V Arrivnl of. Trains. The following change of schedule took fTect July 4. 1807, 12 o'clock. ; NOKTHROUND. No. 8 arrives at 6 27 r m, 3(5 41 u 10 OS am, 12 u 7-0 p ni, 33 ' 8.53 p m, (F) C2 sournnuUND. tfol 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, .(F) 11 " . " 10 21) a m, 7 35 i 8 53 p m, i . a Gl (C 7.40 a m, (freight) "tst sr. sfi.. 37 a -id 38 stop only at Char ioue ' Concord, Sa.isbury, Greensboro 'T..,-,rilf. l:issensrera for .lnf.nl' AU". ' i C .. J.,K., ri- 1 flTTM 17liiw. . zr v "DC use the other trams. Wade Barrier; City Editor. TELEPHONE Nv. 71. SHORT ITEMS. I'nrasrrapliesl, t-Bici!'l and Properly j I'lncetl llere. -See change in Cannon & Fetzsr 'Co.'s ad. today. The forecast says th it it will be fair tonight and colder tomorrow afternoon. Hr. Henry Sawyer and Miss Crowell, both of NowXondoo, were in the city last Saturday. Miss Nannie Alexander is mov- ou,xU,u uu wiuci na&cr uuuuiug. paper, nr. Miller seems to have hit Mr. Giles Crowell has gone to upon the right vein, and the South--Strausburg, Va., on mill busines. ern Lutheran should meet a hearty He will be gone three or four days, reception in the Southern field of Miss Ruth Caldwell, who has been visiting at Newells and Har risburg, returned home Saturday 5x T . a , r rlmu,wm r. can, moni- crnmarrr lnnno1 rttroi of "RriflPolrkl .jj J w r ' . " 1 s Hev. Dr. Bowman and wife ii-ov. ir. Duwmaa ana wiiei kave today (Monday) for Floriday. They will be gone a year,l;8ays the?20 Charlotte Observer. - i a AT- KA.-rm d "Diu n married to Miss Jessie L Beach, on r-, . , . i T . I Saturday evenmg. by Esquire Bur- g. oolu vui. i xrom uuaxo Mr. W A Lyles and Mies Cora McDonald, both of Forest Hill, were married this (Monday) morning, at etock $727,000, other property $192, Mr. R H Scarborough's by Rev, J 000. Seaboard Air Line, 670 miles, Simpson. Mr. Louis E Black was granted 000, other property $110,000. Mis license to be married-to Miss Vir- cdlaneous roads, 1,220 miles, value . ginia Barrier, daughter of Mr. Mar- $5,038,407, rolling stock $669,000, tin Barrier, of Georgeville. The other property $163,000. Southern marriage takes place on Wednes- railway, 1,100 miles; value, $8, 091,-day- 000; rolling stock $1,097,000, other A song service was held at Forest Hill Methodist church Sunday mgnt. Kev. Arnoia aia noi preacn ... . 111.1 i : t any sermon, but made a most ex- cellent talk on music and its ad- vantages and as a meaas of grace. F.RCUB '.Troubles rre due w imiovTtsiied hlooii. ' ilood sfear- sapanlia is tho On'! Tnirt' Blood Purifier and PJER."' Catarrh in the head, that trouble some and disgasting disease, may be entirely cured by :a thorough course of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. nooub jtuih uufo uau,,iDw headache, biliousness. All drug- . . . . : Arden the Great closed his three nights' engagement in our city Hal ni.hl Thevdid not show irc,B Bnd5flca either night. They had announced! that they would give away a gold watch, hut their patronage was not enffi- cientto giveH away. According to promise, however,' they gave B ,.mw.iv b-- , Mr. Lewis Brown being away iB, . the successful drawer. It was given to him with the understanding that he carry.it out of the hall him- Mrs. Caubie. an aged lady at For est Hill, and mother of Mr. WC Caubie, died Sunday morning, Jfter i ,or q nte a long time. ner remains were interred in the csmetery thta, (Monday) evening Go to the concert tonight, program in another, column. See It ,1C1 ot-u-uviaeni testimony of its hio;h merit. Mrs. Schaaf may be the only one on the program whosa accomplishments on the stage have not tot been attested by most of . .I - drawing card to any program, j The family of Mr. J . D Lesly, of the firm of Lesly & Watsnn, arrived in the city Saturday night from Chester, S. C. They will occupy the house next to Mr. Hamilton on West Depot street, and which has been occupied by Mr. El. White. Mr. and Mrs. White will occupy the house of Mrs. L P Cole on Sarins street next door to fir. J L Hart- gell.i Heretofore we haye had but time to glance at the Southern Lutheran, a Sunday school sheet edited by Prof". H N Miller, of Mont Arxceaa Seminary at Mt. Pleasant. We are particularly pleased with th, V,L ruary Dnmber and wobder that the effort has not been made before to supply the Lutherm Church South 0xu10 ouuy scnooi. the Lutheran faith. The Coneert ! ipaas nm We hear manT comDiim'tlI i the i - - ' concert given at Forest Hill Satnr- 'fry night by theLadiea' Aid So. cietj The progMm( M pobHj Saturday, wai carried out. A erably large crowd waa present, toU and the concert was excellent. Tiit ' v-w..v.. amount made amounted to about iniumivB i uauroaai in jirto Carolina. ! The latest report of the Railroad r " A , . .. i. i Commission shows the foUowing ...uauuu o. rauroaas in in s Btale: Aiianuc uoast line, vj miles, value $6,484,000; ralue of rolling ; value $5, 079,000; rolling stock $448,- property, $164,000. ., The report also shows that i . . . . . . Atlantic Uoast .Line nas in tnis state 2,961 employes, the Southern; 2,674, the Seaboare Air Line 2,408,! and miBCellaneous roads 2,201.-4 I Henderson Gold Leaf. Txr anted agents to sell our Printing W Prases. Vulcanizera, Baggage and Key MS i2iE!faVette8ufitOnMd.Ca , : - ' ; ' STATE QF OHIO. City op Toledo, Lucas County, . tr uMUM mrx U 4Viav- he is the senior partner oftnefcrm J F j Cheney & Co., doing business SX'XS, "hSt 1 am py the sum of One Hundred - moLars lor ' eacn ma y Catarrh, ttat canno eared by the U8e 01 " v f1sTj cnEi. sWOrn to before me a"d subHcnb-j eel Im w v 6th day(ol ;) i him. W tarv Pabiic. Hall's Ctarrh Cure is takenlin . a" cts dir-eotly on '.the temally ana acre u"y""J "-rr" blood aid mucous s""8.?? 01 sytem. aw y1? &GO." ' ' . Toledo. O, t - HERE TBEY COME ' ?U It(,"s r. Interest from Orrn Cburcn As telegraphed By Alnll. i Mr. J J Banger, our old rock utter; is getting out corner rock for house3 that are being built in Mt. Pleasant. j L W S Boot and toa, Arthur, pent Saturday in China Grove. They report Chip Grove on a boom, China has had a move on. herself for sornp time, bat one thing was needed bring her to the froat, and now t te his that a liye newspaper. ; Mrs. Andrew Basin ger, of Salis bury, spent last week at the home Of her father, Divid Bavdr. Married At the home of the olide, Mr.! Alfred Mii'.er, ou at Sunday at 3 "p. m . Mr Firm r, tjrje fruit tree agent, and Miss Aus gusta Miller, R-v. G H Cox offioia ing. May their path ever be sren with choicest fbsv'ere. . Mr. ana Mrs. I a3 Lyerlv, of Salisbury, spent several . diyj last iveek visiting at the honie ot Chas. E Bos, Mrs Lyerly'a biother. We expect to h we another wed uing to report next week. Miss Dora Bos', of Mount Anooeaa Seminary, visited hjme folks Satur day and Sunday of laU week. She says although measle? und mumps ire prevalent in Mc. Pleasant, Bbe doesn't think the girls at the Sem i nary have time to contract them. H Noo Hoo Counterfeiters Nabbed. ii ' ' v 1 1. A warning was sounded recently that-there were spurious $10 gold pieces emanating from about Dan- ville, Va. J O King, Eugene Mills and Charles Deshazo were arraigned in the city Friday on the chargeof bunterfeitrnR. The two former I were imprisoned without bail, while I the latter was released on bail. King made a confession implicating D - , himself and Mills, but exonerating Desbazo.' Some Babe Troubles In Arkansas. Serious race troubles seem brew- 'J m anoke county. Ark. lh. i aanser is proDbuiy iruui io meners 0fetrife and the evil effects conaeqaent dangers can probas Mv onlv be overcome by the cooler head8 ET.T8 fTREAM BAI.M is a positive cure. i i v intft ttiA nostrils. It ia auickly absorbed. 60 7 ;.Ti,Tirtrpui?pfl k wnmn Rt.. "New York cits alii sftwiu-i " j CONCORD LODGE Off KiNilUO 1 QI OUnK. Meets on the second Friday even- : in of each month. I Hail in tne rear 01 ji w j xluuh- f rm'a "Dfintal rooms. i Thislodge hasiaidto the fami lies of its deceased members twenty thousand dollars since its organizas fi nn . ! The Knights of Honot is now in fin t.TcTirvfifth Tear of existence. and has disbursed up to the 14th of I TrM..AH 1QQQ mnro tVion oi vf.TTriTl A mUlions oi aoiiars 10 ine iammes oi its deceased members m the United " w furthinformi con N. D. FBTZEB or J4. Xi Una VxiN. i Meat Market De 0pen for business Sgturday morning in the eastor building on Main StreeL WI KINDS of IAEAT and SAUSAGE Q,trnn9nil-iforl nanu.u. Respectfully, Sol Levy, Proprietor. Wanted. ' I TT L . 1 ' . i j. . Monthly $65t)0 aq;1 s pncH. P -anion stead . R.fr-uc. E iclo self adtired s:amod' eiivelon TheDimiMi.;.aOa.npi,y. j ra m at-, mm m wmrmm m j. . r m . O it f oun ir w no v u oUjt oace a week, c3t.iuij reuiarW very Fri day. Wd are pnp-if.d w furaiah you,anythin ia rh Cii'in iia -(ivinnr prices Wj will b pte.t3vl ro q JOe you trrte.aa! .price i oa Vuvtoiog desired, AH orders receive prompt j attention. Also do general machine work. - ' Y raca cruty, Concord FoandryJCo. . ; Wftdt Cirnin Street. ; . NEW JEWELER, H. B. FRAZIER, 3rd Store Litaker Building. ou will 6nd anice fine of Jewelry at my place, Repdring a 8pecialtj, AUwork guar anteed. Served 2 years ap prenticeship under WiU Hams &I)otter, Jewelers, Philadelphia. Hoping to share a part of your patron age in the future, I am Respectfully, H. B. FRAZIER. Mar. 19. Jeweler. PERt tO liciiiiuueuL are tofc cures by Hoods Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, lich. healthy, life and health-giving BLOOD. PHONE NO 9. v Ting-Ling. HELLO! WHO'S THAT? Craven Brothers' Furniture Store. I ALRIGHT. WHAT IS IT? Just wanted to Bay we have the I lftrorAflt And hfifit ftHsnrtmftnt and J prettiest patterns of mattinjrs ever i -o shown in Concord. Just received a new snrmlv of Samnlo Carnfita all wool and forty inches wide. SEE OUR NEW BABY CARRIAGES. We can interest you on anything in the furniture line. No doubt about tnepnees Demg ngnt. ' ? PRIIIM nnflTJim? a .Ml If ti II 1 1 !, r WIIH fc,B u U V 1 11 FURNITURE DEALERS and FUNERAL DIKECTORSJ HEARSE FREE. for the ARIEL, OTTOWA and LI7 THY WHEEL. Coal ! oal '. For all kinds of coal Soft or Hard call on me. My Lump Coal oan not be surpassed in quality. Prices aa low as can be had. o o 7 J: A. C. Black welder At Store onWest Depot street. Pnone No. 68 llllltlllr I J-F. W. DormanCo., 121- 'iPtl ' '. SJMpStT ' lylUlul. I E- layette St., Baltimore,' .feMvfe. ! ui uiub Md.,U.Sa-Catalogue free. ' m&&ji-i' ' Concord Foundry Coi-ASsW. Concord, N. C- i 'fclftei:- AGENT wm mm tmi w ti x- ITIMaiKB Ul W Wflllll .. W Willi M Ji - frSllm !. .;3?4c.illllS:!! TASTE1 1 Mud -tS JUST AS CQQQ FOR ADULTS ASRANTSD. PRICE 5Dc; I GALATIA,lLLS.,NO.IC,i::" vis Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. i-ijntieraen: We sold last year, 600 botite? .lOVE ft TASTELESS CIIILL TONIC and i. "'cb-. three cross already this year. In oic e Alienee of j!4 yers, n tha drug business, v- ' v ver sold an article that gave such universal t-in aCUou aa your Toiuc I All dealers guarantee GroveB Taite less Chill Tonic to cure cbilU, fever and malaria in all its forms. . iial Ml Offer the business public a re- liablejpermnent, conservative r-ud accomodating banking institu ' ion We solicit your business with ho assurance of honorable trea' mrfc Bnd due appreciation of your paU ronage. U If we can serve you at Jany time b- slid to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Gapital and Sulplus$70 000 D. Bi COLTRANE, Cashier, J. M. OPELL, Pres. I Noticei! PHONE o o U K. L.1 Craven No. 74, For Ooal. in C7 zVi 5' Mn25QPl o n 2 ir c 33 X 7 1 yPJ PI ' j KeedslNo Explanation.; r Madison, N. O., Aug, 4, 1897. Goose Greas3 Liniment Co., Greens boro, 0 Dear Sirs Please ship ua at once jne gross Goose Grease Liniment. Wfe are entirely out. Don t fail to ship t once. Please give us jobbersjpricea It is the nest.thine we h yee ve r bea. TV O Joites & Co 'fi IM g M Wi 1 I 1 1 I- I lr - i ' .. . :7ii7 'As.' f ! . :. 'I, 1 S i.' i "I , u ! !' :17; ' - t - 'i ' :. ' 5 . -.1 s s '31 11 i 1 ) , , t -. :i 1 at !!'' tf ,ef Bold oy aruggiBKo .