""f. Saily Standard. t Editors end Proprietors, OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. Ifes Standard is published ersrf day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. SLATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : ; Oca year. . ... .... . . . . . $4.00 Sie months. ......... . . . 2 00 Tferee months.. . ..... .1 . 100 Oae taonth, ........... . .35 Euagio 50Dv. ........... .05 The W Standard is a ib2x-i&ge, eir -column paper. It iaarmfer',; circulation in Cabarrus i&LXL jther paper. Price $1.00 pec&ncjum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : Terms for regular advertisements known on application.' Address all communications to THE STANDARD, f Concord, N. C. CONCORD, MARCH 16, 1898 ITf.THJS INTERESTS OF SOCIAL v PURITY. It is a sad fact that so of tea there news in a town that most be car lied -along in whisper rather than to appear in type. The nauseating agit that pervades the minds of tie feest element cries for relief from f&s scandalous stench borne on the Eaaesea of citjj go3uip. Is it a fact Cbfttno darkest deeds of foulness cka the characters of those who Esve in fiigh social circles ? Shall xpb tee our highest respect for ladies tizi fain would esteem as the j. essSIssna of purity and loveliness bo cacsuQt j their escorts that it cesacas sTfe but links that connect CSeta with the lowest ecums of soci ety? SAH sense of decency demands first the low and depraved should CP us low 11 and depraved circles, Skill the pure compromise their rep 2&ca by association with the well! is&TO impure ? Heaven forbid it ! CfutU we condone filthy, shameful CQoiuct because it is common, and tkseby withdraw all incalcations of E&zZtj from our growingMip young ran -Bid women? Every ennobling! impulse cries no. The commonness cf a growing evil but cries for the 2Bszre vigorous array against it. No can exist in our Christian land tSs cannot . be restrained by the presence of the opposite virtue. V As sure as the unchangeable Word m true there will be a host in the Crest morning that will appear with unspotted garments. When you tell us that virtue is a atatir in the land you ask us to lase half the veneration for a saint fi mother; to look upon a lovely ftafer as un unclean thing; to recede from our inexplicable relation of onsress T?ith a loving wife to the . E-cathenish brutality with which she is regarded in unenlightened spheres, you ask every parent to relin quish all nopeful pride that the aiet little daughter is to grpw up Mre divine-like than- the iveri ;eatrote..-Waya tell us not that fem lame purity is rare. It's a vile, slan derous libel, and shame on him who rasidT deny its existence as an ex cise for his own foulness, or com promised it with his own debauched $resenc. Shame on men that make t&ssiselves vile and then appear in EtTblic with nice, respectable ladies. Would they, have us believe that t&ejin&'ke a suitable couple ? If so, it xs'fead for the young lady We are painfully aware" that the iimoeeut are made the victims of tlsnderous imputations, but we in cas where the purity of a! man cr wow .n cannot be defended 1 that can be looked upon with commiser fSn4' tot not with honor or as being cstfitlod o social equality. j X.adiea are inviting suspicion on themslvej when they accept the gallantry of those they , know, and everybody else knows, or really oe lieves, to be living in the practice or dissoluteness. Much sympathy for the lady that is the more compassionate toward some one else's brother because she has a brother that she wishes to reclaim. This is noble,! but t that brother would despise you if he knew you to be persistenly and designedly foul. What license to growingup boys to be dissolute when they see their sisters apparently delighted with the presence of gallants that all know to be unfit, companions of the pure ! What happiness, too, can yonug wot men promise themselves in maraiage to men bo regardless of Ihe right and the natural impulse of a pure wife and mother to demand the same of a husband and father? We write from the utmost possid bio freedom from individual refer ence in this matter, but we do know therev is a sickening disdain at pre vailing social evils and a cry for re form. As we adore our mothers, cherish our wives and fondly dote ppon our sisters and daughters, let ui as men be men, and not be male brutes. Let boys be led up the dangerous path ways of life with purposes of nob.lity worthy of companionship with the pure, the fair and the lovely, and shun the dirty, filthy and ! nasty as they would shun foul contagion. We appeal largely to noble woman, for it is a well known fact that man reforms slowly if at all without her influence. , I 1 r Noble woman let your benignant smiles, that we so fondly cherish, be bestowed as incentives of elevation but never of license. We tender oar thanks to the Christian Reid Book Club tor an invitation to be oresent in '.thai Graded School building on Friday night, the 18th, at 7;30 o'clock, to hear the lecture of Dr. Thomas Hume, of the University of North Carolina", u A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the. house at night. But, tbe terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Congh Care has been administered. Safe and harm -less for children. Gibson's Dm 2 Store. ! ffi ELREE'5 has demonstrated ten thousand times that it is almost infallible ' 1 FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, lrregrnlarities and derangements. It has become the leading remedy for this class of troubles. It exerts a wonderfully healing, strength ening and soothing influence upon !. menstrual organs. It cures ' whites " and falling of the wombi stops flooding and relieves sup pressed and painful mecrir ... xurnaage or ilfe it ia tha bi medicine made. It is baneflolal bring children into homes barren for years. It invigorates, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sy. mii -agriat remedy is off ef ed , to all afflicted women. Why will any woman stiff m annfi With certain raMa - . - ith certain relief within r-Q tit a m A niwuu reacBI per bottle at your drug store. ' For advice, in cases requiring special ? Jjaaiee' Advisory Department" The Chattanooga MelinOoT&U jJevJ.W. SMITH, Camden, SC., 8Ys cored her Wm End nUr8,y fciiMIT ft V f- 1 Wl Wj tender our thanks to Hon. (Y Hamrick, Commissioner, for copy of the Eleventh Annual Re port ef the Bureau of Labor Statis tics of North Carolina, including the First Annual Report of the In spection of Mines for the year 1897. It is a neatly bound volume of 354 pages of matter, replete with inter esting data and skillfully arranged statistics. It shall have a welcome ol ace on our shelf of reference books. i i 123 and 125 Tayetteville Street, (Tucker's Store) Raleigh, N. C. On? Hi hit hjhk wt u hro 11 uw reauv ior oDriDs Jiio kku trade. With -ntirAlir TJflW Sf,ftftlrl(Voftm florin a! in overv dfinn.rfcmAnf Thn nn. nnrrnniriAO fatart nv.tw aanH uBnment TUCKER'S STORE are not to be found elsewhere. WA hftVft tho mnof. off iq nfiTr Store, the Larcest Assortment ZJZF ana ?ec W T ' . V-rv .. . - uuo buu au array 01 novelties noiea ior EXeLUSIVENESS. ORIGINALITCJ and SMAPTN F5?5?. Al lower Drices than nv nthr nsv - - m 1 AM i GOODS STORE. Perfectly Equipped Mail Order wox-vauo. oampies sent upon Request. Wc invite Correspondence and Comparison. DOBBIN & FERRALL. LOOK Any one wishing io purchase new, High Arm, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, couri drawers, cover and end leaf," floe oak finish, with complete' J avu WVUJIIOIC attachments, should call at this otnee. We only have one, and will offer the buyer special price. o9tf W D Anthony HAS TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE decorator's Wall Paper I ' Company, of NEW YORK and CniCAUO. This paper has flattering testi monials from six of the leading metropolitan papers of these w I two cities as being most hand- some and very cheap. bee samples at Fetzer's Drugstore Mar. 17. KeedsKo Explanation. Madison, N. 0.. Adp. trot Goose Greaaa Liniment Co., Greens boro, N. O , Dear Sirs Please ship us at once jae gross uoose Urease Liniment. We are entirely out. Don t fail to ship once. Please give us jobbers price It is the V'eat'thina: we n yeeve r se W O Joites & Oo L. T. HARTSELL. - ATTORNEY-AT-L A. W, CONCORD, - - N C. . Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris hnilriiM opposite court house, ' The Poocord National BanA r,!$f? th8 businesa publio a re Iiable,permnent, conservative and We solioit your businesa with th assurance of honorable treatment ronale." apPreoiati of jyour TaU If wo can serve you at any time aCsoet8kdtonavo yu. come L,BEk'.?20QDATI0S Capital and Sulplus $70 000 J. M. ODELL, Pres. J a EXTRA SPECIAL SALE, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 16 AND 17. 1 1 REGULAR. SPEC Sofa pillows. $ 63 , 9 Printed sateen for comforts, pillows, etc., Printed Silkolene, 15 10 10 5 5 4 25 19 18 14 2ic.lb 12 6f 41 4 3 25 20 14 11 20 16 10 8 8 6i 20 16 7 6i 4 50 3 60 3 85 2 90 150 110 3 50 355 25 37 25 15 new lot Blepchinp, G o o lengths. 50 in. bleached or Turkey red table Damask Bleaching, 2 yds & under, by tiie Jb.. Unbleached oheet iner. ner vard rinyom Feather tickiner I n uu j "- ! ttw rnffnr. i flannel . . 94 bleached sheet's I KAfMio nrnrf h a?e curtains, pair 1 " Chonille table eor'n Chenille Curtains. rjer nair Remnants Wool eercre. rjer vatq Velveteen, About 150 Pieces In Moire and Taffeta at 20 ner . a lone story short, we will firive 20 article in the store excepting Box We make the above offer in order to tnrn &a mnh f cash as possible before we go to New OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. THAT ADVERTISE WITH THE STANDARD. V Bell, Harris &Co., furniture deal I , ers ab( undertakers. D J Bostian, racket store Dr. N D Fetzer, drug store. Cannon & Fetzer Co.. dry goods ana ciotnmp. Odell Manufacturing Co,, deaU ers in general merchandise. G W Patterson, wholesale dealer Brown Bros., liverymen. Dry & Milter, shoe dealers Dr. J P Gibson, drugs. Uraven Bros., furniture dealers aDd undertukers. Cabarrus Savings Bank. Uoncord National Bank. Ervin & Morrison, groceries, K L Graven, coal dealer J A O Black welder, coal dealer. Lesly & Watson, dry goods A J & J F Yorke, jewelry. SHOE REPAIRS. W. J. PARLEIR 30 YEARS' EXPERIENTdTC Examine these prices: Men's half huic, sewea. rjne. ladiPfl' hU:.t sewed, 50c. men's half onio a 35c, ladies' half sole, pegged, 30c. a tttuues cemented lOo and up. Bepairinc is mv snftp.iftitw t uuiy tue oesc materials that can be ooagnc. uo all work mvffllf guarantee satisfaction, Umce near Steam Laundry. . Respectfully, n W' J PARLEIR. Concord, N. O. f2l Coal! coal! F all kinds of coalSoft or' Hardcall on me. My Lump Goal can not hi I 8Q83edin quality. Prices as low as can be had. oo A C. Black iveidcr Phone No. 68 m m , V REGULAR. Larpre variety white -goods, table linen, towels, wool dress goods and all other vpiece goods not mentioned at a uni form discount of 20 per cent. t 45 Cotton blankets, for spring use per lb, C B Corsets WH 300 corsets Summer corsets Our Best corset Ladies' embroiders ied handkerch'fs Ladies em. handk'fs 25 85 50 50 20 37 25 Ladies em. handk'fa 15 in 00 tiadies colored bor dered handk'fs Gents club ties Gents teck scarfs Gents foursin-hand ties Silk plush ' Shirt waist silks '5 15 40 CO 40 50 25 37J 65 75 . i it of All Silk Ribbon, cent off our reirnlar nrino 1 u. a r j uiaAQ ner cent. 1 wnrth fm on .... Paper and Tablets. our stock into York. PATfflK IS HEADO CJA.x TERS FOU GR QIC EH IE 8. We are better nrerjarftd thin than eyerto please the public with BABGAINS in BAGGING and TIES Corn, Oits, Sye. Shin Stuff .Flour, &c. i We carry the largest stock oi Snuff, Tobacco, Candles. Soda, Canned Goods, Soap, Coffee, Sugar, Salt, oil, Molasses Meats, Potash, Tinware, Matches, Et. in the country, and- can give ycu some startling prices. We will bay JUU1 Cotton, Eggs, Cora, PEASFLOURETC. We are also agents'for the ii Spach" Wagon. Will sell a faotory prices. (i. w. ft Wholesale andsRetail Grocer. Concord, . O. PHONE NO. 27. M. B. STICKLE Y Attorney at Law; Concord M c SFMIAL AT1EMION GTV 20 COLLjlCHONS. Office upstairs in King building ucar xrostoffice. p-4"i i ir.'uas over ana over ayai.i .n' 1...' fi- n SPEC. 16 69 38 38 16 25: 111 I2i i 25 38 25 25 18 25 40 60 .P11101' Pipavn.tior.s failed, that is sno uno Truo CLOOD Purifier. .