Vol. XII -No. 211 f , OOHOOttl). N. C. MONDAY, JANUAKY 24 1898 I WnoVQ ' - I i : i . ' ' . - f JfiKSONAL POINTERS. -I A I! t: -. . I i v ..v,-.t,Aj0. - I lie jUrot WclB la Session nndlbe Cnses That Have i ux' "ease wilie Ora, WtLO, a? ixen Dispoaed of up Tin TnisTime formerly noted, died in Bryan The Superior court opened this Texas in the year 1895. The next (Monday) morning at 10 o'clock, death was that of Mr. Cha. E Judge Aiciver presiding, me Alexander, eon of Capt. J M Alex'- laat wss W J All-Cabarrus docket wa 8 run "over very hurriedly, Under, of this city. The For the first time, Mr. J no. M Cook tnat f a young man named Mr. Jas. C Gibson's clerk, adminis. mond Wflo lived near the tered the- catbs to the juries. MiUp and who died about one year Mr John II Mooee, of No. 7 town- aS- The latter two were both young ship, is crier for the court. Mr. D A brothers and were well known in Caldwell, of this city, has the grand Concord and whose walks in life EjUry in charge. were weli worthy of emulation, and The depu ies for the court are were also honors to the fraterni yjj Messrs. J S Hill, Press Faggarf Tne tenets of this order in the Will Propst and Charley Blume: ' firstiluce is to care for i J members The granoV jury consists cf the by ai(ilDS them in sickness and following; persons: J HE Grose, burvipR th in death. Also to care 0 A Kiut z, T A Moeer, A H Lit- for the widow and orphans" after aker J F Moigan, M F Nesbit, G J deJth and to see that no one is ai Litaker, J F Goodeon, Geo. A Moose, lowed to suffer. or to bs sent away Julius A Barrier, E F Fajreart. H I empty Kev. w a Ware, presiding i I elder at She1 by, ia in the city toda-. ' Rev. Dr. Brooks returned Salisbury this morning. Mr. C L Smith spent Sunday in our city. Mr. W A Ohappell, of tber News & Observer, is in the city to day. - Mr. F E Holdbrook, the clever business agent of ihe Charlotte News, is in our city todaj. Merchants J M Barrage and H W Tucker are speuding the after npon in Charlotte. -!CAR LOAD Of Trunks Again. M Safrir, W if Chambers, A A Mrs. A E Bost and children, of C mnonville, are spending several days at the home of Mr. Wm. Bost, near Rimer. Their mode of caring for the sick ? 1 . - - ' :-t: Blackwelder, W B Park, Wm. M DV Pajmg a compulsory fee of - I . . I tin on . . l- r Peirea, G E Cruse and Newton A d uu Per eeJr. At the death of one - I I . i 1 I. 1 . . : - - Rogers. Mr. Titus Moser was ap- 01 lDeir Droiners they pay; a funeral pointed foreman. ' expense of $40 00 and also pay the Attorney M B Stickley was intro widow $25.00. They alEd care for duced by his brother Attorney, .he orphans at Goldsbonv where Luther Hartseil, and took his oath they have an orphanage for the pur? as a lawyer in this courv pose of educating the orphans of Up to thi8 time the following esses Odd Fellows. H In hate been disposed of: Of the saven charter members of State V6 John Hunaucker, gamb-jj this order, only three yet" survive in 'Alexander A FRESH LOT OF ' ! i Slam Cas- lipg, judgement sutpenied on pay- the persor s.of Capt. J M ment of $5,00 and the coat. 1 j Messrs. Wm. C Boyd and " State va Wiil Rogers, affray, tor. pleads guilty, and judgment sas- r Tins order also gives a semiannual tended on paymeot of the cos:. occasion as a time when friends of 'At the time of going to press, lit the fraternity may mingle with them Alexander, a negro was being 4ried and enjoy themselves to the utmost, china Grove to Have aK. of r.ouse Cheese Wafers Just Received at Ervin & Morrison GROCERY Now we want to eay and we want to say it with emphasis that we sell trunks and all kinds of trav eling bags lower than any house in the State. .We save oar profit in buying, and that's why we can sejl yon trunks and bags at wholesale prices. If yon want a trunk you'll do yourself in justice if you don't come to see us before you buy. THAT'S TRUE. fo r retailing. He is indicted in two cases. W tion China Grove for some time VhaB THE ODD FELLOWS Of ?Cold Water Lodge-Some Points About Them Since Organized Their Charter Members The Names of Those Who Have Died Mince It Was Organized. In looking over the old records of the Independent Order of Oid Fd Iowp, we notice that they were first e had stated that this organize- was organized below town, "but been agita ing Jhe organization of a soon after theic ball 'was changed to Knights of Pythias lodge and the one ; of the Suther building; aboat plans atenow completed, and quite a where the store of Dry & Miller now stands. . ' r r ; I i ' We a so'notice the name of Mr.j O Young, the father of our gownsmen, Messrs. Jno. M and II L Young, who was at that time depot agent at this place, which was in the year 1857. Oar present Register Deeds has his name on the list i ard L M Archey. number from this lodge will take tie goat up tomorrow night. He will be in the care of Messrs. L D Coltrane, Jas. 0 Fink, C L Smith, Holland Thompson, Rqss McConi nell, Jno. Wadaworth, John Correll, 0 G-0 Patterson. Jesse Hamilton and & Fetzer Company. A PERFECT SHOE ? i .... . . . . - For the little ones, that is made as riear thejshape of the foot as is possible to adapt it, and com posed of superior leather, is what we keep For the boys and girls c t all times. Our boys' shoes will outwear any shoe made, and at the same time is flexible, stylish and handsome. i v ' 1 Come in and SEE US -"X-'J J Dry & Miller., nrcra.r'7t nn thft 55f.h dV of Dfi- & , 0. A , rta rtf to oar surpme, we fiad that hi oct cember 1857, and their place of .r !J 1 .1 -it .1 1 meeting, it ij thought, was in a school house about two mi!e3 and a ' half below town, where Cold Water churcknow is. This was the sixty second , lodge of this kind in the State, and was instituted by Grand Master R S Harrison, with the fol lowing charier members : Ohas F Harris, who was a brother of our townsman Mr. R S Harris, Capt . Jno. M Alexander, Mr. E ani Castor, Wm. O Boyd, J M Kestler, J C Ben son and Charles J Alexander. This Mr.J O Benson .was the father of Mr. Robt Benson, of this city. The circumstances of this! were (that I ' t : he waa at home on a furlough from the! war, during which tine j he forest U 111 Items. Mrs. W R O Jell will give a 5 o'clock tea tomorrow evening, com plimentary to Mrs. Schaany of Washington, D. C. I The two book . ! if.. T n stayed m tne snoe snop 01 inr.j j u lub3 yiz. The christian Reid and Benson much of his t?me, and for the Jalia Mc(?ruder club will be the this reason the secretary of the lodge gU8tg f r I s i j I Mr. ifi H Brewer is quite sick to as a BQQeuia&w. i l - .An The membership of this lod. e 7 now numbeis 76 member?, and they Mr. O S Barrett spent Sunday in meet . on Thursday night of each Salisbury week at their hall on North Main street. ows : Dis This 5 pace 1 Belongs to the mm- Furniture Store of BELL HARRIS jCO. lloasehold GotlH. HP 1 r amnianf 73iaaVa VtoliAtrorl fViot rneir cmcers are as xouow ; xri-i. n . " A r- , i t I tut) x vuaica woiD.iuo ruub wuu tnct Deputy lirana Master, m u4arxAaA frt fuA Dunne the next few years many Moore Noble Grand, J M Barrage ; . f. fam:w Thotr rr wnrahin. nf nnr nlripftt nitizna of this nlace Vice Grand. A L Sappenfield : Fi- nQI aa, hnnnfthnlrt onAa in ftVftrv 1 - 1 . A O 11 O immlmimw : Wl J MT - . . . . . . mm. -. wpt a mid Odd Fallows, since which nanciai ana xwecoruiug ojt i" home. Tne noasebold goaol today away by death; . Time and space forbid our saying au Affections of throat, chest and tttt. ' 'si rrn In the snrine of 1876 this lodgj Unv more about these Odd Fellows, Lune8 it is invaluable. It has vv iioiq yuu uan . nnu. auyiiuii5 yvu wcwiu,m . I i . - 1 . . . - rr I . e . . a . I f wa$ disbanded and was not reorgan- as the iknignts 01 nonor ib.uuw neen tnea ior a quarter 01 a cemurj times. Call and see usi 4-V. ?n tn vpar 1880 ing our attention, anu wc uuc wuCJ anu , gumauicomuuure, urujuuojr ulAt? jp uriiiuuiax umc ctu i - iiv;ck ouioj uxx making 14 years that they had nc lodcrp This reorganization was ef- L wm T?nKhina have Piven us ion Dleasant to take and a safe and D . . B I ttUU If vw." - - or. 1 ' 1 :n "a oa inrriah'nor'ft historv 1 rofnrriAfl. No hnnsflhnld flhonld hft 1 - . . . ... I W I I 1 CI U.O MO UV V Kl v.ub J I akmg 14 yearsthat they naa no . v ,r a8 Messrs. M' L Mooro without this good angel. It is f ected throngh the noble and tmtir- the Odd Fellows infe ffforts of Mr. 'Jesse F.Willeford, whn in nfhPT vpara lOUmeved to Bryan, Texas, where he died in the year 1895 in good standing with the Cold WaterLodge Mr. VYilleford now bears the name of Father of Odd fellowship in Concord and his name is held ver:y sacred among the fraternity. Since its organization, or rather its reorganization, there have been i-j Baeklen a Arnica saue. ThA Beat Saive in the nnta. Bruises, Sores, . Ulcers, Salt sura lemedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug Store, Regular size 50c and $1. " pi . wonu ivi gome people are good' because they J:S haVe to be. Onr understanding is Hand7' Chilblains; Corns andale that the Mormons did not relinquish Skin Eruptions, and positively cures the doctrine of polygamy 1 until Mies or no pay requi-ed. It is forced to do so by Uncle Sam. guaranteed to give statisfaction ol Hence there mav be said to be a T - - -W " ; C9 C mm r-m vi AW i . w monev refunded, rncei to ueuw rye, box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store moral reservation about the aband onment. Ex. . -1 l. 1..- , i : .