ft 'D.BiM---vi,.j u;E IN BKlCK KOV -The . Standard is published every day (Sunday excopicd) and deiiv .red by carriers. V RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION . ; ' One year...... - Sis? months...... f ' Three months........... A)g One month Single copy 05- Tmp '.V rkttt.v Standard is a four-page, eight-column paper.; It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus thai aaT other paper. Price SI. 00 per 'v,.M.'i a m, ;in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : Terras for regular advertisements made known on application. I . all communications to THE STANDARD, , Concord, N. C. imm mini." nn i in CONCORD, JAN. 31, 1808. IT LOK LIKE FEEER TRADE. At a nic'ing of the National As sociation of Manufacturers in New York on tbe27;h President MoKin ley Siiki in hU speech: '-Much pro liable trade is still on 'P joyed by our people because of their 'present insufficient facilities for reaehir.g desirable markets. Much of it is lost because of a lack cf information and ignorance of the conditions aad needs of o her na tions. We mast knew jast what other people want tefore we can supply their wants. We must un derstand eacb other in order to reach them with least expense if wt would enter into the mos'. advan ( tageons businr pa relations with them The ship req ires the shipper, but the shipper must have aseured pro n i8e that his goodd will have a sale when they reach their destination. It is a good rule if buyers will not come to us, for us to go to them. It is our duty to make American enter prises and industrial ambition, ai v I well as achievement, terms of respect all broth- r members. This young and praise, not only at home bntfnian was cared for during sickness among the family of nations the. world over.7' This sounds to us like right good frea trade argument. How can we go to the natieas with better induce ments than to effer them what they need for what they have to dispose of on the freest and beat terms pos sible? The cry has been among Re publican .protectionists, "America for Americans." Oar narrow, ex clusive policies do not seem like going out to the world for trade. The protective policy seems to have its chief impetus backed by the amount of the campaign funds proceeding therefrom while labor is subject to competitive laws of trade. It's a singular fact that the ques tion, ''Are we row a prosperous people?" divides public opinion and even occupies the time of our high J ealrdelibarative bodies, the American Congress. It does seem that if we are prosperous we ought to know eomething about it. Either position can be stoutly maintained. Under protective tariff, that fosters monop olies and builds up vast fortunes at the expense of Jche unprotected, and a pension system by which a little army of even undeserving people can hang on to the government treasury it is easy to see that the beneficiaries xi these policies should feel very prosperous v while the victims feel Tery nnprojperous. These anti- Democratio measures make pros perity take color from the stand point of him who views them. bbody need have Neuralgia. Get Dr. MneaP la HBi from druggists. -"One ce3 THE K. OF P.'s of Onr City A. Pros sect ins T Jew of Tbem From an Oalslder; a in Lhe time of Ivinboe, o But the Kaigbts, gallant thoagh ihey b?, are Kr.ih s of Pythias. Tli Pythmn lodge, which was the fifty tirst orginiz'd in the'iStute, was urgauizid on Fndav night, May 5rh, 1893 On the m;nated or. tne nr, meeting we find the nme of pranu On thp m'.nafced or the hr Chancellor Benbow, and also that cf Mr. J Frank McCubbins, far and Ke par of flccords and Seals. I This ledge was organized with nine charter members, which were as follows Jno. C Walworth, A Jones Yorke, Jas. F Hurley, Geo L Patterson, J Penick Q tery, C L Smiih, V L Cannon, Frajk L Smith, Cba8.. J Harri?. From that time on to this the lodge has been steadily growing and now his; the lioiior cf having 62 names of active members on its list. Toe tenets of thia organi:z ition are Friendship, Charity and Benev oleace. -During the sickness of any member he is cared for by . the Knights in the best of manner and receives also as a sick benefit $2 each week. i. " : j -- In connection with Pythianism, there is an insurance feature, though to be a Pythian does not necessarily imply the carrying of insurance, Tn the order of Knights of Pythias there are only thre) decrees to be taken, which come in the order nsmed: Page, Enquire and Knight. During the lodge's life but to members have been c tiled away by death. The first was that o Mr. Jesse Willeford, who, though un fortunately, was not carrying his insurance policy near the timjej! that he died., The next death was thav of Mr. Cha8. E Alexander, who was one of their most excellent mem- - . 1 i!V- . bers, and a moat fitting example to by the lodg and at his death was buried with PythUn honors. This lodge his a regular burial i ceremony, which is administered mist impressively at the death of one of their members. i ll During the year 1897 ten men were initiated into this lodge, which shows the highest number taken in of all of named. the organizations This lodge never has public occa- sions, like some of the organizations of the place, though occasionally they have occasions of festivity, to be taken part in exclusively by Py thians. Ever since its organization in 1893 their night for meeting was Friday night, but a month or two ago it was changed, and they now meet on 1 1 -it ; Tuesday night of each week in their Castle Hall, m the City Hall. The present officers are as follows .Tas. 0 Fink, Chancellor Commander: R L McConnell, Prelate; Jas. R Young, K of R and S ; J C Correll. M at A ; Jesse E Hamilton, M of E ; Albert D Freeze, M of F ; J F McUraw, M of W; R L Dick, J A Kennett, 0 G. If all questions would have been 111 answered that we asked, we haye more things of interest would about this lodge, but our informants, Messrs. Jesse Hamihon and! Jim Young, as Py thians could tell 1 k us no more, i 5 6U-WpaS WlIS'VufSm ! Horrible Affair Near Wiison. Disp itches fron Wilson, N. C, to th News and Observer, give an ac cpuat of a most terrible tragedy m that community Friday night, the 28sb. The uuconfiraiad account is to the effect-that one T R Lamm had eome diffienlty wich bis teuaot, Pearson E dmw, oyer a settlement. Eitman an'J hid son made threat ening demenstrationa with arm , at rmm's aiore. Limai tried to a'tp tQ eave;wfcea . . , d Limm vith a 33 pistol and sent a ball in.o hU brea-t, whereapon Lamm knocked him down and stamped him to death. He then a?e" the son similar treat ment, though he did' not qaite kill him, L?.mm and young Eitman are both said to be in a precirioas con. ditioQ. A Harborof Kefajje. Washington, Jan. 28. Congress man HAny Skinuer has re ceived a favorable report from the War De partment for an appropriation to make Beaufort harbor a harbor of refuge. The War Department recommends an appropriation of $1, 500,000 fcr this purpo3 Mr. Skinner will go before the River and Harbor committe and urge that this item be placed in the river and har bor appropriation bill. Should it f il in the House, the North Carolina Senators will no doubt see to it that the appropriation is tacked on it in S3nate in the shape of an amend ment. Shadow of Herself Stomach Was Too Weak to Retain Food A Complete Cure Effected by Hood's Sarsaparilla Now Enjoying the Best of Health, With Digestion Perfect. ! "My mother was Subject sick head aches and indigestion for over a year. She was unable to stand for any length of time, and was obliged to stay in a dark room as she could not bear the light. She had no appetite whatever and her stomach was so weak she could not retain what food she did eat. She also had severe pains in her head. She suffered so much that she became but the shadow of her self. -One day I happened to read a tes timonial about Hood's Sarsaparilla. It Sounded So Truthful I persuaded her to try this medicine. Before finishing the first bottle there was an improvement in her condition. She no longer threw up her food and her head ache was not as severe. , She took in all four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and several boxes of Hood's Pills and regained her weight. She is now enjoying the best of health. Her digestion is good and she can eat almost anything she wishes. She is 42 years old and says she feels ai well as when she was 16. Hood's Sarsaparilla made a complete ' cure in her case." Miss Mary Mascarib, Ironton, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills theest family cathartic, 1110 easy to operate. 25c. OUR LIVE BUSINESS WEN. Bell, Harris &;Co., furniture deal era and undertakers. D J Bostian, racket store' ; Dr. N i) Fetzer, drug store. Cannon &;jFetzer Co., dry goods and clothing. Concord Steam Laundry, laundry. Odell Manufacturing Qo, deali ers in general merchandise. I G W Patterson, wholesale dealer Brown Bros., liverymen. Dry & Miller, shoe dealers. Dr. JP Gibson, drugs. Craven Bros., furniture dealers and undertakers, A J & J F Yorke, jewelry. Cabarrus Savings Bank. Concord National Bank. Ervin & Smith, groceries, i K L Craven, coal dealer, J A O Black welder, coal dealer. TWOr JARFUL are the curesT? fiocc s Sarsaparilla, and yet they are simVU and natural. Hood's Sarsa Panlla makes PURE? BLOOD ur s HOUSE FURNISHING DEPART MENT. 50 i-ch TaMe Danwk, bleiced or Turkey -Red at Q5cs yard. COinch Lineu, do 47j. Towels from 25o per dozen up to 9oc par pair. . . , Seaisland and sheeting 1 yard wide at 5 to 73. . L . Yard wide Bleaching 6 lvi to 10c, Bleacne'd Cambric same as Lonsdale at 7 l-2c. Wide Sheetings . . , 10 46 inch bleached Pillowcasmg at 12c. 8 4 unbleached sheeting 15c. 9 4 do do lG 2-3c , bleached 20c. Blankets 25c per pound 3 pound feather pillows 50c each Countorpaine3 48c up. Lace curtains 68c per pair up Remnants of SateenDraperj 15c y'd. Printed Denim 12 i2c, Silkoline 1 to 10c. . Embroidery scrim at 12c yard. A full line of embroidery threads on hand. Curtain Polos 22 12c up. Shades 25c up- . Nice assortment of Tidies, Lam berguines, Pillace and Table Covers. 2 tin cups for 5c or 1 granite cup 5c, Wash basins, tin 3c up, eranite 15c. Dippers, tin 5c, eranite 10 to 15c, Deep pans, tin 3c up, granite 10c up. Coffee pots, tin, 5s up granite 50c. Respectfully, D. Cash To All. Beginning Tuesday, Febi uary ist, we will do a strictly cash busi ness. To those who have been running monthly accounts we will have coupon books amounting to $1.00 and $2.00, which we will sell for 95 cents and $1.90. 'S Our driver will have strict 5ira structioris ..not to leave packages unless paid- for. - We have added a STEAM CLEANING and DYEING estab lishment in connection with our LAUNDRY business . All work entrusted to us will have the yery best attention. Clothes do not shrink or colors fade. kmi M 'PHONE NO. 2. M. B. STICKLEY. Attorney at Law, Concord N. ' C. SFEblAL ATlhhTION GTVhh 20. COLLECTIONS. -Office upstairs in . KingbuHding near Postoffice. ' rn r rv t- 1 U & Ji; iiii ii Dish pans, Tin 10c up, granite 50c Bread Pns, olxl style 10c up Xaw style bakes a long roaud roll, 12c. Graters 4 to lib, egg barter b 2 "io 10c, 1 quart measurers 5c, 1 q:0u cups 5c. childs p xinted cups '2c. Waiters 5 to 15c, oread & cae boxes 48c up, Turkey cash boxes wit lock and 2 keys 60s, 10 quart open buckets at 10c, covered Duckets 5c up- Painted slop bucket's with lid 25c. Full sized toilet sets O82 to $1.90. Animat ?ak; cutters 35c dozen" up. Case of Spic 5 boxes 48c. Fior sifters 12c, Pig pm8 2 12c.l Childs painted trays 25c. Granite rice boilers 2 vessH at 75.?. Stew pots, tin 10s, eranite 20 & 20:-. G dvaniz d foot tub 30c. Gahacized coal hod 25c. 12 qfc. do buckets 20c Tin coffee flasks 5c to 7c- escalloped edge cake knives 25c Funnels 3c up, coffee pot 53, graves strainers 4c, tea f trainers 4c, sou strainer 10c, collanders 10j, Tea spoons 5c 8e table spoons 9j set up, Wood chair seats 5c, carpet tacks lc up. We can saye you -money on anything we carry, and our -lint is as varied as any stores in town. J. Bostian PATT11T is HEADO UA. TERES Foa , GROCERIES. We are better prepared this season than ever to please the public with BARGAINS IN BAGfGING and TJES-- Corn, Oats, Rje, Ship Stuff Fionr. &c. We carry the 1 largest stock ot Snuff, Tobacco, Candles, Soda, Canned Goods, Soap, Coffee, Sugar, Salt, OH, Molasses meats, Potash, Tinware, Matches, Etc. in the country, and; can give you some startling prices. We will bny your Cotton, Eggs, Corn, PEAS, FLOUR, 4ETC. We areal8o agents for the Will sell a factory prices. i)., Wholesale' atdgKetail Grocer. Concord; JN. O. anently i ax nome for the same price under same guaranty. you prefer to come here we will contract to par railroad fare and hotel biUs, and no charge, jf vre tailtocure. If you have taken mercury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, Mucuous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat. imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Sfm.M18 falling out, it is this Syphilitic S!40?0180 that we gutranteeto cure. We solicit the most obstinate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondi. tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on E. 477, Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, lU. 1 A Speclaltvfia'SSSSSr , . w tutiuuir ujiiuuw . CUred in re -r A-.-, r.. M Ko trmtea V . ..