i I Arriral or. Trams, ; : V Tie following change.of schedule took effect July 4. 1897, 12 o'clock, i " NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 6 27 a m, . 36 it - 14 10 08 a m, 12 38 62 n i 7-OSpm, 14 8.53 p m, (P) i nn i SOUTHBOUND.' No. 37 arrives at 8.49 am, (F) " 11 4r MO 29 am r44 : 7 8 53 pm, i "-35 9.25 pm, " 61 44 7.40 a m, (freight) No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char lotte J Concord, Salisbury, Greensborr and J Danville. Passengers for local points between these stations will have to use the other trains. . . : Wade Barrier, City Editor. SHORT ITEMS. I'arnsrrnpbccleencilea ana Properly -! I'lncea Here. j See change in Cannon &, Fetzar Co.'s ad. today. Miss Ola Hamilton haa gone to visit her cousin, Miss Jennie Rub 'sell , i THE ONLY True Blood Purifier prominentlyin trie public eye to day is Hood' SarsapariUa.- Therefore et Hood's and-' ONLY HOOD'S. -The forecast for today says: Lieht rain tonierht. 01 Sunday nooD. Much warmer Sun w . - a day morning. ' Rev. J J Payseur will hold ser vice ;at Cold Water Baptist church a few miles below town tomorrow evening at 3 o'clock. Miss Irene Ridenhour returned today (Saturday) from Kines Moun tainj where she has ben visiting ucr urumer, lur. w iu .tuaennour. Miss Mamie Good, who has been visiting in Rock Hill, has re turned to the home of Mr. Shake speare Harris, in No. 2 township. Plight, the 12-yearsold son of Mr. E Si Marsh, of near Wadesboro, acs cidentally sent a load ot shot into his right thigh while out rabbit hunting Thursday. His leg- will probably have to be amputated. iwioi ui ireau macKerei, just received. Also a good supplrof dried apples peaches, prunes, apricots. New Orleans and Porto Rico molas ses, cream cheese, &c, all to be had right now, at ja22. A L Sappenfield's. Dr8. Odom and Hal pern, who have befen in our city for quite a while, have gone to Thomasville to spend some time. f Since these two doctors have been in our city this time they.have formed a copartner ship as oculists, and will now work together. A few young men of our city who attend the Thompson Hieh School. m oder to show their patriotism. did not attend school Wednesday evening, but in order that the teachers might show their love for the progress of the boys, an extra session was held today. r Mothers praise HoodsSarsapai nila, because, by its greatr blood en- ricning qualiUe, it gives rosy vcesa, ana. vigorous appetites to pale and puny children. , - XlOOd'fl mllflnro fViA faAiU (ami. Ly. cathartic: and ' liver inedicine; a rice zoc. - -I Key. J R Br poles, Pre8ip!mg Elder tbe Central Methodist church to "Jorro w morning :at H o'clock; Af ler thQ eermpD, the holy sacrament wiu be admmistered. He will ai'ed bold aervicea in the country tomor t0x evening, Tery probably at Rocky but- riir not preach any- omorrow night. ) TELEPHONE NO. 71 j ' - t Mr. Critcndoi Here. ? Mr. O O Orittendon nf e- baro T. arrived in the city to- 7J v-uruaj;. Mr. Crittend the teacher elected to fill the oianl'i 0U0"lne ames of the mu: . uu ine Place .ladies whnro ... . h. . - MW 1fh Bon . ' a- vauaiea DV Prof M A s l-xi-L- 7. . w Bger. We hon J 4f?? eran Festival nm don will v ' i ' ... i i- wo Pieasea witn ourtori nd its people, and The Z t0 86176 y0U extend. . ... . ANPAEI.any thing in their line ; , extends to him a hearty welcottie: Rncklen u Arnica aiT. The Beat Sal Ontfl tj,- worm for nts, J5ruiaes, Sores, Ulcers 1 Rheum, Fever Sores nl1 ' Handfl nwiw 9 Jetterd Ohappr, Skin Rmni Iam8!, Corn8 d ale Won Erupt10ll8 and positively cores H68 Or HO t)av -mnni.A1 Ti. T " V , a "l0e 25 cents per store.- at P B ?etze g " ' i ' ' " i " i ; Joe McLean JDeparted. j ! As noted in Friday's Daily, Joe McLean, the negro who is charged with retailing whiskey atMt. Pleas ant, is "out of sight." The last time he was seen was about 4 o'clock Friday morning. His bondsmen! Messrs. D D Barrier and Harris Crowell, had taken out a mortgage on some of his property, and will hardly lose anything on his escape; m & Wanted. . Upright and faithful gentlemen and ladies to travel for responsible established house in North Carolina, Monthly 865.00 and expenses; Po sition steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, ! ! janl31m. ' Dept K , Chicago! flam's Horn Wrinkles. No sacrifice is bitter when sweet ened by love. Unbidden guests give pleasure when they go. .. The pruned limb is seldom the one that dies. . 1 A little man's happiness consists in magnifying himself. It takes both grace and grit to- bear disappointment well. When a man makes a fool of himr self, he generally does the job well. ... , - i . - ' As a matter of fact, nobody be lieves in a hell except for his neigh? bqr. .' ; ; 1 When we cannot do as we would, it will smooth the jolts to be willing' to do as we should. One trouble with the world is that there artpso many people in it who are content to drift down stream. Few of us gain by the mistakes of others, but he who fails to profit by his own mistakes will fom be bak rupt to the knowledge. Ram's Horn. Col. Paul B Means, the railroad attorney tells ns for 4 the 'benefit of those interested that 'none ?of the railroad cases will be ? called before Friday, January jath, and the nrobabilitv is that thev will not be gr ; - reached until the second week of court, ; ; v -. In the fitomach Caused Great Ouf ferine Was confined to trio Bed But Now Able to Work. " i v "In October, 1895, 1 had x an abscess In lay stomach. I was also taken with pleu- fiv nA rnnhad VerV Jt)adlr I wa 'treated by physicians but did not improve. I gave up alhhppe ol 'ever: getting weu. My rightrslde Vas swollen, and I was not ble to. walk across the room and was .Anflnod tn mv bd. I was advised to Itry Hood's SarsapariUa and began taking it lir tnreat aays xcuiu bj loV the betlier. ; I kept on taking Hood'a, fimaoariUa until I had taken four bot- hie to doa good aay',woxon . tne xarp.7 1 . i m - va i Is - sold : hy All dracrfirists. $1 six for $5. Prepared only hyA.L Hood & Co X - itr.i " net tTood's and only Hood's. uumcii, HOOd PHlS puis, aid digestion. v Ah Abscess ScirQaharil a LUTHERAN FESTIVAL. Tlie Karnes of the Person. Who will Be Rad,ioWaiton Toa. a I A - pare id Tuesday and Wednesday, and r v Committee onmeat supper : Manager, Mrs. A M Brown ; Assistants, Mesdames M R Barrier, J A Cline, R L Dick, Lizzie Bingham, Z E Scott, D W Tucker, C A Cook and J H Mason ; Misses Ella Blume, Ida Weddington, Rose Wille- ford, Stella Black welder, Sadie lusher, Grace Fisher, C hassie Brown Jennie Cock, Lillie Cook, Bessie Strieker and Mary Strieker. Committee on Ice Cream and Cake : Manager, Mrs. M L Stevens ; assistants, Mes dames J S Fisher, R E Ridenn hour, J L Boger, Laura Blacks welder, A L Sappenfield, Jno. K Patterson, Minnie Brown, Ross McConnell ; Misses An- nie Hoover, Mattie Cook, Ber tie Qaantz, Sallie Castor, Fans nie Strieker and Ida Blume; Manager of Taffy stand, Miss Ora Hoover ; assistants, Misses Maggie Castor, Addie Patterson, Addie Strieker and Mrs. Kennett, Arrangement of Sale oi Fancy Work : Mis Claude Fisher, manager.; assistants, Miss Belle Moser and Mrs. D L Bost. Those furnishing provisions are urgently requested to send them in not later than 10 o'clock a.m. Tues day. ..,Those furnishing fancy work, , will please ba?6 such in by Monday evening. The committee of managers and their assistants will please apbemble in the refreshment room at 10 a. n?. Monday. Those participating in any of the concert exercises are each and every one earnestly requested to meet Monday night at 7:30 in Caton's Hall for final practice. Tickets on sale at the drug stores of,Dr. Fetzar and Dr. Gibson. r : A singular instance showing bow great reforms grow oat of the very smallest conceivable incidents is that in New York under the late Mayor Strong, who effected the pnrification Of milk sold on the market from an I' f -j--- v. . r. A ppealing letter by . a poor woman asking him to please aee-to it; that ihe milk she. bought for her baby was real milk, ao. that her - baby would drink what would brinsf life and not death. H Concord Co ! '.' Conicoird,';N. C. Oar fouhdriaho in blaaf oncd a "week, castiqe regularl v verv Fri- dav; Wfe are- nreoared to fnrninh you anjihinT Jn the ca8 ting, line at JiTing-pncea. We will he pleased to quote you special priced on anything deaired. . All ordera) receive prompt attention. && dd'general michine work. Ybura truly, Concord Foutidry Co: I I 7eat Corrjm Street. , : The Concord Meat Market I be often for business w i Saturday morning in ( the -' Castor building on Main Street AU KI NDS of -i MEAT and SAUSAGE handled;- Patronage Solicited Respectfully,, Sol teyy,f Foundry XEWS51M OEJfERAl. Charlotte lawyers hare signed a petition asking the President to ap point Capt. Chas, Price, of Saliabu ry, Judge Dick's successor. Jim Saaith, colored, "was found dead in the road in Lincoln county Monday of last week. There was no evidence of foul play but if was in evidence that Jim had imbibed rather freely of' contrabandspirits. The Shelby Aurora is no more. Its name is to be changed to the Southern Spindle and Loom and it will be devoted largely to' indus trial muter -3 ite sville Landmark uch in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi cine ever contained sp great curative power in so small space. They are a whole medicine chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver ills. sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25o. The only Pills to take with Hood's SarsapariUa. NEW JEWELER, H. B. FRAZIER, 3rd 9tore Litaker Building. You will find a nice line of Jewelry at my plaoa. Repairing a specialty. All work guar anteed. Served 2 years ap prenticeship nnd?r Wil liams & Dotter, Jewekrs, Philadelphia. Hoping to Bhare a part of your patron age in the future, I am Respectf tilly H. B. FRAZIEB. Mar. 19. : Jeweler. An Extra Attraction in Wardrobes, We are making this week by the prices we hay.e placed 'on them. .. " , ; .l at bargains that can only be secured on such special occa sions and which we are pleased to place before our patrons. Aren't you tired of Iridium poor wneeis i Then buy an A KIEL. cn BM)T, FUjaNITUREpBALERS and FUNERAL DltCEOTOBS We always carry in stock a complete line of Coffins and Caskets.QFREE HEARSE. - CRAVEN BROTHERS, PHONE NO 9. For all kinda of coal Sof t or Hard caII on me. My Lump Coal can not 'be surpassed in quality. Prices a3 low as can be had ' o- o ' r , JA. C. Black welder At JSI re.on WesO epo re t. " Phone No. 68.Q Wardrobes CoaW' I f 1 W1I iUWoSBate H, jj 'S" g Ejj - ,&al ti y m fci lz?i ssii 'mss& 'rnm n 53 JUST AS OOQD FOR ADULTS. ;vVAHRATEI. PRICE SO cts& I I Galatia, Ills., Nov. 16, 1833 -""iri?; Ivfcdicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Pi?mon:-We sola last yoar, 600 bottles ol iKOVE-" TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and hava 0!tgb three pross already this year. In all or ess rti'innpfi of 11 VPtATH. in tVia llrncr hnclnaoa ha.. . - - - t J 1 -m h wuiHUbtXJf uuiv oever sold an article that j?ave such universal gaL ftctiop. aa your Tquc. L'ors truly. For sale aH guaranteed by a druggists. ludiil ili. i vue. me uusinesa puoiio a re liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating banking institution We eolicit your businf gs with thj assurance of honorable treitmenfc nd;due appreciation of your paU ronage. " If we can serve you at any time be gUd to have you coma and see us. TO CUSTOMERS Gapital and Sulplus $70 000 U. U. UULTK A JNJfi, Cashier. J. M. OPELL, Pres. Z Notice ! K. L. Graven No; 74, in 1 U 6. J.nSS'Vo-0.-. i i O 1 NeeOs JSo Explanation. Madison. N. C. Aucr. 4. 1897. Goose. Greasa Liniment Co., Greens boro, H.Xu Dear Sirs -Please ship us at once jne grosa Goo8e Grease Liniment. Wa are entirely out Don t fail to ship at once, irlease give us jobbers prices. It ia the'reat;thing we h yeeve raee 1 W J JOHES & Go. OR l AT S A LEO prove the great merit of Hood's SarsapariUa. Hood's SarsapariUa sells because it accomplishes CHEAT UHE0. PHpNE" I For Coal -it

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