ft f M Arrival or, Trains. - ffTh.el0!lo7in change of schedule took effect July 4. 1897. 12 nVlnr NORTHBOUND. JNo. 8 arrived at fi i"W a m ! " 44 10.07 a m, 12 " 7-22 pm, 62 " " H.20 a m (iriw SOUTHBOUND iNo. 37 arrives at 8.49 a m m U 11 limnr, ' X o a m. ii. 7 " 9.02 pm 35 9.27 pm,' 60 " " 5.0 w v uii l i if-" i ir ri t l No. 35 36. 37 and sa ct ft J. u (( f .ing none folks at Mt. icaaam ana tflowe . nw'" cWeIlJ who is em- rr"",or paldwell, has relumed tn hia burg to spend a while near Harris- Wade Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71. SHORT ITEMS. I'arasrraphe,, Penciled am, Properly liacd Here.: Mr. J W Furr, a young man who onlj a short time ago began clerking in ihe store of D P nt,tflnif ha ec up a grocery store at ! Can nonyille, where Mr. Marshall Bar ringer formerly did business. - We are informed that Prof. O C Hamilton, who i nnw ! mnHiintin bee chanoro ?n n tne Umonvillfi onhoni tt: . Co.'a ad. today. Z3r county, has been selected as the rru f nfxt teacher a Newells, wb'ch n . be recast for tomorrow says- Rla?waa seated by Professor P E Ham tonight and Saturday ' W"8ht- The change will not be We learn t'nf t t 6' however untilj the next v e iearn tnat Mm T c of Forest Hill, is p xuo xvuBHiau namea jonn fcjmith. - Rav XU T T '-i .1 -J J - " f.. after Viairin J v . one 81"PS the CO nmna fhot 1 ne horrors f the day Shelly reads the headlines o'er What politicians eay. She 6hows.no curoaity About affairs with Spain; She does not care what baseball nine a us victory may ain .' She skims the editorial page With an indifferent Avp The details of "atletn sports ' In haste she passes hv And so she turns rage afier pae Till with d.light she hfiilfl- And pins her fond attention to xne item, Barain Sales." Tne Buy- Miss Ii7t W,Mi . Lly. , .. . 'ucuuuiisja passea throat the city today Ifrom George- 4 , J She was accompa- Joe Cook, the n Ply YCt TP n o moo oVin at lhomaayille several weeks ago by a policeman, and who Was brought gang. here to be put on the has become able to oarstreets. chain go to work i on ) A Prisoner Carries. A reader of The CnmmnnWDOi writing from South. Carolina, says. "I eaw in your paper some time oz iiiat me convicts were allowed togo'coon hunting. I can go you one.better There was a. United States prisoner here in jail, and he was allowed to carry the United btates mail through the 28miles; and there is another one here that stays at home all the time. vvno can beat this?" . b '.am w - 1 i t Sight i is ' Mr and Mrs W t c "uoaiau uameu jonn Kmitn, Phi r V(l1JSmnk returned who was put on the .chain gang C?lFmHlAr China Grove Thursday night. Monday mornine for bLnnA.f OLi BlCIGS to China Grove Thursday night. Mr. Tom White i8 now at work in the jnteresf. of the Cabarraa in enrance. He reports doing a good business. Monday morning for beintr hQ uoeu laxen on, navine been pahpH abont 2 o'clock Thursday bv Mavnr Arowen. JNoone could scamnlv nn. derstand him when he talks, but ari ;Price!esSo HALPERN, ; i Graduate Optician and Eye Specialist, Formerly :6f uerimany but now of Atlanta, ' ' ' DR. M tel. for three weeks and has given per rchased glasses fiom him. He wishes Appeared rch Season Until Blood was Huririecl With Hood's Sarsa- Harma-An Indolent Ulcer. "For several years I was troubled with r..r -uuu natural. HoocFk K-ii nlla mps pURp BLOs' Jxiunz, ot Cannonville u pioyea as night-watch- "iau around the building. any carbuncles since. My little son had a fever and an Indolent xuiu ana spreaa half way around purifier and I cave tho hn-cr tt, barsaparilla with gratifying results." A. v-r. J-. UAiU.SJ XrOliiVille, jVllSS. ' I have been a treat nnffpr fr , Hak been in Concord at Morris Ho feck satisfaction to all that have pu to hank the people of Concord and of Cabarrus county for tl eir lih. patronage. If there are any others who have glasses and thev cannot how to read thp fi w r run water ani pain them, he correct it, and will refer you to Uers in your city. He will r,min onlv 8 days more. Tbis January 6,' 1398. Examinations and Consultation Free. can I Tne House Party closes TUe hODSA rmrtv that Vioa AM WUMW uua lcu Mil at the elegant home of Miss Nannie wauuuu, UU XNOrin Mftin flt.roor. fni. i! our more of tho tn. lume mo soon to draw to a c ose. ericultural r Z " , 8 11 ha ben quite a ourcd of eniov. , v 0680 8 B'eat sufferer frommus ' le T u dLMechanial Col- ment to a number of dnr von ff f'8"1 to October began . t8:," 1 IeI? have en killed folk, to make the acaoaWan"? La - ..uuuf oi luDurculosia the different Jadies .tnHinff .h STJf, ""u"y.!'" A. fouW. a j ! -o : , uuo wiu i nave Lad A CaDdV flfpnr tn ' . . I We "OpQ the V18lt0rS WPrA voll no actltA tmItib eTi,M, f T trr - -. tra Kiven at the J ,7 ' v , I r;:, "r .iuicK, xiome or JMiss Maffffio Tnh V rwim uur uociecy Denes ana -wie, Louisiana. 25S &S,ruftt!a Hood's Sarsaparilla --"wuirwDag,: who ou piemsant ana entertairiing aa I ornggista. Price Si; six for as mt . . '--I U vn . '. t;-T ' i . I . i : Ane great show of chiVVono j tu!"UHCB8' xujsb Dannie Uanon. HnA1 osl. are the only puis to take other pets in OhLl. Gn8. and ".Mj58es Adelle Brenizerland Fan J HOd PlHs wtthHsnS- flncrfiqfl proving a ni McAden, both of Charlotte, and success above expectation ;a Mattift T,ap nf h.ik Ln ? . 11 mn close: on Saturday fr ir respective homes in the wgM' ! . J morning. Miss Mabel Tomlinson A blind man nnm New York. wafl nJ nn, . 1 day, selling , some perfumed Wood event tbe he party. prevention of moths in dMasic. XJlothing. tl . I muBiuians arrived in our Mrs. Agnes Rhyne and childrfln C1ltthif moine. The-1 music is ofGastonia, have return S fHent. The c mbinatiof iis two after spending 'eome tim. aV7u i ,ant an , Ata,lan hT?' Tbe home of Mrs Rh w the J10110 IV P1 by a 13-yearv ume oi Mrs. Rhyne's parents in old boy, andihe makes moat excellent ouu i tones on nis instrument. It is very Anere nas been some work- rin J r "n I vuhh ub ajiud in front of the oLTU h5!e er: ?win OAll'afo.r 7 oture ai wHie.iaosinai una trio in town, vueii s lactory. A new water pipe T7T- - has been put in where before the uarrv 1 doQ fc want yon to wash 4 a . vlaO mo fans i "! ireei was badly washed 7i V i tit- n J. Q' Grandmother-Why I've washed miss jjora Hix and her friend, v fdCe three times a day ever since -Aiaa otimnnnn m.,- ii i was a lltt a orir WWfcM SJl xuruerRnnror . ;one out to Mt. PlfiflRnt. I Hies, and just ... w . "uuuu B ill V A - ' A ' t . ' . - . ttaii iouimu QDui next wees:, and ari acharf, J; 111 oe accompanied home by MiP ir etreats to- Cannn- Thus closes this eociU see how it's ons tipatiom retains the digested food too long In na produces . Diuousness, torpid , the bowels liver, Indi- V gestion,, bad taste, coated headache, in- Hood's Hlls nave gone out to Mt. Pleasant in ,rr, e8' ond spend the niiiit .. .S" shrunk. -Tit-Bits Annie Wiley, wh0 was her jooteruay. . Mr. J T. M Rogers, who is flm Ployed in the Patterson Btore at '"a urove but who has been o fe?.a' a . on account Pt of duty? agam retUrnef 10 Tf . . t gesuon,, dec narilS thl 6 1 t0 take P00 Sarsa- ngue, sick . -u experiment with un- - ' iAluua 1 1 i n lis f nown and untried bnror,Jo? cure constipation and all its U " U Weknow HoofVa P-n "nS- sults, easily and thoroughly. 25c. AH druggists, all? W anrlKm Sarsaparilla actU Prepared by C. I. od & Ck,., LoweU, Mass. j pa anarmanently Cures. Thft only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. - T!11 Pmpa; on Z ra5t and Cure 5f ?Ahe .hver and bowelg. ciuacne. ThebicVclfi Bo L. . , already ih 18 H00n oere and cltT a7r,df lrent 8?-ts of our T-" " uo m their wheels If you want to sell those wheels we' know nfnn wueeis, we AILY and AVEEKLY Stayt 1116 AtWtoro on:WestJDepot street.: -fc-jjgi rnone JNo. 68. 1 1 TASTELESS 09 H y Uril.4gil rfKAAJ fcS fciV P . 11 B i I iar J I ' lit W M l 1 MP MM I II 1 IMP A n Jbxtra Attraction in Wardrobes, We the are making this wpfe- h-r . - . - tynces we naye placed! on Notice ! PHONE K.L. Craven For Coal. ", I J v fC III6T AOnnnn BAn aniii Causes fully half the sickness in thi world. It VAR RANTED. PRICE SO CtS 7a . -jris Jioaicino uo., et. Xiouis, Mo. Gntiemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles oi H HO VE'R TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and havs oougb" three Rrosa already this year. In all our ex perience of 14 yeara, in the drug business, have noupr snl i"1 ft n nrt.i1a t.rifit. crav. ounh unirrrtwo o 1 i . faction as your Tonic. xours truly. For sale and guaranteed by druggets. al Goal ! For all kinds of coal Soft or Hard call on me. My Lump Coal can not i be surpassed in quality. Prices aa low as can be had. A. C. Black nreider m OflTer the. business public a re liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating banking institution We solicit your business with the assurance of honorable treatment nd due appreciation of your paU ronage. If we can serve you at fany time be glad to have ,you come jjjd see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Gapital and Sulplus$70 000 D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier; ' J. M. OPELL, Pres. them. Wardrobes at bargains that can nnlv h secured on such special occa sions and which we aT -nl maa to place before our patrons, j Aren't you tired of Jriding poor wheels ? Then buy an 4 TT TUT : ; DlVEIl Bi FUfjNITURE'BEALERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Wb alwavs Pfirrxr in afM a comriletft linp nf Hnffina XT ' v auu Caskets. FREE HEARSE. UKAVEN BROTHERS, PHONE NO. 9. , r a jz. tt in 7 W 4 OTilERS. Xotice. . ! 1 . When von wan t . Proa fi n afaTa I nd VJObCflB stewed, fried or raw, birds on toast. rresn nsn or a sqaare meal, prepared by an old experienced (cook (Wila. McMoore) call at Boger & Johns ton's Restaurant in the Bricfc Row near the Court House, i TIRED MOTHERS imd Help in HlOOd's Sarsanarilli. -nru i ir if xxxysA glVCS tnem InnrA nlrri o rrrnA .-j.. j r - " w 6vvv apute ana new and needed STREW CTH. "a J m -b. 2 1 W f tO r-T pO 612 11 .1 pi gMeeda No Explanation.? j Madison, JNTu., Aug. 4, 1897. ' Goose Greasa Liniment Co., Greens ' boro, JSi. 0. i Dear Sirs -Please ship aa at once ine gross Goose Grease Liniment. We. ;are entirely out Don t f ail to ship at once. Please give us jobbers prices It is the heat thing we h yeeve r see., .W G Jones & Go. EAT SALES prove the great merit , of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because ii accomplishes CPEAT CURED.

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