r y 1 i., -i" - ' l .. .-. . "S .S . WORTH OF X WAS GOODS GIBSONS Drug Store, TO BE SOLD AT ONCB Take advantage of the first clear weather and buy your HOLIDAY GOODS. The weather promises to be very un- favorable for the next, month. Rain every ; few days and consequently bad roads will prevent your jcoming to town just when it may best suit; you. Take advantage, I say, of the first bright day and on'twait till a day or two before Xmas. The child en must not be disappointed. Ypung man, a certain young lady thatyou wot q expecting you; to do your duty Byjier. My stock of Xmas Presents, China, Pictures, Dolls, Toys, Fireworks. Musical Instruments, etc., is immense -and cheaper than ever known in this town before. NO one can, or will, be allowed to undersell me. You will make mistake if 'you buy. "elsewhere; before seeing my GOODS.' " J. P. GIBSON - Ii Maaulactunai Is. MANUFACTURERS ' OF Fiie Ginghams Outino- Cloths ?v. Sheetino- ' - - - : and Sal Bas ; i Dealersran GENERAL ' MER HADISE DBu ver of -n- COUNTRY , PRODUCE ol all kind.' and 4-foot wood alwasiwanted . - , - test prices Dfor same. We: invite an insec- tion ot all the -oods wnianxilacture. OX)ElkjMFQ-.C6al r!; ConccrdN. c 1 r. Weare now read? for business at oar new banking office in the, Prc-pit bailey 4x our account 13 reapec t ally jicitedif aud" we promise jou uareitu anu. courpeens aicenuon ana e very;f acility.consiftten t with sonnd pepoiHairom 25 icents up takeh VINOS XEPA i Inerestjpaid ittepofiitsv;;; j;- V.a - 4yaU to see csarid jree 1 oaariwrglar; proof safe wjithMime'f locfe. i ; L, f 1)lkEOTOR8 ? i 1). F. CANKON, J AS. C. G1USOK, Ptehident . . T . Cashier. MA'rtflNBOGER. B. I. WO0DH0URK $2,i ; Fer orer FlflT Yea" Mrs, tWkslow'jSokinKyxnp ;haa been for - qw fifty years Dy millions of .mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedyjfpr Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer . immediately, cold by druggists iu every part of the worlds Twenty-Bye cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrt. Winslows SootL: itg Syrup" and; take no other kind. SCHEDULE mum In Effect Jan. 18, 1897. This condensed schedule is pnb U shed as information, and is'subject to change without notice to th public: ;i f ! drains lipaye Concord, K. 0 . 9:25 p. m. No. 35 dallyj or I Atlan. ta and CharlottetAir b5, e division, ana all points South and Southwest Carries through Pullman drawing- room buffet sleepers between (.New York, Washington, Atlanta, j New O r 1 e a n s, S a'v a n.n.a.h : and Jacksonville. Also Pullman sleeper' Charlotte to Augusta. 8:49 a. m. No. 37, daily, Washing, ton I and Southwestern Testibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis. Montgomery. Mobile and : New Orleans, and all points ' South (and Southwest. Through Pullman I sleener iew York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis . 'Din ing car, vpstibuled coch, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco. Sun days.;:- . ..v.--. : : .p. ... ..&;di iwow 7, daily, from liicn mond, Washington. Goidsboro,Norw folk, i Sel ma. ;,Ra3 1 rt i 33ren sbor o Kuoxville and Asheville . to , Char- otte, M. O. v 109 . W w-Nn. 11 rlftilv for Al anta and all points South. Solid train. Richmond to Atlanta: Jfull man -eleeping car, ' Richmond to ureensboro. ; 1 . 10.-08 a. m. No. 36. ! daily, for Washington, Richmond. IRaleieh and all points North. Carries Puli man drawing-room buffet sleeper. JNejvUrleana to .eTYork; Jackson vine to iNew .jrork ; Uirminirham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frar ciBCOJ hursdays. . 8;53. J4. No. 38, daily; Washing ton and Southwestern vestibular! lmited, for Washington land all P0int9 North. ? ILhrough Pullman car, juempnis to JNew lork; New! Orleans to New Yorl:; fTampa to New York, Also carrtesjvertibuled coach and dining carv . ; , . ; - j . 1 , 7.08 p. kuNo. 12, daily.-fdr Rich's mond, AsheyiUe, ChaUanboga, Ral cigh,, Goldsboro .and " points North. Carries 'Puljman Bleeping PTirom Greensboro io JFUchmond. Jonnects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman carlor 'Eaieieh. i .27a. niiNb.O,;daily;tfor Rich mond ; conr acts1 at Greens boro 1 or Raleigh ind- NorloJk; at iDaavDle for Washington and ppints North ; at Salisbury for ABnvil'le, Knox. Tille and points. West. (1 All freight irains carry passengers Jobn. M- Culp, 'W. A. Turk. I Traffic Mr. Geu'lPaes. Ag i; nJrS Washington, D. C. jluliu v4uo jrreBiaent And Gen'l manager, Washington. D. CL S. H.HARD wiqK. Abs'xen'iP, Ag't j ttt i n , Atlanta, Ga Wfl. Tayloiu Asst Gen'l P. Agt, 1 r i;--34 1 - ' Louisville, Ky. Gwak.Dusenbeby. Lc cal Ag't, i : j'-y '; Ooncordi N.C. Brown &1 If ..LIVERY, JBlm).: --Apif A LIE, ta?, ?P Ifiw; of.St,pipBd Hotel. W1 ; jiiujuuj.tuw)r'Buuuia uaii at tnis p9tft A,,Liirs positively ctri 3S ttlVfc rrttn mnrantM CLr J 1? Kl Ve B DOS vaao or reiuna ills monM. - Pri uU uIa For riale by J JEf ;Gihaon . LOOK -xioWj nigu-rm, vneeier & yuAcc vjnr b uaiy iKive j -one, - 'and MUilMer :Sfe -Ihhyeri pal J OHURpH UIRJEJflTP?- E;jf PrAflVvterian ' church Rev. JV. C. Alexander, Pastor. ing every Sunday at 11 a . m., ana 7:00 p. m.. Sunday school at 3 , m. Prayer meeting every weu- nesday niht at 8;00 - : " ! W Baptist Chusot-rJlev, J. If ay seflr, pastor, servicea eyerjr a?daj; a 4 vlV o v fttirl 7:00 D. IU. tarmAfttinevervSaturday at 7 00 p. m. ; Sunday School avery bunaay -" 0 . 1 . - 1 j at 9:45 a. Public : cordially i- m. trinity Reformed church Rev. u Frank Davis, pastor, irreaenmg ery Sunday i t school at lUia. m. r. r. o. 8 00 b. m. All are cordially invited Trinif "Rfifnrrned? Chapel iWest p -. Corbin street, Hev. B Frank Davies naato'r. Sunday school at 3 p. m. T Preacbine at 4 p. m. All are cor dially invited to attend.. Forest Hill M . E. church, South Rev. J.D. Arnold,pastor. Preach ing at 11 a, nvand 8:00 p. m-Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting every Saturday at 7:00 - p. m, Th e public cordially invited.. Epworth League meeting at 6 p. m : . Bay 'a Chapel, Methodist Church- Rev. "W. B.McGee, .pastor. Ser ices at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Suns day school at 9:30 a. m. Central Methodist tJhurch-Rev; t -m mLi. 1 o - n.1 """'"" ----- 11 a. m, and v;vup m Sunday scnooi at a;uu o ciock. p m. jLpwortnj League meeting at 6 30 p. m. Atl Saints Episcopal church Rev J. C. Dayrs, "recltor. Horning set vice j at llja. m. and. 8:00 pV m. Sunday school f t lOta. m . Prayers Wed n es day at n . St. James LutheranlChurdi, -Main street Rev. Chas. B. Jliller.ipastor, services at 11 a. m.and 7:00 p. m. Sunday School 3 p. m., Luther League Wednesday evenings after 1st and 3rd Sundays 7:00 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer 7:00" All are cordially invited. Cannonville Presbjterian Chapel C P Rankin, ? pastor. Preaching, 1st and 3rd Sabbaths at 11 a. m. 2r a and:4th Sabbaths at 7.00 p. m. Sabbath School every Sabbath, 5.00 p. m. Prayer meeting VVedqesday, 7.45 p. m. Forest Hill Presbyterian Chapel; C F Rankin, pastor. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sabbathsat 11 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sabbaths at 7.30 p. m. Sabbath School every -Sabbath at 9,30 a m frayer meeting Thursday at . 7. 45 p. m. St "Andrews Lutheran church, cannonville Hev.Jl. A. JJacCuilOugh pastor. Sunday School at 9-30 a: m every Sunday. Preachings every 1st Sunday at 11a. m. and regular service yery Sunday night at 7:001 o ciocif, . excepting the first and ird Sundays in each month, when ccrviccB will be held on the first nnaay at 11 a. m and tnird Suns day at 41). m.t each month; , 11 4 la a imwihm . . i L . r. 1 . nepairiDcria mv finppia)r ... t iHIXlPejbeat materials ihat cane;l Saraht e fat jaf action. ' Office hewBteam Laundry. ; t them .narW1 tr?s.- - 4! r DR. B.: -L. 'QRIplIN; Veterinary Surgeon, Treats all diseases : of 1 horses ana " . catte Sorgical operations a?lpec ialty. Teeth "caret ally txtraptd. Prompt attention is gifen to all caiis thronffh ' telephone or by mail, or ,ef( at Brown & Broa',1 , j Stable, Concord, N.C. . . -r-k .VTTXT MORRISON .U, UALuwj2i-Ju A-TTOBfTlY AT XA W, CONCORD, N O Office in Morris bui idin,i .pposit court hou Be. s J d G.-Caidwen, m. a: . M, L. Stevens, M. D Prs. CALDWELL & STEYhlNS. ; Concord, N. O. Office in old post vfiioe building opposite St. Cloud Hotel. - ! Ph one jmo. ,d7. , , , , , . Xotlce. When on want Fresh Oysters, ste rled r -ra resu UdD or a equare uirm, uicpipu bv an old experienced copk fWils McMoore) call at Boer : & John . jon8 KPAtaurant in the Urick Kow nea the Court Honse. . i. . -.. Vrr -1 ttn. I. mijmlnnfinl!i!lii!li!fi:jmi!iiiml!!!3nil!!ilnilutl Advertisers will fin d no better means to reach the people thm throac h the columns of THE STANDARD. : ' If youwrjt the patron -agerof the rpeople; make your.;w a n t.s k.n o yrm ; through this medium. Q.ur local advertlsementB are worth five ents per line for first; -insertion, , and reductions griven on successive insertions ' AH ot her rates given on application. ' - Vlien in need of ?J.P B W O RK: of different descriptions, i you vm abgn, tp all n I us, as "we cah. '.save von ii " I 9) :.. ' i- ft3 H'- - . A . OrMHes'Heart Cure - Cures FJrominent Attorney. rTTTTJ C. PHELPS, the leading pension iWU attorney of Belfast, N. Y., Writes: z ml was discharged troin the army on account , of ill health, and suCered from hftartlrotiTale ever since. I-frequently Lad fainting and smothering spells. My form iras benttas aa4&I"T'Iistantly v, ore an overcoat, even in sumraer, for fcu.r of taking cold. I could not attend to zij busi ness. My rest was broken by severe pains about the ; heart and. left .b.o.ulder. Three years ago 1 commenced - usin;.; Dr. I'll Heart Ctore notwithstanding I haZ. u.-cJ -much patent medicine and aken drugs i'ioiz doctors for years without being helped. Dr. Miles Heart Cure restored me to health. . I-, la truly a wonderful medicine and it affcri. me much pleasure to recommend thi3 rem edy "to everyone ' SJS-'. Or. illles'. Emediessrj t-m gists under a positive (g benefits or money re funded. Book on dis- serves free.' A ohress. eacses 01 ma ueai u uuu DR. MILES mi)ICAIj CO.. Elknart, iua. nVVlIow "S.ti-sujKiriiia, arui vet xhev iisintit'rniiiVtrjrtural.' lloo V 'Sarsa II O VVhen you wish CiUpbing" I rats on any kind bf news- paper or periodical with j I &5XANDARD j youwiUjsave :nioneyuby call j ip,on ii -thpngliall orders jluubi invariaoiy r pe paia n frW :WwefcwajB reqtomehts ot tttl in giving cu ted to the South. AyWOOD SONS, vt1 t ABGEST SEED HOUSE IN THEOimfr Si 7-ju... !! . - - -

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