WORTH ' OF X WAS. 'GOODS U GIBSON'S 1 . Drug Store, "O BE SOLD AT ONCE- Take advantage cf the first dear weather and buy your HOLIDAY GOODS. The weather promises to be very un- avorable for the. next month. Rain every few r ays and consequently bad roads will prevent your coming t& town just, when it may best suit you. Tnke advantage, I say, of the first bright day and on'twait till a day or two before Kmas. The child . en must not be disappointed. Young man.a certain voung lady, that you wot of . expecting you to do your duty by her. My stock of Xmas Presents, China, Pictures, Dolls, Toys, Fireworks. Musical In struments, etc., is immense and cheaper than ever known in this town before. NO one can, or will, be allowed to undersell me. You will make a mistake if Jyou buy elsewhere before seeing say GOODS. Jo P. GIBSON. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine G-ino-hams Oiitin Cloths, ; Plaidsl Sheetin and Sal Baos DDealers' in - GENERAL j MER HADISE ... , o DBuvers1 of -n COUNTRY j PRODUCE c l all kind, and 4-foot vood alwas'wanted best prices Dfor same. We invite an insec tion ot all the o-oods wemanuiacture. I : DELL MFG-. Co OonccrdN. b 'CONCORD N. C. 1 C AP1TAL bTOCK, - - $50,000. We are now read v fr bnsinegs at rmr new banking oflfice in the Propst building. Your account is reapect f -dly solicited, and wo promise you c .reful and courteous attention and very facility consistent with sound banking. . 'Deposits from 25 cents op taken in cur - SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest paid on Eavings and time de xmt3. i Call to see us and see onr bnrglar ? Droof safe with time lock. ! ' DIRECTORS? 1 (VCAKNO-N, LAWSONJ. VOJlj VR R. 8. YOUNG, C. W. SWINK, jNO.C. WADS WORTH, DR. D. W. FLOWE F. CANNON, JAS, C. GIBSON, President Cashier. M AHTIN BOGER, K. I. WOODHOTJSE Vice Presidett Teller, S2.0 n vigil Manufactiinsg k For over fint Yer j Mrs. VViDslow'sbootdiD Syro) has hn ud lor aver fifty veurs by ruilJk :.-- of i.othere for their;: ch;!d whi'e tefhing, wiih prfectjauq. ..es. It Boothes the cnild, Vofteiifi the gums, allays all pain, curea wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieye the poor little sufferer immediately, cold by druggists in everv part of the! world, rwenty-fiye cents a bottlei Be snre tmd ask for "Mrs Winslows Sootl itg Syrup," and take no other Kind SOJIEDULSh, ta In Effect Jbp. 18, This condensed echedalo is pnb Hshd as information, and is'lubject to change public! without notice to th4 i i . . - M -l ;ord, Nil Trains Leave Concord, M 0 9:25 p. m. No. 35 dailj for At! an ta and CharlotteAir 5, e cliyiion, ana all points South and Soutiiwt-bt Carries thrcueh Pullman! clrfivvirj?-. room buffet sleepers bet ween York, Washing; ton, AtJanttii xev O r 1 e a n s, S a v a n n a h and Jacksonville, Also Pullman skewer' CJbarlotte to Augusta, Ji ! 8:49 a. m. No- 37, daily; Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmiiighbm, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all pcintsliSouth i and Southwest. Through' Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, ji Din ing car, vestituled coaehii betweeu Washington and Atlanta Pullman tourist car for San Fraicisco,; Sun days. - j ; 8:53 p. m. fvo. 7, V lily, from:Rich mond, Washington, Goidsborq,Nrr folk, Selmfi, Ba,li:jL., Grteiibboro Kucxvilie and Asheville to Char otte, N. C. ' . M 10:29 a m. No. 11, daily, i for ) At anta and all points South. Solid tram, Kiehmond to Atlanta ;PulU roan tJeepin car, Itiehmohd to Greensboro. j i .11 10:08 a. m.-Ko. 36, daily, foi Washington, Kichmond.j Ralegh and all points North. CarriesjiPull man drawingroom buffet sleeper, NewOrleans to NewYork; Jarkson ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist airs from San Ira t cisco ' hursdays. 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestituled, lmited, for Washington! anh ail fioints North. Through Pullmsncar, Memphis to New Yoik; New (Jrleaus to New Yoik ; Tampa to New lYork, Also carncs vertibuied coach and dining car. ; i i 7;C8 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Bich mond, Ashevilie, Chattanoogn, Ral -igb, Goldsboro and all points iNorth. Carries Pullman sleeping ;ar from Greensboro to JtiehrLond. Jonrects at Greensboro with 11 train tfttiyiDg Pullman car for Rale ieh. 6 27 a. m,r:o. 10, daily, for Rich ioond ; corrects at Greensboro lor Ral-igu ai,d Notfo k ; at Dahvillt for WTashii gton nr.d oints North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Knox ville i rid points West,: . ' j" j ill frd; bt train scarry passengers. n;H. f-n.p,. W. A. unij Trftiilc M'gr.. G. u'; Pass. A F. S. Gascon. 1 ' Wurbii: Jiosjil) 'C, Third Vico Piesidt aid G! taviTcrr, tlj ' Wra shin g tor , '". . Q. ; i: S. II.Hap.1) vv cir, a b i i u'lt '4 i : t l" ,T7 AT in r,i;fj Gji. W.H. lAiLOE.As.'t Of hi ijif'nr uowAXri:s-rTnT, J- 'caJ Ad riant and effect j c : 'i; -'.j-'V ' , r-it cpoa hiving ths jr'.ui'.'.T.c j":v it : ' i carea mous&nCs si wiicur'.-.' i'. fv".' r- tjn f ltivfa verilten RUfireixteo to yifoot ac-jx-j 5 ?' V t i each ces9 or reSuad the mor.ov. f rico Vi tit f :i lige; o- "12 pKges (full tiatinenti 'r.y ff:-'.. pail, in plain wrapper, -.3 per. reoris-toi prire. f ;-r, it;. ForsPale hv JfPGibPon, Drufgist M. L. Brown'& LIVERY, FEED f AKD l it I STABLES. .Tnof In raarnf Qt niPJ TlLi' il nibuaes meet all passenger trains Outfits of all kinds . furnished promptly and at reasonable, nrW0 j Horses and mules always on hand Poland China Hogs. f tf LOOK 1 . r uy uDtjw'cuiug icr pui-cnae it 1 n U 11 . v. y new, High-Arm, Wheeler & Wileon Seeing Machine, iiom drawers, cover and ejnd Ileal fine oak finish, with complete attachments, should call ati thi omce. ween sy cave cue, i and will offer" the buverl enenmi Pnce. i .Off w 111. . Sill EWE 1897. 1 BRo Sons of hwelI-HcBl. SSiiff-a-fiOnff Of 8 ell head a Ic Jiuw full cf gin, coming horn? at 4 . m,. his wife won't lee him in. His feet re full of tangle-foot,bi head is full of wheels, the kejbol turns around the knob, he a f nnn feeling feels. He nuts his feet upon te porcr ... ;hia!hPftri unon the ground, and all the! time within hi "nnug" the wheels are going round. He thinks that he is sober and everyone is tight, and be thmka be's in bis bedroom inetpad cf cat all nighV !'..." He thinks the moon's a dollar and will buy a dtz-n drinks, aod vvir.vz otbf?r minor thoughts he thinks and thinks and thinks. But when the mcmicg comes and it cometh scon at thai, he looks around and murmurs, "Great snakes, where am I. at ?" Rov'd Lmtern. 31otlier CJooso Up-To-Date. The Woodbury Meetenger gives this version : "Sing a eong of peni tence, a fellow full of rye; four and twenty serpents dancing in his eye; when his eye was opened he shouted for bis life; wasn't be a pretty chump to go before His vdfe? ; His hat was in the parlcr ULderneath a chair, his boots were in the hallway, his coat was on the stair; his trouss era in the kitchen, his collar on the shelf; but bo hadn't any notion where be was himself; when the morn was breaking some or e heard him call; his head was in the ice box, which was the best of all," A L.ocaI Disease. A Climatic Aflection Nothing but a local remedy or change of climate will cure it- ATARRH Oet a well-known pnar- vr HiYrnriJ . .maceutical remedy, KirYFE:VEFl J ELYS ron am rai m rii i. : i 1 i givs renci ai once, k- opens and cleanses ther.VtU' Nasal Passaees. mbramene. RestoresTtheysenses of taste and smell. No cocaine, no mercury, no injurious drug. FriU size soc. Trial size ioc, at druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St. New York. ' 1 orsc3 ro 0je car lead of, Fine, Young Horsf a im Muha just received at our auv M All well bioke to work where. . L. Brovn & Brq. Ut SiOB REPAIRS. W. BARLEIR SO YEARS' "EXPERIENCE Examine-th-"ie Dtire: .Men'rf- I all e?:ed, HO? , lidipfe' half tole. eed, 50c., -pi's half foIp. "'vpjj&ed. 35cL ladifb' huif fo e. kphvpA !?rr Patches cersented 10c and up. Repairinr ia mv .e"ner.iltv T nsn only the lt materials that, can be boubht. Do all' work' rnyeelf and guaraiitec sa'iafaetiori. , ! QfSce near Steam Laundry. i-. :" . Reepec? fully, J ; PARLEIR Concord, 0. . f21 L. TV HARTSELL. ATTOKNEY-AT-LA.W, CONCORD, - N G. Prompt attention, given to all busipeas. Office in llorris building oppbsite court hDaee, SJOOD'S Sariparilhi has over ana H-pver. strain DiOvd hv its moe, When ail oil hv its onrpa. . , i7 V &w 4. v- 1- Mules 13 PQ rue.-SLOOD Purifier raculous': Benefit RECEIVED FROM . Dr Hile New Heart Cure. F-i LI P. BABCOOIT, of Avoca, a veteran of the 3rd N. Y. Artillery and. IJZ3 for thirty yeirs of the Babcock & Munscl Carriage Co., of Auburn, says: "I; xrritc to .express ray gratitude rorthernirac-. lotis benefit received from Dr. Miles' .Heart j Cure. I suffered for years, as result of army ; life from sciatica which affected my heart ; inthoTvorst form, my limb3 swelled from i the ankles up. I bloated uutil I vas unable -to button my clothing; had sharp :P-- about the heart, smctherius epella: auc shortness of breath. For three monfa3 I svas unable to lie down, and all the s.oep . cot vras in an armchair. I vrar. t rented bij -the best doctors but gradually Cf, About a year sco I commenced t.i'nn:; Di Miles' Kc-.y Heart C.uro and-- it save4j.cyi; as if by j nirucle." p-'. - -?y :ly. ;' ai-o sold by ail drug- f tV v. i'' gists . ut; d-s r-v pg-:Mw4;w , .;; guarantee, urs.'- jjovciC c - .kv"L. Jl'l.. - . benefits or money ?- o i funded. Book on dis- ;.r .3 -' eases G tho Lcrt and (VT.T. Vi ': nerves frcc Address, iiii;'' :v.'--. v-.-" BH. LULES JilEfM OAL CO., ElKiia,ic, xua iji.,-.-;--'. and r.eedod S V r r v C'"' i i tW ' Mm?' I lit! aiilniriiliiiliiiliiiliiii'iinfiiiliiiliiiiinimliii! Aavertisers will find no better meunB to reach the people th's'ri throa-.h the columns of i THE STANDARD. If you war t the patron, sge of the people, make your wants known through -: this medium. Our local advertise ment3 are worth five ents per line for first insertion, and reductions given on successive insertions. Ail o' her rates given on app ication. ! When.in iieed of JOB WORK of 4 differijt ' descriptions, you will do we'll to call on us, as. we can save yon raoney. Pikes on different lands of JOB WORK given On application at this office. TM H 5 .0 6 Veterinary Surgeon, Treats all diseases of horsea fir cattle. Surgical operations a prc ialtv. Teeth carefully ,5;,- Prompt attention is gicn to all Calic through telephone or by t - Qr message ltft at Brown gr 03 Stable, Ooccord, N. C. i : -4 Notice. When you -want Fresh Outers, stewed, fried or raw, birdg on "toast resb Gsh or a Eqaare me&l, prppBreJ by an old experierxeed cook (Wi3t McMoore) call at Booer & Jchn ton's Restaurant in the Brick Kow nea' 'he Court House. MOEKJSON H. CALDWELL ATTORN! Y AT LA. W, CONCORD, N 0 OflSce in Morris bundm, rjcEit court house. D G. Caldwell, M. D.? M. L. Stever.s M, -) Prs. CALDWELL & STEVENS. Concord, N. C. ; OfiBce in old rost effice bni'dii:? opposite St. Cloud Hotel. Ptone No. 37. jf SI' aoue ana Rheum ATi&Hrenp7e jMLrit.' Mites' Nerve Piaster II! '; When you wish cuiobing rates on any kind of news paper or .periodical with ; THE "STANDARD you will save money I y call ing on us, though all orders must invariably be paid ir advance. STANDARD WOOD'S SEEDS are specially grown and selected to meet the needs andteqtiirements of 5 Southern Growers-0 Wood's Descriptive Catalotie is most val- ( able and helpftd in giving cultural directions ( and valuable information about all seeds L ewMuy aoapiea xo me oouttu VEGETABLE and FLOWER 'SEEDS, Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats and all vai ucu ciiiu r-cirm eeuo Tritefor Descriptive Catalogue Mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, o SEEDSMEN, - - RICHMOND, VA. THE LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. 0 ::"v3r- x

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