Vol.. XII. No. 177 GOHUOUD, N. C. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11 1897 McANULTY MOVES TO CHAR J An. did. Relic. LOTTE. v -W I Mr. Jonr Moore slowed us. a ieu-uonar oiu or uonumniai mon a mll Wait hnrrnnnilintra. I - J J v . iiwvnca " ...... -w . i -trvrrn -r m...u.fa i,.o-.i H?an. Prmiea m oy james way is ana . Ithfi rninor mn.tt.Ar m GiWnnndoH guiehed citizen in the person- of - "rT.- ";iZT j . , i mm h . m i m v- b mm w- Pmf Tnhn MnAnnltv. who has been . . . t . ' , , . . t, separate border,, is the motto; " . r . 7T Cr T r'Unidn of Hearts the Sfrngthof ty. The professor liv6d in a remote corner '.of the county, near Bethel church, in a house built after the design of a Swiss cottage, and his Interests," - The first - disphy line on one side is the words, , "Ibath to Counterfeit." This bill was mowed by Mr. Moore's great-gran CJfather at the close of the Revolutionary i . . . Ain.KAnnHinrM nraio nmnna in onavTr TI6 , , , , war, and Mr. Moore says he k gb- respect. He first gained a local . . - , ,. .,' - a f. " , , , , iug iu KHup uaouiog n uowa u loe Whole No, 1075 PERSONAL POIWTfiKS; i ;! .Dr. Ellis, of Charlotte, is in! the city loaay. . - 41 t . MachinistJ .Motley is spend ing the eveninWin'Charlotte. i Mr. Harry S wink is spending Sunday with relatives at Juno.? Miss Loijl Walter Went orr to Charlotte this mornicg to spend Sunday with'h'dr ibtber. Dr, T Qr CaldwellreCurned last night fiom Ne well's, here he vis ited his mother. Re?. J C Davis ye it t Lxin ton lastj night, whnre he Wifl icon duct services tomorrow. reputati9n ' as the man whose clock ig to Keep nanding . ;t r ofl8rei ten dollars for it ofteit. wouia bqi it oy tne moon. rroT. McAnulty was also the possessor of Ntra7ed op stolen a bear ekiu overcoat, which was the Mr. Jas. F Day vault, one o be pride of the county, and which was meat dealerB of oar city, Htfd a! foe always U6ed in the country schools Jersey cow to disappear, from as an offset to Daniel Boone's coon stable on - West Corbin Btreet 1 skin cap. He was great as a weath-night. It was a horned cow "won er prophet and never recorded more weigh 800 poands. Mrv DayTauf than 99 out of a possible 100 misses, had just bought the cow from Mr Prof. McAnulty and his family, John Rankin yesterday. If yoa whinb is'ft larcre and in teres t'ner one. I hannAn to Jcnnw anvthincr fthmif. Tir are now located on North Brevard whereabouts see Mr. Day vaultj itC 1? A , ' . , A miserable Looking; Case. Cotton Mills. Charlotte Observer. n , , . iu - , i ,r v , r By all oddrf the moit drawh up. T We are sorry to lose Prof. Mc- " , , . ,. . ; . A u crooked and miserable mn we have Anultv from our county, though wuw,kCl au" ocl U D we know 'his CabarVus love can 8een for 80me time came intp our fcrVin OTS i i Oranges i-iND " FRESH : CAKE: never decrease. To his fame, it office today, for a pull,. of course, should also, be added that Prof. VVe promptly urged him to apply McAnulty. is the originator of the for admission - to his county home wonderful uecrooter-mole-rooter.r bis seeming to us a case eminently fit He also has another singularity, for the county's care. He promptly and that is he never tastes the first withdrew How every tender; heart glass of cider, but will not tell you has an impulsVto aid the afflicted, about it until he Has doiie away Dut siicil;.relysrefu8fi.ttie''&re . with it, thsn he takes another to0ffere(j ;them. encasing to play upon taste it. J the charitia : xt the world. We red. tbinrinkt'mrtfean half the time nt of they haire an able-bodied acedtn- Consumption Positively Cured Ghilhowie. Va.t certifies that he had I phce somewhere aXaitibg to i share consumption, was given up to die, j the prooeeda, unwilling to arn a money could procure, .tried all . . . - . . cough jemediea, hp. could hear of, Dover, N. H., Oct. 31, 18&6. buiot ..xdiefr spe?t : many gg Bl BRos.:-The i Bil nigntsv induce cb very n'SnWn kM5 and 6 relief. I fiJa shelPed been attending to business, and in.. ,rt- w nrtL !5'D? ni, ,83yi? the store 8h4llv receie thekifl Undone lSX--hS 'and MxCtwa BaJrt will rejgtr B llso for others in his community; Preme- tJl i: JUr. JMng 8 ;ew uievwyuiy io gum- j an Q K E R AT & Smith's 0CER5 That will please your fancy; fit your shape, and sustain yonr reputation as a good dresser. 1 Suits That will "please your, wife if you are married, or win the p.bu dn if you arembt married, the yicihd in-which Mr." Risley Get oneTI ZC - desires to ate His colon v. cannon -' To lpate a Colony. Hr. B. IHley, cf Pniladelphia wilt shortly bcate a colony at or near Gol(LHU says the oahsbury Worlo. Iifiigeht,4 Capt. J J New-. E fine Journal, the new Pail'y of ' icord, is before us. It is bright, rsy 'and neat. It seems to have cc ihtd a narrow field at tne call b: ity. It hf3 dor good wishes ioi lie of ueef ulness.' - eu King s JSew uiscoyery 18 guar- j - s ; ii tee for Cougbfy Colds a,nd Con, .r,Crim Bali,w kep by ail f og mption(. Itdon'tfaiL, Trial hot, WtsUeize 50c. Trial eWiOa . l T -a T?flfoi.a "nrncr ftfnrV We mall it. , ; x tie at P B Fetzer's Drug store. Tbe Bicreest or Ail. EkYBEOTHERS, 56 Warren St,i How toXooii Good yt) ;;. GoodOooeAilyore thad skin deep, depending entirely otf& healthy condition of all the vital j organs.;; f If 'thet; livep bejinactive, ' oti havei a . bilidus1 look : if your stomach be disordered, you have a dispeptic look; . if your ; kidneys he affected, ydu haye 4 a pinched look. ,- Secure good::health, an,a , ,ypu win surely, haye good looks. t Electric BittB'1 1s: a tood Alteritive and Tonic. , Acts directly; on the stom ach, liver and kidneys- Purifies the blood, cures" pimples, blotches and boilfc, and gives a gpod-compiexion. Every bottle ! guaranteedi : Sold at PBetzefs Drug store;'' ; 4 . Xotlce. . . ' , V ? When you want - Fresh j Oysters, stewed, fried 'o': raw; birds on toast, fresh fish or a Equare'meal, prepared by an old experienced cook (Wils. McMoore) 'pall at Boger & Johns-tbriV-RestauranVin' the Bnclr Row near the Court House. The, eledtric Ji Henry M Neill of New Orleans, v v has revised his estimate, oi tne cot-1 street Lights toncrop Mq P"Yi paoflB it at ' 11000,000 bkiVs,'? 500,000 above an estimateBometime agq, Tiis Mi Neill saysi is- due toalmost'i favora ble late feejaeon for? maturing tlje cVop which is often blasted, j ; ew York! City. (itr on tne streets 5?? Abernathy downed' 1 27th' bird last night. He seemplly to have a humo on e seem fcr birds ' i'he BlerEon Gold Leaf,4 as a journal, j arrived at the age of a feet sisi and is bright and hope- fal ai t romantiQ age inspire?a May it ljto reverse the figures. - 1 1 . . will bfe i cut off foV aWut twb hours in tlae Meat i period of (he nignt for. a short while till the new electric, ma chinery, is dulys installed! V. The power js.nowhinBumcienc xor :tua demand; ,but .wUlaspon be kxrJl strong. ;The icityj will be credited tor the amoupt of seJvice loitj1 5 ( GdNcottD 'ELfectRic Light. Co, rs , Carelnl. Wife. 1 ii t"No w Benry dpn forget ! The band round ypurti hat means; that you i must order i that medicine, af the idruggisVe; I the string round Veur finger is for the theatre ticket the bow oh your arm is to remind ybu to post my " letter to mother? and knot in your 'handkerchief is for that paper ofsneedles and' Hat bean in your shoe williVemind yoii nf the ' corn plasters.' Good bye, i ' -1 . j . . ' d be careful of yourself I u - Exchange. I Good News to Teacners. .'The town treasurer says the Graded School teachers will be4 able to -get their wages next week. tVe ilxadtion alliuaersW Simmoa Jjiver Relr on a subject of .the deepew interest importance to their health oerhaps'f lives, r. -The,- sole proprietors learn th Jtoarers .re jofttt' deceived by brivimt Itaking i some 036(1101 of a be ISiraiIver EeguMtot y warn putaacss. tne ? woia xjegn jaxor is on fepaOT bottle that if is not Simmons Llvar Stbrk-Noi bne else; makes, oi ver kks&Simm6ns liiver Begulatoxoz 1 . i v i j i or t r '.iii 4 l-X T ,T7 t-r 'V Ori onr iyiuIi'mtio rrf'o-1 Bill J . II li v- vy, v .luivMiyiMau Dy aayad the feamt; Q Ve alone can ' Jthermf:4Pr9etieti as me same ao UcA helf 3 - JQK ar led, to expect they jrilLt oiit well in mind, if ybu have seen inlabit of .using a medicsne- rotrsuto be imipons Livtr Eegula-; & liadihelname was somewhat like i, andiickage did not have tne word lpon a'ye ll0t hern taking Simmons U ver itor at all. O The Regni ator h as &eeh U ly kxibWi to: many years, and ill whj i iknow. how necessary it is for Fever Bilious Fever, Constiia ion vf ne.'Jpyppepsia,' arid all disorder? XfiSiti? -Diseased Liver. 1 1 ,Veoa to look for yurselvep, and ee tiF 1110113 Liver Regulator, which fou cfdilv distinguish by the Red J :m tr?. and hy our name, is the pnii redi cimmona mver neiuaiu. J. ri. CO. . Not buiiaing lots; but lots of Durable, -Dressy and Sty lish suits for winter wear.; Suits That will add finish and style to your, appearance. Suits , That will gratify your 'per sonal pride and win the com mendations of your friends. Suits Comb FetZer any. ; Sanita Clans Is Already Making Tracks for onr store, where he knows he will find a stock of t hoes for every one that are thmgs of beauty for Xmna presents. Forladies we have them in uoat and Kid skin. For men, Calf, Vici Kid, Kangaroo and Patent Leather, also Tans of beauti fal shade id Ladies' and Men's. Also we would not have yon to overlook children's in Tans, all of whirh combine comfort, Ptyle and dura bility. Ve carry a complete line of polish, any color for any shee, also a line of hosiery which cannot be sur passed Give a call and convince )Ourseif. Respectfully, Dry L Miller, SHOE FURNISHERS. FURNITURE. E: Outgf neSfieufe; iwitipob; , Weftuy in car lots fifcasb, therefore Mivlnerlour cnr8t8fiTjlHb J ' Q jtS PEga gent; SATISFIED WITffU&IVING PROF IT I it i'WiiOS-l VlSS 4cSliliv.;5j !i-f..-,-. .-...'3 . ... , uome:ana see. presents pt allkiiid.: GsLff sel0ff& Wa$ occasion &om;S5c3to5ooj GltsisiGomi' FotiiM njext) 30 Jdays,' j&ev?i$i&6ffi?.'' customers a chance to save money;' . ; ,sr ? tederfaB Free1 fiearae'andltBctbeBriine' of supplieB inlthe stated MK ill feell given his personal attention io it: Calls answered day di;Qight, 1 Ml i .

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