Vol. XII No. 1 97 CONOOUp, N. d. THURSDAY, JAN U A ft Y 6 1898 Whole No, 1096 i- - ATTEMPED TRESSPASS DON'T FORGET PERSONAL POINTERS. I A Itegro Tried to Enter the Morris Hardware Wednesday All Kb. jfio ue at the Supper Friday Nijjlit j The Ladies' Aid Society ot Central Methodist church will entertain vou Friday night in the Li taker build ing, as stated in The Standard esieraay. Tne following is the menu. : Oysters fried and stewed, wi Wednesday night about 1 o 'N'iont.wAtRhman Johnson heard i a If ' - . tt : h riojsei about tne Morris aaraw store and on investigation he found a negro standing at the back doljjl? Mr. Johneon roon arrested mm, ana found that the large glass had been crackers, celery, and coffee, 10 to 25 2D, and it is natural to suppose cent8c Lunches of stuffed eggs. he intended gomg in. ie was ham sandwnhep. pickles, and coffee, taken to jail &na tried tnis uurs 15 cents. day) j morning bef ore E-q. Hill forcible tresspses and found gui His name is Jim Smith. i Merchant China Grove, is tOr I ; d-n nit,h an ornatito and t rvi -m w w Km J " " W w V JUA V Francis Bost, of in the city today. Mrs. Joe Reed left Wednesday night for Lex spending lotte. Mr. L E H passed through ngton to visit her daughter, Mrs. Dr, Buchanan. Merchant A L Sappenfield is the Afternoon in Char- 11 In; default cf a $200 bond he was Aronn1 " Depot taken back to jail to await trial at Wednesday evening as the baking next! term of court. When . arrested he was fouod have! four, cakes of sep, a lot fafety pins and at oat two boxes powder tram was pulling out of the to yard, policeman Bost spied a man of on the. rods under one of the cars, of and called for him to com9 out, but loose matches in his pockets. Prob- the tram was going too fast for him. ably! something farther will develop to get off. A month or two ago, later about these articles. . wnen tne otner casing powaer tram came through, it will be rememj llow to l.oq1s Good. bered. three men wfirfi taken nff Tt. Good looks are really more than seems that they have a mania for ekir deep, depenaing enureiy on a healthy condition of all the vital : organs. If the liter be inactive, A gentleman got on the tra you have a bilious look ; if your Wednesday night with his friend, QTfi m a r it iiH 1 1 1 mi 1 tit-;; rui. vuu iiao i j r j - i j - a -r- m 1 T. . v V I j u nuu UIU- noc mien a 10 go en. rJerore i diepeptic Iook: if your kidneys be , - . 7 ' . . f . - affected, you haye a pinched look, hardly knew it, the train had 5 Secure good health, and you will pulled out, and he saw that it was surely haye good looks. "Electric running too fast to get off, so he Bitters" is a good AUeriilye and pulled the beH cord, '.which of conrpe Tonic. Acts directly on the stom- ' . ; abh, liver and kidneys- Purifies the stopped the train at once. Before t blood, cures pimples, blotches and it had hardly, s opped he was off and rJoils, and gives a good complexion gone. Every bottle guaranteed, bold at ; P B Fetzer's Drug store. eilig, of Salisbury, the city today en- route to Mt. Pleasant, to spend a few days bunting ! FRESH ' Fancy TheM Packas: Received by Candy Express.Today. Ervin Sc Morrison GR0QER5 tional Wi 0 T close of her lecture on "A :CMr Pieasins Beauties. Wei are sorely in need of several degrees of superlatives in. expressing the I beauty of the calendars that have made our office cneery with Wednesdays Life for Two," These are Like .. The Chinese Must Go. A lot of Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shoes Zaigler's mostly and mostly mall sizes. - BUT THEY MUST GO. They are nice goods cost from $1.75 to $2.50 But the cot don't cut any figure now. THEY MUST GO. Come and take your choice or - , 75 Cents. Ridiculous, ain't it ?i But that's the way. THEY MUST GO. Cannon & Fetzer Company. miss Frances Tillard 111. j Janesville. Wis., Jan. 3. Frances - i E Willard, president of tLe Na U., fainted at the White which Bhe delivend the; mg r superb combinations of pleas artistic touches. The Equitable Life Insurance A Cliane in Agents. As was noted in Standard, Mr. Tom White, who in the Congregational Church. has for the past while been employed I i A physician was Vummonedbut it La f 1 tt I- I j-:m.'.- v e . i. . ...... i u .cue iiurri8 oara ware, win now was some ume otiore sae rpcovereu canvass in the interest of the Farm . sufficiently to be removed to the home er8' Mutual Fire Insurance Aisocia- of r.er couein, Willard Robinson. i i I r i : . tioh. We congratulate mot heartily The church was, packed to th this organization for procuring one doors and hundreds were turned away. The chtirch was exceedingly SO WPII Ifnnnn in tha nntintr a i -w uompany naa a tureo lum iru uoieu w, . -"li , : Z . White, but at theeame, time aireaay m tnesecoiuuiuo. : Dr. D D Johnston- pave ua- a large single card calendar good indeed even more eo, for it enougn has three pretty girls on it . The New Orleans Coffee Company treats us to a tripple card full cf little bouncing girls 'of 'the. kistihg size all rigged in and surrounded by ribbons and wreathp, Borolls, bright skies and landscapes. we are sorry ro lose Messrs. Palmer & Mc Queen, who haye been in our county for", some time past, and who ha close, ana it was 7 noticed that Mies Willard was making a painful effort to speak, one suddenly brougnt . I I - : her talk to an abrupt close and left gained many friends throughout the the platform, fainting as she reached county while traneacting- this bus uess. . the ante-room. Her eecretarjf. Miss Gordon, said that Miss Willard has been ill for lias a Snake and a Devil. I . 1 j' uL 1 i u. 1 several uava, uuu jju acui up nr 1 - 1 - The Columbia Register has a snake this talk to the people of Janeville as well as a 'devil." It compa ahniit among whom her girlhood was r . this way.- The Stanley Museum ex- consnmption Positively cured. hibited in Columbia last spent. At the ihbme of her covsin is said that she is resting easily. ; summer. 1 & Mr. R R Greeve, merchant, of oa constructor thirteen feet long Qhilhowie, Va., cetifies that he had weighing 86 pounds, escaped. Peo- consumption, was given up 10 aie, ple thought the ado of the company nuuub ail uj cuiuai lioaimuu i man monev could nrocure. tried all cough remedies he could hear of, pam nui& attention to it; 1 uesdiy perhaps their livfs. The sole proprietors out got no reliei: spent many tne negro nanitor went into th'p mairers ot mmqns ljiver iteguiaic nights sitting up in a cbaii; was celJar about replenishing the tires coyerv, and was cured by ute of two We wish' to caution all users of Simmom ,uTd Q1l rer" 1. f-o;, -advertiain, scheme aB& fc&ll ipdipq ho could, hear of. paid little attention to it: Tuesday learn that cc3tprr;rs axe often deceived bv buying ami. taking some medicine ot a wu'en he ran upon his snakeship, similar appearance or taste, believing it to bottles. For past- three years has been attending to business, and says Ur. King's New Discovery is ioroform, muscle and no little LiveI R6at2r me granqeet remeay .ever maae, as it has done so much for him and also for others T in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guar- and again he was confined. anteed for Coughfl, Colds and Con sumption. It don't fail. Trial bot tie at P B Felzer's Drug store. .- . i . if r .- i , you tnat unless ttte wora neguiator is odi nimseir. ay a succeserul ettort witb fee package or bottle,- that ii is not Simmons No- one" else make3, or irpr Vina mnrlA Rirrimnrs Tiivpr Rpcrnl.tnr ct courage, he was captured and put mything called 'gimmons 'Liver Regulator. into a barrel. He got out aeaih .futJ.H.Zeilm&Lo. :nc r . medicine made Dy anyone el so .j xne burnt 5s ve alone can Dut it un. and we cannot be responsibleii Nobody knows where the Stanley ither medicines represented as the same do lot neip you as yiou are lec to expect mey Bear this tact well m mind, it you have Company is and the snake is kf pit A Card." . We, as a special committee, of Stokes Lodge, No. 32, A. F. & A, M take pleasure in than King the good and generous people of Concord for their liberal contribution given us for the benefit of Oxford Orphan Asylum, '; R h Griffin, 1 J F Hurley, Com. H W 'I UCKER, J : OERFlECT ana permanent are tne. HT cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving Q gQ Qfcm in the department of the "devil." jeen in the habit Df using a medicijie which you supposed to b Simmons Liver Regula tor, because the name" was somewhat like t, and the package did not have the word ftegulp.tor on it, you Iip.ve been imposed apon and have not I taking Simmons Liver Reguiator" at all 53 The Regulator has helped up over the find of somerfiqe Seen favorably knows io. many years, and !l .who use.it KEiHv now necessary it 13 loi I liver aiiu ialuc Diuvuo icvn, vuiictipo.- cent laon. Headache. Dyspepsia, and all disorders j-ising from a .Diseased liver, . ; . Wft n?lr von to look for vurselvesJand. promise profitable developments. that Simmons Liver Regulator, which rou can readily pistinguisii Dy tne r.ea Coal at Kings Blountalu. : . ' ' n -a special to tne yoserver says that the Kings Mountain p9ople'are specimens of anthracite coal that experts eay contain 95 par carbon. - Indications at several places O m m (A - AS USUAL, 5n wrapper, and f 1 SAT SA L ES prove the great J tedicine calUiHmmons Liver Reulatoi I merit or liood's Sarsapanlia. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because; it accomplishes CSEAT CURES. i23ltS&C22S 13. ii. eHILIN & CO vy our name is the onn We are ahead of the uBaid Wacon,,?and if yen wishto be in the puih . ".: . ' .",, j;" .- ,x' " you had betterfcome lUEning. Our Cnristnias'ipresents aie the ,ftalk cf t ' .. ; r. - - ' ' the,etown.,., Will say they aremoving away like shewjon'a hot summer day. We will do otr best to wait on you in gr ?at shape, but to avoid the1 rush come in the mori ing, nccn snd night, snd like the IadieeJof this day, we want you to ctme right gway," No time to"Ioae,for Christmas -;--;:.v' -: :M'; ' is at hand, and what'youdd roust be done quickly. Withbest'wishes'for a Merry Chnstm&s we BELL, HARRIS L CO. are jours to please, ,r.v, '9 a .- . . - l