(WHBgWBWMaai 1 1 m Am-imammmmmmtme WORTH OF XMA'S GOODS GIBSON'S Drug Store, TO BE'SOLD AT ONCE- Take advantage of the first clear weather and buy your! HOLIDAY GOODS. "The weather promises to be; very un favorable for the next month. Rain j every few days and consequently bad roads will prevent your coming to town just when it may best I suit you. Take advantage, T say, of the first bright day and don'twait till a day or two before Xmas. The child en jsust not be disappointed. Young man, a certain yodng lady; thatyou wot of, is expecting you' to do your duty by her. My stock of Xmas Presents, China, Pictures, Dolls, joys, Fireworks, -Musical Instruments etc., is immense and cheaper than ever known ia this town before. NO; one can, or will, be allowed to undersell me. You: will make a mistake if fyou buy elsewhere before seeing my GOODS U . ' J. P. GIBSON. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Grino-hams "i Outino- Cloths: Plaids? Sheetm . . - ; : is. ... and Sal Ba s rt5i 0 Dealers-in GENERAL-" MER HADISE -o s DBuvers: of -n. COUNTRY; PRODUCE oi all kind and 4-ioot v . , .1- . I wood always wanted- fc est prices cfor same. We invite an inspec tion ot all the oroods welmanniacture. ODELL'MFGl'Cd!? E -onccrdN. C Bask, CONCORD N.IC. CAPITAL STOCK, f - $50,000. We are now readv for bpsinees at our new banking office in the Propst building. Your account is respect iuny Bonciieu, ana we careful and courteous promise you attention and every facility consistent banking. I wit sound Deposits from 25 cens up taker? in our SAVINGS DEPARTWNT r T j' r (Bpw Interest paid on savings and tine uetonts. JCall to see us and see on r burglar proof sate with time lock. DIKECTORS WCANNON, LAAVSON J. DR R. 8. YOUNG, C. W. SWINK. JNO. C. WADSWOCTH, 1 DR. D. W. FLOWE 1). F. CANNON, JAS. C. GlflSOtf , President. Cashier. MARTIN BOGER, K. I. WO0DH0USE $2,1 fllsll Ikmnw Vice rresmei; &Teller For over riWT f jears Mrs: Winelow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by million of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue cess. It soothes the cnild, softeiis the gums, allays all pain," cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately Sold by iruggists in every part of the world, Twentv-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure in d ask for "Mrs. Winelows SootL iLg Syrup," and take no -other kinn. SCHEDULE ITEM- In Effect Jan. 18,1897, This condensed schedule is pub lUhed as information, and ia'subjeci to change without notice to th public : ) Trains Leave Concord, N. O 9:27 p. m. No. 35 daily, for Atlan and CharlottegAir i 5,! e division, na all points South and Southwest Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers between New York, Washington, Atlanta. Birms ineham, Galveston, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeper' Charlotte to Augusta. !:'' 8:48 a. m. No. 37, daily, Washings ton and Southwestern 1 vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham. Memphis. Montgomery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South I j i. mi u t i-j.iv sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing oar, vestibuled coach, between Washington and AtlanW, Pullman tourist car for San .Francisco, Sun days " ."' 9;02 p. m, No. 9, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Golds boro. Nor" folk, Selma, iialign, Greensboro Kuoxville and AsheviUe to Char otte. N. O. 10:30 a. m. No. 11. dadv. for At- anta and all , points South. Solid 1 tram, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man Sleeping car. mchmond to Greensboro. I 10:07 a, m.No, 36. i dailr. for Washington, Richmond. Raleieh and all points North. Carries Pull man drawingroom buffet sleeper, ttaiveston to JNew lork j; Jacksont vine to New York : Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San FrarciscoJ'hursdays. 9:02 p. m.- .No. 38, daily Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled. pmitea, ior wasnington and all ioints North. Through Pullman car1 Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertibuled coach and dining car: , 7:22 p. m.No. 12, daily, for Richs mond, AsheviUe, Chattanooga, RaN iigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from Greensboro to -Richmond. Joncects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for fiajeieh. 6.17 a. m.No. 10, daily1, for Rich mond ; com-ects at Greensboro lor Raleigh and- Norfojk ; afc Danville for, Washington and poirits North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Knox ville and points West V 1 All freight trains carry passengers. John M. Gulp, W. AJTuek, JTraffic Mgr. . Gen'IPass. Ag't, W. fl. Gbeen, Washington, D. C. Gen'l Superintendent, Washing ton,. DJ C. S.H.Haedwick, Ass'tGenfiP. Ag't . XT m . Atlanta, Ga- .,fl. Tayloe, Ass't Genl P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gowan.Dusenbebt, Lccal Agt, Concord. N, C. M. L. Brown & BRo. LIVERY, PEED AND SALE ; STABLES, inst in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules alwayls on band for sale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. I . tf LOOK Any one w'shing 10 purchase new, High Arm, . Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, iour drawers, cover and end leaf, fine oak finish, with complete attachments, should call at this office. We only have one, and will offer the price. buyer special ! C9tf. su a ?. mm ui a j d teas 1 cretions. Tften auicklii a' ,Z--- restora Lost Vitality in cldfirr rt a man. for study, baeisos or -. - r .. 3revqnt Insanity end Cfonsnmotion. sist npoa baving the gaanine Aiax Tabiti TVTot itive written Buaranteoto efE9ct a cnreTK ws Fit package; o- uc pkges (full treatment) for f20 lil ml. in rUin wrapper, xjpon QV 'il w AJAX RIEDY CO., 79 Dearborn St.. W S CI ?nr, Impotency, tiioapleesnfecD, atcj c&w Chimin 'MaB T j Ttoef siinspf clous Characters Were in l otir rnnn. It will be remembered that in Satiprday's Standard we naa ao article from , the Charlotte News, stating that three suspicious chanc ers had been traced from Cleveland o pto' siding. Since that time formed by Mr. Young Caldwell, the night operator at the B . depb t tha-: the man with bis hand head tied up was seen on the and platform at the depot; aoouc 4 o'clock Saturday morning, but was not! seen after the passenger train passed at7 6 08 o'clock. It is very provable these men. were here, as the! account of Saturday said that t bey got off of Nc. 35 Friday night, whijeh got to Ulass' about 9 o'clock, and then they walked; down here thai night. ! , Robbed the Grave A starling incident of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the'subject, is narrated as follows: was in a most dreadful conition. Myjskin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con- tinmually in back i and sides, no appetite kept on gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three pbysiciana had given me up. For tunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise,, the first bottle made a decided improvement, I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the other victim," No one errouid fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bot tle at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. - Sontewliat of a Coincident. A day or two ago two young Dur hamites went out hunting, and look ine at the matter closely reveals a singular string of facts. Both of these men were twenty-four years of age: they drove a hone twenty-four years old; hunted with a dog four years old, aod each one killed four birdi. There are a good many 4's in this item, which is said to be tru in every particular in tact more than we ever heard of be-4. i - I Dnbam Sun. : . ' Baklen's Arnica BiaiTe. TJhe Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhlum, Fever Sors, Tetterd Cbappr Hande, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skih Eruptions, and positively cures iles or no pay requi-ed. It is ; nairanteed to give otatief action ol moiev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's. Drug store, Mounds Faky, S: B Nickum, the inventor of a new light which he claims will rev olu ionize the process of illumina tion, made the following statement to-day: "The light is contained in a round glass globe, in which so called, gravitation is cut off. It can be made of almost any brilliancy and when the globes are once made and sealed remains constant there ofter, fl There are no wires and no elec tric current, but the light never goe? out, and when not in use can be placed in a bureau drawer or any convenient place until needed. The globe is cold, there being no loss of heat or movement from x the inte rior to the outside. sphere is no possibility of a fire resulting from the use of the light, for he instant there is a crack in the glofee the light will be extinguished. Thy can be broken j in a keg of gunpowder, without the slightest danger of an explosior. "pght is a high period of moving atoms to and from a centre, the cen tre atoms being made to vibrate so rapidly that the eye is made inser -sible to such movement. In this is involved the principle of the new light." Ivogansport, Ind., . Dispatch. Any person ana be examinea J3 cjiiJ!j oi charge will! call between now and next Thurs day. mutr uii!iiliiiliiiiiiiiliiiliiil.iiitiifli!iln!lli!:iiilnii!ij Advertisers will find no better means to reach the people than through' the . columns of THE STANDARD. If you want the patron, age of the people, make your wants known through this medium. Our local advertisements are worth five ents per line for first insertion, and reductions given on successive insertions. Ail other rates given on application. henin need of JOB WORK 0 of different descriptions, j you ill do well to call on j us, as we can save you j money. Prices on different I kinds of JOB WORK given ! on application at this office. ! T ID wishing to see ODori i llll!IlIlllInill!lIlIlIll!!l)AIl!lIllll!!lIlllinll!l!ll! m There is rotbing that is as essential to the hap pin ess of the family as the local newspaper.: If you are not yet a sub scriber send us your name at once, and let. THE STAND A"0 D . 4 start at once. You can not do without it, neither family. IinriiIiiiIii!liiiIiiiIinpiiWWin:ii!l!iiIiiiJiiiiiifiiiIi!i ST A 0i Whenyoujwish ciuobing rates on any kind of news pa per or periodical with THE STANDARD you will save money by call ing on us, though all orders mupt invariably be paidj -ip advance. T WOOD'S SEEDS are soecially crown and seiectea to meet tne needs and requirements of Southern Growers. "Wood's Descriptive Catalogue is most valti able and helpful in giving cultural directions and; valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South. VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, urass ana wover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats and all - ..' - Garden and Farm Seeds. Writefor Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free T. W. WOOD & SONS, o SEEDSMEN,-. - RICHMOND, VA. -THE LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. Forlsale by J F Gibson, Drnggist

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