CHARGES UNSUSTAINED. PffTerent Kinds of Charge : Brought Against the Snixrlnteuaent of the Chain Gang, but Rot Sustained. Ion. The limbless Cotl We received some time ago a prop osition to advertise the JnoVann limbless cotton apd handle the seed i as agent. The commission was fair, little more than half As noted in Thursday's Daily Stakdaed there was an extra sea but onlv- a I J -. u ylj VUUU UUU sion or tne county coinnmsioners what some editor eaid he was offered, held on account of the charges of If the limbleps cotton is a good Mr. Will Sidea against Superiwend thing we want oor farmers to have ent Blackwelder, and also as to a it, but we wonld rather not see them balance oi wages, claimed to be etill bite freely, lest there be found some due him. , ? , - , J fake. We give the following that It wa3 quite a long discussion, seems to us the most comprehensive lasting from about 9 or 10 o'clock brief statement that we have seen. in the morning until after 4 o'clock Should any of our readers wish to in the evening As to tne charge try th3 co.ton wo will take pleasure of Mr, Black welder's being drunk, in aiding them: there "were '--wrnessea that testified "One of the features of the cotton that they had known Mr. Black- growers' convention todav was the ...... I - - ' - welder udcI had worked .with him un exhibiting of a nfcw variety of cot- if 1 I I . 1 I.I .1 ..a. .. ..... ice cnain gang, ana aeo ome owners ton,snown as tne "Atrican limbless, that happened to be with him on tin 1803 Adokh Kvle, while wan the day Ih it Mr. Sides mentioned dering over (Central Africa, ca e and they also testified that they had across a nety species of giant cotton never detected anything of that na- in ihe valley of the upper Congo ture. Other charges of a frivolous river. The plant was not under nature were brought up for the cultivation, bus appeared to grow consideration cf the commissioners, wild on the marsh lands. Ic differed Attorney W ;G Means appeared from other cotton in that many, of for Mr. Sides and tried to bring out the stalks were ".-as high as 20 feet. every point he could in' Mr. Sides' land the bolls were coanected directly favor, without, aa he said at the Uo the sulk witnout any intervening start, bringing any charges against limb. x Kyle cut iff a piece 18 inches . action of Mr, Sidea. Attorney Mor- and finally c une here. risen Culdwell was the cornmieeioners. " After weighing all the evidence so interested F W Jackeon. a planter of the different witnesses and attor., of this State, that the latter asked nevs, the commissioners ordered the to see the specimen. Kyle gave it following entered unon the minutes to him, and in the spring of 1894 of the meeting : That after inves- Jackson planted a large number of tigation of the charges brjught the seed, obtaining only 57 nerfect against n n. iacweiaer oy v vjistbiKa in ms crop, me ion -in PERSONAL POIiMTEKS. 1 Mis- Ina BarrinErer. of ML Pleas antspent Thursday in the citv shopping. v Attornev W AT Smitri: onrl M " - VU j JLi VA 4.1-1. l John Cook spent Thursday in Mt. xieasaubun Dusmesss. Mr and Mrs. S- J Dmrha m. ot Besemer, returned home this morning after spending vesterdav in the city. At .A FRESH Fancy. Package' . . ' ' .."Candy , Rsceivad by Espregs To'day. MATERIALS FOR v , EVENING DRES5E5. aeta Clans Japanese Silk. Lawns and. other dainty textures that are . i u inexpensive ana preuy uj f AlrPiHv Mnkincr TricAz inst what von aut for an ls Already iYiaKing uacics evening entertainment. for oor store, where he knows be You'll need a new evening will find a stcck of fchoee for every rlrf ss nr tn wnrk nvfir and re 0 one thnt are tnings of beauty for vnnr nlil nn hftcanse Xmas presents. Kor adiea we haxa tainments during the Holidays . Uf, -Vici K-d KargHroo ana usc airerv; -fn, fihf,( lf( udif.a'jini Mfti's. Ah Just .what yon want is here 1 a r KQt41 tn rtrrrwc Japanese SilRs, Lawns, bilK chndrera in T?nfs ?.ll of whicia nnrl Wonl Albatross. Favette ,v I -lire" r Iml i--V f Q-r n "TV fll k rvl A I u: ! T17 .. .... 1. TJ.-, f- . ....j w w. . -j.v . I01iv LW UlliiULCU M UlllV. Veil I ? (. !illC .JU3 Vfc. in sitting with Talktn to a rroun in a hotel aab wu puuiiDilDVA dress or to make. the new one, polisb, cny color for uny Hhe,alaoa- i a j. i . e . i r i, . -. . . . . - Kvle related the above incident aod am0Un,B I la.e p . ' .a" and the prices -that's the tne of bowery vvLich oh, n?t be tor- Ervin Smith's GROCERY A Piece of Pension News. It will be remembered that some distribution and amori thera was oriceg are so low that vou can jonrs if . . . . , i . , one for $62, which was tne iargesi afford to have what y oil want & t i. - A3M-.ii a j one. A.gooa many nave wwuueicu i u yon come to oar siore 101 wnoit IS mat uraws iuo u'&uco n, pension in the county. It is Mr. Cannon & Fetzer Respfcrfuily, B Sam W Tarlton, of Mill Hill, who wna nhntrlnrincr the war. and who 1 m,u -- 5 r. . ry Miner- SHOE FURNISHERS- I Sides, th.y be not sustained, a-ko which he experimented was very gufers eo intensely at times x. 1 J ,1 - "J T 1 1- I ' J .i.ll '.. ' . . ' inat tne kuuaru ueuiuea luat iuk,- i poor, ana ine siaiKS oniy averageu i welder had sufficient cause to dis-leicrht feet, with an occasional excen- corcert on tie23ri p.riarcre Sides when he did. Aa to inn mpflanrin 14 feet . The max- Rev. H N Miller, Ph. D., princl- the balance claimed by tides, it was irnum number of bolls on one stalk pal of Mont Amceoa Seminary, was decided that no more be pid, aa he was 187, and the ordinary run av- in our city Thursday in the interest , , , ... - A v . - .- mi . :. f vot i-rn?ilflr institution. harl r-r-n TtAHl in tnll Tnr litH fffir t: I trn.crpri - i 7 nnitfl. 'I'nfl. Alflr Rn ui vi kv-"-- I " I tt- r Uv rw fiirt nor 1 m. I cotton averages only eight to eleven iB u" A- I j iUv r tv inn ktt u--n, nrovemeni8 ou iuo cgluiuxj ILJlfH LU L LI D K Lhl I. I - Company, Robbed the Grave A starling incident of which Mr. it VUa naVtm a am Bnon;M building to bring it up to mora -ri , . TI1 11 1. I J. lAO M uaiiVI. J. uuu i 1 buvuivw l - . Thn 11 ippr nt Whil(inlnhi,'i. wnal J - I j . Tho rrknr "-.rt. vv- ...., -.v .. v, - , . j i 1 1 -fin Laoueru tuuiuucuvi ,.-- - the subject, is narrated as follows: "I was f oand to excel the - old greatly. 4 : the was in a most dreadtul conition.I lhs'nt-xt year tee amount oi proa- My sKin wa3 almost y enow, eyes JJCt wa8 increased slightly, and m sunken, tongue coatea, pain con- 1896 five acrei ylelded three and a uninuaiiy iu ua.t. Diucc, wi .t appetite-kept on gradually grow- &alf bales to the acre. From the 10 Weatier day Dy Guy. JLnreeiurup ui xouu mere is buuuu occu iu '-". T r rKvimfln j had eriven me up. For tunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided . improvement. 'I continued . their use for three weeks, nnrl am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the plant 2,500 acres. It is expected that with, proper fertilfzition the seed will produce five bales to the to be siven on the evening of the 23rd, inst., by the young ladies has this obiect in view. Having the V?orh fln. auvautago wo n.a,- , in wt f cutionary merit, no doubt need AQlL naTTlS iO . ".. . . . entertained that the concert win ne a treat, and the cause is meritorious. FbRNITURE. acre. rha new variety has five "locks" r i or divisions to the bolf, whereas the -S7 No . obo eh -- W . fail ol- style has only four. The locks tn trv them. Oalv 50 cents per bot- in. the ordinary variety are only tie at P-B Fetzer's Drug Store. I three-quarters of an inch long, while kind ia one and one-half wsa the ripro , . VUU UV TT tit - ., t, -.Qr,f inches long. While the brand has A Toang Western lady who wanted . . t J, . & ' i,vor, uar been endorsed as genuine by .Oom- eomething that would keep ner . . . . & T e - miESioner of Agriculture Tesbitt stockings up where they belonged, - ; thus addressed the terror-stricken ana others, Col. K J Reddm, super young store clerk: "It ia my desire intendent of the State Experimental to obtain ;a pai of circular elastic i?arn denounces it as spurious, appendages . capable of being con- and says it is simply a yariety of a tradtf d and expanded by meaES ct th&t gr0V7a in many place8 and Zf whichas h.n brought high gold ieat set win -jxiaajia uiau-uu uiwi- w w -,.,. .... and which are utinzea jor ccplu i investigate me uu.iun lumurrow. ifjnn' tlift "lifthilimpnt of the lower extremities which innate deli' cacy foibids me to mention. '. K acHleai s Arm- -' The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises; ores, Ulcers, Salr . Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetterd Chappt Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale ' Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pv . requi-ed. It ia aaranteexl,to give ntatisf action al moner refunded. Price 25 cents per For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug -store. . .-; , Atlanta, Gar Special, 14th, to New York Sun. Very Low. . Miss Margary Stratford receiyed a telegram yesterday from Handle man, stating that her father, Mr. D nr ufMffnT - wm verv low with pneumonia. She left this (Friday) morning ior tnat piaw. - Cascarets stimulate liver, kidney, and bowelP. NeversicKen, wea;eu or gripe. 10c. . The Ulscovery of tbe Day, Ancr. J Boerel. leading druggist of Shreveport, La , saye: "LT. ing TnTpw; Dififinverv is the only thing that cures my cough, and it ia the best seller I have." J F Campbell, merchant of Safiord, Ariz., writes, 'Dr. King's New Diecovery i an that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure. cure for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot pay enough for its ment3" JJr. i.ingt. New Dlecovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experi ment. It has been tried for a quar ter of a century, and today stands at thfi head: It never disappoints. - - ... . . Free trial bottles at r & X etzer s Drug Store. Mill- Has a Downward Tendency. This morning ore ?of the milk wagons of ihe -Biviera Dairy met with an accident by the horss's get ting scared at a limb that .dropped off of a tree and running away. Of course milk was dashed about con siderably, but not much of it was spilt- The wagon broken at some places, and one door was knocked off. ' - . 4 - . 5 CE3STT1COTTON ; Outs2 nc figure". .withgus. Wel-buy in car lots L rcashiherfcfci givingaOurlcustqmera theibenefit'ofsaying 20 T CENT. SATISFIED. WITH A LIVING PROFIT Come and see presents ot all kind . Canselectfor any occasion from 25c to 5co Christmas is comitg. For the next 30 days, we will give onr customers a chance to save money. , -r-r - 1 1 - .." ,TTI TT 1 1 1 n 1 t P .!?. in the state. Mr. Will Bell given his personal attention t?bo. it. - CaJl answered dey cr night, " ' . . Sell. Harris k Gipaii : 1 - ' I ti WOT4DERFUL are Hie cures Xiy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and vet they are sirapie and natural. Hood's Sarsa parilla makes PURS LO O D