Voju. XIL No. 217 EDISON'S PKOJECTO SCOPE Coining to Our t'lty on the Xlshts of x February 7th and 8th. Mr. Arthur L Butts will be in onr'city next Monday and Tuesday nights with Eon'a late at invent tionl, the projcto.-cope. Ic will be under the niansgerneat of Mr. Butts, but he gifts his entertainment here for the Inefic of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church. This is the newest, latest and test entertainment before the people, producing animated life pictures, moving as in life and never fails to please and' astonish everybody who sees it. . v You can not afford o iniss seeing the Black Diamond Express running at 1 he rate of 70miles per hour, seen in the distance and to see the people dodge when it comes down on the audience. You will aleo see an exciting race of the Nevv York Fire Department. Kemember it is for the benefit.. o'f the f-adie3 Aid S ciety of the Meth ddidt charcb of thi- city, and the udmjssion fee is only 10 seats. Don't fail to go. Hie Greatest Discovery Yet. M Repine, editor Tibkilwajll., "Chief," says : "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Dis covery .for Consumption, . Coughs and Colds. Experimented with many others, but never got the. true remedy until wo used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take itsplace in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for Coughs- Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." Jt is idle to experi ment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, because thi remedy has a record of : cures and besides is guaranteed. It neyer fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at P B Fetzer's drug store. Tbe Last Male Trade on Record. 7. We have heard of moles selling for fifty cents on time to persors whose credit was worthless, bit the last trade comes to us now, where a poor mule's ears would not s'and up but would lie down nil the time. In order that the owner might trade the mule to soma one, he put rubber bands on the ears, but so placed ihtm that they could not be detected. His purpoae was carried pot, and m the trade he got a splendid looking beast But alas ! for the other man, for the poor mule's ears are now al most cut oft by the rubber band?, and to take them off makes the n at ter still worse. This is an actual happening in our county and more will result from it later, we hope. brnnk and Disorderly. , . . . . A negro Lamed Pink Makeupson was arraigoed before Mayor Crowell this (Tuesday) morning for being drunk and difiorderly Monday even ing around the depot. When Po liceman Boat was bringing him up town that evening, he took a notion that he would free himself, and took a little chase up Spring street. He was caught again, however, and lodged in jail until this morning He was fined $3.85, which he suc ceeded in paying and was released. If that disappointed young man in Atlanta who deserted his wife be cause their first child happened to be a girl were to read up on the new theory of controlling the sex of children, he might return home and hope for better luck next time. Davidson Dispatch. ! The Rnin.. . -exposition. ' : or .vnarlotte, or the onn Uarolina Kollmg Exposition Kept its doors open until after lb o clock Monday night. Though Monday was a very disagreeable day to go about, still Messrs. Moore & Ramseur, in a private com ersation with a Standard reporter,- said they did exceedingly well, and that there was come persons in the car almost al1 of the time. j We were through the private apartments of the car and one coulk hardly thiols that the car could in so handily arranged. We find that it contains a nice business office, equipped wittr a large sofa, which can be converted into two fine bertns, while there is also a regular Pull, man booth in the same room. Tlie car is heated by pipes from a regular heating furnace, and also has a cooking stove and nicely equipped kitchen. They also have a nicsly equipped toilet room, which hL both hot and cold water pipes in jtl TV ill: tt " i D(fvU Mr, Kim?eur and Mr. Moore are i ex-con dun t . w Mooccu&'cr train?, Mr. Moore having given up tne position of -Gcnerav Superintend ent of a railway division before tak ing this position. . This car was built in Wilmin 10D, Delaware, and all of the adveK tieeinenta panted on it before it was rent to this State. The painting alone ccst $1,800, but all of it under a guarantee of fire years. As quite a number remember, some mischievous boy scratched one side of the car considerably, at Marion, when the car was there.' The boy as caught and released with onjy slight punishment, hut Cup t. Moore informj us that they will very prob ably enter suit again r his father for damages, as they claim it will cost every! bit of $500 to replace lie painting, as the painter says he can fix it only by scraping off the entire painting. Afcer the car was brought to Ral eigh it took them jast six weeks to arrange the displays in the car. The car is now wending its way towards Newberu, where it will oe on exhibit at the Fish and Oster Fair on the first of March. From this State they go on North and ex pect to reach the home of the car fey; the first of June. j The whole cost of this car, in cluding its building, the displays, tne paintings, etc, amounted to about $20,C00, j PWft C TUESDAYi FEBRUARY , l 18f8 PERSONAL POINTERS. 5?jL a n '; , xxtiurueya .bee Overman and L H Clement and Mr. J D Brown arejin the city today from. Saliss bury. i it - j --Mr. S. F. Harmon arrived in i the; city this (Tuesday, moroinir.! and is spending some-time at the home of his father-in law, Mr. Geo W Swink. . , - A FRESH LOT OF Cheese Wafers Just Received at Ervin Sl Morrison GR0CER5 Too 9 O M n y The Concert and (he Ice cream too. The Concert at .Oaton'd iiull Mon daylnight was very muchiuterfditd with by the unavoidable absence of some important aotors. S)we per formances' at least should be no ed. Mrs. Sohaaf fully sustained the re putation that preceeded her. Thp tones, that . she brought out in her solo; were f xquisite and rare, indi eating enviable natural gifts with skillful training. Ic was a treat. Tbej recitation, loo, was very pleas ing; The sweetniny way in whi )h little Miss Zjla Patterson sang Icta Back Baby," afforded much pleasure, though her vo:ce was too week for every word to be heard. Miss Ciavan was strongly cheered. Sae bore her part well. The double qaarteite was very satisfactory, hav ing several voices conspicuously good. Mr. Yorke's gramophone ad ded verv much to the nroeram. i x o The concert was something of a disappointment to its getters up, of CJurse. The first nieht it was rained out. then it suffered an unavoidable break for waa t of the hall, and fin ally! it might be said to have been blizzarded out, but anvhow we ens jyed it and the ica cream too. A Card of Thanhs. The Ladies Aid Society of St James Lutheran church return sin cere thanks to all friends who as sisted Jin any way in the Supper and Concert recently given. - Among' many others who aided, they wish to make special, honorable mention of Lippards & Barrier, Bell Harris & Co., Dr. Gibson and the German Club foi special favors. Comn nee Oar Living Tarantula. While a box of oranges was being opened today (Tuesday) at Messrs, Swink & White's, a living tarantula was found, It is an aceesion to pur stock of curios and can be seen by calling. - ' . . K. of P. .Notice. Concord Lodge, No. 51 tonight 8 o'clock. Work in R. of P. Knights, Attention I . Jas. C. Fink. C. cl Jas R. Young, K. of R. & S. at TO CURE A COLD IS ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Qainioe Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.' 25 cents. Something1 Sew Under the San. There is a man in the iil here in - if J Greensboro charged with the extra ordinary crime of stealing a hay stack. This he actually did, mak ing three loads and carrying the stack completely away. He lives only a few miles south ot town. Greensboro Daily Record. inftets.: i" i" . All wool inx4 Blankets that are worth 3 50, To close out at 12 50 per pair. See them. Best bargains ever offered. Cannon & Fetzer Company. A: PERFECT SHOE : ! i i ' For the little ones, that is made as near the shape of the foot as is possible to adapt it, and com posed of superior leather, is wha t we keep for the boys and girls at all times, : Oar boys' shoes will outwear any shoe made, and at the same time is flexible, stylish and handsome. Come in and SEE US 1 Dry & Miller. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can! cure himself right away by taking Elecric Bitters. This medi cine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimuient to the Liver and Kidneys; it is a blood purifier and nerve tonic It cures Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleep lessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natu ral vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a mira cle worker. Every bottle guaran teed! Only 50j. a bottle at P B Fetzer's Drugstore. , Don't Come a PnnniTi Jf e have enough 1o supply the, demand, of ithose those beautiful CARRIAGES, at prices that knorik com petition out in tJie first round. Buying at jobbers prices for spot cash,; we are strictly in it. ' i - v' -. 'i ' ., - I TJRNI1 URJE is the burden of our song. We are still in business at the old stand, Iwith the handsomest line of Bed Room Sets, ranging in prize from $9.00 to $100.00, ever shoivn in Concord. Parlor Sets, Side Boards, China Closets, Extension Tables, Centre Tables Booh Cases, Cylender Tov, Roll Top arid Flat Top Desks, and every thing .else tdi be found in a first class Furni ture Store Come and see us and we will majce y ou glad BELL, HARRIS L CO. ,