- ' " - ' ' mi mi 1 1 -i i j ' ri - - i -i TT t -1. I - Vol. XII. No. 180 CONCORD, N. 0. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15 1897 Whole No. 1073 TEIE MERRY MILKMAIDS (jave Their Splendid Operetta Fine Vocal Productions Not a Good House. It i3 very much to be regretted that the weather w;is un favorable for the rendering of the Fpkndid operetta, "The Merry Milkmaids," in Ca'on's Hall last night. There was nothinglike a fall house, though th3 leserved seats were tolerably well taken up. ' It would afford us much pleasure to rela'e the story of the beautiful milkmaids with their' loving smiles, but space forbids. We can say that AID SOCIETY SALE. Produce itnd twau nisturbers et in their Work. Editor Siandard Will you please be so kind .isto announce to the public through vour newsv sheet The Cennord Sta on Thursday, the 23rd mst., the Ladies Classical Aid 8ociety, of New, Gilead, No. 5, will sell at puU lie auction, to the highest bidden for cash, a lot of produce and one worsted quilt, aprons, handkerchiefs and maoy other articles too tedioos PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr, R A Sappenfie d cama over from Charlotte this morning. Drummer W G Painter,, who is known in this city, is on the streets today. Miss Lora Walter returned from Charlotte this morning, after spending several days with her mother. AT C to mention. Sale to beein at 11 o'clock a. m Public "icy ited to at t?nd . ' Oao night la3t week some mi a - it was good from beginning to end ceant tore 80me weather boarding j ,.u u i - . off. of the Shinn school house, diss and vwth but tew exceptions all trict No 5 tbey made e' acted their parts "tip-top." way to the. top of the buiidicg and Not saying, in the least, that oir tore down the brick flue, down into girls who took part in thi3 operetta tte roof throwing 'he brick in every are not pretty all the time, but of all dirfction. The parties are spotted . ! , , . . L , and close hampered. The Grand pretty, rosy cheeked, bright.ejed Jury Wlll be likely to find a true bill girls, tbey were on the stage last against the accused. ige last against the accused. night, and we cannot blame the "Farmer Boys'7 for casting a wistful eye at them . R J Cook. FRE3H Fancy ' Package Candy Keceivad by Kixoresa Today. Tne ajtr-rfnt vocal , combinations n rr Q I I J ? "I .1. l a it I XT Tvr ; . i I 1 ' 1 J I B J 41 were sp enuiu irom me soics to tne iNew .Luecavery is me oniy ining -h Jyifj 011X0 S chorub of f irty voices. mm uurea uiy uugn, auu ins tae . . R a n.nr. ;A l Miwr-i nave. y v vauipumi, UKUCKP rico.v.v au uc mercbant of Saflor, Ariz., writep, ...... 8fi5 8 ' i Saota : The Discovery of the Day, C1PES. piano, and as to" her excellent skill "Dr. King's New Discovery is all every one knows. I.et Thera-Come. Snch a lot of style and beauty you never before saw gathered together in one wrap stock. Our cloak buytr nas been either particularly fortu nate or particularly Bbrewd in his purchases. We have really been surprised at the remarkably good that is claimed lor it: it never fails. . ' tt ti . hF" v luc.lcu,.aiaau,J L, : commissioner vv n Diume in- nH mpttv thintrs he has succeeded XEe amount taKCn in ai mo QOOr . . firmfl nfl that it. is vprv nmhnhlft in rraMrtrr f. to mnat-. Tf?asrsTikh e VJ0UE08 ana uo;as. 1 cannot gay . - 1 iU fiv,iviUfi . v,-- enough for its merits." Dr. King's? thaFtbe chaingang will be btarted prices. JNew uiecovery lor uonsuapiion, to worn on soutn Main street next CougbB and Uolds is not an experi- Week. The rock amounted to $32 05, though there are a good many expenses to be paid vet, - Robbed the Grave o r 1 w rjrjQv x likj luua li uouui . wiu uo ment It has been tried for a qnar- aced Mr BIn iand 80me at. thfi hfiad Tt Tiftvpr disannnints. distance below his residence. Ac John Oliver, of Philadelphia was Free trial bottles at P B Fetzer's torney Morrison Caldwell received . 1 A "1 i 11 (lT I 1 -i I llmrr hfnm. Iottot enma timo orrn Elannir thnt. lit -" II i 1 ' ,T r. 1 t n Timii nfMnfriA 1 ui 1 tne oiaie couiu let us nave tne nny .nnton fnnn V.notorl r.oinonr, U- 1? , U . 4: M , COn VICtS at the fafSt Of thenar, SO Cliuacu, wwubwu, ulu uuu i mi. Ut Ui JJi X1 Utf ii ii k, DUii. L i. 1A 1 I tininuallv in .back and sides, no h?rHnk Fcrart nf N"n 11 townshiD lfc not he long before a large appetite kept on gradually erow- L,, mrHpd this tvpninr to Miss foroa of hands will be tearing up mg weaker day by day. 1 ree Luja HaiI, daughter ot Mr. Joseph our old street and putting in some pbvsician3 had given me up. For- -u tt a Tr?nnr.nfrVi , ffiniot- L.. tunateiy, a inena aavisea iryiDg in Miss ball has been staying at 'Liectric Bitters and to my creat Lu i.. Tir0 n.t-0 frr iov and surprise, the firsi bottle i .i -Luy . t BcVclni uiuuiua ijetain i. j v. tt ttt continued their use for thiee weeks, woense naa oeea inaeu ui . r, ii ti Marr.ns Palmer, son of Mr. VV A Gannon & Fetzer Company. Is Already Making Tracks for onr store, where he knows he will find a stcck of i hoes for every one that are tnibgs of V auty for Xoaas presents. Kor ladies we have them in ijroat and K'd ikint For . vi. it:.: tt : j tt L. .: f i men, uait, vici jxiu, ivang?Toa ana Patent Learner, also Tans of beauti- ful shade id Ladies' and Me.n's. Alfic we would not have you to overlook children's iu Tanp, fall of which combine comfort. Ptyle and dura bility. We carry.a complete line of polish, any color for acy ehf, also a line of-hosiery. vhrch cannot be sur- : p4&sd Give a f a'l ar d com mcc yourself. ' Reapec' full, uer ry SHOE FURNISHERS. oi'v of Monteri'7, Texas, be- ,t h J Brvan. Bf the way, 0 are the and am now a well man. 4. Know TV t t V Amenpan nponle coiner to rut un they saved my life, and robbed the Palmer, and Miss Joana, Morton, American p.oPIe gomg to put up other victim" No one should fail daughter of Mr . Jno. M Morton with Mr. Bryan s duck shooting? to try them. Only 50 .cents per bot- Both ot these part:e3 are irom tne js not that going to lose him votes ? tie at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. BROKE HIS JUG. H ad It in His rrnnlt Went Home Without His "Stuff." The Salisbury Sun sys:' 'The baggage department of the Southern at the depot here Monday niht was the scene of quite an intereting little episod extreme eastern part of the county. Mr Robt J Kiser. son of V Rufud 0 Kieer, has obcained license to be wedded to Mis3 Nannie Don ton, daughter of Mr. 0 H Dorton. Why Mr. Cleveland ehonts ducks. S Bn the Stomach caused reat Suffering Was Confir.ecS to the Bed But Now Able to Work. "In October, 1895, 1 had an absces3 in Still On tne Move. Editor Rufns Orowell. of Albe marie, isMn the city today. When asked by a Staidaed reporter what my stomach. I was also taken withpleu- hoA verv badlV. I was (i t.hA maffpr wirn trio 1 nnnnrn- A gentleman supposed to be ircm Alb,marle telephone line, . 1 L. A A.-t r nrna rr1Yf I Bell, Harris Go. FURNITURBt uoncora. or wno 8aiQ ue waa guiug . ucon fiTj ha to that place, 'got" his jug broken. Kof f, t .rA v,a;n(y BnmA trn was full or "fuller" and was in We -n procaring the 'phones. He a sorry plight. He had:put hn jag aIso eaid lt ,wag not yet definitely of ''stuff" in his trunk, jmd while declded aa t0 whether this line the same was being handled by the WOnid be connected with the Bell hand at the baggage room the jug telephone or not. If not, it will be was oioKen ana tne spinta ui nu- connected with the Concord syste 1: ii . .1 - I . . ... menu apnitu. The owner was in no condition to care much- for 'his loss. He was ff Viv rhv9leiari3 but did not improve , , , I UXWUbWVA X v tnat It j ve up all h0pe of ever getting well. Informed m. helped on the train and went on his way rf joicing. He will, however, be minus that jag today, to sober up They cannot tell when they will be able to get the 'phones, but hope to have io in working order soon. Sirs. McKlnley Buried. The burial of Mrs. McKinley took place as noted in the program Tues day. The assemblage was immense, rmfcwif.hRtan diner the weather was The Best Saive m the. worm ior rry unpie8Sant It rained the Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salr fl fiftnvfl8 sheltered th Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd unappi on. Bneklen's Arnica aire. Mv rio-ht side was swollen and I wa3 not able to walk across the room and was confined to my bed. I was advised to try Hood's Sarsaparilla and begai taking it. In three days I could see a change for the better. I kept on taking Hood's Sarsaparilla until I had taken four 'bot tioa onrf nnntinned to imurove. I am now iVij UUVt "M w AT able to do a good day's work on the farm. M. E. Mann, Demossville, Kentucky. 1 pi n n Sarsa oarslla Is. sold by all druggists- $1 ; six for $5. Prepared only by a I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. Get Hood's ana oniy aioqu . Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give otatisfaction ol monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store - Cascarets stimulate liver, kidney, and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c. ' , s while and a canvas sheltered the grave and the relatives. The Sen ate and House in Washington ad journed at the hour of burial out of nspect to the President. Christmas Clerfcs. Miss Grace Fisher and Walter Fink are staying at Dr. Gibson's. Master Luke Lent z is employed at Dr. Fetzer's. ' ' ' 1 HOOd S PlllS pills, aid digestion. 25 M. B. STICKLE Y. - r Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SI EblAL ATlhbiTION GTlbH 10 COLLECTIONS. Office upstairs in King building near Postoffic. PE r F CT ancl permanent are tne cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving B LO OD Bi m f f ache ana Rheumatism reneveq Av Lby Dr. HUes Nerve Plaster. ) 5 CENT COTTON Cuts no; fis:ure! withSus. We! buy in .car lots t rjcasb, therefore, givingourIcustomer3 thelbenefit.of'sayms - : - ' 20 25?ER cent. r ' SATISFIED WITH A LIVING PR0FI1 ;r" Gome; and see presents ot all kind. Can'select'for any occasion from 25c to &5oo. Christmas is comitg, For the, next 30 days, we will give our customers a chance to save money. : Undertaking busineseEaiid Free Hearse and thtlbest line of supplied in'the state. Mr. Will Bell give his personal attention to it. Calls answered day oi'night. Ml. Harris k Goninanv. 1 .1 u 1 4. 'i -

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