aly : Standard if-:" Eaifcers uid Xss&tfscSo C i1 r i. 13 IN BiiiCE EOW. - This Standard is published , e?err day (Sunday excepted) and deli.v red by carriers. j RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION i Oae year.'- - ........... rf f -00 t Six months.'. . . . . . . . . .- .. 2 0 " .Three months. . . . . . . . '. -0 One month:. .... j- Single c Dy..-. ..... ..... .05 The Weekly Standard is a four page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus ' than any other paper. Price $1.00 per gold, in advance. ! " ADVERTISING RATES I ' Term for regular advertisements mad ; known on application, j 1 Address all communications to -THE STANDARD, Concord, K C. CO'jS COED. FEB 1 . :-l898 Hi in mil iiiiiiih THE Coi'tlEB JOFBKil'S DEMU- The following four propositions are set down as guiding principle s by the Louisville Courier-Journal an I they seeai to have the ring of Democracy as we learned it, viz : ) "Jb'ust The Uoveinment j has no right, either equitable or or ganic, to tax the people, except to Tihe money for its own support ; every dollar ol taxation diyerted I from this purpose is robbery ; and jit is equally important that the ; monty legally collected shall be ! hone-: y applied. ! ?: j ''Second the right of the peo ple t- self-government is an in- aueri e ngt ; io locai option id the counties, to home rule in the ; .i , l-rf- .ill virfcVifo in : V n I States not expressly delegated to the general Government ; and the I preservation of this right of self goyernment is essential to that just equilibrium between liberty and lawtbe corner-stones of our j system of iedral and btate lnsti- tutions. j '-Tmrd Ihe money of the country must oe gooa mqney ; circuiaimg- everywnere ; unques tioned and unqnestionable ; recog-. nized at once and taken at its face value ; and, to attain this univer- 8 il recognition and; acceptan ce, it must consist of gold and ,r silver and p 'per, the whole of inter change r tle value, each convertible iato the other-on demand, and freely circulating side beside, ' ! 4tFourlhThe' laws xnnst be exec ated rigidly and; impartially legislatiOD mustr be restricted to proper functions ; the principle individual responsibility must 6e taught and enforced ; the pub Iic, credit and honor must become subjects of paramount and per sonal concern, and parties must be held to a real and strict ac countability through their official representatives." These, the Journal sayg shall guide it in future and it clearly intimates no obligations to "any party dep arting therefrom. The j ournai does not see in the late Democratic shibofeth a complete undoing of i the consequences of the tariff and pension robberies that have been advancing upon us step by step for 30 years or more with but an occassional check by triumphant Democracy along the lines set forth. The Journal stoutly maintains its right to the name Democrat as is surely its right. Whatever may be said and believed in favor o! free coinage it has no exclusive right to the name of Democracy. Pnlits and even the" Teller ; ! wine of the Bepubhcans the free coinage theory wiuie scorn the name ot Democracy. that, a man who O J WO ACIA 1J WWW - - 1 ; , oelieves that the silver jause vital to the interests of the coun try should adiiere to the move u eVinnlH not be held as I ir III I I 1 1 II UUW U Vrf v - I ! -. the only Democracy ndr : as the . . , . . , j; oniy nonebi pniiuipAu. j ; ;i II pole, TO DIYI2 fU TDE JfOBTil They have tried to ge noles of the earth by grinding among the icebergs, by crawling over rugged, icy ledges and rocky barren wastes, and by glidmgover snowy expanses amid the- howl lncr minci thftt. make nnmitiirated J") .-.W - U . discomfort nnbearable.whil e arctic frigidity seems to forbid meddlesome intrusion. man's Andrfte honed to cet above all . " i :(. , obstacles and look down upon all that halts others by sailing in his balloon. He may have gojtien to the north pole but if so he- does not com back and tell us what he found there. But if things on the earth - and above the; earth baffle indomitable maDhood, there is still another wav left, that is under the earth. Mi : The latest means proposed is a boat something like the tarpedo boat, that is to dio down under the ice where it cannot sail through it, coming up at intervals to catch breath, etc. But yc u say how is it oing to get up through the ice? It is to be prepared with a means of cutting or "rJoring up through the ice, possibly too, dynamitemay be used to I break open an . aparture through j which to get a lresh supply of air, make observations, etc. I One Simon Like, the inventor of a peculiar boat, the Argonaut, aid a Mr. Alfred Riedel, al j Ger- man Journalist of Baltimore, en- iertained the faculty of Johns jBopkins University last Saturday with the scheme and seem to have created some interest in the novel project! i Where Oar Cold Come From. I Boston suffered from the sever est snow storm Tuesday that the ci has experienced lor 25 years. A loot ofvret, heavy snow fell be tween the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock, 4oing much damage to electric wires and causing: a $100,000 fire thereby. " - I ! New York has a regular bliz zud, with the thermometer in parts of the State 20 below zero. Philadelphia had the worst gale since '88. Through upper Maine and New Brunswick the cold and stormy weather is fearful, with i the thermometer as low as 20 below zero. - Miich damage ta shipping is reported and many lives are said to lost; 8entor Butler li again fighting a hopeless battle in opposing the con- firmation of ; Judge E wart; as Jadee Dick't luccessor. He styg his ) W jectioia are personal ' and, he i i ... Will prefer charges. It is Ulieved they will be quite unavailing, howeier. Butler ig a great sohemer, but he seems not quite shrewd enoUh howeTer, to he on the popular ' side' Possibly it would not make conspicuous e aough. ihim MD OI CIVIL iEBTlCE We hiy always looked with fa yor upon civil service reform and hive not entirely lost our hope that it may be improved, but the late shake up in our revenue depart ments have done much to crippTe is'our z ai ior it as a rciuiiu If arauk partizia bead of the eer vice can defeat the whole principle by a studied means cf cneckniaiins ' Kni-ocsin r en hnrrimates 11 mav " u a0irv to Pffi -ien- in 1 manliness necessary to em.ienwj ia 1 ajiy office will impel men to resign, j men the hing is a roaring fares and Ho the;the .qaicker e gt rid cf it the better, - . Mr. R .S Harris who, we believe his been f aaltless in the discharge of duty, ha3 resigned, when to have i contmuea unaer coDceniiii aunuuiiu- 'inga would have been nnre agreia ble. Kjw Mr. J M Hobert is take, from office work and given the place probably with the hope of his early reeigca'icn Sj in a number of in 4 stances t'e practice is probably nothing more nor less than an eva sion or practical nullification of the civil service rules. We see th t Deputy Tnompson, of Salisbury, has a so resigned, and the reasons, if we understand, are practicaliy the came. There is but one comfort in this i - piece of pjlitical depravity, and that is that bis elephartship," J Vviley Shook, has lost his place too after noeiDg around and being uneuccess fol in his efforts to find irregolaiiw ties on which to prefer charges. One Large Scar Is All iThat Remains of Great Scrofula Sore Neighbors Could Not Bear to Look Uporj Her A Grand, Completer Cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla After Others Failed. "I was taken with neuralgia in my head and eyes. Not long after this, a scrofula sore appeared on my left cheek, extending from my upper lip to my eye. Other sores came on my neck and on my right arm and one ot my limbs. They were very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My face looked so bad that some of my neighbor? could not bear to look at me and advised j wi uauuagCj LJllii X feared this would irritate the sore and make it Worse. Sol Cou d Not Hide the Sores. My nieceJ who was familiar with a case similar tojmme, which had been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, urged me to try it. Finally I was persuaded to do so, and in a short tjme I saw it was helping me. The sores began to heal and the neu ralgia in my head was better. In a few months the sores on my arms and limbs all healed ; those on my neck gradually disappeared and now they are all gone I have nevpr had any symptom of scrofula since. One large scar on my right arm Is all the sign that remains of my terrible affliction. ! The neuralgia Is also cured " uad. u . ijx. Axvja, IHlobd ibs. J. m hatch, Etna, New Hampshire. Sarsa- Ii the best-4n fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills afi,. OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. Bell, Harris &;Co., furniture deal, ers and undertakers; D J Bostian, racket store' Dr. N D Fetzer, drug store. Cannon &;jFetzer Co., dry goods and clothing'. Concord Steam Laundry, laundry. Odeii: Manufacturing ' Co.. dpal. ers in general merchandise G W Patterson, wholesale dealer Brown Bros., liverymen. : Dry & Miller, Bhoe dealers. Dr. J;P j Gibson, drugs. Craven Pros.," furniture dealers and under takers. ' ' : A J & J p Yorke, jewelry. Uabarrus8avings Bank. Concord National Uank. 1 Ervin & Smith, groceries. & L Orayen, coal dealer. J A,u B ackwelder.fcoal dealftr v RACKE1.JSSTQRK ct tk T?onTifir nillows at 50e. each Blankets at 25c. per lb. ! Cotton flannels at GJ to 12c. per Wide sheeting 15 to 20c. . T?;no Wpanhed cambric, same as Kice lot of all wool flannels. I Outing at 5 and 7J c. per yard. liable damask, bleached or turkey red at 25c. per yard. Table oil cloth at 15c. per yard. Floor oil cloth at 25c. per yard. All wool carpet samples at 22J cents per piece. v Curtain poleli2Jc. up. ! Lace curtains CSc. to 4.50 per pair. Chenille do $3 50 per pair. Oil shades 25 to 30c. each. j ; Kemnante -black cashmere 4.0c. per lb. Eemnants of colored serge at 25c. per yard. Dress lining cambric at 4c. per yard. Horn dress stays at 2 dozen for 5c. Safety hooks and eyes, 2c. card. Safety pin? 2 to 7c. per dozen! IJoyal talcum powder, nicely scented, at 5c. per can. xeauiiiui line oi wiiue guuuts, uuu wtco auu. cuiwumcuos BUiiaoie for babies' clothe e. ! Fine quality of white lawn, 40 inches wide, at 12c. per yard. Good note paper at 10c. per lb. Heavy envelopes at 3c. per pack up. Kubber tipped envelopes at 5c. per dozen. P S. Will be glad to mail samples of WHite Goods, Embroideries and HarLa Made Torchon Lace to out of town customers. Respectfully, Dl Cash To Beginning 7 uesda v, Febi uary ist, we will do a strictly cash busi ness. To those who have been running ! monthly accounts we will Jiave coupon books amounting to $1.00 and $2.00, which we will sell for 95 cents and $1.90. Oimr driver wIU have - strict fra struictiioinis irnot to Jleave .Dackae'e meless paid for. We have added a STEAM CLEANING and DYEING estab lishment in connection with onr LAUNPKY business. All work entrusted to us will, have the very nest attention. Clothes do not shrink or colors fade. 'PflONE NO. 2. M. B. S TICKLE Y. Attorney at Law Concord N. C SlUlAL ATlLiTION GIVM 20 COLLECTIONS. Office upstairs in. Ktnjg bufkrinc .near Poatoffice. 1 All srd. lonsdale, ai 11, worth lie. J. Bostian. is HEADQUARTERS F02 GROCERIES. We are better prepared this season than eyer to please The public with BARGAINS IN BAGGING and TIE: Corn, Oits, Eye, Ship Stuff Flour, &c. We carry the largest stock ot Snuff, Tobacco, Candles. Soda, Canned Goods, Soap, Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Oil, , Molasses. Meats, Potash, rinvare, Matches, Etc. in the country, and , can give too some startling prices. We will bar your i Cotton, Eggs; Corn, 1 PEAS, FLOUR, ETC. We are also agents for the "Spach" Wagon. Will sell a factory prices. j" Wholesale atdslieta'il Grocer. a oDecialirvif1' j5econaary OT . VT V;Territary Syphilis perro- S&JgSfj 5 to 35 days. Yc& cSbe treated If VoTnr Same Price uttder same - guaranty. iJwWf to ??eVe w will contract to pay DDtfl Jyc mercury, iodide 2Sind Jiave aches and pains, Mucuous cSSSntlVT,Sore Throat, dimples, Copper 5? Spots, Ulcers on any partof the body. wtilJfS X I5WS vthat we guarantee to cure. i JJiStthe mosl tinate cases and challenge W aca5e we cannot cure. This disease 5S5!fti5?'!?ffled the. skill of the most eminent physicians. $500,000 capital behind our uncond IrmittS? Ablate proofs- sent sealed on Pii!V?n Address COOK UEJ1EDY CO-I J- 477, Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILI