A PLEASANT OCCASION At Forest 11111 Siethodlst Christmas Tree. Church THE SCHOOL LAW PERSONAL POINTEUS. I . r Misg Mary - Montgomery turLed last night from Milton. . re- Dr. Wakefield was in the city today,;. . -; . Mrs. M , E Castor returned to About Children With Contagions Diseases Going; to School Read Ir. A very delightful" entertainment l o The Concord Staudabd. Was giyen last bigot by Mrs, H M , Mb, Editor :-I Wish to call- the Barrow, and Miss Lila Birretto aUention of the public and private their Sunday school classed. They v, v . auu 'teachers and the public school for the little folks at Mr. HM .cis a law of 0nr Sta' wWch Hhe cty today from High Point. Barrow's. The tree was beutif oily w -Yery important to us all, as a --Attorney M B Sttckley spent lighted by wax candles and dtcov strict observance of it will2 materi- yesterday evening at Eaochville on rauu. wuu ; . cornucopias, ally eff,6t the health of our coo frnltfl and CandlfiS. whit rinl! hahiao I ' i S - . . handsomely dresaedl were peeping m"ul-v . :: , -f8 arv inompson, daugh- otftfrotn the fairy bowers There ; the Laws of 1893, chapter 214, t?r of Kev J E Thompson; returned were books, f1 vases; pieces and section 13, we read : "The scaool w the Gjfb? n,.;r mf,9 rHf lonrliL. -xv 1 i'l'ln female College, to spend Christ- & vu. viJ; tuo i wuujumicca u rpuuiiu tsuuoois, Buper- i mas, euT' - ge5- in-endents graded schools and the were received below in ; .the sitting ipals of private schools - shall room, and with joyful merry Hearts f?V all?w anv papil to attend, the I layed their happy games and sang school tl?er !f control while any tntir happy- songs.; Finally they member of t he household to which were aummoned to come up stairs, said pupil belongs 's sick; with either " " "iKr :w? ? "malNpoSdiptheria, meaales, scarlet as they gathered around the tree . - - . , ' j . and gazed on its beauties. But how eyer, jeUc)w fever, typhoid feveT, or could Utile people get the, presents cholera, or during a period of two dowD and some up so high-on the weeks after the death, recovery tor -tree. They began to call right removal -of such sick pprson ; and lustily -fpt Santa Clan a. to come a papii coming from suchhouse a vi rl Hoi n thorn rrr ' A vuri ro Kit - " - on ttem from u vW 4 - j i :"T . A aota Clans FRESH Hanta noDrjea, in bis hidiug place, tnd an amusing the teacher of the school the pupil jelly old fellow he was. How gra desires to attend, a certificate from ciousiy he distributed the presents, the.attending'physician, city health and those dear children will not Officeror county superintendent of , title him to admission m accordance Villus. - ' ' . f s . , . . Others, we understand, will enters with the above regulations." j r . tain their classes at heme Dr. Ignorance on the part of many as Houston and his good wife wilt give ards this law cau our com theirs a plent time at their home cso i6 be flodded tonight Mrs. ' Arnold will have cw iexs at tho Poxdt mU psrccni on with meaalw, ana the Ico o iaan Moo day mgnc v oome nave aireauy i nyco. j had their classes to t pena an even Santa Claiis . Knows It ': . -' . , .v . .,4,, w.,!. J, .- " He's a level-headed :old l chap. He knows that maD, woman or c iild. can't enjoy Christmas cheer wnu uuiu luco. xunvo oucwouj t-ue of the children: Don't sp nd Is Already iMaking Tracfs? hii ine noiiuav raoiey tur iuyb auu , hive themshiver : all ? .winter with tor our store, where he kdowb fcs cold feet and blue noses. . , - will find a etcck of hoes for everr? Therft's lots of other NICE AND one that are things of beauty cs USEFUL THINGS here that Oid A.mas preseats. Jbor ladies we kzrs Ssinta can buv that will make the them in uoat ard Kid fkm. F ? -1 nearts or cuiiuren ana ErowuTmpu ucu, van, iu ii.iu, u.ajiiuu, 4. iiflrlQy glad. V i ; v l w : . Patett Leather, also Tans of beaa I RT r. fT- "TT A "NT illCR kfi H TE P3. 8il k ful shade 10 Ladies' and Men's. Air , Received by Express Today. ; Mufflers of elegant newvdes'gnB, we would not have you to overkcx Linen Handkerchiefs. Handsome lot children's in Uns, all of wc.10 Prriri J5 rrtlKrc ofi Umbrellas just in., . : combine comfort, tyle and Fancy Package GROCERY Crescent Dti. aBefnl thines here for Christmas, polish, any color for any she,aleao We'll take pleasure m snowing 1 Jine or nosiery w men cannot ne sr what we have. 0hO3lb?eaTiereriaayrrd:aft the students returned home nntil A great tnany; parents allow their I ftex! ma? : 5 ' c-s : ing at their homes, and this seems I cniidren to corl innev in school af u r Messrs. Daniel Eagle, George and to be a -very happy idea as thus 1- rtf AW W nthnr ftftn. Will Hofman will enter school after teachers and pupils are drawn closer 1" , x 4. - vm. . . , Jl-fw Minwh hare books tagious disease ocsurs In the family l-mas. or other resents tor their classes, because thev are Ignorant of the law, Miss Bessie Boger, of Cabarrus, and on next Sunday morning our 1 and it is the duty of the attenditfg who has been in school here tells us i:& Fetzer Company. passed liive jourseif. a -.can a rr a convicrD Respectfully, Dry L Miller. SHOE FURNISHERS. excellent superintendent will have physician to inform the parents of that two of her friends, Misses MatT nearly six hundred boxes of choice tbe lar and also report the case im- tie Lippard and Daisy Ritchie, will caady to hand out to his large Bun 4 , . also attend school here next sDrine. day School. moHiatfilv to the school officers. jaiso aweuu ecouoi nere epriDg. Then it is the duty of these -school We welcome these young ladies in t - . ." I An. misfit The coming woman officers to see that these childreb Who goes to the club while her gt 8Cnool. There is a penalty aU Dr. McNairy will, move in his husband tendsflthenbaby, well as or failing t0 carrj oat this house next ween. The doctor has the good old-fashioned woman who .V ,u a beautiful house. looks after ner nome, win dow ai iw uu cuumu uC .v. -; . timpH.Mt ran down in health, the nroner authorities. I thought Messre.Monroe btirewalt and Dan- They will be troubled with loss of lt roy dnty ae a helth officer to call iel Pltes will move into our village appetite, headaches, 'sleeplessness, th attention of the public to this abcut January 1st, '98. We wel- fainting or dizzy spells. "The most wonderful remedy lor tnesewomeu is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Fe male complaints and Nervous trou bles of all kinds are soon relieved by the uce of Electric Bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on very important law. Respectfully, J S Lafftrty, M. D. County Supt. of Health. Leo. 21st, '97. i AS USUAL, Free of Charge to Sufferers. Cut this out and take it to your We are ahead of the "Band Wagon," and if you wish to be in the poili: 10 build" uot&em. Only druggietandet, a sample bottle Fn Ktti UW sale bvF a tree 01 wr.ing 8 4N6W discovery. Fetzer. for Conflumptiop, Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you to Tbe Junior Order to Give Supper DUy , before trying. 1U1S WlU 8now invitation has you the great merits of tnis truly WOuuenui xetueuy, auu buuw )uu The following been handed ud by tie Junior Order: "Jr. O. U. A. M., Cannon ville Council, No. 25. You are cor dially invited to bo present at the Annual Supper, to be given by the Jr. 0. U. A. M. SocietV, at Caton's - Hall, December the 25th, from 6 to 10 p. m.. 1897." , " - , Good on Stanly. . The Supreme Court, Tuesday, handed down a decision affirming that of the lower court in the care nt fttnlv county vs. . Snuggs, in volving the validity of the Yadkin railroad bonds Unless yet over ruled by the Supreme Court of the United' States, Stanly will pay no more taxes for those railroad bonds. Mr. Bryan was in the city of Mexico last Sunday, while the bull fighting was going on, but did not attend that barbarity. what can be accomplished by th regular size bottle. This is no ex periment, and "would be disastrous to the proprietors, did they, not know it would cure. Many '" best physicians are now using it in their practice with great result?, and are relying on it in most severe cases. It is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at P B Fetzer's drug store Regu lar size 50 cents and 81.00. : "AHonsenoltl JSecessuy. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, -the rnnnt wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant ancT refreshing to the. taste, act gently and positive ly on he kidneys, liver and bowels; cleansing tbe entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biUousness Please buy and try a box of C. C. C, to-day, 10 25 50 cents. Sold and guaran- teed to cure py au uuftSioo. nfofa stimulate liver, kidney and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. iuc come them. The writer was pleased to have a fhort but pleasant visit from our friend, Mr. Andrew Barnhardt, just before he returned home from school. Mr. Barnhardt is always a pleasant visitor, - The writer will enter school at the academy after X mas. We hope I you had better come lunning. Oar Christmas presents are the rtalk cL to have a crowd. Mrs. Jane Fisher 1 will run a Matron's Hall on a very! the town." Will say they are moving away like snow on a hot ummr small expense on the part of the students. day. We will do our best to vait on you in great shape, but to avoid tin, m. a m a ti m m mil w w m j. w m m m i-m i n mmmmm.mMMM.mwjmm.M.m. . . "Vt , , A , ,n rush come in the morning, noon and night, and like the ladie3 of th au iJObuaujr wuiuu tjaiiuiuaj, an xy u w ' . day, t4we want yen to come right away." No time to lose, for Ctristmii Mr. Doreett McCombs, of our burg, was thrown from a mule lasthg at hand, and wnat yon do must ba done quickly. week, but not seriously hurt. It takes more than a mule to hurt ' With best wishes for -a 'Merry, Christmas we are yonra to please, Dors. . - 1 We haye been informed, by a friend, that the members of Chris tiana Lutheran church aie making preparations to build a new church next spring. They contem plate building a brick church. " We wish all the readers of The Standard a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. v Solomon. BELL, HARRIS L CO, When bilious or costive, eat a Cascaret candy cathartic, enre guar anteed, 10c, 25c. Nolxxly need haye Neuralgia. GetDr.Iinerf gain Fills from drussIstaT "One cewSd-

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