1 " WORTH OF XMAS: GOODS I AT U GIBSON'S Drug Store, TO BE ?OLD AT ONCE- Take advantage of the first' clear weather and buy your HOLIDAY GOODS. The weather promises to be very un avorable for the next month. Rain every few days and consequently bad roads will prevent your coming to towrr just when it may best suit you. Take advantage, I say, of the first bright day and on'twait till a day or two before Xmas. The child en must not be disappointed. Toung man, a certain 1 oung lady that you wot of expecting you. to do your duty by her. My stock of Xmas Presents, China, Pictures,. Dolls, joys, Fireworks. Musical Instruments, etc., is immense and theaper than ever known in this j town before. NO one can, or will, be allowed to undersell me, Yoju will -make a mistake if fyou buy elsewhere before seeing sny GOODS. 1 Jo P. GIBSON. MANUFACTURERS 0F Fine Gino-liams , . Outing Cloths. Plaids Sheetino- and Sail Bas DDealers'in G-ENERAL MER HADISE p Buyers; of r ;OUNTRY - PRODUCE of all kind, and 4-foot wood alwaslwanted best prices cfor same We invite an inspec tion ot all the floods we manuiacture, St)ELL MFG. 06 Jonccr&N. G lavish M 5CONCORD N O. CAPITAL STOCK, - - j $50,000. J We are now ready f"r business at o r new banking office in the Propst b iilding. Your account is respect tully solicited, and we promise y6u c ireful and courteous attentionand ery facility consistent with sound banking, "" - Deposits from 25 cents up taken In zxlt ' ' " ' " SAVINGS DEPAHTMENT. ' Interest paid on feavings and time de)0sits. '. . . !' f Call to 8eeJis and see our burglar; proof safe with time lock. DIRECTORS i ; iV0ANNON,v LAWSONJ. FO TL OR R.S. YOUNG, O. W.feWINK, j NO. C. WADS WORTH, I U DR. D. W. FLO WE F. CANNON, iAS. C. GIBSON, President1 Cashier. M AKTIN BOGER, H. I. WOOD HOUSE Viee PresideLt Teller. lip, For over Fifir Teiin Mrs. WioBlow'a Soothing symp has been nd for over fifty years oy million of toothers for their chi!d ren while tee'hin?, with pejfcci sac ces. It soothes the child, softens t e gums, allays all pain, eyres wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve tne poor little sufferer immediately. 8old by druggists in every part of he world. Be sure Twenty-five cents a bottle,! and ask for M.Mrs. Winslows SootL iLJS.yrnp.?land take no other kind SCHEDULE ' ! mi - em In Effect' Jan. 18, 1897, This c(n denied gchtduie is j pub lished as information, and 'subject, to change without notice to thu public: l ! Trains Leave Concord, N. 0 9:25 p. m. No. 35 daily for5 AUan ta and Cuarlotte:Air bo. e dmiofl, ana all points South and Southwest Carrit s through Pullman : lira Hp'gr .room buffet s'eepers between York, Washington, Atlat ta, O r 1 e a n p, 8 a v anna h New New and Jacksonville, Also Pullman 01 arlotte to Augusta, sleeper' 8:49 a. m. No. 87, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and ; Now Orleans, and all points? South I and Southwest. Through Puljman ! sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis Din ing car, vestibuled coacfy, between Washington and Atlant, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sun days. : J ;!: !! 8:53 p. m. No. 7, daily, from Bich mond. Washington, Goidsbpro.Nor"1 folk, Sclmn, Raligi., GrebnsborO' KutxviHe and Asheville to Char otte, N. U. , : !!" 10:29 a", m. No. 11, daily, fori At anta and all points South.: Solid trair, Kichmond to Atlanta: Pull man fleeping car, Kichmond to Greensboro. I r 10:C8-a, m. No. S6, daily, for Washington, liichmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pull man drawingroom bun'et fsleeoer, NewOrleans to New York; Jarkson- ville to New York; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars, irom San FraT cipco 'J hursdays.l 8;53 t. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, 1 mited, for Washington and! all oints North. Through Pullm?ncar, to New York; Tampa to Ne'w York, ilso carries vertibuled coach land ainmg car. 1 1 7.C8 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Richv aaond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Kai igh, Goldsboro and all! points Sorth. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from tfrensboro to Richmond. Jontects at Greensboro! with train atrying Pullman car for Raeieh. 6 27 a. m.o. 10, daily, for Rich 'nond : conrects at Greensboro! for Raleigu and Notfo-k ; at Danville tor Washington and rjoints North. : at Salisbury for Asnville, rille end points West, s , Knox WW freight trails carry passengers. j 01m pv.-k.ttl2, my. A. JLnnii fc Traffic M'err. Gen'l PaasJ As F. S. Gajjnon, VVai?hingtdnf D. C luira vice rresiaent i and Gen'i manager, ! Washington. DL fT S.G.Gaedwick, Aas'tUen'iJRJ Ag't m . m AtlartaJGa W. G. Tayloe, Ass't Gen1! P Ag't, Louisville, iKy. GcwANrueEKBEi.y, Lc cal Ag't, Concord, N. C. t,, Lts t'i. I -. aj ax T?j Lirrs pcsitni:iL y !rr .ist apon Having tho gennina AiaxiTab&Jte. Ii'x Jree-AJAX REMEDY CO.! rW' For sale by lJJb GibHonf Dinffi8t axail. in clatn wrarnier. vron rnci?,t t ace: LIV ERY , PEED 1 - AKDl (SALE Hf; ' i sr STABLES. rM ) p 7 nstin rear of St. Ciydteli Om nibuses meet all passenger.; I trains Outfits of all kinds ; furnished Dromptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand forlga'Ie. Breeders of thoToushbred roland Unina Hogs. ! t : i tf LOOK Any onejw'fibing io purchaee a new, Gigh-Armi Wheeler I & Wilson. Sewing Machine-. lour ? drawers, fcover and end leaf, Jflbak fini8n, "with jcolmpiete 'aMchmentsshould call at tihis office, vve oniy nave one, and will yoffer the buyer. Price." Z ' ' special o9tf . !:.;: is .-. Jw crctkiM, 'I7.ci ; quickly cw.Z fl.-o TZj - re3toro Jjost Vitalit7 in cad osyer'.r. ? ""StL 'irt a mac rretcdy.- tur-i;..3ri o:m.iS.irf eacheaMoi: refund th rooony. Cjpiiv&sma V tine paefcagef r- ix?pkgea tftrll trnmahtA fs S.r.t ; SOME.' WITTY .. ITEMS Til nt Are Found on Our ttcsk ite- wara nereti o . . . - '" 1 ' ' , ' - For The Standard. ; "How aid you pop the question, Uncle Jerry T' ''Well, Nellie, I sorter hunkered down on my kneee, and said: OIe gooee, will you take dis byar ole gander, an' take good seer uv him ? Then she strutted off modestly enough, saving :'. Qa ck, quack, quack." He was calling on hia ecamorado. Fishing out a crb app-e from his pocket, qouth "e : "Take a bite.'g It plied, she : "No, you take a bite." kNo. vou take a' bite." 4 JNo, you take a bite, and then I'll take a hiff " Hmin this it tOllOWS tnac coujtship in the country ia a very tame ffir ; 'the'eir'' :sicn nf a ccd sized cim upplo being the only jqualification r. quisiteto sug gest a tpiriffcd con vereatiou, and to excite the highest admiration. "You've been killing more part ridges." - Yes, but you eee, they, got into onr bird net." Now, that is just t be way it goessomebody else or something else is always responsi ble for any deviation from propriety. He' set his trap in a p'ace frequented by thj' birds. Many being caught, he censures the fowls for flying into snares: The trouble, nevertheles? originated from the way the trap was set. For the benefit of those who have bird nets, we submit the following excellent method ( f set ting them. Make the net into a neat package by foldicg, then 'lay it care fully away in the lower 'drawer 'of a stout bureau, and sprinkle on a lit- tie purveriLel camphor, lock the drawer sfcurely and throw the key into a derp pond . 'mm Stop. druggitJg yourself with quack nostrums or "cures.". Get the well-li no wn pharmaceutical rem ed y that will do the work'. Catarrh and Dnlfl in thfl hand will rrf on narv on f r t?i J 4 . 1 . ' rerlDg n 8 CreaQa Balm is used Druggists will supply 10c. trial size or503. full size. We will mail it. ELY BROTHERS,; 56 Warren St., New York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can empha size his statement, ,uIt is a positive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis V ,Pooler: Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena. Mo lit. ; Mules and H.6rses Sale. r- '0oe ; car . load of Fine, Young rdor8es and Mnlfs just received at our stables. All well broke to work! anywhere. , , . M. L Brown & Bro. d3s v3t - ! r v s SHOE REPAIRS. V. J. PARLEIR 30 YEARS7 EXPERIENCE. Examine these pricep: Men's: half sole, sewed, 60c, ladies' half' sole5 sewed, 50c men's balf'sote, peed' B5c, ladies' half eole, pegedsOc Patches cemented 10c and up.H" ' Bepairing is myt specialty .r T use only the best ' materials that 'can be ' wbrk myeelf and guarantee satisfaction, i 5 i-v. , Office near Sceam Laundry. . Kespectfuliy, n ! V ;; W - J - pARLEIR. Concord, N. q f21 Oiroitjariiia nas over ana For 1 1 ur 1 uy ilo cures Hit 1 ? Zth"l l'Pf reiions failed, thai 1 13 tto Quo Truo BLQOQ Pnrifie Miraculous Benefit i RECEIVED FROM Dr. Miles' New Heart Care. LI P. BADCOCE, of Avoca, N. Y., a veteran of the 3rd N. Y. Artillery and for thirty years of the Babcock & Munscl Carriago Co., of Auburn, says. 1 -vrito to egress my gratitude forthcrsirac--ts benefit received from Dr. Miles Ilcart aro. I suffered for years, as result of army life, from sciatica which affected my hear-t in the worst form, my lim'os swelled from the ankles up. I bloated until I was unable to button my .clothing; had saarp pa!fer about tlio Lcart, smothering cpclls anu shortness of breath. For. three months j was unablo toliedovra, and all the sleep . got was in an arm chair. I war, treated bj the iest doctors but gradually Grew worse Alf a rpnrn-n T coEEfrxd tr.!;in;? Dr Milf-k' Heart Cnxo and it saved-?::.' as If! 1 flbv a miracle.' p:y:.-.:--, :l kiic3- in medics n'r ' bold ly -ru?-VrN..... si .under r. -otive ; rant.ee, u.t y-n-j ,-.t j,,.-. ...at.t--'.-- cuarantee, i:.t fiU or --rnenpy. ro- :v " o-iCQ ed. Uool: on di.-j- i S:J. es free. Ac dress. tii.'ilS..-t- mom pure dioo u a srrir' f ; fjpftir new arid needod ST&'r hC' li. rs. BflliiifiHliiilmliiiliiiiijtnliiiiiriiiiiiiniininiliiil y 1 AaviDrtisers will find no better meanwito rearh the people than thrown Uhe columns of THE STANDARD. If you want the patron, age of the people, make your wan t s k n own through this medium. Our local advertisements are worth five ents per lino for firsi insertion, and reductions given on successive insertions - Ail other app.ication. When in need of JOB WORK of. you usv. different descriptions, will do welL to- call1 on i as we can save, you ! money. Prices on different kinds of JCBTvVOGK given ! on application at this office, j 4 -H JL X JL JLJ 4: V M AMD S ?0 . B- Lo QRIFPJM. Veterinary Surgeon, Treats cattle, ialty. all diseases of hou Ee3 acd Surgical operations a Ep,c, Teeth carefully (xw.i Prompt attention is given to all calls through telephone or by mail, or message left at Brown & gro , Stable, Concord, N. C. Xotlce. When you want Fresh 0 stewed, fried or raw, buck r: ; resh Gsh or a Eqoare rueol, pi -: by an old experienced cook McMoore) call at Boser & ,! ten's Restaurant in the Bnc1: near 'he Court House. . -U ' lit? MORRISON H. CA1D' in ATT0BN1Y AT LAW, CONCORD, N 0 Office in Morris bu idim;, court hone. I : : : D G. Caldwell, M. D. ' M. L. Stevens-M rv Prs. C A. L DWELL & STEVENS, Concord, N. C. Office in old post office bvi'iinr opposite St. Cloud Gore). Prone No, 3?. M4SX' MJlas' Nerve HlasrerT1 rates given on Wheii Von w?"h 'pinnhfncr xuvo VJJ. any IJU. pi Ut5W3" pa per or periodical with THE STANDARD you will save money by call ing on us, though all orders must invariably be.paidj'Jr ad ranee. WOOD'S SEEDS selected to meet the needs and requirements of Southern (jrowers 0 Yool's Descriptive Catalogue is most valu abte and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seecfe 8Paally adapted ta the Soutlu VEGETABLE and FLOWER 'SEEDS, Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats :"7V H1 ' 77 and all garden andFarm Seeds. "Write for Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free T. W. WOOD & SONS, o SEEDSMEN, - - RICHMOND, VA. THE LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH.