S Vol. Xil. No. 241 C0NC0U1, N. C. TUESDAY, MARCH 1 1898 Whole No 1141 AN AFTERNOON . lteid Book Club "With ine vur" ! at Mis. II M Barrow's. , flow, quickly speeds the hoars hen pleasure's wing ia spread. It was my bapy privilege to be the recipient of an invitation moat cordially extended, to meet with this brilliant coterie of charming women titled the "Christian Reid" Bock MUST WAIT. PERSONAL POINTERS. Nothing Conclnslve Abont the maine No Necrets-fiffieeis Deny Sensa tional Ilnmors. However unsatisfactory to the public mind, the fact remains that no definite conclusions can te Mr. Torn JohnBon spent last night in Charlotte on business. Miss Alida Smith returned from Cleveland last night.- Mrs. M. W. Cochrane, of Char- reached yet as to the cause of the Ptei spent Monday with Mrs. D. great Maine disaster. It might J. Bostian. Mr. an Ciub. j . The name m itself is an inepira d Mrs, Daniel Heathcock seem needless to reiterate daily th a same drift, but the calamity is so returned fjrom Salisbury Monday gigantic and the American feeling night . after attending the funeral tion and one that every Amercan is kept at such fever heat with re- of Mr. John I. Trexler, delights to honor, Carolina's proud ports and sensational dispatches ! Miss Janie Richmond ia sick heritage in the world of romance, that it is at least necessary to bring to-day at her home. In her absence net exquisite setting oi mat pen out aaiiy tne news mat mere are no Miss Mary Montgomery is working picture, "The Land of the Sky," news such as the public demands . in the nostoffice. making an ideal spot of her moun We believe from the best informa- JT. . ; . . : ae of the new for thl v- ;f, vh sw.flt tion nf whinh n nnMflu. 7 m Bluari-W11A leave l0' eeaaon is the VESTING TOP f ir StorvEver Told." that there are few .eorets. Seore-W TW J0' he bT U shoe in both I ad, and Men's w ..-- . Father Ryan, Poet Laureate, of tary Long, it is said, reads his tilt our Sunny- South, being the special patches and at once gives the newsN study for the evening, each member paper men the benefit of them.. The if tVi a mviHn nirnla nan arinrnri I idea that there arfl ft whnl Ink nf with a string of I pearls gathered facts behind the curtain is most from the rosary of j his gifted mind probably groundless. In the fe. nd hpfirf,. A - beautiful vered state of the public mind and cracious letter becomes necessary for omciais I to c i - from Mrs. Tiernan, whoee "nom de stop ana deny nports: For in plume' the club, bears was read in a stance Si?retary Gage ays there have charming manner by h? Secretary, been no preparations ior) issuing acknowledging the sympathy j ex- bonds for money to carry on a cot tended in her recent bereavement, teroplated war with Spam. j High tpes of noble womanhood ; Ic is authoritatively stated that aaom this circle flavored by flashes no developments have occurred that of inborn humor and germs of un indicate clearly to the committee the told beauty. source of tne explosion. Last, and I might well sa ''least," At the requium mass by the Cath the lovely little songstress, Miss Ad- olic church Monday at Baltimore with I the Cardinal said: Co TTON elaide Barrow, entertained sweetest of cradle eonp, in her I ' Tjo much praise cannot be be- the For Cows FOR SALE BY GR0CER5 - I A ' .'.1 I quaintest, cutest of ways. Bursts of stowea on tne i miaent ana on applause greeted the . fairy like members of his cabinet and particj. ma8jC ular'y ou th? Secretary of the Navy I finnd nhPAr ahnnndd. "iweia to and his able assistants ak well as on the sweet" were served and I am Ube. houses of Congress, for the Ervill & MornSOtl sure none regretted more than the calmness and tranquillity, the self. favored guest when the motion to control and the self-possession, aCjourn was declared in order. which they have exhibited du This ended a very delightful and riDg the fearful ordeal ,throub charming literarv and social pleas- which the country has b?en passing Jre ia the last few days. It e.dedonly 'Better than gold is a thinking a ePark t0 kindle a reat confiagra mind . : tion, and the patient and dignified That in the volnmna of books can bearinS of the ex cative and JeHsla- ive bodies are all the . more Com me dable in view of the mischievous some find, W. M. yore. Visitor. he Cannon & Fetzer Co. FlDe ghoes. We have just gotten in a iot of jadies' Fine Shoes with very ncn ana attractive Vesting Tops in Black and Tan. They are hand- som, stylish and serviceable. goods for He will probably be gone a week or two. Misses Addie Boger and Pearle Brown returned this (Tuesday) morning to Elizabeth College. Mies jj Brown has! just recovered from her vaccinated arm, having ocne home only a week or two after Christmas. Will have a fine lot of MES'S SflOE in store in a few dsy with VEST TOPS, Black and Tat 8, AH Kinds of Feet Seed The latest styles, the best goods and the lowest prices. , can be suited from our uo-ro-date stock of Shoe?, We have exquisite a hoes for slim feft, haudtocne shoes for any kind of fee, ligjht and heavy boes to please ah tKStfS, but all g od sho5 a. Shoes witi! stvle, dura bility and comfort combined, made of the best father, and 'made to wear well and feel well. Dry Miller, Shoe Dealers. Cannon & Fetzer Company. WM SINGERLY IS DEAD. Proprietor of the Philadelphia Rec ord and n Prominent Financier Heart Flail are the Cause. A treasure surpassing Australian ore j and intemperate utterances of ADa "ve-wun me great ana gpca or . "V 'ff . : I . . UnnQxr ftvpnin For some time rat 1 , . : mm j w 1 w w - ' - 1 no noa vn nor pinir m a n ri 1 n a wt ttt 1 1 1 1 w Singerly, one of PailadeK phia'a moat prominent men, and who was also proprietor of the Philadelphia Record, died very suddenly at his home in that plac? Backlen's Arnica satire. ' i The Best Sal vein te world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappr Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skin Eruptions, and positively cures iles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give ctatisfaction oJ monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's ;Drug sore.' CSnilty of Manslaughter. Quite a number of our readers will remsmber that some months soon be 00 hand to raise out the guns and other heavy valuables. : It is probable that there will be better f t. ; 1 opportunities to examine the; ship then. Mr. Singerly has been in bad 1 ealth and bad been confined to his home for only about one week. It is thought that smoking excessively hH hpdn the cause of hi3 heart trouble, ind tor quite awhile he had not been smoking. Monday, how ever, he lighted a cigar, and it is 1 . mm 1 I thought this is wbat gave bim sucn a coughing epeU. The epell was so violent that the physicians though Ere long the people will be out on he bnrsfl a blood vessel about his BASEBALL AND BICYCLES That is What Our People Will in Tnelr Minds Soon. Have our streets en masse on their wheels heart. id the afternoons diverting minds from the business of the day . number their Mr. Singerly has held quite a ago, a dispute arose between Mesar. And in order that onr peopik iiaJ the 6npJort and tru.t of the citizens Till. IC 1.1 1 rr n 1 H A TT TI fP r U.L. I I v " w . f t J D L Kiutiz and W H Huff, both cf whom were guards on the Rowan county chain gang. As a result Kluttz, shot and killed Mr. Huff. The case has been tried and Mr. KluttZj fio say the jury, is guilty of have a nice place to ride during the of Philadelphia. He was an active evenings our townsman, Mr. Dry, as manager, is going to at an early date to fit up the bicycle track at the old fair grounds. Sea sou tickets will b3 sold to the pea- C A Democrat, and was unanimously begin elected is a candidate for Governor but was defeated by the ban candidate, Gen. Hast- manslaughter. The jury was giypn ," and Dohe at those that the case Saturday evening and after wrestling over the matter thirty eight hours, they rendered th-ir Terdict Monday morning about 10 o'clock. This was quite au interesting case in th6 Rowan court and the whole county seemed to be interested in the decision that was to be rendered. He was not sentenced Monday. i 1 Nobody need have NeuraTgia. Get Dr. Miles' -Paia PUI3 from druggists. "One cer dose.-. have such tickets or pay regular admit- tance fee will be allowed to enter, A watchman will be at the track and order will be maintained. " jj While nxing up the grounds for the benefit of the wheelmen! Air. Dry is also going to improye the baseball ground, where oujf people may gather during the summer evenings and witness the victories land defeats of the clubs. '( j in 1894 Republi ings. Wbat a heads 10U8U888 Take Tablets Don't Come a Ruiinm of positions,which required pleasure is there in life with cbe, constipation and bil ? Thcusacds experience them who could tecome perfectly healthy b nslD? DeWin's Little Eirly FLis the famous little pills. J P (iibsoo. TO CjEJKE A fOLD lSOSE DAY Laxative Bromo Quinine AH druggists refund the We have enoiighio .supply thelideinaridSoIthoser those beautiful CA URIAGES. at vrices that knonKcom- vetition out in the rst round. , Buying at jobbers prices for spot cash, we are strictly in it. . . : " JB TTRNU URL is the burden of our song. We are still in business at the old stand ' with the handsomest line 0 Bed Room Sets, ranging in pi ite from $9.00 id jluu.uu ever siiown m uoncora. jrurvur ovin Boards China Closets, Extension Tables. Centre Tables1 Booh Cases. Calender Top Roll Top ani Flat Top Desks, and pver1" things else to be found in a first class Furni ture Store- Come and see us and we will make you glad. money j!fU fai!a to cure. 25 cents BELL, HARRIS L GO.