Editors fcnd -Proprietors. '.. OFFICE 1NV BRICK BOW. fUB Standard is " published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. ; HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year. v.;y...vv Six months. . .... Three mpfitbs.;. . ; v. J: On month. .'1 . . . . , Single coDyTfe.';v; v .05 The ''WftEKteSTApS; is a fcror-page; eihcimnmper. It fc&sa, larger circulation Cabarrus tfcfan any other papei Prwe tot annum, in advance. fvV 4 j AWERTIsiNGRAifij TeTm3 fdrregular advertisements rnadp known" on appUcttwn " Address allcommunicationa. to THE STANDARD; jQon.cQrd,JN. u. CONCORD DEO- 2?, r 1837. CHRIS rMAS Tnouoais. Christmas, merry Christmas, is ?gain at our doors and will be past ere the Weekly .Standard makes another visit to its readers. Theie is much, in the thought .of Oaristmas. We cannot conceive of e world without ,e a Christmas Auong the innumerable . spheres there may be some, pes ubly ail but this earth, without a Christma?. But if so what manner of beings are they? Have they no Savior, or need they Lone ? Would we exchange . i n w!amna mUk all if CI nrn ? f? QQ J Ui J ill ID I Uiaa rr J vli u A w dmus.b . - . , ! ' , . . , for even aogeU' wings ? For them no Savior wa3 born and none died. For them no songs of redeeming tore will ring aod (cho through the vauHg of heaven. . While earth's inhabitants that ehnt their- ecstatic joys at the se quel of bur Christmas, what part r 11 they have for whom our Christ mas signifies nothing ? WpII mav it be the Christian's giad day. But hark, what mean these sounds t'ear like those suited to bestow V i I honors to the conquering warrior ? tViaat mean the inflamed eye, the obstreperous tongue and the reeling form ? Why take note of Christ- mas if not an inspiration to child- likeness, humilitv, kindness, gentle neBs, love? D:38 he take note of the 22ud of Februarv who does not venerate our Washington ? Or mark the - return c f January 19 th, who does not delight in the memories of nnr Ur? What cares he for the 15th of August who does not ad. mi f hfl nrlofla tan.f. nf Nnnlonn ? Or who thinks of May 1st that ad- mirea nothing in the never-defeated B O of November that sees no benefits to the world in the reformation through Martin Luther ? Who greets J anuary 1st in ecclesiastic memory that is not a devotee to the doctrines of Zwinerli ? Who lTch of Jnne. that.does not thank CttVOT1 tue ""Bsion oi jonn Wesley f w no joys over the return of another birthday jf a loved one bat those whose hearts are knit m mutual tenderness ? . " But they celebrate Christmas Tin a Way) who do not -bend the knee, wA-liaf atAff. ble adoration to Him whose birth we celebrate at this Christmastide. What mean they ? What is Christ mM lu . .T, - N 7 day ot - quesuonaoie 4-uuigence r W ny ring merry bells and mimio the cannon's roar or revel in bacha oaliaa f eaatin g : and hilarity on the anniversary of the" birth cf Him at who3e second coming they' will cal on the rocks "and the mountains to fall on and bide them? " To .the cpnciled w,ho are giving in bopef ul '"expectancy f rHis sec ond coming, Christmas . means t he sum of alitor ail joy; and V all glory, but to those -that- lbvej not His comingf instead otra-sjurce of joy, it well may be as the earth nuakine beneath them, or the re- 8 istlesa approach of an armed ioe, or ; .... .. , j.v the licking, flanes of a sweeping 1 :r:y: ? ; :. a : ' conflagration. What is Christmas vidual reader ? to the indi- TOE EirrEUTAlNMLBIlT BY THE KITTLE FOliKS.' The entertainment by the little folks of the Graded School Tuesday evening in baton's hall bad all the e'f san tial "elemente of a delightful entertainment. The selections were good and Appropriate and were ren dered in their sweet little winning ways tbat must make every parent al hearMhrob brid. .. That group before a well seated audience where proper decorum is observed- would be a joy to eyery heart' with a love for innocence, purity, loveliness, but we thint the audience badthVleast chance, to get enjoyment out of it, of all like occasions that we ever witnessed. Jt would not be amiss, for big folks to learn that it is better tobe silent even at the cost of not telling every worthless thought that flits through : the mind in a public gatnering where people assemble to hear; ' This evil - would have been sufficient to mar much of the beauty of this occassibn but the climax was capped by rude, boys in ; the rear, who for awhile, were ,fairly q?iet j while, performances were going on buttwho gradoallyrgfeiv more) and j more obstreperous till they did not even keep stifl'anil silent whilb;th a children were performing, ,but thumped, called out in various ways and made it humiliating for their parents and annoying to all who wanted to eDjoy the occassion and I brace up ; the little performers. Whan ' tW'nnVtain would fall there was the hideous stamping, thumps ing, shrieking, bellowing, whistling, cat caliine. etc., that rendered exis- w I tence there a burden. 1 It is a shrivelled, puny soiil that does not love all children and & hollow head that does not remember that boys are boys, but there's abso- lutely no extenuation for such con- duct in bos, and the parents: who fail to restrain their boys or object to their being .restrained from such nuisances may look with weeping yes and broken nearts upon ineir grown up boys behind prison bars. Be ifc knoD ihU bo8 caifc be cnecKea ana restraineai mea cau u and will be. The ship that wi not be ruled by the rudder will be I Tf 1 A ami. nnKlin t xi uuyb are tu uinnu uux puuuo entertainments the occasions of hideous boisterousness, then it were better not to have the entertain ments. It .remains lo be ' determined whether rude boys shall defeat the whether bovB oan be taueht to be a:iAnt ftnr1 Hamr whila refine- mfint riaim9 a chance. X HfMl nSliS T- w tWd liver, wwo.h nt, a.J Hon and permits food to ferment and putrify in inesxomacn. uuaeaoacue,' I inaomlna. nervousness, and, ; tt not relieved. bilious fever O or blood poisoning, xioooa y i tmii fttimnlate the stomach. : " U U w rouse the MwS68??? dizziness, on gtination, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Tae oW Fills to take with Hood's SarsapaTuu! QsmCLooS 11.20 xjUrJt Xn ce.ut a c run o o SOUND THE TOM-TOM; STRIKE THE CYMBALS. MAKE THF WELKIN RING ! Pretty Polly wants a fincrafckery? De BillyGoat 'zires his terbacker, . I De Baby's raisin' Cain 'bout i. 'rattle, . Sakes alive ! it am wusserdan a battle 1 Young lady, if "you have a" spark ' ndw is the time for him to sparkle. Music is in the air. Tie cat has sot out hia fid- ; die, the unicorn his horn and the, pheasr n ifi. ine unict anthl3 drum Choose partners ior ine 1st 'otillion lJBancl, strike K up to the tune,,; . . : . .:' -J ' i . . "rU i . : v I 'Sweet are the little brooks that run ; O'er pebbles glancing in the sun,". Swing partners! Forwardtand backl Alas! and alas and alas ! what am I saying ! My dear old friend Sobersides; pray for? give me, Christmas has gotten into my bones and I forgot that ; ;'-". ' "The elephant hath joints, but not for courtesy : His legs are legs for necessity, but not for , prancing.'.' . . . , " .. ; .-; forgive me, I say, and please remember that, ' . "A little nonsense now andhen, Is relished by the wisest men," One of which you are undoubtedly whom. In- all- seriousness, I ask the gentle pub ic, for this once, to overlook my little escapade. My pea got off the track and ran away with me and i as visions of the good old ante-bellum days Tose up before me v - ' "My thoughts were whirled like a'potters wheel." Now to more serious matters to busi ness. I wouldn't have Santa Claus see what I have written for anything. I am his sole agent here and he might take away my commission and then I would be in a pretty fix, indeed L My stock this year is the largest and moit varied that has ever been brought to this town and must and will be sold. Everything, with the exception of one tea-cup and eaueer, one Japanese dressed doll and one har monica, each worth 5c and one tumbler at 3c , all of which I heed fr my own use is for sale, and at a bargain. Im ported Chlua tb at will not craze or crackle, (our American China no one can warrant.) Musical instruments from a 5c Harmonica to a $10.00 Mandolin Banjo. L oils from lc. to $4.00. Toys'of every description. Beautiful ,Jtictures, Vase's i arid., everything -that heart :can desire for a- Xmas present, rill my two stores irom nnor to ceiunsr. in ciosins: et me say most emphatically, - I WILL NOT BB UNDERSOLD I I will duplicate any, offer fox the same, article made anywhere else and where prices have been cut, will give you a dis count of , 5 per cent, Into the bargain. No house in town can compete with me n the quantity, quality or price of my mammoth, well-selected, stock of Xmas Goods". ' ' 4. ' V. J " J. P. GIBSON. IS ' ' . HEADOCJATERS FOK GROCEKIE IS. We are better prepared this season than ever to please the public with BARGAINS . IN . . . . BAGGING and TIEfc- Corn,' Oats, Rve, Ship Stuff, Flour, &c. - J . . . . . , We carry the largest stock or SnnflT, Tobacco, Candies,' . f Soda, Canned Goods, Sonp, . Coffee, Nagar, Sail, Oil, SXolasses, meats, Potasll, rinware, Matches, Etc. in the country, and can give you some startling prices. We will buy your " '; . Cotton, Eggs, Corn, PEAS, FLOUR, ETC. We are also agents for the "Spach " Wagon. Will sell a factory prices. G Wholesale aLd site tail' Grocer. " Concord, N. C. - SAWTA AT RACKET ALBUMS, 50o. to 2 55 5o. to 10c 30c to 48a 5o 6o. to 1.25 Axito Scarf Christmas cards Photo frames MUSICAL INSTRUMENrs. Banjos Auto harps Zithera Violins Atcordians Harmonicas 2.00 and 3 00 3,50'aQd4 50 68 to 2.25 i.eo ' 1 25 up 5 to 25 JEWELRY. Solid gold rings for ladies and child ren at 7c to 6 25. Curb chain Bracelets 1 25 to 2 75. Ladies Jonsr watch chains at 25c. to 2 75. Lf dies gold pens 1 25. Fountain pens ' 98c nd 1 ZO iTlCK plUH UU. lJ X tJVm Breast pins 5c. to 1 25. PERFUMERY. , ( - ' - -. Well assorted from 5c. to 50c.' Nice lot of single bottles' in fancy boxes at 15 and 25c. Respectfully, D. We cannot tell you how much more com fortable a collar with : a smooth, ivorylike ! edge will feel, but we .' . do know that y ouwill Always want the smooth edge if you j once try t it. We have : had a great many vis -itors this week to see a machine that POSIn TIYELY DOES NOT - RACK W IN e v. ; POINT OR TliRN DOWN COLLARS. 4 Are you on e r of our patrons? If not fall in line. We are go1 ing' to pleassyou, arid a trial package will convince you that our work is up to date. We employ none but the most .expert help a n d o u'x patrons' , clothes are not - torn by unexperienced help handling them. Sat isf action guaranteed 'to all. Stop our wags on and have 'driver . call for , arid deliver . your clothes eyery week. - v M lis imki To Kent. 1 , 1 ne; vacant ' 8 tore rooms,,; cellars ana stables ou the Litaker lot. " V . tf. WG.Means. CL.AUS THE - STO.RE. GE NTS' NECK WEAR Scarfs, bows and ties from 2 J to 68c. Gents' embroidered Satin suspenders at 50c. per pair. ' BOOKS. Jnyenile books lc. to 75c. Standard works , Bibles and Testaments at publishers prices. : ' , POCKET BOOKS. Gents' and Ladies' pocket books, purees and card cases 5 to 50c. ' Baskets at 2o. to 1.15. Toys without end. Cindy, Nuts, Meets and Raisins at lowest prices. See Us. We wiU save MONEy on anything you want. J. Bostian r Needs If o Explanation. ; Madison, ;N.;C, Augi 4, 1897. Goose Greasa Liniment Co., Greens ; boro, :N . O. ' ' . r , r!. ;Dear Sirs ? Please ship us at once jne gross Goose Grease Liniment. We are entirely 'out' Don t fail'to ship at once, i Please give us . jobbers prices, ilfc is the:est.tningrwe b veeve r see Xi U JONES 05 'JO BaslnessliOcals.' ' ' - 1 FbK1 RENT After January 1, 1898, the store room now occupied by Gibson & Morrison. f FOR RENT Two bed rooms over FetzerXDrhg . Store. , For terms apply to '' ' ; Elam King. Dal ! For all kinds of coal Soft or Hardr-cail on me. My Lump Coal; can hot be surpassed in quality. Pribes v as low as can be had. oo : - X A. C. Black welder AtStore on West Depot Street. C. B, Dry & C. T. Moose, ; i k r Contractors and Builders, .Dealers in lumber ( rough and dressed mouldings, brackets, man ties, etc. Shops at Cabarrus Roller Mills. Patronage solicited. jl Goal! 1AT1Q y;iii, 1UUU Offer the business public a re liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating banking. , institution. We solicit your business with the assurance j of honorable treatment ?nd due appreciation of your pat ronage. : f ' - : - - If we can serve you at any time , be glad. to have you come and see us. ' V1 - . LIBERAL AeeOMMODMIONS TO CUSTOMERS Gapital and Sulpius$70 000 '" ? D. B. COLTRANE, Casbier. , . J. -Mi ODELLPres. wMHMviutMj lumm. Ajue cent a upse

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