it li i - ArrlTal or. Trains, '- - The following change of schedule took effect July 4, 1897 12 o'clock, . NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 6 OS a m. " " iuu7 a m. 12 u " 7-22 p m, 38 . " u 9.02 pm, (F); 62 ' " " 11 20 am ( SOUTHBOUND. No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m. (F) . 11 " "1028 a m, " 7 u "9.03 pm, - 35 " 9.27pm, 60 " " 5.05 a m, (freight) No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char tone, Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro and Danville. Passengers for local points betweea these stations -will have to use the other trains. ' Wade Barrier, City Editor. i y . ma8 W"Q tbei NirP rtf Ct Graeber. . r M,u "9 lour cases of small,poi'i0 Spittanburg, S, C. mr8. uoodeon has gone to Dar- ham to visit her daughter, Mrs, T J betzer. '. Mrs Wm. n r0;0 j j ' , . thens, Ga:, are tiBitiog Rev. J c Di and wife. , f Chif Clerk Ballard: has returned ;"ra Grn8boro, where he attended the marriage of his sister. 1 ' Mr. D B Coltrane will entertain niR Sunday Sobool cla Saturday eve ung from 8 to ll o'clock. ; Robert and Mabel GrafiW uBa . gone tq Burlington to spend Christ. r aunt, Mrs, Alice Diamond Rings, - Solid Gold Cuff Biittons; Solid Gold Guff Pins Christmas day is to be fair but colder, -The forecast Pays, fair to night and Saturday, and colder Sat urday morning. ,v We and Child's; Pin Sets, i 8e pf dyptheria at home of Sohd Gold Baby Rings 50 Cents;. A. J. & J. F. YORKB, JEWELRY STORE. Phone No. 100.' TELEPHONE NO. 71. SHORT ITEMS. Mi- W n T),j r I,! : . m voiu is geiung netter, 83 we are informed by Dr. Lilly. Miss J esse Sears, who is staying at Washington City, passed through today (Friday) i to spend a month with friends and relatives at Mount Pleasant. Lawyer L M Swink, of Winston, returned home today (Friday) from Mt- Pieasartr-whex he lectured be fore the AthenlKumv society Thurs- ua r menu - THE CHRISTMAS SABBATH. Mow Our Pastors-Will Improye the Opportunity to Impress tbe Christ Idea. At St. James', Rev. C B ', Miller pastor, Services Sunday morning at the regular hoar. Sublet" of the pastor 8 discourse will oe "Iniman uel "v Sunday at 7 p. m. service of sacred soDg, whn the choir will render HScripturt Oratorio Cantata, entitltd "David, King of Israjy by Chas. H Gabriel. At Central Methodist church Rev.' J E Thomnaon. nator. thpr s 4 " " v" w will be a epeciai discourse on Sun day morning from Haggai 2-7. The The- theme will bd " The Anticipated p At Forest Hill Methodist-churcKll Has arrived in goncord and Wuw t n a u -Hi w Aruoiu, win nae epeciai Christmas discourse at the moriiing service. At Trinity reformed church, Re. d r uavig. will nreach a Special discourse Sunday morning appropriate to the Christmas season At the First Presbyterian hurcb, T)V. Halpern rtev. vv U Alexander will nrpach a B 11,., j777' ' vlJ- (t'Jr'-t'i.Hnv, fffhlS: 2 t SJK vv3i'.; Sight is Priceless. OR. m HALPERN, y OradMate Optician and Eye Specialist, Formerly of uermany omnowoiiLiianTta,, ' l is at the fAorris Hotel and will be here . two weeks. ' ' r Come Early and Avoid the Rush. Office Hours, p to i iyo am.i and i to 4:0 p. m. s Received in Parlor of Ii otel 0 Faragrapbedft-eociled and Properly Placed Here. For. nice bread ' and cakes for Christmas, call at the Concord City Bakery,: Misses Hattie Weddingtbn, Ma mye Ury, and Ellar Walter came in from Mont Amoena this (Friday) morning; y - niKRVOUS Ti-oublea.arcue.u. 1 vl impoverished blbbdl 'H6bds Sar saparilla -is the One True Blood Purifier and NER" NIC- Miss Florence Fray and Hugh Kriegler, both of Madison, Va!, are spending Christmas at the home of Rev, C B Miller. Roth are students at Mt. Pleasant. Stuart's Dv8DfD3ia Tablet., a uldr Telief and Bure cure. . For 8aleFet zerTs Drug Store. - d28f: Mr. John it Patterson desires to re-exebinge hatsj with somebody that was at the TO O F supper last night. His hat is black and soft, broad band, with elastic around the band, No. 6J. Christmas shopnersj will find bar gains at Fetzer's drug stor& a large assortment in every t line to select from, ten cents up to twenty dollars if you wish, vv e have great bar f?ains in IflmDS. d24. Miss Lilly Black welder, of No. 5 township, is working, fo Attorney. W M Smith for at few dava. Rh Uiy-9a oi-ine year 1 Mr. krrette moved the press frdbdKthr Times ' dfficehura- day'evemntCriina Grove. Where he will soon start the China Grove Record; He hopes to put out the first copy by the first of the year. :: ThVtowrr iralhofities will allow the shooting of fireworks from 8 o'clock this evening until midnight Saturday night. It is hoped that nothing baj' will result from the 8hppjbing of ;the large firecrackers, jas happens.almost every Christmas. ; Trl' H hake!8peare Harris and Mr, Ellis of Philadelphia, have gone to Mebane to spend Christmas with Mr. Gharlfs Stanhope Harris, father of Miss Emma Harris, who also re turned with them after spending some time with her uncle, Mr. Shakespeare Harris. :i The Si andard extends happy Ohridtmas greetings to its readers and friends, and bows adieu till Monday evening, when it will again gladly resume its daily rounds. special ChnatmaB sermon at the , ia fullvDrenHred to accuratelv diaenoae and succeasf all v correct morning service. Hiff-rpnt fnrms nf visual errori JSe nsesa comnlete .test cae and all At Forest Hill Presbyterian "modem means of testing agdi examination, including - the Retinoacope K : Chapel, Rev. Kankin will hae a aDa upninanapscupauu; .r :WrBiui Huu Plu "nrus 1U "lo w" I If 1:T,1 M XT mm A 4 1 mm n m Itma m v. tft thai a ! a in t r fm ' t 1 J 17 fHuAXM .. - mm mm mm. mm Myopia, or irom some oiner iorm oi;reiracuve crrur. special Christmas theme Sunday morning, hnvin? prepared his Gan nonyille congregation for the proper celebration of the . Christ.roas v event ba last Sunday, from, the .text. "To oa a child is born, unto us a son is given. Parents or Guardians should tiie 0 13 1 HI A I weakness easily cured Try Dr. Miles' Nerve Piaster n-iri pleas children and lie will in examiit- itliem i 4 iii iii In the Stomach Caused Great Suffering Was Confined to the jjtion' ' UCU DUl W w'if.viFi, In October. 1895, 1 had' an abscess f to my stomach. I was also taken with pleu- hed verv badly. I ' was treated by physicians but did not improve. I gave up all hope of ever getting well. ly right side was swollen and I was not "able to walk across the room and was confined to my bed.- I was , advised to try Hood's Sarsapar ilia and began, taking! it. In three days I could see a change fox the better; I kept on taking Hood's Sarsaparilla until I had taken four bot tles and continued to improve. I am now, able to do a good day's work on the farm , M. E. Mann, Demossville, Kentucky. Remember no charge for Consultation anJ Exatrii Mustn't Slngr, Whistle or Ham It. Citizens of Durham, sajs the Sun, a.oo.oWn ha n ordinance re have petitioned the. mayor to call quiring all dogs to be kept up for the board of aldermen together to m-W-t . 1- . ' m.mmA-m-.rmnrn t O B Pt H TTT 1 T K O .ina'frnrr, fhn C! at inst. THIS "a a" uimuiiuw. " will fred the city from much dun- penalty oE not lees than $5 fine or ger of a spread of rabies among the w aays on me eel, pixmu.s dogs. men, women or children from sing- . . ine:, whistling or even humming, There will be no freight business of . fVio lorknt' tomorrow, ana . . there will be no local jfreight train - Town Tonight. m The business of the town will be closed also except the grocery stores, which will probably not be open all day. SHERIFF'S EXEUUTKW 8ALE. By virtue of an execution issued by tne Superior Court of Cdbafrus in thA ftase of P C Thompson. M C . tt ai aaonfl J Bingham and-M K Bingham, trad- ATrttViora -nrflififl Hood 8, oarsapa-.I. n nu,a Mr flimnanv. rilla, because, by its great blood en- s Charles U , Montgomery, I riching qualities, it kWfJ?& ?u on Monday, the 24 tn day of cheeks and vigorous appetites to TiAw i898; af 12 , o'clock at the pale and puny children. rnnrt House door of said county, nn. r Jll(DJ Sarsaoanlla . '1' is sold jr Santa'' Claus Doffs Mis Mat $1; six for $5; Prepared only by C. I. Hood &C0 once more to VOU OU his annual Tnwpll Mass. (let Hood's and only Hood's. , - r . .1 , are tne Dest after-dinner . .7 & u . r Hnod's Pills pms, aid digestion. 25c not only to. little one?, but many ' - . .1 1 m ' 1 ! 3 l , . ' aamc caiiaren. uome to our store and tee the choice and varied stock of Christmas, novelties for gifts and made your selection while theline9 :re intact. K. L. Craveris Jellico Coal- Has arrived. , Ii makea he hottest fires ii less tine aud wirh less trou ble than any coa! ,on . thf market. Ic has given " the best satisfaction for the ptst fi?e ?eara. . , Three s?ze8 sof - best k Aathracite Coal in Btoclc at bottom; prices. ; ' Leave ordersat my COAL YARD next to the Presbyterian Church, v Telephone No. 74. ; ' ';, Hew Secret Kemedy Abtwlurttely Cnknovra to the rofessiorx. . Permitnen.? urt ia 13 .to Sa. tla.ys. We slund money ir we uo nor ' " . 1 ou cu uo tieaicu at nme for the same Drice jes; wltti thoso vhx ill contract to cure. toming, ma nocei 1,1 ta Hake no fail to S3 Y ISooandarr or rtlirv Li r, 51lo4 Tlffmi that V73 to;i i-o Wa S Srf -V ( 'irit . ' 4 most nlisMiw , . . ,uui aia. .- . ' "Vi , f 1 1JT H A NT "RTC A T 173 ON . cannot enre. Tuis dis B R eu&c Loj always betned ' PRTfTRS. have $500000 capital behind our unconditional A beautitul assortment or rocKing "l-ddU3:p j chairs, water sets, hall ani library A HUMMER FROM HUM M E R Syl L L E. The Fenix Flour Mills has added Can shell 100 bushels per hoar. It mps, easels, screens, pictures , and separates cobs and cleans the corn all kinds of furniture and cooking periectly , ana sacKS 11 an at eumtj time. KeaJy for the mill or maricec; We will shell for you for li cents iel. which is cheaper than you can shell brhand.We invite LEADINu FUKNl L'UREJDEAL. all to come and see it shell. Give vTTxrnT?T?TATri?p a trial' We buv corn either ERS and UNDERTAKERS. shelled or.on cob. Pay highest price jn our undertaking , department hPftt. We are in the market ?n ofnnlr the nh&anafl r. rnf every day for your secood hand bur- fin t0 t he fi oest burial case. Person- lap saKs ; pay f w o ueuw eauu ai attention. to all funeral worir. , ron have taen mcr 3 ' - . itill hare .cne9 antt in mouth. Kor-a Viroat.' ispota, Ulerw on any. Eyebrows lulUnff out. ana me earns iruaran. -pief er to come here we tnem or pay expense or raiiroaa Kills anrl' ' ''Srr'?..i cure. ; II iry. lomuepotaehan. . .win-. 'TfOGtks tatchefc iV-iifthe boay.Haii'Or : ti ia iuu rnmary, 1 T.lTa Vr 'nn th.1t J , Masonic Temple, Chicago Ulinbiew CMVlll 0 BROIIER 1 111 c-rc bl p - . - .- , . seii to tHe higKest bidder for cash to Hood's pills are the favorite fami- ' jd eze2atloa au the right, natharlio. and liver medieiue. iw;Pt 'of said Chas. G fhPTTl I FEN1X FLOUR VMJLLS. dlw-4tw. w . PEOPLE Iv Price 25c. 1llrAtlrnmervk4rfeWti;in-thefoi . . T?rtV. L Mai flfltate in said county, viz : Mr. Charles HJ. Btariiora, ux x - T raot of ' 'lind'-'adj Mning';;the;: lands Tt-ii u wnt to Randieman A tractor nuuj Wfl-DQ-0iifa last Saturday to attend at: the bea- G M.Loro lands, the lands side of his sick father, Mr. D. W. f R E Kidenhour.ancrO W Swin , . j ir.f nirrht and j nnnf-Aimner about oo acres atratlora, reiurneu o --- hiQuu.?, "i-b"rttTQTJfi reports his tatnor ,m n rf - ' ' M L BocnA,rShe'ff.; n,wu nrnsnects of an eany Jr.: v i :- 1- recovery. Hearse free; CRAVEN BROS. Sotice. . When vou want! Fresh Oysters, stewed, fried or raw, birds on toast, Si t)Sryo W XU. JM- i I) UlfcKltJK; Co " .'-vVi xrrl nrx" i i frpsh fish or a saaare meal, nrenared : TJie Ulu vv ayue muiutti -Lino . .. , Y wr-, i- a nf by an old experienced cook (Wils. Association: will take care of Jp.f. fia ;t Hn .Tvnlinfl yOU; lUOJf VyO."lr J WM.,' 44.XI.Vt. M W a. very small cost, top. Now is the chance of . a lifetime to get insurance. Sea their agent d22 wl . HURLEY. ton's Res taurati t in the Bnc fcRow nea ne uourt noose. . - JLW OOD'S '&are5aiarilla: has over ana u a over again pro vea oy its. cures, when all other preparations failed, thai U is the One True ELOOD Purifies 2. i 'g ui ofjiwU 5 S 2 SiJ Sheets A. 'it

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