Vol. XII. No. 172 MRS. GRIER DEAD. COHGOIU), N. C. MONDAY DECEMBER 6 1897 Whole No. 1070 A MURDER AT GREENSBORO. sue Enters Eternal Rest at the Ripe . Trifling: Fellow KlUs nis Wlfe-IIis Old Ace r Ninety. After lingering some months with catarrh of the stomach and old age, Mrs. Margaret Grier passed into eternal rest at 7 o'clock Sunday morning. With the exception of this last 3 ear, Mrs. Grier had enjoyed Brother-ln-Law Tried to .Shoot flim After lie Was Arrested, But Was Prevented the Murderer In" Jail and Under Unard. Greensboro, Dec. 4. Saney Ryan, a worthless character of this city, Who has figured in different unsavory escapades and who has been kept anlpndid health, and devoted much nf her time to reading She became bu8y 8everal months eludig a bride at the early age of seventeen, mcei s "turned to his home ;onbtte- having married Mr. John Bovd kouth A3he street this evening and and became a "widow in less than one during an altercation with his wife She was the eecond time aout b dO o clock pulled a 38-calir PERSONAL POINTERS. ' Pink Misenheimer spent Sun day in Salisbury. Hotel clerk Deberry Fisher spent Sunday at his home in Mt. Pleasant. Mr. J F Hinderlite, section master at Salisbury, was in the city today. Messrs. Geo. L Patterson and C J Harris spent Sunday in Char- ONE : LOT OF Ladies' W J Sink, of China Grove, Spent Sunday at the bedside of his brother, Mr. Fred Swink. Dr. Suearman, the optician, left for Charlotte Saturday night, after married to Mr Andrew Grier, the ore pistol and shot her through the father of Dr. S A Grier, of Rcckv neck, causing her death within half p;vpr. ' an hour. At this hour the causes psndicgseveral days with ua. In her old age she was remarkable that led to the murder are not to be for 8trongne88 of mipd, clearness of learned, but it is supposed that Ryan Mesdames Elam King and Geo. M Lore went to Charlotte this memory, and excellent conversational made unreasonable demands on his Mrs. James Wolfe, wfio is quite ill. nower?, wife for motiev. she haviner sunnort- , , , , , r t x. jjr. uivm a garrison, oi ueippe- bhe was a granddaughter of John ed him and their seen children for mer Citv.eDern Suodav at ihp home Piul Barnnger, of this county, sister yeara . 'A 4 of his father in -law, Mr. D B Col- After the shoo tjn Ryan came e ' s down town and, it is reported , iiss iana lowe, oi iowoaviue, . , . ... - rr, who has been visiting at the home threatened the life of County Treas. of Mr S J Lowe, returned home urer John Hodgin. About 8 o'clock this mornings Mrs. Lowe accom Chief of Police Rees and officer panied htr, and will also attend the marriage ox ner eieier, iuisa jbois Fri- Jackets TO CLOSE OUT AT S.oo of Gen. Rufus Barringery and is the aunt of the Means family of this CitV. Te funeral sermon was preached at Rocky River church S'inday evening at 3 o'clock. The and $2.'HO Oranges -AND- remains were taken to Charlotte ouul uaVUICU ucar vuo McDowell. She will turn todav CMondav) and interred in and carried him to the city prison, day. E im wood cemetery beside her followed bv a crod of 8everal hm Mr. W R Stark, manager of the Hancrhter Mrs ' Hanrv R Williama . dred people. Just before the officers Market exchange here, returned ' mt mtm reached the Benbow House a brotner this morning from Newberry, S. C, Don't Tobacco spit and smoke Your I of the deud woman, Wm. Jennings, wJjere " "as opened a branch JLlfeAwar" I.. j . uuiue. A.A - - , i eieppcu in iront ui tue prisoner anu Tf 7nn want, tn nnit tnhnorr no. I 3 r v j I leveled a shotcnn at him. Some one well, strong, magnetic, full of new wrenched the gun from Jennings' H I OVl fl 1 me auu vigur, taiio iu-iu-joau, tuo i rjanus Dciore ne naa time to nre. wonder-worker that . makes weak When arre8ted Ryan had a shawl in ten davs. Over 400.000 cured. and dresa 8k with which he evi- Buy No-To-Bac from your own den tly intended to disguise himself druggist, who will guarantee a cure, and escape, hrs heavy moustache had Booklet and .eample mailed free. preyiou8ly been shayed off;. Letters Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chi- , J, . . caeo or New York. iouna on nis person anu auaresseu to different parties, snorcea tnat ne Mr. Moses Kiattz Paralyzed, I had caret ullv nlanned the horrible Mr. Mosss Kluttz, of No. 6 town- deed- In a letter to the Daily Reo-Q A 0 K E ehir, is paralyzed. He received a lord he stated that if be could con stroke Thursday morning early on sum mate the d-ed he contemplated AT his right side and about noon of the I the community would be shocked, same day he received one on the and then went on to give a history 1 P?fyjn ' & Smith S omer sine. mr. nmuz n m a very ot nis iamuy amirs, scoring ms rnnrPbc faoVilo nnn flit inn Kpinor 9. vPAra rilrl. I mia vArkvxlA nnmorni ?nllTf' T?von I I V1K wCIv At 4 o'clock Sunday evening he was escaped j ail here once. He is under resting somewhat better, we are cnard now for various reasons. Mrs. glad to say. Kyan, notwithstanding her unfortu Less than cost of material. Grenuine Bargains. ' Ladies' Knit Wool Skirts. One lot of iLadies' Vests to i . - - i go at 25 cents, worth 35 cents. Cannon & Fetzer Company. PRE fi : CAKE: AND The Iiynchites Tronble the Cnurch. At the Methodist Conference in natfi ftlliancfl with snph a brute, has Raleigh, Rev. H B Anderson, of - i ..... ... For over jFirtY Years always borne an excellent reputations bouthport btation, statea mat nis Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has She leaves seven children . work has suflered considerably from over fifty years by . . . . the influence of the sanctification been used for n e .u;- ,-a Land Sales at the Court House, ren while teething, with perfect suc- 4A6vfilAMf LA S HEALTH SHOES with cork soles and heavy grade Done ol a kid, with medium round toes, are just the thing to Keep you from. -catching cold dizring the com mg Winter. 0 course "there are others," and we have them from A to Z in every shape, weight and- s tylf, but ail of the best manufacture, and up- to-date in every particular. V e are constandiy adding new goods daily, studying the wants of our customers, with, the desire of pleasing them. We are not promising you the world, but defy any legitimate competition in quality or price. Come, buy yourself and children shoes and have them polished and oijed free of ch arge at the shoe at ore. f Respectfully, , 4 Pry l Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. : r Bell, Harris & Co. cess, it sootnea tne cnild, sottens selling day at the court hocsa. , Folfc the gums allays all pain, cores wind 1 . gom9 c the t;sct8 8old . colic, and is the best remedy for . Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor The home place, m No. 5: .town little sufferer immediately. Sold by ship, of Mr. Geo. Walter, deceased, 1 . . m , . "'11 oruggists m every part oi tne worm, WHfl finld for C200-boaht bv Mrs. x - - a Today (Monday) was quile a land extremisU; that while he believed ana laugat tio uuuuiuo ui uuuuceo, he did not advocate the extreme ideas, hence a certain portion of his Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootL iLg Syrupi" and take no other kind Walter. : The Johnson estate in No. 3 x to wnv ship, containing 47 acres, bought for $235 by Register W M Wedding. ton.v. ' ,; -:. J f i Part of Samuel Kimmona home A Bad Niht. Saturday night saemed . to be somewhat of a bad night Again for, the po1 icemen, several- disturbances having been noticed, a good bit of it place, containing 133 acres, in Meck-j arising from strong" drink Our burg county, K M Kimmona guard- policemen are doing some good worklian, brought, eight dollars per acre in looking after the immoral condi-lbid In by Col. P,B Meanf. tiOn of our city, and it is hoped that the work will be pushed. Ca8caret8 stimulate liyer, kidney and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c. . . - )i Sotlce. When you want Presh Oysters, stewed, fried or raw, birds on toast, fresh fish or a equare meal, prepared by an old experienced cook ; (Wils. McMoore) call at Boger & Johns, ton's Restaurant in the Bricfc Row near the Court House ! t House and lot con taming seven acres, sold by Mr, J S Harris, ad- ministrator of Jay Harris, for $100 to Mr. Stafford Goodman. -V. notice, Knights. ;? v'V- Knights of Pythias, Concord Lodge No. 51 will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Work in the first rank and a social banquet. . All members requested to be present.,. . . 0. L. Smith, 6. 0. H. M. BARaow, K. R. 13 people became dissatisfied. -This seems the direct consequences of the sect known as the Lynchites, ' Assignment m Winston. , . J H Dingelhoel, a merchant in Winston, N. C, made an assignment Saturday morn gin g, J Lindsay Patterson as trustee. .Lia bilities $12,000. assets estimated at $18,000. For Sale. One new golf suit indndiner can. stockings and suit, Latest sty le. Cost $8.00, will sell for 65.50 Apply to . D FrankCannon, J r. t , " : n f 20 PERFECT and permanent are tn& cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving BLOOD. . ' F- CJI ERVOUS Troubles are due W I j impoverished blood . Hood's Sar saparilla is the One . True Blood Purifier and fJERVJV TSfilC- , :t FURNITURE. 5' CEN,T COTTON : ; "3 - ! - - a. mam mm Cuts no figure with us. We - buy m car lots ia cash, thereioro giving' our customers the benefit of saving . - . - TO 25:pERCENT. SATISFIED WITH A LIVING PROFIT. t ? ' i -a - . - ;i - :- ; --.. ' . ': " ; - ' A 1 ' Come. and see presents ol allkind. Can select for, any, occasion from 25 c. to $5oo. Christmas is comitg, Forth'e next 30; days, welwilllgiveour customers a chance to save . . , J ' ' . . 1 . ..J ,jf 1 f S i J- .i ' money. . . . . . , s : Undertaking busineBBlacd Free Hearse end the bet t line of supplies in the state. , Mrl-'Will Bell gives his personal attention tto it. Calls answered day ornight. Bell . Ilarris & uompanv. v, :i T . ' . tf f J. ''-. V if