a .... - : r:. '" ; I r : . - I - .' ' j I - j ' I i 1 1 ii ii i ii - . i " . ill . Editors nd n-cilct J . : v " " : V Kberlll Unrtln and Ilia Trial. . She ritt Martin and who find on the band J i . r Nunramnpr nr. n u i i . - ltcpntleM on lis de puties ot strikers fljfi iH EKICE BO The Standard is published . everyday (Sunday excepted) aud ; delivered by carriers. , j BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : j Gae year Six months " Three months.. 1 One month. j SiDgle copy 1 .05 The Weekly Stand. rd is a four pne, eight-column paper. I' : hao a larger circulation in Cabarru? than any other paper. Price 81.00 per an rum, in advance. j ADVERTISING RATES : I . Terx, fqr regular advertisements mad 1 wn on application. j Addsa all communications to THE STANDARD, I Concord, N. C. trial at Wilkesbarre. is expected to t:ikb zelton and I- "-! T . oc are on The trial about four i I . " -i w tks. mere are auout xuv u nesses for the State an 200 lor the defense, terrible tragedy and wi great trial to ferret the n al crime was. 1 pro ably It was a who treated the 39 patients jli LoiiK to Ko Doctor. WashiDgton Telegram to the Pitts burg Dispatch. MiJs Margaret Long, second danglJter ot the Secretary of the NavyJ has just passed a brilliant examination and matriculated, in the senior class of the medical school1 of the Johns Hopkins Uni versity at Baltimore. She intends to continue her studies in this in- 1 require a ' stitutiin in til she is prepared to out where ;practijo medicine at her 'home, Dr. Keller, Boston. CONCORD. FEB 5 181'S. JFDGE McITEK. The haVit of eulogizing judges when the T-ry manntr raises 'some Basp'cion that there is a sinister purpose hs met with such criticism f roin iLfluen'ial sources a to almost . d titer one from making other; thai) unfavorable reference to those pie Hiiiinc at car courts. But in the interests of due repect and apprtcia tion of this b a known means of euforr.ing the duties of man to hie Stae and of dss'inc ly marking the line cf rih between man and man we feel jas ifiei in noting i ha Judge Mclver bav b eu yery happy in hie rahnga during this court to give the t;reJito8t degree. cf satisfaction to the bar, and to inspire among tbe CjmriiOQ peop'e that confidence in his coart, aa-the temple; of jistic, thai is promotive of the pjace and dignity of S:ate. A court may be rigidly j iat or piously lenient and yet be doj we' I calculatedto leSjn crime, for the true object of Jaw ad courts may not be apparent In thefe respects Judge MclTtri 8eem3 to rise to the full heiglt of his jadiciil f unctions, and it is but jri3t to eay that respect for courts ha3 been promited, and thiq term will be looked upon as a model . ii , rarely attained to in its tenenoence. at were indirectly, indirectly, indirectly, ed in the the hnsiiitfli tstihed fiat o shot directly in front, 9 ; directly in side 15, 6 ; directly in rear, 3 ; S. bf the 39, seven d hospitil, two are recovering slow ly and 30 have been discharged, one though, not entirely wellJ The evidence on the side of the commonwealth looks rather Ibad for the deputies thus far. ; Misl Lon? is unusually prepos- sessins; in appearance, but sbe has noyer jeen given to soci;il frivoli ties. S oon after her fathers nomir nation for the cabinet she an nounced her intention of fitting RACEE T ! STOR H herself says resetnb- trembles i Tbe Stood as Ifolses. The Scientific Amircan there is a place in the Connect!- c n Vallev, near Mount Tom, . j i- from which noises proceed peri odically and that the noise period is now on. T ra are noises. .i j t says a writer, i t sound likejthe tiring of small arms tlien of a cannon and tho hizziog of shells. Sometimes more nearly ling thunder. The earth like in an earthquake till crock- ery rattles in house, yet no smoke as of of exploion is to be seen! ( ; i . ... There has been no satisfactory explanation of the phenomenon! It was observed by the Indians before the presence of the white man. j ;ii I ! -:H The Indians called it Matohe- madoset or "place of bad noises." It reminds us of the famous FingaFs cave on the West coast of Scotland that forms the basis of so much romance. for a profession. Woe i you are suffering from Ca tarrh oi Cold in the head you want relief jiht away. Oaly 10 cents is required to test it. Ask your drug gist for jthe. trial siz of Ely's Cream Balm, dr bov the 50:. s?z We 7 j mail it. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York City. I was 'afflicted with catarrh latt ... atumn. During the month of 0s tober I could neither taste nor smell and could hear but little. Ely's Cream Balm cured it. Marcus G Shautz, Rah way, N. J. The papers have noted the starting of the Indian Head Mills at Cordova, A(a. This is oie of the largest new plants in the South, containing. 10,000 looms and 50,000 spindles. It gives employment to ,1,000 persons, but next year it will double its ca pacity and the number of hands, as it hps al ready-sold its produc tion for be years ahead in China. This plawt is owned entirely by B 1.? ton capitalists, Mr. Harcourt Acmdry being the principal in 'vestqr. As a pioneer it does first rate, and shows that when the Nfcw Euglanders do invade the Soiith tkj will bring big mills along with them. The South is big enough to hold them. Char lotte Observer, It seems that lice were found in German j on some pears shipped from California that are said to b identical with the San Jo3e louse, iyhich now forms such a terror te fruit growers of our own land. This forms something of a pfauBible ex cuse for debarring American fruits. A liberal international policy, though, might make the evil . look much less formidable. ; A U00 to for a some This great generous country of ours overdoes the matter some times as in the case of Congress when it appropriates $2, each party in a contest seat in the body. Withl economy the defeated candidate can make, it profitable to contest for his seat. The contesting! en terprise has thrived under this protective system. Every contest, though, counts $4,000 direct from Uncle Sam's pocket beside the time and energy diverted from subjects more deserving: for the public interests. A- wholesome halt along this line is probable. This scrambling for the office to which one is not elected is one of the growing industries thai does not need a fostering of $2,000. The railroad commiason vefy woman &edd3 Dr, SlUes" Pain Pflls. eems determined to drive the Southern Railway out of the State. They are continually and eternally hari raesing Col. Andrews about rkteB passes, etc. One thing we would like to know and that is, whose business is it if Col. Andrews isaues passes to the whole State? He baa I done more to help the old State of North Carolina in the way of induci ing capital and manufacturing to come here than any one else,' then pray why try to ruin hia busi nesa ? The present railroad com mission as it ia constituted is a great humbug and we believe the honest yeomanry of North Carolina will rise up in their might and . pudiate the whole-gang at the first opportunity. Elkin Journal. A brith er editor says: "No sensible man should cet anerrv n ml because a newspaper man duns him for money. A dua is not an impeachnent of a subscriber's in tegrity, lnt it is the outcropping of the publisher's necessity. For instance, a thousand men owe from one to four dollars. He has to dun them to pay expenses. In stead of becoming angry for what is honestly due, tbe subscriber should thank the, editor for wait ing on hini patiently and pay up like a manV'-Ex. Gloomy, Hopeless Life Interna! Jalns Lame, Tired, Ner vous -Every Bad Symptom Cured by Hc.nd s Sarsaparilla. " For iietLij five years I suffered with i severe cas 3 of stomach trouble. I had pains in my stomach and bowels so that I could riot Sjtand or work without great Buffering. My appetite was very poor and when I did. eat anything I was shortly afterwards t eized with vomiting spells. 1 could not rest at night and felt lame and tired all over. I became nervous and had no energy whatever. My life seemed gloomy anc: hopeless. My husband ad vised me to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I began taking it and the first bot tle did me a great deal of good. I con tinued with it regularly and have now almost fully regained my natural weight and am doir g nearly all my housework." mbs. Kinda Cbockeb, Gladstone, Ala. Sarsaparilla Is the Best ii fact the One True Blood Puriflpr Insist upon Hood's ; take no substitute. Hood's pills jgJfStSSSTg! UUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. " Bell, Harris &;Co;, farniture deal ers and undktakcra. D J Bostian, racket store Dr. N D Fetzer, drug etorei Cannon toetzer Oo.dry goods and clothing. Concord Steam Laundrv lan : Odeli Maiufacturing Oo deal, era in gencnl merchandise. G W Patterson, wholesale dealer Brown Bros., liverymen. Dry & Miller, shoe dealers. Dr. JP Gibson, drugs, 5 graven Bros., furniture doalera and undertakers, i A J & J RYorko, jewelry. Cabarrns Waviogs ftaok. (Joncord National j5aDk. af ith, crocones. f j a n'n! ' coal dealer. Blaokweldcr, coal dealer. 3 lb Feather pillows at 50c. each. Blankets at 25c. per lb. : , Cotton flannels at 6J to 12c. per yard. Wide sheeting lb to uc. Bleaching to lt)c. . , ' . Fine bleached cambric, same as lonsdalel at 7, w orth 11c. Nice lot of all wool flannels. Outing at 5 and 7Jc. per yard, j . Table damask, bleached or turkey red at 25c. per yard. Table oil cloth at 15c. per yard. Floor oil cloth at 25c. per yard. -All wool carpet samples- at 22i cents per piece. Curtain poles 22c. up. -Laco curtains 68c. fo $4.50 per pair. Chenille do 3 50 per pair. Oil shades 25 to 30c. each. Kemnants black cashmere 40c. per lb. Kemnints of colored serge at 25c. per yard. Dress lining cambric at 4c. per yard. Horn dress stays at 2 dozen for 5c. Safety hooks and eyes, 2c. card. Safety pins 2 to 7c. per dozen, j Koyal talcum powder, nicely scencea, at oc. per can. Beautiful line of white goods, fine laces and embroide for babies' clothee. Fine quality of white lawn, 40 inches wide, at 12Jc. per yard. Good note paper at 10c. per lb. j Heavy envelopes at 3c. per pack up. Eubber tipped envelopes at 5c. per dozen. P S "Will "hp. criafl n mml Qamkc "WHit.fi tt-nnfTs. ' W.m hrm'rlfi-riAS n.nrl TTn.nil TVTnrlo Torchon Lace to out of town customers. leries suitabli Respectfully, Di J. Bostian. Cash To Alk Beginning Tuesday, Febt tikry i st, we will do a strictly cash b asi-ness. To those who have been running monthly accounts we will have coupon books amounting to $1.00! and $2.00, which we will sell for 95 cents and $1.90. Our driver will fliave 'strict iini struct! on s -mot 'to leave ; - ipacMages unless paid for. We have added a STEAM CLEANING and DYEING estab. hshment in connection with our LAUNDRY busineas. All work entrusted to ns will have th best attention. . Clothes do not ouuok or colors fade. PATTERSON'S ! . - -is-,' HEADOUA.:,TERS ! FOIi GROCERIES. We are better orenared thiasftason than eyer to please the public with BARGAINS IN B AGGING and TIES- Corn, Oats, .Rye, Shin Stuff Four, &c. - Goacord Bteaa M. B. STIOKLEY. Attorney at Lwt Concord iSf. C. SI MIA h A Tl hh TION G Jlh 10 oouAm Onioa upiWw-ln- KlnnKbultalng We carry the largest stock 01 MnnfT, Tobacco, Candies. 4 Soda, Canned Goods, Soap, ?!?e SnSr Salt, oil, Molasses MCaua Potash, Tinware, Matches, Kli. m tht conntrjvand; can- give jou some startling prices. We will buv jour Cotton, Eggs." Corn, PEAS,!FLOJJR)iETC. j We are also agents for the t : . "Spach" Wagon. Will sell a factory prices. D. 1 n Wholesale and RUe tail JGrocer. Concord JN. O. PHONE NO. 27. U MuUesl5o terMouih. ft?GHtSCnvn?asI17 make $5.00 to MMUyU$l0.0D selllns: my Latest lm Which st1 tor a 5J?fiUi!5 Usts for ears and seIIS Ste iSf11 Pr J E Warren, Lafay th? I2?f 'iJfS?' wrltes tnat he made at Well T0f $2 per hour- J R Hudson, tn S0Jl'Tcnn-. writes that he is makinsr HHip5rmoi!tn- Ladles or gentlemen wantM scU them, one good aent mfrtiSiil? everytown. Write todajifor Particulars. v d. f. Wallace? ay . .-Smithville, Tenn. V

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