yoL.5II.-No. 174 CONCORD, N. 0. vWBDNESpXY;:DECEMBR-8J897 Whole No. 1072 PKKSlp.BNT'S MESSAGE. . . ::a1: vnnts .Kawaii-Clvil rv! co Approved Reciprocity Art- i he Preside :it's message is before ' .'orld todav and will be read,in tnt icty by a very limited numv though it-well r.epajs perusal. ibe financial., question receives attention. By way of hopeful in our 4 bisi ty to steer the finan d i fcLip the President calls atten Lion to ".'be ;reat reduction of the u itionil C.ev since the 'GO's. He ?.tea a good field for improvement in oar nut onal banking system. He U the eovernuient toa much bar- b6qer-cook wedding Aud Otner Sews From Bit. Pleasant.' This evening at 5 o'clock the Lu theran church was , filhd with an anxious audience. The aDrDmted i . hour bad come when two more lovn ng hearts were to be joined together n the holy bonds of matrimony. Minute, after minute passed by, and no report which would announce the arrival of the bridal party came from the vestibule. At length the orches tra was ushered in. The audience became more impatient, but their anxiety, for the arrival of the bridal PERSONAL POIiMTEKS. Jay Sims came home last night from Gastonia. Merchant D J Bosiian is spend ing the afternoon in Charlotte. Mrs. Geo. M Lore returned from Charlotte last night. Rev. M G G Scberer, of Mount Pleasant, returned from a visit in Virginia this morning. Messrs. Will Flowa and Jim Watson spent last night in Salis-, bury. Mr, C T Hodges, the ex-shne dealer in our city, th'm moruiii'ff party was soon appeased by the sweet for C-ar.IotfB and from them he will strains of "Victor" and ''Autumn return to his home in Norfolk. Leave? " so perfectly rendered bv - -- -- -j n:-d to keep all our moneys at a .,:.rily. Like hia predecessor, he. de plores -tha fact that, the greenbacks : u't stay redeemed after they are r ' med. He thinks that gold should be received for greenbacks : j h tld m the treasury to be ex o :-i gtd for gold only. He would lj.ct tte tax on banks, allow the issue of bank notes to the limit of 1 he bank' security deposit and allow bmks of minimum papital of $25,- 000 for the benefit of smaller towns. The President deplores the issue of bonds and thinks action to make it unnecessary should be taken. -The President evidently hopes to keep Congress quiet on the Cutan ques tion, pointing out that the Spanish policy is no longer one of detruc tion; but of preservation, progress and amicableness. He thinks the United States should give a chance to the new policy assuring Congress 'that the administration will act promptly and vigorously if occasion arises. The President urges the ratifica tion of the Hawaiian annexation treaty and points to the fact that the islands have demonstrated their ability to maintain the government of statehood for nearly five years. He does not exactly admit that Fnternational bimetallism is hope less. : ' free trade with certain nacions only, is advocated. Some progress is being made to save the seals in the Pacific waters. The President urges international arbitration and a completion of our naval equipments, including more docks. The Altskan situation is viewed " r and steps urged to protect its in habitants .from "the peril of. starva tion. ' - i There are white people in the In dian Territory with less chance than the Indians. -This '.needs' attention Quarantine laws, he thinks, should be extended so as to prevent the in troduction of epidemic diseases from other countries and that, provisions rLould ba made for an expert com tension to investigate yellow fever. The President asks Congress to determine whether the government shall buy the Pacific railroad and own it as property rather than let it go to sale at much loss to the goy eminent. , : The President would much rather improve and perfect the civil jservice lawsv than repeal them. The closing section urges .economy ' of public expenditures; ' Florid US o ranges and -AND the orchestra. The ushers then closed the gates and we knesv that the party had ar rived, and soon the wedding march began. The gate girls, Mirss Magi sie McAllister and Annie Barrier. came in and opened the way. The FRESH I CAKES i bridal party was then ushered to the altar by Messrs. Rilph W Barter, Walter M Cook, Daniel D Barrier and .-George F McAllister. First iT9 WD A if" WZ . JU O came the waiter?. Mr. Luther Hart- I sell and Miss Winona Cook. Mr. E 7 T Bost and" Miss xddie Boger. Then came the flower girls, little Annie Belle liarrier and Katie Barriner, followed by the bride leaning upon the arm of her brother, Mr. John M 1 u - Cook, and the grooin led by his brother, M . M A Boger. Rev. H N Miller then proceeded to give those ni03t solemn vows in a clear, distinct and very solemn tone of yoice. Thoy were gJUUi iU Ct OUlb, UiCliUYY bUUC J CO, WAI.TCR TgN- 71"' AT Ervin & Smith 's - GR0CER5 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Still in Session Today A. r.ot of Busi ness Before Them. A Glance at a Shoe that comes fAom our stock is sufficient tu show ih?it our gcoda are stylish and well made. We do not believe in carrying a trashy article. It would not pay us to sell it it would not pay you to buy it. Let us sell you one pir of our shoes. We will then have yon for a regular customer. What we want to do, and are bound to do, is to f urnisn the BEM1 Shoe at the price. That is, our Si Woman a Shoa must be far and away the best shoe of that class that is sold for $1. So witu our $1 .25 sboea for both ladies'and men. And so all through the' line. What we offer must be the BEST for the money. If not, your money b-ck. Cannon & Fetzer Company. N. B. Just opened tdavt 200 Bovs' Knee Pant Suits. One lot at TUe county commissioners were 90 cents. The same suit exactly ,V 1 . ., 1 still m session until today (vvdnes-1 that has been selling: all fall at answered oy Docn tne Driae ana , . . , . Ui OK -.., . .e davk O.uite a lot of business out of $1.0.- - and they were pronounced husband "" u -T" f " same that we eold thfs fall at $M6A and wife The flower trirla having Puu"u B UiCOfc,uBUUU tuc " 90 cents" aird-Sl 50 is less, than strewn the aisle with roses, husband cora rfa . wholeaale pnee. and wife, followed by attendant?, S' HEALTH SHOES wiili cork soles and heavy grade Dongola kid, with medium, rouud toes, are - just the thing to Keep you from catching cold dining the c;m mg Winter. Of -'.course "there are otliers, and we have them from A to Z in every shape, , weight and styU. but, ail ol the best manufacture, and np to -date in every parncular. ; V e are constandly adding new goods daily, studying the wants of our customers, with the desire - of pleasing them. We are not promising you the world, but. defy any legitimate competition in quality or price. Come, buy yourself and children shoes and have them polished and oihd free of charge at the shoe tore. Respectfully, Dry L Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. marched out of the sanctuary, and the audience was dismissed Rev. Boger and wife, after spending a few short moments at the home of the bride, left for Mt. Holly, their fu ture home. Our best wishes for a happy future go with them. Last Sunday Mr. George J Miller, son of Tobias Miller, and M ss Jen nie E Propst, daughter of Mr; West ley Propst, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of Rev. Paul Barringer, The couple over tne nonas or xne uiuerenu 01s fleers. Mrs. Nancy Honeycutt was or- dered to be taken to the County Home. It was ordered that the Southern Railway Company within sixty days fill in all crossings on each side and between the rails, and that; a flil and proper approach must be made on the south Gide of crossing at Harris- burg depot. AUoasebold necessity. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the rvs rnl nrnn A lf fl 1 monindl H 1 BOClX! fT was irom xvowan county, anu hfthft w tileasant and refreshin t lough strangers to us, we with to the taste, act gently and positive them a hanov future. lv on he kid nevs, liver and bowels: m, n. D. DU. T.. 0 I cleansing tne entire system, aispei The Pi .Sigma Phi Literary So cqa cure headache, fever, habitual ciety will give a book reception next constipation and biliousness. Please Saturday night. The exercises of buy and try a box or U. U. U. to-day, fhft pvpnimr will nnnniflfe of fissavs. lu, oU cents, tooiu ana guaran J ',1 Un) tn nnro Vw all n rit croriotH: J, f Lia x trof. nr Hrir fnarn nr iln Moses Klattz Dead. we live iu luwu au . uuugiu; from the order kept on our streets on Saturday and Sunday nights, we would say that we live in a country community of bad repute. Our commissioners have forgotten the fact that we pay town taxee. Let us have better order after this, or we may refuse to pay up when your collector comes around. A NOTHER. Dec. 7, 1897. Bell, Harris Co. FURNITURE. ship, of whose stroke of paralysip. The Standard has made mention, is dead, the news having come early 5 CENT COTTON ' ' ' '..' . ' 11 f 1. .: f - t A mm . V. Al-i ah f rvm. ' uuts no nure wnn us. ve cuy m ciriwmi a caou, mciuw giving'our customers the benefit of saying SATISFIED WITH A LIVING PROFIT. Come:and see presents oi all kind. Mf I Can select for any occasion from 25 c to &5oq, J ust try a 10a. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. ' Notice. 1 , When you wantPresh Oysters, I stewed,' fried or raw, birds on toast, ffesh.fish or a square meal,. prepared by an old experienced cooler (Wils. McMoore). call at Boger & Johns ton's Restaurant in the Bncfe Rqw near the Court House. . y this (Wednesday; morning. M.nnn o rl Via norrioH rinthinfy Vnf. I - , - wu wmigivtJ uui uustonierb tt unttuuc lu cclvs? money. . v Undertaking busines&lird Free Hearse aiid the best line of supplier Mr. Will Bell riven his personal". attenticn'-to it. Calls a good name. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn the loss. All the children are grown, and il married except the youngest daugh ter. His remains will be interred at Lower Stone church Thursday morning. Baehien'i Arnica sairv. The Best Salve in the world for Out3, Bruises,,. Sores, Ulcere, Salr Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappt Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles) or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give atatisf action ol mohev refunded. Price 25 cents per box: For-sale at P B Fetzea Drug store.'1' x ' ' in the state answered day orlmght, ' ' Sell Um k Gnpair. ti .v; . r f-i