween the Beemsipe the :8ame that usedR J BrerdrManv and 25th of the month. the wreck on the.. Atlantic jDani P"6 jPVV , Rain fell on the 1st; 10 :h, 25th, vine roan . uuut jjxouuht , . uiKm i -i " r ' I Bnfklen'i Arnica Haire. Monthly Weather; Reuort. v Following is the monthly weather report as furnished, by Trof. H T J Ludwig, of Mt. Pleasant, for No yember : 50.5. 49.3. 3 31 m . 2.65 in. 26th, 28th and 29th skill, and our most earnest effort, becked up with Gash, can save in buying, that we giveio our patrons. And we 'Jo saye our customers mor ey. We have evidence of this every day. Lots of customers tell us that. Come to us for "what, you want. We'll be sure to save you money on what you buy: -t. - C ANNO N & FETZER CO . LADIES' H.EALTH SHOES j - wifli oui k solns ap heavy ;ra'- L nK ki;i, w' It medirrrjj imui ru-8. dd j'lfeo thtliin to ' k V jr vu Irniv catching cJd 'L.i-J! p u c ing. W L'.ter t'j liwurs Titer: are otlirb,'' It'kve rheiu V f rom A ! b Zi v r V b t; t p Weight ;aiw1' .mvU'v !-' ' 1 a .l at: t le best rirdnifatrure, and up -t to -date in every tcaiar v e a r con s t a nd I y u aaing new o(-ds daily. the-' -wnnts of our Mir iTit-rj,. with' the desire of )iUa-in them. We are not prr.inUiiig you the: world, hiv de y any legitimate? competiiiou iu quality or, price. Oome- buy yo,urelf and chi drHii shoe and have; them polished anil oiled free of charge at the shoe store. Iiespect fully, L Miller- SHOE FURNISHERS. A spreading of the rails. It was., de- T, Ro0. R,-B fl f. layed two tours, -thoogh no eeriong Outs, . Bruisea,', Sores, . Ulcert, Salr Thousands suffer from Catarrh or damage was done, as it was; travel. Rheum, Feyer.Sores, .TetterOhappt SSSSrS i ciW-i, , Hands, OhilMaihs, Corns ' and ale tned.-tbe popular remdy. There is ingTerj slowly. ou: ;t;i .- no longer any excuse, as alO cent J,-:.-&- - SSL1 3- trial sle 6T Ely's Cream Balm can wUlHr ' ? l. 1! be had ofyourdtuggistor we mail O Wii-HKHSTG. gnaranteed to give U.tisfMtion:ol ?tr l0 cents; Full s?ze 50 ceats. -tfewislTto 'caMon'aU.serlofBiminoM hnr Vny baIp at P li Drria . Pu.BVl.P&PPr XiverRecraktnr on a subject of the deepest! - - .j,:. - -v -, terliapatheir lives. Tiie sole propneiors tad materai of Sip'mons- irer Kgulatcr laew.Bakery in the Cityi learn thai cratomers are often deceived by . buying amir taking -t some imedicirff J kfi tliii'ilar appearance or, taste, belieVmg It to - be SimmoIisiLieri. Efigulator. kW'Jvctn; you that uiiUss the ?word Bega!atqr b or 'foe package if bottieHfcatit is iro'tkmonaf Liver. Regulator. No coe elsjmaI:e3,tG5 tver' has made Si mmcn.s Li r er itippularf fS Anytng called -Sr:nruo?ift Jjivii4UiitUJ-l ! ut J..-H .Zeilui z Co.. -nc? jdicine njati oy anyone ela 1j the bixck.. & We alone cair - ap, and-we cannot hh -responsible; if 5thr iQedicine3 represented as" the same dp aot heb you aan-ou are led to' .expect IheJ ill. Bear this, fact well in mind, if you h aVe Deeti in the habit of usicg a mediciEf pJiich rou sup posed to be Siminons Liver Keguia lor, becaiifo iho nam was somewhat like t. and the Dackae did nbt iav the word Regul?.tor on it, you -have been . imposed apon and have not be. takirig Simmons Liver Regulator at all.O ;rhe Regulalor ha? been favorably' knOwa foi many yearsV and ill who use it know how necessary it istcr Fever and Ague, Bilious Pever, Constipa :ion. Headache, Dy-pepsia,"and all disorae'iF arising from a Diseased Liver. ' 1 ' t "We ap,k you to look for y -urselves, ana ee that Simmons Liver'Regulafbr, which you can readily distinguish by theEed 5n wrapper, and by our t name., is the onlj Medicine called Simmons Liver Reguiatoi J. H. CO. Mr 8. M 0 Dnsenbury has had a nice oven - bnilt in rear of the: old poateffice f bnildin, and will. Boon lopen tip a new bakery for the- city The baker,- Mr. Joseph Kearney," has arriyed from Miomsbursri 0., r and will begin as soon as the necessary arrangements are made, v-: r Dr. M. SugarmanV ; the well inown eye! specialist1 "of.'Kew.' York, now stopping at the StI Cloud hotel, will continue his practice' thes whole of this week -; If troubled with Jour eyes' or vision jou will find it to jour ad van t a ce to Consul t himl Remem- ber that jou pay nothing for exami nation of yonr eyes in buyipg glasses of .the dpctor which jrieans avihjg of $5.00. (the usual i price of examin. ing t hJLI ?JL -Wlll nrnishthe best quality of glasses at moderate prices. Office hours from 1 to 4 p. m. ( Perfpns ffiicted with headache should bear, in mind the fact that it is frequently caused -by. defective visions and can be cured on'y by per fectJy fitting glasses. '56 Warren St, hu' ;f v V - New, y0rk City. A friend advised me to try. Ely's Cream Balm and after using it six. Weeks j I 1 belief e' myself Reared bf catarrh,1 3 "It is ak boost Valnable rem-. AvenueBrJqoklycr, ; 5 f Anotber Cbans:e iii Business. ... Mr. H W Tuckei1, ; who; has for some time been j conducting a dry; goods store at Cannon vine, next door; to -r C obbins, has ; sold out his business to Mr. A: J ; Rose and -brother, of Cannon ville,, who are) now working in the Cannon mills. : -: -. c :. - ".. - ;. . ' s Belly FURNITURE. 5" CENT COTTON 1 Cuts - no1 fii?ure with us. We buy in car lots f r casb, therefore -giving our customers the benefit & ; .GTO .25 ! PER CENT. -SATISFIED WITH A UVING PROFIT. Come and see presents, oiairkind. CMseiedfpr My- bccasioii fronv5cjtQ 500. Christmas is comitg, For the next 30 days, we wiU giye pur customers a chance, to save .1 monev. - f i-i 3 .... '." ..... i . .'y i.i ? ; If I' ; ' , . , r . "Undertaking business and Free Hearse and the best line of supplies . in the state. Mr. "Will Bell gives his personal' attention to it. Call answerea day or night, ; ; : irtore Second Groirlli. Miss Laura Shoe, of China Grove, presen ted ; three, nice second-growth peartf . tb l Ttik' Standard today. WHile tteiy are remarkable, as all second-growth .fruit is, they were not like Mr. Hay nes' pear, in that it surpassed the first crop. We re cognize the courtesy with thanks. Ml 'fe k Gfi it -.