1 . rTWM yw,aMJ ' ' IIMII IIIMIHMMiin , iniin,,, LL. t .', '"'' 'ssweaaJcsyssogJiwii! wgrr-. Airivnl of, Train. The following change of schedule took effect .Inly 4. 1897, lo'cl ck. NOttrilBOUND. So. 8 arrives at C 27 a m, ".! iio " 10 OS am, " 12 " 7-0 p m, " I 33 " .' 8.53 p m, (F) 62 " IO a m ilu.u. ij SOUTUBOUXD. No. 37 arrives at 8 45) a m, (F) 11 " 10 a m, 7 " " 8 T); p m, 35 'A it 9.25 p m, 4i (U " 44 7.40 a m, (freiaht No. 3" 3G, 37 a id 33 stop only at Char !otte;i Concord, S i.isbury, (ireensborc iiul i Danviile. 1'assenirera for i.o-; point? belweca these stations will haye to use iue omer trams. V,i)E Baukier, City Kditor. I E LEPilUNE NO. 71. SHORT ITEMS. Vnracrnph l, i-ciu-iied ami fropcrly Plnrvrt Here. See change in Cannon it Fe'zsr Co.Vad. today. .. SThere will be no services at the Reformed church tomorrow. The ordinance for compulsory .vaccination was repealed in Salis bury 'Thursday. Cap Toies arrived in the city Friday night from the Haile Gold Mine, S. C. j Nice fat hens for sale at f tf. Strieker & Son's. - I Judge Mclver left this (Saturday) ' morning for Statesville, where he Ties t holds xourt. Tne snovT fell !a3t Sandaj morn ving and it is visible many places yet. It 8eema hanging on to greet another. MOOD'S S:irfe;;.tullla has overanc ui Qver-iigaui rovcd by its cures, When ail other pnpn rations failed, thai A is the One Truo ELOOD Purifier Urg. W M VVeddington and Mrs. 3amuel VVeddington left Friday - nght for China Grove to vmt rela stives. ... Mrs. D J Bostian returned from Charlotte Friday night, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. - Cochrane. Miss Fannie Young has returned "home' after spending some time with her friend, Miss Nannie Craige, in Salisbury. Miss Maude Brown has returned ' from Salisbury, after spending some time there with her friend, Miss Mary Bernhardt. We see that at the late conven tion of the National Pet Stock As sociation, L Banks Holt was elected . vice-president. The 12 -year-old daughter of Mr. with! grip and pneumonia. She has been sick but a week. . Bjbnd Frank post, two negroes chat were sentenced to the chain gang for engaging in a fight, have been released, after working out their board billp. The directory of Darham shows that the town has eight Dollars and plenty of Cash all moving, cir culating, energetic forces. No won- der it's a thriving city, Weak nerves indicate deficient blood. Nervous people find relief by pulifying and enriching their bf ') I vfith Hood's Sarsaparilla, the i!J 1 norve tonic. liui's Pills are the only pills to taka with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ille i Dan reports for the week a sur prising gain in most departments of business, few failures, a slight decline in wheat and improved de mand fur cotton goods. The Mc kinley tarift seemed to stimulate business for a while, but the impe tus collapsed in less than Harrison's ear term. History often repeats I"- ' 7 ! :'STi fi fn? r :of f - Fair toiji, h an q " ; 8 f , lJb1' a0OV dtt). ProbiblV jCMUer t,m,rr w eight. ) l ia v ion iiir in rv r .. . ' ' The Holy Sicrameut will h 8 ad- mastered at S:. Andrews Luthl curcn tomorrow ' morning, I th:rd wi!1 b preaching iher! an but to . 7;Black' 2 angli8r ;wh0 is holding a most interesting mU ing at the Second Pr,ht,;L caurcn, will hold regular servic : i. . ... "J "u,,u" c8 -omorrow morning and night. R,?: P B Wil3on,one ofthe P lessors in thft the Theological school at Tul4a locsa, Alabama, will fi:i the pulpit at the F.ru Psbytcriaa church tomorrow morning E i. Belton, of this city, who!has heen employed in Montgomery! Ala , for several months, ha re turned from that place, having packed turuuh this (Saiurday) morningr on his return to Winston He will return to. his home here q a short time. Ei. pays he has be!n in the smallpox region surs enough this time. A Gift Froui a i'resldeut la the State Library there is a book presented to the State by Pres ident Madison, nearly a hundred years lago, and containing his autos graph. It is "The History of Caro lina, containing the exact descrip tion . and .natural history of that country, together with the present State thereof, and a journal of a thousand miles traveled throtgh several nations of Indians, giving! a . 1 d mo I particular account of their cu8torn!; 1 - I I manners, &c. By John Lawson, Gent. Surveyor-General of North Carolina." This book was printed in London in 1714. On the fly leaf is written,"Presented by JamesMadi- son to the State of North Carolina, 1813 News-Observer. Sheep Dying By Thousands. Cheyenne, Wyo Feb. 3. ThloU sands of sheep are reported to have perished from cold and starvation in western Wyoming. The cold has been intense for sixty days and old-timers eay that it is the hardest - i i winter they have seen for the past nineteen years. Carbon county has 500.000 sheep and flock-masters there fear the loss will amount to 25 per cent. Losses among cattle will not be bo heavy as owners had been preparing for several years to reea tneir stocs:- auring me severe weather. A. Youth Accidentally Shoots a Negro Pine ville. Feb. 8. John ThomaH, a colored man, living with Mr. A L Beacb, in Steele Creek, wan acci dentally shot this morning by Mr. Beach's sikteen year-oid son, J ean, and died in a few minutes after- wards. The boy was loading his gun when it was accidentally dis charged, Sentence Reduced. .1 ndff'e Mclver has seen fit to lessen the sentence of Jim Wolfe, who was. . . - - .1 convicted of forgery, from two years on the chain gang to only one year; A n anneal has, however, been taken and it is very probable that he will remain in jail until the decision py the Supreme Court, j uch in Little' isespecially true of Hood's ijpnjdjl cine ever containea so greai cuw rt "Tr. 80 small space. They are a wnoie meiu nn L1-1J cnest, always ready, al ways efficientalways sat isfactory; prevent a cold mm or fever cure an aver iuat ! sick headache, jaundice, constipation, ete. 25c. Iooly Mb to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla ffl I : i i : - i . lie Local f a well coaducred n.W) 7 i J?0 H ed n"Pm w follj coufirmed by publishers. Sj long a8 DaPer p iques a jaat, honorable ana jaaiciouii course, meeting: the wanf8 of its customers in ad re spects, th3ti,sof fnendhm hrtLWn the subscriber and the paoir ar hard to break nn k n i i thud p rty ad trie linka which bind old friends m business or social life. Ojcisional defecta' and errors m a newepap er are overlooked by those who h ve.' becomj attached through its pir us a for years. Tacy somt tamej b iron fcc:oan has slipped i ot something which nio itsZ-'co'uaind. and may stop takibg it; bat absence of the familiar ebeet at their home or oui je tor a ' priya;ion, atid it agvfn No more constant by a re lit r f j fev vveeka becomfs a they conclude to take friendship on earth it than that con roc ted a journal chit makes earnest eff jrt to merit au honest and c mtinutd auj Reporter. POit. Springfie d(V ) Sonif of the Sew Woman. tawrd, roil o iard O Time in your flight, mike mo a woaian that's clear out of Biiht; give me bloomer aud bneches iind sirtp, let me get out of these whisker Drodu horribe skirts. A pr invent if you can. gi?eme heal that grows bald like a man r; grow make me sxk, a tobaccD that won't and teaah me to chew a la man yery quick Let me, 0 let me drink whiakev and uwpir. r - bet on the chickens and back the . . ..... j , fljet mare; atky out nights, hold qffica and vo p, take in the town and a six-shooter tofe; sit in the bozzird roost row if I choose, play baseball and f jotball and wear those spike jhoes. Onward, roll onward, O TiEie quick'y fl make me a man or c Ise help me to du; this wotld as :t is fairly fills me with wee, bat were I a man 'twould be heaven be!o. Orange Obssrver. Bnylns Frtlixr Earlier. It seems that quite a lot ot farmersln the county are buying it sooner. We heard a prominent merchant who deals in f ertlizers say that he had gold four times as much already this year as he had up to this .time last year. The farmers are buying it considerably these days. CONCORD LODGE off I KNIQHTSofjHONOR. Meets" on the second Fridav even- in0' of each month. " TT II 11 I TV TT TT i nan in uie rear 01 uv vv kj nous ton's Dental rooms. V " - '! This lodge hjas paid to the fami lies of its deceased members twenty thousand dollars since its organizas tiori. 1 TVia TCnigrhrs of Honor is now in its twenty "fifth year of existence. and has disoursea up to the 14th 01 January, 1898, more than sixty-one millions of dollars to the families of its deceased members in the United States. or further jinformitioi callVon N. D. FBTZEK or K. L CRAVEN. The Concord Meat Market Will be open for business Saturday morning in the Castor building on Main L M KINDS of SAUSAGE , t ic.tx I ana handled. Pat ronage Solicited Respectfully, bol Levy, Proprietor' tf T T. ATTO RJN K X - AT- L A. W , - - NIC. Pmmnt ; attention given to all business. Office in Morris building opposite coart hwse, , HARTSELL uriiJlua1aa. wniul gentlemen and ladies tl) travel for reannni hi. estabiisned h6ue.io North Carolina Mm . J L - I Monthly Sbj OO aad expenses Po sition steady. '. 'R ference. Eaclosf self add reused s:amped envelbp I he 1 mmioQ Company, j iq13-L n. Dept.. K-, Ghicasj j i mado easy Manufacturing: jv j i lubber Stamps. Send for ,J 1'liCO L.lSt Of CJuttita tn Kb H J. F. W. Dcrman Co., 121 0 ii-.S11. S1- Baltimore, i ka tf u.oa. catalogue free. Concord Foundry Go j " Concori, No Cr i weas," o 43 i re a irlw 7' Fri day. Wi &? pf.pi?.-U to aruuh oa a-iythini ia .ths cii iuz liae a' living pria-al :li b3 o!.ns'd to Q TO'e YOU S JS31if nrirP nn',i..'vrniV,n desired. Ail orders receive prompt ifet tlon. AISO do Crpnoral maftln'nA vori. Yours tra.y, Concord FoundrylCo. Wst Ojrniu Stret. NEW JEWELER, H. B. PRAZIER, S 3rd Store Litaker Building. Ibu will find a nice line of Jewelry at my place. Repairing a epecialtj. All work guar anteed. I Served 2 yeara ap prenticeship under Wil- liams &J Dotter, Jewelers, Philadelphia. Hoping to share a part of your patron age in the future, I am Respectfully, H. B.'FBAZIE. Mar. 19. Jeweler. ! QERh to I una tit.iiiicciieni are m& cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it malie3 pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving BLOOD, rAueR.fi jwariJ J PHONE NOj 9. ; Ting-Ling. .i HELLO I WHO'S THAT ? Graven J Brothers' 1 ! . ". Furniture Store, ALRIGHT. WHAT 13 IT ? Q Just wanted to say twe have the largest and best assortment and prettiest patterns of mittinjfs ever shown in Concord. Just received a new supply of Sample Carpets all wool and forty inches wide. SEE OUR NEW BABY CARRIAGES. We can interest , you on anything in the furniture! line. No doubt about thepricas bains: right. CM ' BROW, FURNITURE;DBA.LERS and FUNERAIDIrfECTORS. HEARSE FREE. AGENT for the ARIEL, OiTOWA and LtJTHY WHEEL. Coal! .oal! For all kinds of coal Soft or Hard c ill on me. My Lump Coal oan' not be surpiS3ed in quality. Prices ai low as; can be had. j o-r -,. J; A. C. Black tvelder AtJStoreon2West,Depot5sHreeu nt Phone No. 68 Hi BIH W Iff -.fet " AMR :ReCaJ 13 JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS, WARRANTED. PRICE 50 eta ' Gal ati a, Ills., Not. 16, iris Medicine eo., St. Louis, Mo. t-actlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles 05 LiOVE'S TASTELESS CHILL, TONIC and haf ugb three gross already this year. In all osr cx ;rience of 14 years, ia the drug business, have .rer sold an article that gave such universal eatU Gtvou aa your Toxuc xours truly. All dealers gu rantee Grovea T.a'cV less Uhill Tcnio to core chilh, j fever aud malaria in all if 8 forma. , ft j Offer the business public a rV liable,permscent, consei vative anl accomodatingr banking institution' We solicit vour businf ss with ,h assurance of honorable treatmant find due appreciation of . your rat ronage. - If we can serve you at any time i i be glad t) have you couco and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Capital and Surplus $70 000 ! D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier J. M. OPELL, Pres. I Notices! . r - - ' , " " PHONE ' r :.r . I K. L. Craven -1 ; No. 74, j ' -; ' For CoaL 3 o o ill In Z "HI -1 . . NeedslXa ExplanaUon. Madison, N. O., Aug. 4,1897. Goose Greaas Liniment Co., Greaocl boro, N. Cu Dear Sirs Please ship us at once me gross Goose Grease Liniment. Wt are entirely out Don t fail to snip once. Please give ua jobbers prices It iatttheheat thing we h yeeve r see "WO Joes & Oa.i h?M' m i I tin lk- IS z(Sq n i i 31 y 'tin u:- ATo-d j., .r" m 'S'e-. , . , t t " M I-- 1: 'I, .'V 11- i -!1 . Si u I. :d m II: 4 M -Hi -vli v. ;1f Hi : 4 1 ,';,V ! i i '1; : . 'AM:'' "J ; It Ml . . 7-1- '.- Hi .ar I ii 5 I Hi i". 'II n 1 "fil .: ,11 A .1 ,5 f ::Vj! : : i -. it.:?" Uf? uself . j . . - l-jl B. motto 8U Balt.Ma.vaiaioB"" m ft-:

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