- - - r- J . -"I arifgi-i,ro Arrlvnl of TrntuH, T rtn-, i TbCfol1 owing, change of schedule took j t i , : , vect July 4, 1897, 12 o'clocfc. v : NORTHBOUND. &q. 8 arrives at 6 27 a m, " u 10 OS a m, 12 r . " 7-0 p m, 38 " u fi.Mnin.fF) 63 ,l " ' J)0 a m (tiem . SOUTHBOUND. CIo. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (F) U " " 10 29 a m. 7 " 8 53 p m, 25 ;t u 9 25 pm, 51 " " 7.40 a m,. (freight) An Escaped Convict. No. 35S6, 37 and 38 stop only at Char- Mr n t aUam e Ji -Li. iMte, Concord, Sa.isbury, Greensboro " "O"'l,uo lur umu,tt,a Danville, rassentjers iur wai ui iur oumuern .utecuve Asocia foiutf.betweea these stations wumayeio tion at Charlotte, in will be paid hj- letting roe know at Harrisbarg, N. C. M. F. Teeter. Children and ad hits tortured by burn v scalds, injurie , rczirnaj or akin diseases mav secure insnt ire -J Hef by nfiing De Witt's .Witch H;zel SW. It ia the great. Pile remedy . Gibeon's Drug Store, :" DIME CONCERT. flise the other trans. Wade Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71 vTM - Jl urawiora For "Wheels $30. our city this Wednesday morning. Ha came after a negro named Abe Tor- rence who escaped from the Meck lenburg chainganglquite a long time ago. The negro has been here for at least twelve months working for Mr: R A Brown. The detective, of course, tried to pick something else out of him in regard to the burning of a bam in Charlotte several weeks ago, but the negro told a very straight tale in regard to it and could give the detective no clue. I A Narrow Escape, Thankful word? written by Mrs. Ada E Hart, of Groton. S. D : "Was Whj pay more money? We taken with a bad cold which settled pat it against any $35 Bw 5ycle on earth. . J. Hill. on my lungs; cough set in and final ly terminated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me np, saying I could live but a short time. I gave To-Morrow sight at the methodist larsonagt The following is the programme of the Dime Concert to be given at the Methodist parsonage tomorrow night : - - Instrumental Solo Mrs. H M Barrow. 7 Vocal SoloP C Howland. , Recitation Mies Hervy. Male Quartet Messrs. Keesler, Howland, Leniz and Watson. Vocal Solo Miss R ise Harris; Instrumental Solo Miss Lucy Lore. Recitation Mies Hervy. Vocal Solo Miss Addie Patter son. Vocal Solo P C Howland. Vocal Solo Mies AUda Smith. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue,, cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world; Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure wad ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootL ing Syrup," and take no other kind. Opposite Post Office. TOWN TAXES are now due and myself up to my Savior, determined must be paid to save cost and trou- if I could not stav with mv friends ble. on earth. I would meat w hflAnf. f26tf. Jno. K. Patterson, T. C. ones above. My husband was ad vised to get Dr. King's New Disco v- Drop in and have your SHORT ITEMS. ery for Consumption, Coughs and measure for a suit r?ra$:rapb xl, t-eaeiled and Properly Placed Here. Cold?. I cave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and of clothes Itiade to Oder by thank God I am saved and now a Well and healthy woman." Trial See change in Cannon & Fetzer bottles free at P B Fetzer'a drug ..uuaj. 1 8tore.. No more birds on toast fori Ca- Regular size 50c. and $1.00. barrus people until next November. Guaranteed or price refunded. Bicycles at Yorke. Wadsworth & Co., from S19 to $75. mar21. TAYLORINQ Fit and style Guaranteed. A New One For U. We bring before pur readers to- There8 a peak in Balsom Moun- day a new advertieement, which is T tains ,049 feet high called ;"Deyil's Court House." Ride a Cleveland bicycle -from 335 to 75 at Yorke, Wads worth. & Co. mar. 21. Mr. James Young, head clerk at the Odell Manufacturing Co.'s store, went up to Salisbury last night on business. Anotner oarrei 01 tnose nice mackerel just received. Fresh shad Wednesday morning at marlG.' A L Sappenfield's. Mr. John A Tucker, one of the gentlemen who is here in the inter est of the Carolina Benevolent As sociation, ha3 gone to Raleigh oni a short business trip. v Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, :lN. C, will be in Concord, at the Sfc Cloud Hotels on Friday, April 1st, 'this one day only. His practice is limited to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Mr. George W Means went up to Lexington Tuesday night, where he is summoned on the trial in : t Thich Engineer Kinney, who was in the Harrisburg wreck, is sueing tbo Southern for damages in that ,3ws comes to us' that Mr. Paul r well, a Concord young man, :- vao is employed in Baltimore, ti'aa oeen piacea on ine meaicai i'brce for one of the regiments at f bat place. He, like a good many others, is likely to he called into service now any time. from' the firm of Dobbin & Ferrall, at Raleigh, who are now conducting one of the largest businesses in the State. Mr. Dobbin, of the firm, is well known by nearly all of the women of fashion in North Carolina ' ... ! and was for over thirty years con nected with Tucker's store. They are buyers of high-class dry goods and have no equal in the State, and their stock is now larger than it has ever been. apr 1L FOR SALE. One house and lot in Mt. Pleasant, now occupied by Rev. Paul Barringer, containing i acre of land, also vacant lot of same size adjoining on the north side. Apply at this office. We Have Just Opened We are anxious to do a little good ia this world and can think of no :jleasanter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneu monia, consumption and other seri ous lung troubles that follow neg lected colds. Gibson's Drug Store. Whooping cough is the most dis tressing malady; but its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Gibson's Drug Store. ' i i New '98 20th i Century Bicyle Lamps. A J & J F YORKE. There are three little things which do more work than arjy other three little things created they are the ant. the bee and De Witt's Little Early Kisers, the last being the fa mous little pills for stomach and liver troubles Gibson's Drug Store. Nobody need have Neuralgia. Get Dr. MHe tain pjla Xrom druggists. 'One cent dose- a new lot of Kid Gloves New styles in Ladies' Collars, Ties and Belts. x Also a lot of Swiss and Colored Hambargs. Would be pleased to hayjl you call and look at them. Lesly If. FBpks ! -i 1 V V. ft! uriti r 1 : - 4ro due tu. Uu.-- ilnd'B Sar t I'rr.- Hlood . n nnB2"lff II II 1 1 111 I II Rubber I llfir Slli L. V Price lies w iwr 1 j. p. w. made easy Manuf acttirln? btamps. tsena ior List ef Outfits to Dorman Co 121 ette St., Baltimore, 8.A. Catalogue ftea MORRISON H. CALDWELL A-TTOBtTlY AT I1A.W," CONCORD, N 0 Office in Morris ba idm. ppoait Court house." Tutt's Pills Cure All -Liver Ills. . 1 Buck's Junior Biff: Given Away Free. To the'girl under 14 years old, who brings to our store the greatest nam ber of our full advertisements, con taining BUCK'S TRADE MARK, cut from the newspapers of our city. The range ia now oh exhibition at our store. You are invited to call and examine it. Collect advertise ments from news aers trom March 10 to May 1 1898. ThS TELES nl u ' 1 IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. VARRANTED. PRICE 60cts GALAT1A, IIXS., Nov. 16, 1833. Pans Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Genemen:-We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought ttaree.8roM already year. In U our ex- nprience ol 14 yeans, " mu iudiui - Uo. sold an article that gave such .universal satis- Yours truly, - : ' . ABNEY, CAES & COi Xaction as your Tonic AIL dealers guaranteeGrove Taste les ; II Tonic to cure chills, t . and malaria in all " its forms. fotice! Wat son. Uncle Sam is preparing: to. retaliate for insult and injury from the haughty Dons. Meanwhile we have prepared our Spring Stock of FURNITURE, Mattings, rorriztre. etc. Our nrices are in the "7 - , . ! reach of all. if ycu wani your picture framed we can certainly piease. wc have a large and complete line 01 Moulding. c -. , tl , i We are prepared to do all funeral Work. K. L. Craven No 74 Furniture Dealers and Under takers. , For Goal. v. ,1 i r I lit ! 1

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