tt (I ft 14 8.53-pm, (F) Arrlrnl of Trains. The following change of schedule took , effect July 4, 1897, 12 o'clock. . ; ' J . NOKTIIBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 6 27 a m, v W 44 44 10 08 ti m. . 44 12 " 38 C2 44 44 1 00 a m (lioniiii SOUTHBOUND. CSo: S7 arrives at 8 49 a ra, (F) 11 44 44 10 29 am, i 7 " 41 8 S3 p ni, 35 J,, " 1 2" p m, gi tc- . 7.40 a in, freight) No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char lotte, Concord, S-i-isbury, Greensboro andU Danville. 1'asseners for vlocal points bet weea those stations willhaye to ' use the oiher trains. a 4 It ( was was Pretty Cold Weather. ! The thermometer this (Wednesday) momm?. registered a low as eight aegiees, while some think it only nine. Nevertheless it i ' i eifycn aegrees colder this morning than yererdny morning. The fore cast fjr day 8ya that we shall hve increasing cloudineaV and post sibly light snow, though the ttmU psratnre will not be quite so low s' we have had for thp last two dayr. .!.' Wade Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71 Ralroatf Watchman Murdered J Bramwell. W V unknown negro, who was refused the privilege of walking through a tunnel of the Norfolk & Wesiern Railroad, near here laat night, shot Harry Draper, the watch man, kill ing him instantly. A posse soon formed and captured the negro, later placing him in jail. At mid night fifty men took the prisoner from the jail and lynched him, after See change in Cannon & Ffifzar wmcb hl8 Dody as , riddled with bullets. SHORT ITEMS. R'aracrnpli id, I'ciiciled and Properly Placed Here. Xo.s ad. today. Tli Mouth's Cotton mills. In 1880 the South had 180 cotton mills, with a capital of 21,900,000 In 1890 she'had 254 mills, with $G1,- Lit Alexander, colored, whose i - caso camo up on the first day of court, and who was convicted of re tilling whiskey, has1 been released -uia uo auueosis naving oeen paid, 000,000 capital. At present she -BiVc - -jYo;;. rro due u. boasts of 490 mills, representing an .1 i?;i,isar- investment of $125 000,000. In 1880 ijwkj nn l n nnn nnpn , r.pfini n nr. f h a oninrllpo nf tho ronntri' Tnrlnto lTu l . e I r - r "UD lulttl UUUJOer 01 carriage UVia has nearly nnr-fouth of td licenses issued for the month of I WriA nnrvao. tu-,,' PoiJ January is thirty twentvone whiroa nnrl nine nrorJ 'Pin tnrsi , . ) Al ,1 . w nen you are suuariDg irom a-t hoot rvi rn f hn hn nnt -k m 1 U A I i 1 i f t u i. A, ! A tarrh or Cold in the head you wan & relief rieht awav. Only 10 cents i vmv. ' I ? . . . . .... . 1 t " required to test it. ask your drug It is better to take Hood's Sarsa- mat for the trial sizs of Ely's Cream . 111. ll. a . . t I a ' : . ? " I ;pamia tnan 10 experiment wiin unnBalm'0r buy tha 50c. siz. We common AtintaKes. It is a mistake to work when you are not in a fit, condition to do ho; to take ofl hey underclothing be cause you have become overheated; to thiqk that the more a person eats the healthier he will become; to be lieve that children ,caa do as taach work as grown up people, and that the more thev stud v if n,n, J wv AU UiD y learn to go to bed late at night and rise at daybreak and imagine that every hour taken from sle.p is anhour gained; to imigine that if a little work or exercise is good, voilent or prolonged exercise is bet ter; to conclude thit the emiliest room in the haute 13 large enough to sleep in; to sleep exposed to a di rect draught at any season; to 'im gine that whatever remedy causes one to feel immediately hatter a alcoholic stimulants for example is good for the system without regard to the after eftctp; to eat as if you nad only a minute in which io finish the meal or to; eat without an appej tite or to continue after it has been satirfisd to gratify the taste; to give unnecessary time to a certain es tablished routinejof housekeeping when it could be much more profit ably spent in rest or recreation. London Family Doctor. Wanted.:' I Uorforht aud faithful 'gentlemen ! and ladies to travel for .responsible ; established houe in North Carolina. Monthly $65 00 and expense Po sition stead .R Terence. Eaclose self add I stampfd en velops The D mioion Company, jml3 I n D ipt. K . Ooici?.. fill m r VI V A Vi ! Mi mado easy Manufacturing" nuboer btamps. I'rice List of J. F. W. Dorman B. Fayette St. Md.,U.Sl. Catalogue ConcordJFoundry Co Concord, N. C Oar foanir is aov in b'Uat onoe a ivess, o3ti ag realrlv pvery Pri day: We are pppr d .to furai-h you aaycoia in h ? irm'c l'aj living pric. W wil b oleiae l to q ioe voa fiiem! priie' on anvfbno- ! desired. All orders; receive.rprompH '.mi aMontinn A Ian 1 . ' l,4jfea : " : ( I ' ' ' Co., 121 .MR -R ' ' lOi :v.i4. .Baltimore. -r!:J.IM. C2W-?sT ; free. , MiMM . lr , -;y - . . iTMM US I 1 II 'W,-' . attention. work. Also do general machine lour truiy, c iNEWj JEWELER, We know Hood's Sarsaparilla actu -ally pe andrmanently cures. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure eick headache. mail it. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York City.; I was afflicted with catarrh la nfnmri nrintr thfl month of ! OdU The Standard stated Tuesday tnW I could neither taste nor smell 'that Rev. Davis and family would and could bear but little. Elya av0 xuureuay cigniior ineirnome Cfea Balm cured it. Marcus Q in vveeicnester, ra., but owing to ghautz, Rahway, N. J. me iaci inatjney nave not succeed ed in getting arrangements com pleted, they will not leave until later, and probably not until next week. Ton't fail to Jsee Miss Nannie The Raleigh Post says: Few people in North Carolina know that there is a large amount of unclaimed land in the 3ate and that claims for poEsession of various tracts are granted almost daily by the Secre tary of btate. "ror the past two months the fcirca intheSecretary f State's office has been busy making grants of land. Most of the requests for gran ts of unclaimed land come fromWe8tern North Carolina in the mountain region Oaly a few days since the Secretary of State issued a grant for a piece of property near the pity of Asheville. Some fellow came along and discovered a site on the river bank, which no one claimed and be seized on to it. TTTANTED AGENTS to sell our Prlntlngr Y Presses. Vulcanizers. Daffaire and Key Checks, Steel and ttubber Stamps, Sea) Pressj es. Stencils. &c. J. F. W. DORM AN Cp., 121 E. Fayette St.. CaltOM Md. Catalogue free. H. B. FRAZIER, 3rd Store LitakerBuilding. You will find a nice line of Jewelry at my place. Repairing a special tj. Allgwork guar anteed. Served 2 year ap prenticeship "under c Wil liams & Docter, Jewelers, Philadelphia. Hoping to share a part of your patron age m the future, I am Respectfully H. B FRAZIER. Mar. 19. Jeweler. mrM hi . m m z Ifer :! ; & 1 ( & 4 UST AS COQD FOR ADULTS. VARR ANTED. PRICE SO ci - - 1 ' ; Gal ati A, Ills., Nor. 16, U ' iris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. rntlemen: We pold last year, 600 bottles uv HOPE'S TASTELESS CHILL, TONIC and h-1 i'.igb three pross already this year. In all our ; j-ii-ience of H yers, n the drug business, hs t ;ever sold an article that eave such unlTersuI it 'iCUou as your Tciac. I'uurs truly. All dealers guarantee Groves p a e less Chill Tonic to cure chill, fever and malaria in all its forms. P ause f h fe art Hood' puiv are vu t oarilla, bt Wants More Allcators. Now the Floridians are bowline: for 'Uncle Sam' to give them u r 4 aligttors. They have been al most exterminated and then skins are in demand. Application is made through the fish commis sion for stocking and preserving that lizzard family to meet a profitable demand. - Offer the business public f liable,permiEentf conservative an 3 accomodating banking inti'u ioii- We solicit your business wiJ h h asHiirftnce of honorable trea iii-nt tind due appreciation of your -pat ronage. If we can serve you at any ticad b e gUd to have you coma and pp( us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS p TO CUSTOM ERSj ' Gapital and Sulplus$?0 000 I J. M OPELL, Pres. ' Noticed. PH ONE 1 i QUO Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges-f 4 t 1 - ; phone;no 9. Ting-Ling, STATE OF OHIO. -Alexander at her new- stand j ust Cjty cf Toledo, a ODDOsite Concord Natinnal Rant iiUCAS county. ) where she hatov of room .ndfteau S? ft . . UO 10 hud, aouivi - i IS CaUScU Uj iv.v -r0 ,. , - vt;cc guuuo at '7(,cty tua prices, ouw 01 d Dneney K v;o., aoi uusiuocjo tlonand penaitsioou to tennent ana puiruy m i upw r WHhQ TH AT ? inviies you to mae ner store vour 1U bUC , xviduu, vw- v we swmacu. - headquarters while in the city. Uiii mv thA sum of One Hundred fl F1 11 feb. 2 ld. w2t. Dollars for each and every case of Hfttarrh that cannot be tne v The Jpworth League, in spite of use of Hall's Catarrh (Jure- ihn nnlH wpathfir hM a vptv nlofla.) i FRANK J CHENEY- . "-r1 - r.WMw . .- , ... j -i .'Ill- htlintK! fftVfir I FT HZ II II I T TTTI fTT A T TQ TT 9 K. L.Craven : , No. 74, For Coal. Lru 0B 'A. W GLEASOS, f :aat and intere8tiog meeting at the Jjjorn 'eS' no me 01 aLies Dannie Aiezanaer December, A D. lood. Tuday night. The program con- x ) ; ; -T , - -I X SEAL. A. VV VJAJAJ-Kjy, eisiea 01 reaaings, reciiauons, a v Notary Jfubiic. sones, and some excellent product tthc- n-forrh Cure is taken ins tions from the phonograph by Mr. ternaily. and fccis directly on tne Udarley Crazier. -Y " snT for Testimonials, free. Toledo, O, Insomina. nervousness, and, not relieved, bilious fever E O tor Wood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomacn, " Craven Brothers' Furniture Store; s the nver. cure ueauauuc, uiiiucoij, w-- . t-V- .tt- smd hv aii druefirists. Iarcrest Pills to take wi Hood's sarsaparii. CONGOR0 LODGE of KNIQ.pTS of HONOR. It Failed to Come OH. Owing to the very cold wetner Tuesday night, the repertory by Prof, liindsay, the colored masician who has been in our city for some time, failed to come off. There were a few present, but not enough to pay expenses, so Prof. Lewis an nounced that the performance for Uhe vwould Sold by druggists, 75c, Just wanted to. say. wjql have the and best assortment and prettiest patterns of mattings ever shown in Concord . Just received a new supply of Sample Carpets all wool and forty inches wide SEE OUR NEW BABY CARRIAGES. We can interest you on anything In the furniture line. No doubt about theprices being right. '" , Cora 1 IB responds readUy to proper fer- benefit of thegratied;; qfilizitlonl HEARSE FREE. before; ;Pmt Lin Vl&ft -th igr are suH to result redney).:.iiiotnitg,. fpr High J la w ! N his way back ta thAaor(hern: cities, t&f c .X? fl f tl - ;::..::;-ryua,,' contoinbsf atleast j BernardrOdnftr Claude BerVsrol a yappointment as attorney for thQ.Un.ite4 Statesourt i for the. Eastern (Jistrict. Qf North Carolina., was confirmed in tne Senate4 Mondavi " ' . - - i ' - t ' 1 A 1 ' verv woman needi' Br. MUes TaTn Pills, Our books are free to farmers. ? i t-i MAKAI works. . ; 93 Nassau St., JMfW Meets on the second Friday eyen m oi eacn montn. Hall in the rear of Dr. W O Hous ton's Dental rooms. : : - Thi8lodge nas paid to the-families of its deceased members twiBnty tionT" " T-terjlTE5i DEALERS and The Knights of Honor is now. in h ' nxro ; -a rJ -rT-'WirnA a Nt its twenty-fifth year of existence, r uiv (vivo and has disbursed. up to tne 14tn oi January, 1898, more than sixty-ore million i of dollars to the families of its deceased members in the United States. 1 or further information call on N D. FETZER or K. L CRAVE NV The Concord Will be often for business " Saturday ; morning in ne Castor building on Main ftU KINDS of SAUSAGE 5 o c I i OHSgS-.i -m T m C3 rf 1 for the ; i ARIEL, OTTO W A and LUTHY WHEEL. Coal! om Street. MEAT and handled. Patronage'Solicited ; Respectfully, Sol Levy, IProprietor For all kinds o coal Soft or Hard -call on me. My Lamp Goal can -hot be surpassed in quality. Prices a3 low as can be had. J A. C. Black welder At JSiore onJWest Depot street. Phone No. 68 o n e rn. 2 ;-Vt.:pt Jk'l L IISi!f 1 . ITeeds 5o Explanation. Madison, N. p., Aug, 4, 1897. Goose Greaa 3 Lmimen t Co., Grean boro, N. C1. JDear Sirs 'Please ship ns at once me gross Goose Grease Liniment. W& are entirely out. Don t fail to ship t once. Please give us jobbers .'pnees It i8,'th3!be8tjthing we h !yeeve rbee. t: ' JW 0 Joijes & Co. ' - ,4 '.' - . if 71 Is -.. ! f I; 9 ' r 4 -:v r -

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