- I v.-'tf r w?fflff&i:m i E:2 p . Vf ALT EKJ T H K H M IDA YS A ! C J:i f V E K and iioods pnrcli "; (1 for thai season v iii te soUi at prices to m i h you dance with joy. Ctiiisa, .especially will be marked flowu to biiit the cusi torn0! 'J i'v r 25c WHITE PIX H OUGH SYRUP for Coughs and. Uolds. ; Gibstiis's Drug Store, ; MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Ginghams f Ontin Cloths.' Plaids Sheetino- and Sal Bas Dealers-in G-ENERAL MER HADISE :; o DBuvers: of .. COTJNTRY PRODTJGE oi all kind.' and 4-foot wood alwaslwanted- est prices Dfor snie. j invite an inspec tion ot all the o-oods w;e manuiactnre. DDELL MFG. do. Jonccr CONCORD N. C. I CAPITAL 8T0CK, - 50,0bp, f We are now ready for business $t uY new barking office in the Probst Jpildiofc Your account is respect fully solicited, and we promise you c refal and courteous attention Bnd 67t'ry facility consisteut with sound banking .! .T Deposits from 25 cents up taken 'SAViKGS DEPARTMENT. Vh Interest paid on savings and time je o?its. V . Call to see ua;and see our burglar; Yro3f safe with time look, c T)IKEOTORS - V r j (VOANNON, LAWSON J. ?JT x). F. CANNON, v JASpSON 21 ARTIN BOGER, B. I. WOODHOUSE. Vice'Presidett . : leuer. sii, sZs Ar ! For over Fl ft Y Tears Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hs bet n-ed for over fif'y jje r jniliiun of u other for intr.) ;"ctia Mil- -lie t-Ding, v?Hh Me: Viic ; ft soothes the cnnM ... ' f uojb, aiiays ail pain, enrea win 0'ic, ana 13 me oeei remru y Diarrhoea, It will relieve u w sufferer immediately. jhV o; oiq b in everv part of theiworiul "vv ''-.. fiye cents a bo trie, u . :sk for "Mrs WinslowM SootL-j u.s Syrip." .and take tio ..otfejeir SCHEDULE ft f tli nH HI! I In Effect;j.r. 18, 1)7. TniA c. ndi-need eohedule is ;pnh-S :-h da; information, and is'suhjeer ct auge without notice Mio Li: public t . r Train 8 Laye Concord, N. 0 9:25 p. m. No. 35 daily for Allan ta'and Charlotte Air ;-5, e jdjviioi). ana all points South and Southwest 'arri s tt r uh Puiirnau 'driwin room buffet sleepers betvveib s Yoik, Washington, At) ant t, New Orleans, S a v a n n a i and JacKsonville, Also Pullman slfeuer 1 arlotte to Augusta. 8:49 a. M. No. 37, daily, Washing ton and South westeii! vstibuled limite r for Atlanta, Birminghi.uj, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and Now Orleans, and all points- South fjnd Southwest. Through yPUKman sleeper New York to New i rleans and New York to Memphis. I Din in g car, v stituled coach, between Washington' and Atlanta. iPuDiuan tourist car for San Francisco, Sun days. ZZZ i 8:53 p. m. Vo. 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington; Godsbord,Norw foik, Selmn, Itiig! , Grtei sooro Km xvil?e and Aehevilie to Char- otte, N. C. 10:29 a- m. No. 11, daily, for At autn and all points South. Solid Irair, Richmond to Atlanta; jrulln man sleeping ca, Uichtuond to Greensboro. ( n 108 a. m. No. 36, daily, foi Washington, Richmond, f Raleigh and all points North. Carries Puliw man drawing-room buffet sleeper, NewOrleans to New York; Jackson-! ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist crs from San Trai cisco J hursdays. ? ; 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, NVaening ton and Southwestern .vestibuled, 1 nlited for Washington ! and ! all txnntS'iNOrtn. TnrougufuUman car, Meiriphifi to New Yoik; New Orleans to 'ew York ; Tampa to New York, AJBaicarr)e8 vertibuied coach and uiuiu vaii - ; i i i a7;C8 p.-m. No. 12, daily, for Richs moud, Asheville, Chattanooga, RaK :igb, i! Goldsboro and all points Norths Carries Pullman Bleeping iarfrom Greensboro to Richmond. Joneects at Greensboro with I - train ; arrying Pullman car for Raleieh 6 27 a. m.o. 10, daily, for Rich nond j; conrecis at Greensboro jl or Raleigh and Notfo k ; at DanyiUe for Washington and points! North ; at Salisbury for, lAshville, Knox yille and points West. ! ; .111 freight trains carry passengers John 3Vl. Gulp,- ' W. A; Tube, ! Traffic: H'err. Gen'lPftssi Ap'K 'tK A . FSGannon, - r Washington, D C j. uiru v ice jrresiaenc i and Gen'l nianager,, , ' ) i i '5 U Washineton. 1). O. S; H. Habd wick, Ass't Gen'i P. Agft ttt ivm;'. .Atlanta, Ga W. H;Tatloe, Ass't Gen?! PI Ag ,1 Louisville, Ky. GOWANPrJ6ENBEIty, Lc cal A gft,1' i Concord. IN; O. Fqrjsale by JlPGihaonDrDggiBt LIVERY,FEED d i'Al'E s tbtAbee: ' ;;; Just in rear of St. Cloud HoitaL pin riibuseB meeti all passenger I trains. Outfits tof i m ;kinds;; famished promptly and at reasonable pricep. Horses and . mules always on hand for sale. Breeders t)f thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. e . i- I tf LOOK ' -,: JH. : Anv onetfw'sbing :io. nnrchaee new,; High-Arm,- Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine1,! lour drawers, f cover and end! leai, Iflne oak - finish, with complete attachments, should call at I this ofliQe. We only have one, and will J offer, the buyer special pnee. i o9tf MAD efssi jAxrt.Bi.ssawH.r!3i.- Pp PrtI?uV Inanity Odnett i tipoo.ib&Tini the'Beiiuine Ax Tablets. . TJ ttit6 urittea goSranty to effect a enrefcn OT fin 2Skf 5? Uti9-arfy. Price OUvTS. --. r uo receipt oi price. Clrcnlai HURCH DIRECTORY. C t Presbyterian church Kev. Fir 8 W- G. Alexander, Pastor, rreaen- Biy Sunday at 11 a. m anu i3 ev 7;00 6. ni. Sunday scnool at o Prayer meeting every Wed d. m. nesday night a1- 8:00 i Rev. J. J- Pa Bap or, Kfrv'ces every Sunday seur, pa at 11 p ci .u, a. m. and 7:00 p. il. . a i-.-..Aax ot. 7 00 piayti p. m,;: meeting eYerjou.Lum.7 Sunday School every Sunuay. a. m. Public ccrdwlly i- - Ht 9:43 vited. ty Reformed church Rev. B Trim Frank Davig, pastor. Preacbmg every Sunday nt 11 a.,m. ' puiiu. at 10 a. rm Y. P- S. C. ot" SC1IOG1 8.00 p m.' All srrcoidiaJjy lnvncu F rkt ITillIT'E. church, South J D. Arnold, pastor. Preach- r- "f Tiv.v mg d 11 a. in,. and 8:00 p. m.&unui hooi at 9:45 a. m. grayer meet .u every oaturaay at y. i", public cordially invited. Epworth Leaguja meeting at 6 p. m, 14 Bay s Chapel, Methodist Church :.. . - c Rev. fW. B.MtCee. pastor. rcr- vices at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sun day school at 9:30a. m, ! Central Methodist Church Rev. J. E. Thomp- r.. pastor. Services at 11 a. ni. and :uu p m Sunday school at 3:0d o'clock, p m. ,Ep worth Leagu(3 meeting at 6 30 p. m, ( All Saints Episcopal church Rev J. C. I ayis, rector. Morning service at 11 m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayers Wednes day at 5 p. mr I St. J times Lutheran Church, Main street Rev. Chas. B. Miller, pastor, services at 11 a; m. and 7:00 v. iu4 Sunday School 3 p. m., Luther League Wednesday evenings after 1st and 3rd Sundays 7:00 p. in. iWednefeday evening ' prayer 7:C0 All are cordially invited. ! Cjinnpnville Presbjterian Chapel -CP Rankin, pastor. Preaching, 1st and 3rd Sabbaths 'at 11 a. m. 2 d and'4.h Sabba'hs at 7.00 p. m. Sabbath School every Sabbath, 3.00 p. ;mr Prayrr meeting Wednesday, 7.45 p. m. , ? Fo-est Hdl Presbyterian Chapel C F. Rankin, pastor. Preaching 2nd and 4tb Sabbaths at 11 a, m. let. and 3rd S ibbatli3 at 7 30. p. n. Sabbath School every Sabbath at 9.30 a m. Prayer P m. meeting Thursday at 7.45 . j St. ... Andrews Lutheran church, i arm on v ill e Re v -H. A. McCul 1 ou eh pastor. i) Sunday.. Schooiiiat 90 a. J m every ounaay. irreacmng, every 1st Sunday at 11 am.', and regular service bvery Sunday-night at 7:00 o clock, excepting the first and third Sundays in each month, w'hen services wilL be held on the , first ounday at 11 a. m., and third Sun , day at 4 p. m , each month. - - -. uSHOBrRBPAIRS, -1 4 W: T PARTro . IJramipe. thece prices; Men half sole, eewed, 60? t ladies'haVf t solei iejred, 50c men!s half soley pegge, 35c, ladies' half sple, pegged, - 30c. Patches ;cemeLted 10c. and up. : :Bepwnng,ij.mpci8l.f;i.n8e only the best materials that , can be oought. Do all. work myself and gtrarautee sa lfaetion r . OfiBce near Sjteanvlidrijlry. r llk , ' Reepectlly, ! ,t . . , W. J. PARLifilK. Concord, N C. . f2i and For Sale; Oe car load of Finef Yrinna Horses aiii Mules just received at pur stables. All well broke to work anywhere. Ml L. d3t w3t Brown & Bro. Mules Horses vl8DER FU L.are the cures t,j mr,Sd bI."11- Hood 8 n,ur makf pure blood. T! TRUE iVliracas!oys: Benefit RECEIVED FROM Dr. Miles' 'New Heart Cure. X " - LI P. BABCOCir,.of Avoca, N. Y., a veteran of tho Grd N. Y.. Artillery and for thirty j'cars of Ibo Bubcoclc & Munsel Carrias 'Co., C J write to express y ttrai It u .:. n:v th . - lows benefit received frri j.'i. "I'-cs' ?::r.r: Cure. I suffered for f enr:-, ay result of ',r life, from sciatica which affected ny he an in tbo worst form, xny li-taba E'.rei:ed frorr. the anklcs-np. I fclor.tcd until. I vrzs u-r.blo to button rjy cIotv.ir:-;. Lad uaarp pr-iuf about !th9.b.eart, fraoiiicrius sr-fe uc shortness cf brel'a. Tor three r:or.Li3 J was unable to lie down, and all tho sk cp '. got was in an arm chair. I wr3 treated bj the best doctors' bt gradually crc" worse. About a year a?:o ' I ccnirncnced tr-kins Dr. Miles New Ileart Cure and, it seved my life as if by a miracle." Dr. HilesV IleraedieS are -soks y aldrug-S.i" Skits i under .-a Ddsitiv v r' '-. guarantee, tut ', bcttlo u.j-'fi. benefits or money re- ' rr-'-T--funded. ; Book, on dis-,H , eases of the heart and f&g yxs&tffi nei-rea free? "Add ress. SV ri5i$Sf DB..MILES MEPIUAL Op., Kikhart, lno. TIRE klOTHEniS nnd hel in Hoods iSai-sapaiilla, wi.icli ' -gives them pure blood, a jfoQd; appetite and uw and necdert STET.P.CTH ; 2 ft DAILY mlniliiiliuiiniiijiiiiniijijiniui,,,!,,,! . Advertisers will find no better: means to reach Mia people thn columns or THE STAND AP D- I II youjwant the patron age i of the .people make ftoac;-f w, ant k n o.w n through this" medium; fiar J ocal advertisements are worth .five (ent,o nr Hn -for v wt.uvitiuus ijiven on Bjiccessive insertions. Ail other rates given on application. .( tWlieb ia need oi yoS'oSit jwh as wean av you i nipney, Prices bp, different ! kindsf JOB WORK given : on application at this office. ! H. WOOD'S SEEDS are specially grown and selected to meet tne neeos ana requirements of Southern Growers. food's Descriptive Catalogue is mcst valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South. VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, i Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats and all Garden and Farm Seeds. "Write for Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free. t T.W. WOOD & SONS, o SEEDSMEN, - - RICHMOND, V . THE IABGEST SEED HOUSE IH THE SOUTH, DR. B- Lo GRlFFUN, : Veterinary Surgeon, Treats all diseases of horees and cattle. Surgical operations a epec ialty. Teeth cartfully xrncted. Prorrpt att nticn is given to all calls through telephone Or by mail, or mreeage It ft at Brown & Bros'. Stable, Concord, N. C. Notice. When yon want Freah Ffer?, stewed, fried ox raw, birds tn tcWst, fnpl iUh r.r a quaie nu?ii ..prp-r-'-red by .an old experienced cook (Wila. McMtore) call at Boer & John -ton's Rpsauranv in the BncK Kow near he Court House. ATTOBNIY AT .UW, . CONCORD, N O OfiBce in Morris bundnfc, .jjesit court house. D, G. Caldwell, M. D. 1 - M. L. Stevens. M. D Drs CALDWELL & STEVENS. Concord, N. O. OfiBce in old roet effice building opposite St. Cloud Hotel. Phone No. 3r. DMviit" lir. XOLts' Nerve Plaster through the it first insertion, i WhenJyoTiJwish ciuobiDg i rates on an feirid of news j paper or .. periodical with 1 THE 5TADARD I ou willsaveoriey by call' on s, though all orders must, invariably be paid io advance. STA1D1. STANDARD.