A, Vol. XII. No. Horses Become Frichtened While Loading Lumber and T(iko aloos Bun. - . ;.. 7 '. . f; mi- : O -1. 1 j n . ' ' xfliB oaiuruay j morning jbi a while after 8 o'clock, while the team of Mr. M J Corl was at the TUB CONGEALED ' WEAPON LAW . C0NC01U N. 0. SATO KD AY DECEMBER 18 1897 Whole No. 1081 U nf,St5ralns n,3r tho Peceable-TH0 . Vicious Disrcara It,:.:' ?.: :'' " King's Weekly, of Greenville, is a paper which has a refreshing fash- PERSONAL POIMTEKS. I Mr. Geo. Mills, nf "EWot. tTill is in Salisbury this evening. Editor Starrette rsturned to I mooresviue last nignt. returned last has gone op ? r f w "04nuu jit: announces is luisa cooper moore nas gone np ran up Depot comfortable to the public or not, to Salisbary to spend tonight wiih through town The following from a recent iRnft friends r . ' r' I r C2f ran away . i ney street, going on through town The following from a recent issue towards the Three Mile branch. Us a.case in point: Rev; T W Smith went down to v nen, mey were going, aown the ;5"Tiiere.ia right much now being rinevuie last night to hold services steep hill on this side of the branch, said' about abolishing the hip ?andaJ- " ' ' : rhey met Mr. Jim Sapp, who had on pocket. It is a popular subject Mrs. R E GiVson retnr ifd la-t a JoaU.r.of-wpodand.realbing.hiB viewed from some standpoints, but niRayrom Lincolntun, woereshe daber, r-n up oa the bank. d3: iSe aveMUie whb attended theHoke-McBee wedding. Ting too far up the bank, his load of tie for a living comes in contact Miss. Alma Sbirey, of China wood turnecl: Ovfr, in iherbadhul; th the; world and look outlfor Grove: .came:dowa last night and h no damage was by the runaway tlmsel oftefinds ji necessity jfir ber ' Bis raam. two. CarrviiiCf connAalAd wMnnnn 5k , ,i .. , The ranaway team eull kept haa of,en reed in fatal conse-; THncrn ef'J Ml f?W 61F,rlff1DU break. spied until Kipend with ne well w th : fey Pot to Mr. W O Goodman's, gotten that much hfe and property tives. ' ' - ' jo.t on this side of Cold Water C , een proLecxeao Re, 8oherer . ,fL .t vflar , We boeht them loWr Fly Front Coats are as much in stvle this season . as eyisr. v e haye themin ;rvery Iband Glauis creek, where . i Cline'8 two of wood. turned over i our jackets ana pes im, . ArMHv Min, Trnrk. u- m Ui vom water Rn . -Rev. Boljerer, of Mu -Pleasant, year. We bougM. Jnem.low; , . te they , met, Mr. Caleb . . , rJ- passed ttroogn today to Cnarlotte, we sold them ? lovf. i We sold; for onr store, where he 'knows he smaii'bojt. with aload ?Pw.'8t"ig among , us fails to.ee where bUnreaohfain the Lutneran lots of. them, too. But the will fiod a stock, of t hoes for erery The loaded wagon was mu i ; T ii "F- WAAnnna Tho Ion orrainef if nnnkf I i one of the mules JUtO Ul, tllCXll, , IUU . XIUU,. ViXVJ Will UUU ' B tvli n ( Ul rl UUCO JLU 'ClCiJ season is setting along and one that, are tniDgs of beauty for . . , -:f.' -.--i--. . .1 1 . nnt nrhntl A rYlflfl nrPSPfirH. Unr IHfllPH Wfl HATH nlea t , . f :: oars, y ur. uicKit ot JtLins's w ;,waui vw:.wypp( .yuw, wMau-;--!-r.y- ;::;7 ' " "t wu uo icpctueu. xi is, 01 necessity, Mountain, arrived todav aud sever! places. Fortunately weak and ia.abidillg at the m ter, Mrs. Geo: W Means; Kuooea aown, una oe wagon oro. violate)l e,ery day. It place.'lthe stoppiDK at the hoe of ner daogh- r j WeaK ana law-abiaici .1 7-i.- 1 a. J I , 1 having either been knocked off or for the law. And they, are many. e)83 jumped just when the two wag- in these times, it is best that every ons stiuck. man be prepared to defend himself No damage scarcely was done to at any time." ! Mr. Corl's wagon or team, though This is what a great many people is we' ve got. We wonH carry a tbem. in wt rd-Kidkin. For . -i- f.-t-.-t 1L- 1 ' " men: Calf. Vici Kid. Kantraroo aaa - , - - Pateot Leather, also Tana of beaoti- We've 20t aOOllt lO ful shade id Ladies' and Men's. Also is are thinking and the idea upon badly bruised up and the flesh which they are acting without the is torn in several places. nerve to say it. There are many This makes twice that Mr. Sapp good and; peaceable citizens who' at has had an encounter with a runaway times feel the. heed of "carrying a team, theftwo not being far apart, gun and carry it, notwithstanding having once had a collision with the that there is a. law against it. If large horses now belonging to Mr. J the law restrains any class it is this M Borraee. then belonging to Mr. class, for it is certain-that it has no Caleb Swink. effect upon the lawlessthe only class that need3 to be.deprived of its Robbed the Grave- - weanon. Ta the extent that it re- strains the law-abidinff, to that ex- ' " D - " 11. John Oliver, of Philadelphia,, was tent it places this class at the mercy the subject, is narrated as follows: "I 0f th0ee who do' not regard the law. was in a most dreadful conition. , 4i: ... . . - A ; . a But whether this is true or not it xuy mux p -nfrAVflnfta thfl verv. first American Debate at Enocbvllle. KUOKbU, tuuguu - waicu,-iuu wu" i , ... . ... , , . tininually in back and sides, no principle, the idea upon which all There will be a public debate at appetite kept on gradually "grow- Democratic governments are built, Enoch ville Academy Wednesday iDg weaker day by day., Three d wit- that the citizen has the right night, Dec. 22nd, at 6:30 o'clock, pbysiciana had given me up. For- .n aa ha Rn w Ja h All the friends are invited. : sea trying - - ?-u7fur diRcussion is, Re- mv ereat does not trench upon the rights of . aJrnUaA Bfn ' k,q jwy auu ouinuv r w , .. ..0 J " .777 1 urOUUUcU iZlGalVX Cltttcsuicu uoiio made a decided; improvement. 1 idea it is to be said that a man bas the ? war than since. We hope, to or 18 very handsome oolfcot hVe ?ou.;to T 11 "U T V children's m 'Una, Ul. of which 8HCL StyllSJl. JaCKeXS combine comforr, ptyle and dura left, and today We biUtyr: We carry a cciriplete line of marK ytJI y Ulie U of hosiery which cLnot be sur- piSflKi. liive a ca i at.u convmco jonrseif. Respectfully, FRESH Fancy Package Candy Received by Express Today. Ervin & Smith's GR0CER5 thenr at : Mannfactnr- efs'-Oost. This JCn?)iake., We . don t : vi cen advertize goods at cosr, but when we do we mean it. These are all new. Cannon & Fetzer Company. Dry L Miller .-is- . " SHOE FURNISHERS. continued their use for three weeks, - inherent righL of which the law see a large crowd out. and am now a well man. I know a . -v u: ' ; - : f - they saved my life, and robbed the cannoi vvun ju.uuu ucpxxvo mu,, , other victim," .-No one ehould fail carry a gun. The law has a right to try them. Only 50 cents per bot- to collar him when-he makes' im tie at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. nroner use of it not before. States- ..aah.0 t tt, Tram. ville Landmark. Thnrsdav nieht as train No. 12 . , 1 V4iui:mar;il0; l ? Those Who Endure nau passcu xuuiuaonot cjwujc .... ?r firea two pistol shots at the train, The pains of rheumatism should be one of wnich struck between the remindeUthat a dure for this disease one ui vviiv , :u L may be feund in Hood's Sarsapanlla. windows of the express car and the experienQe 0f ithdse who jhave other crasbel, through a window in takeo Hood's Sarsaparilia for rheu the passenger coach where'a number matism, ,aud have been" completely of passengers were Bitting. and permanently cured, ; prove the One man sitting near the window power of ; this medicine fo rout and was covered with , broken, fragments conquetbeas n fni nn wnn Danlla is the ..One. True tilood Pun- V ..- ?', . .ir - fier. and it nentralizsa the acid This ia getting to be a very re which cause8 the aches and puns of aueht occurrence tnese aayseuner " Sing with- pistols or "throwing lately cares vwhen liniments and anoouug ; ' I u j fV,af ho other outward applicatmns fail to .bi iTe Percent relief. Be sure to Student. FURNITURE catch some of these persons . get Hood's: Racblen's Arnic The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, ,Salr Rheum, Fever Sors, Tetterd Ohappt Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skin EruptionsahdpositivelyjCnres iles ; or , no ppayN jequied. j It is naranteed to: gi ye etatisf action oJ monev refunded. Price 25 cents per hox For sale. at,P BTetzerVDrug tore. . . A new beet sugar factory near Rome, N. Y., which went into'oper ation Qct. 1st, will work 15,000 tors of beets this season, the amount con tracted for by the neighboring farm ers, and will make7 about 12,000 barrels of granulated sugar. ; Next season the supply will be larger.. Salisbury Sun. 4 ft-wiah to' caution all users of Simmom inVfir "Rpcruktnr on a subiect of the deepest tnfayaaf. anA . imnnrf: nnnft to their health UiVVi VLJ i UIU4 U. W . www w-w -m w perhaps their lives. , ine soie propneiuis and maters of Simmons Liver Regulate learn thavecatomers are oiten oecei eu . ujr buying ' and taking some medicine of a rimilar appearance or taste, believing it to be Simmoiis Liver Regi: iator." We warn you that unbss the word Regulator ' is on Vie package or bottle; that itis not Simmons Liver Regulators No Tone else makes, or tver has made Simmons Liver Regulator, 02 inythin called Simmons Liver Regulator t J. H. Zeilin & Co.. 'ic edicine made Dy anyone e'so 's the amt.; .Ye alone cap put it up, and ve cannot responsible, h )ther medicines represented as the same do .ot heb you as you are led to expect they . ni : P.i. thia font wftll in mind, ilvou have aeea in t he s habit of usinga medine which rou supposed to. be jsimmonsiijivei. Jeguxa- Konc-a lift .nam ft .was somewhat like otiyI tfiA n-ifikacrer did not have the word XegnlPtor on it, you viip.ve oeeu miuu&w apon and have not, D' - asin ciiuuiuuc Liver Regulator at all.O The Regulator has oeen favorably knows 10.. .nmy years, and ill who use it know rtow necessary it is iut Fever1 and 'A'eiie .? Silidus - Fever Consti pa- 50ENTCOTTON Cuts no figure with; us. . We buy in carllots ft rcash; therefor o givinglourr customers thefbenefitjof saying ;i-;!T . SATISFIED' WITH A LiyiNG PROPJT,,, Come-and see presents.ol allKma; Can selectf or any becas Christmasjis:comitg7SFor:the inext:-30 days, we will give our customers a chaiioe to save money. . : .1 ; ; :r ' Undertaking businesslard Free Hearse and tbtfioesOine of eupplieo SThe state. Mr. Vijl Bell ieV his'personat attenticnt7io' it . Call answered day ozight. ion, Headache. Uyepsia, ..ana.au oitui- rising from u .Di&ea?eA Ii r. ; - -W kKk vou'to jock for y"ur?elves, ana KefTiilator. which .an readily, distinguish by . ihe Redf appcr, and oy, our name is the onij vtdiviue called Simmons Lrverfce-mLator O. l- SLIS & CO.' jou Can Ml Wrapper Be 110 at 10 6 (Hi 1