Vol. Xi-. No. 238 CONCOKD, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUAKY 25 1898 Whole No 118 JULIA MAteRUDER CLUB . - i - Met at tlie Home ol Sirs. n. .t,r.ly iK..-0 "f Tf ' Finest Meetings. Contributed. -, ' The Juli Magruder Club is to be congratulated on the success of their Hrst evening ef lecturea. The ele gant borne of Mrs. -R E Gibson, on jUam street, was thrown open to the - ! i lecture room showed in its beautiful decorations of palms, ferns and soft lights, the exquisite taste of the 1 Vinafoea T f la flio nnani. moas opinion of all present lat evening that the Julia Magruder Club was wise in selecting as! its first lecturer Prof. E B Lewis of the Concord Graded Schools. Prof. Lewis has won for himself. an envia ble reputation as a scholar, lecturer and educator, both in and out of the Old North State, and it was with pleasant anticipations that his audi ence awaited his address. In the absence of the president of the clnb P. of. Lewis w:i8 introduced by th Vice President. Mrs. D B Cohran in a very graceful manner. Prof. Lewis h8 an eiseof manner in lecturing tiiat is charming, con pled with a full and vigorous vocab ulary entirely at his command, j He entertained the club with a discourse on "Books why we read, how we should read, and how j to select a book,'' and closed his address with a well rendered and appropriate yeree, "In the land - where the books come true." - Miss Magruder, for whom the club bHS li honor to be named; and of whom all Southland is jastly "rood, presented, the Clnb with one of her books. "Realized Ideals." Th book was accepted and responded to by Mrs. J D Arnold in a Tery chatming and graceful man ner, i. . ' y The p easure of the evening jwas gr atly enhanced by the recitations of Miss Hendenoa, of Sa'i bury. Concord society always welcomes Miss Henderson first for her own graceful pmeace and also for! her remarkable talent in elocution. Her selections a typical representation of ReubensteinY melody in "F" and ' He and She," by Sir Edwin Ar noldwere heartily encored. ' The music furnished by Miss Har ris and Messrs, Howland, Lewis and Keestler was delightfully ren dered and the applause that followed each selection, showed tho a M " ' - ''WIM tion with which it was received A Few ffords.From Texas. j The Standard received a letter from Mr, Allen T. Boger, who is living at Vernon, Texas, and who has quite a number cf relatives in Cabarrus county.. Among the dif ferent things in his letters, we note the following: "As I am .not from your. Stated nor was ever on the Old North State's soil. I do not feel the in terest that I would had I once lived there.) My father was born on Kcky River at what is called Bost's iils and was a coueiu of Allen BogerJ also of Martin and Daniel Boger; of your county. . My people left there in about 1831 or 1832. I thinkj we have a good many fein- folka in that section, but know very little about them. I must say, in cor. elusion, that the people of your county and town should stand by" you, as, in my opinion, you give them a good paper." j He then ends his letter by saying "Yours for true Democracy." f A Small Fire. I ! Thursday night while allj were PERSONS L POINTERS. enjoying themselves, at the Firemen's Mr. Jamei F Misenheimer is in Hall, taking part in the festival, the our city today people were surprised by hearing the -Mr W t? tw,q t nu nre.beirrin&rin&r' .nnt. Aa nan.i if .1. . . . ' "u " " waam we cuy tnis morning on put the people into a -fit of excite bicvele huRinpL Mr. Tony bury's finest b ment and they were seen run ning in every direction. The Slose and Reel Company quickly respond e J and went through the streets at a fast rate, but were stopped as the fire was under control. The Hook 8toi;e at fre8t JHMi is spending the and Ladder comnanr ai.n fv- afternoon in Charlotte. r J ""vr vutucu UUv. I ' -i ! The place of the fire was ia the Miss 01 i backyard of Dr. D D Johnson and home Thursday night from Greene- was found to be the chicken house, boro, where sqe has been spending Fortunately there was a water! pipe several weeks. nuu B Bmi ume me nre was Miss Alma peaton,of Lynchburg, put out witnoui even a total loss of Va., arrived in the city Thursday Taylor, one of Salis- cycle riders, was in our cityye8terday. -i-Mr..CT'ti foy, of the company Hamilton returned .! i .oenouse. ; night; and is me ouggy nouee which i was of Mrs. M G standing beside the chicken house street. also caught but the fhmes were ex- tmguiahed before it had burned much of it. . ! I Dr. Johnson wishes to return his many thanks to all ibe volunteers who took part and erpcia!ly Mr. and Mrs A M Brown for their valu able assistance. krisiting at the home Deaton, on Spring Co TION Free of Charge to SnfTercrs 1 Cut this out and take it to your drgggi8t and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King's New Discovery, tor Uonsumption, Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you to buy before trying. This will show you the great merits of this truly wonderful remedy, and show you what car be accomplished by the regular;8iz9 bottle. This is nb exw periment, and would be disastrous to the! proprietors, did they not know it would cure. Many best physicians are now using it in their practice with great result", aqdare relying on it in mnsj severe, cases. FOR For Cows SALE BY Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 An Aicett Motlijer Departs. , Mrs. Patsj Sprinkle, of Ho. 10 township diecl Thursday at 3 o'clock It is guaranteed. Trial bottle free T- m! i was a widow of nearly 82 atP B Fetzer's drug store. Regu-Iyejs and it was a case of exhausted ONE LOT -OF- Lie Aids To.close cut at $3 50, worth $5 J ust the thing for early spring. Em broidered panels on each skirt . This is a decided bargain. One lot of outing ak 3 j yard. See them today. All Kinds of Feet can be suited from oar ' up-to-date stock of Shoes. We have exquisite hoe8for slim fet, haodeoaift shoes for any kind of fee r, light and heavy shoes to please all tastfs, but all god sboB. Shoes with style, dura bility and comfort combined, made f the hf8t leather, and made to wear well and feel well. Dry 4k Miller, Shoe Dealers Cannon & Fetzer Company lar size 50 cents and $1.00. To Help Emmetl, the Composer. A movent is now on foot by the Confederate veterans of the' South to set aside an appropriation fir Dan Ecnmett, the composer of "Dixie." Mr. Enmett js 83 years of age and is living at Mt.. Vernon, Ohio. He is not in very good cir cumstances financially. For quite awhile he has been paid $5.00 per week from an association of actors, bat it seems that this appropriation is soon to bo cut on, L 7 In discutssing the advisability of the Confederate veterans paying an amount towards his living, Rev. T. P. Cleveland, the chaplain of the camp at j Atlanta, Ga., plead very earnestly , and said that it did hot matter whether the author of "Dix ie" was a northern man or a south ern man, the people ol the South should notlet him suffer in his old age, and that he believed. that the Confederate veterans ought to raise a fund large enough for him to live from the interest, and at his death use the principal to erect a monu ment to his memory. vitality, as a lamp fades away when unreplenished , Mfp Sprinkle was familiarly known as "Aunt Pasy" and all loved her for her goodness and her kindnes3. She leaves-1 wo daughters, Mrs. F M Hartsell anl Mrs. M L While to mourn her de parture that ha been thus far dtliyed. Her interment took place today (Friday) at Bethel church. ' TDe Conilnsr Woman I Who goes t0 the club while her husband, tends the baby, as well as the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will. both at times get run down in health, They will be troubled with loss of appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or diiszy spells. The most wonderful remedy for these women 1. JDjieCtriC XSluerH. luuueauuo ui sufferers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys rise a p and call it blessed. It is the 'mediciae for women. Fe- mala comDlaihts and Nervous trou- hips of all kinds are soon relieved by the uoe of -Elebtric Bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only 50c, per bottb. For sale by P B Fetzer. ; TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take -Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fai!s to cure. 25 cents. a ' Bacl&leii'B Armca hhito, j j The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappr Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skin Eruptions, and positively, cures 5iles or no pay reqoi-ed. It is guaranteed to give otatief action oj monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's ;Drag store. . -'; Don't Gome 9 Kunnin 8- aafaoMr lE,Stni7tfr 'Vj"? ceat a Goer Stop That Danger Hole. Our attent on has been called to a very dangerous hole in a little bridge near Mr, Dan Lipe's tenant nouse, j oeyonp vuiu k on the Mt. Phaeant road. If we un derstand the law, the supervisor of that road is risking too much to neglect that" defec. Such " places should be attended to before some serious accide it occurs, and a neg ligent official pleads for mercy "more apparent than tnat shown to inno cent beasts made to pass regularly Ji: 1 1 A fa tit nnnvf over tne uanger irayo. ui, prosecutions will teach a wholesome lesson to keep our onages in oraer W e have enough io supplylthe demancL oltthose itiose oeauuTico uji xrmiUfiLo az vricesitiao triune vumr vetition out in the irst round. ..-...:? , - Buying at jobbers prices for spot cash, we.are strictly in it . ; . . ' ; I UBNI2 URJb is the burden of our song. 1 We are still in business at the old standnlwith the handsomest line o Bed Room Sets to 100.00 ever shown in Concord. Parlor Sets. Side Boards China Closets, KvtensionlTables. Centre Tables Booh Cases C-lenderlTov Rolll Topand Flat Top Desks y and pnerT thins else to beVoicndlin aV first classFurni ture StoreZCome and? see us and we willlmake you glad BELL, HARRIS L CO.