j - i' U - - - i -.-.. -.. .--.- ! - ' v i ' - v- 'u - ' - ' ' ArriTnl or, Trains. Tke following change of schedule took effect July 4. 1897, 12 o'clock. NORTHBOUND. r t &d. 8 arrives at C 27 a m, m. 44 44 1 0.08 am, 12 44 Wp ni, " - 38 ' " 8.53 p ra, 62 44 1 00 p m (lieisn. SOUTHBOUND. WO. xti 37 arrives at 8 49 a in, 11 44 "10 29 am, 7 " 41 8 .53 p m, 35 51 " 9.25 p m, Ol 44 44 7.40 a m, (freight) No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char lotte, Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro and Dinville. Pa8seikers for local points between these stations will have to use tho othertrains. Wade- Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE XO. 71. We Sell Everythin " i that goes with a bicycle or that mav be needed for repairs. Cheap as they can possibly be sold for. i W. J. Hill. Opposite Post Office. SHORT ITEMS. Paragraph tf, readied and Properly Placed Here. Mr. W C Boyd is very sick at his ihome on North Main street. This weather put a quietus on baseball. Don't look for the score. On account of the rain, Rich mond and Baltimore did not get to cross bats. - U THE RACKET SPECIAL. 800 yards of 10c. percale, in 1 to 7 yards length, at 25 cent per pond, mar. 30. Mr. B P Rogers returned Tuesday night from New York, where he has been for some time on busi ness.- J , '1 Remember, Sparks' show will be m Concord on Friday, April 1st. 1 hie is considered a clean show and one of the best of its kind. Just received, Heinz'a tomato catchup, pepper and table sauce, olives, preserves, canned apples, cream cheese, &c., at ap2. A, L. Sappenfield's. North Main street is improving herself by new palings in front of residences -of Mrs. S N Erwin and "Billy" Wilkinson. j - Little Miss Minnie Ross, daughter of Mrs, PB Means, who has been with her Aunt, Mrs. Galloway, at Elkin for some time, arrived Tues day night, f ; Thirty-live years make a gerjera tion. That is how Jong Adolph JiBher, of Zanesyille, O., suffered irotu piles. He was cured by usin three boxes of DeWitt'R Wifni JTerti -ve. Gibson's Drug Store. 0R SALE. One house and lot t. Pleasant, now occuDied hV 7-Paul Barrinoror Aftn:-:-ii c. Gf lacd ftlso vacant lot of same size adjoining on the north side Apply at this office. h A dispatch came to relatives at Salisbury, Tuesday night, an nouncing the death by drowning of Mr. John W Wiley, at W.Li. kitchka, Fla, He was a son of the lRte.S.H Wiley, of Salisbury, He owned large orange grove property m Florida, and spent his eummers ere, The particulars were not yet dlspatched. 1 Attorney W G Means returned from Supreme court last night. H" Mies Nannie Alexander's Millin ery Reception, Monday afternoon and evening, April 4th. All are ir-vited- ... - : . J,jS a4. The weather forecast says;: I Rain today and tomorrow. We agree with them on the first prediction very decidedly. ; j j Mra. Dr. Cartland, of High Point, will arrive in our city Saturday and will ppend Sunday with her friend, Mrs K L Craven. i N - ! ' k 1 Mies Laura Gourley has clost d her school in No4 township, and returned to her home at Flowe's last Saturday. Mr. JTM Rogers, who has been employed at China Grove in the Patterson store, is at home for a few- days at Cannonville. The advance agent was! in our town today (Wednesday )jadvertis- ? j 1 . , - - - L ! i ing xne "Merry Makers," which will be on the night of April 4th J j NOTICE. All those who: have taken stock in the new Building and Loan lor Concord, are rcduested to meet at Burrage's Hall toaight at 8 o'clock, to organize. II I ! - " . .' ii,-. M ; Mr. Walter Cook and his grand mother, Mrs. Col. Simpoch, passed through this (Wednesday) ; morn ing on their return to Mt. pleasant, after visiting at the home of Rev. W J Bog3r at Mt, Holly. jj j Miss Belle Erwin, of Mill Bridge, and Miss Mamie Walker, of Green ville, who have been visiting their friend, Miss Lida White, at this place, went to Flowe's this (Wednes day) v morning, where they will spend a day or two with their friend, Miss Laura Gourley. j They will probably return Friday. 1 I Rambler Tandem For Rent or Sale 5 r 5 j i j ; s Jewelry StqrflL magnificent spring and summer millinerv purchased and pre pared in the bfiRt houses of New Yoik and Philadelphia, will be on view Friday! and Saturday, April j 1st and 2nd; I If i All the public is most cordially invited. I f : Line ol fine sash Rib bons at lowest prices. LOOK i !: Any one wishing o narchaee1 new, High - Aria, Wheeler r & Wilson Sewing Machine, ibnr drawers, cover and end leaf, fine oak 'finish, with complete attachments, should call at this office. We only have one, and will, offer the buyer special price. 1 o9tf. M. B. STIOKLET Attorney at Law, j i Concord iV. C SFMIAL ATI LM ION GIVE: ' 10 COLL JlCI IONS. Office upstairs in King building near Postoffice. ! . Me iiss Marv HATS t Who's vour Ha.tt.A-r 9 "We Would like to ha. tTust received a line of in all the new styles. Gall to see our crash Hats and Caps. . Youis to serve, LESLEY -. WATSON. Given Away Free To the girl under 14 years old:, who brings to our store the greatest num ber of our full advertisements, con- taming BUCK'S TRADE MARK, cut from the newdp-iprs of our citv. m The range is now on exhibition at our store, xou are invited to call and examine it. Collect advertise- intuits liuni lit; wb papers trom March 10 to May 1 1898. Prepared for Emergencies. UNCLE SAM is safe from ouU side interference in his affairs. We are prepared for any emergency the demands of tmde mar? iiika od have secured the finest and largest assort ment of FURNITURE. Floor mattings- at un heard of prices, quali ty and stvle of goods considered. FURNITURE of every description; Baby Carriages, Easels, Screens, Pictures, Watch Ssts, Chamber Sets, Lamps, Buck's Cooking Stoves. No trouble to show good3. Our undertaking department is complete. Best attention given to all work in this line. Xraven HATS ' '; ! loot's Jiior lap h anu riiiiiiici y upenin WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH SO AND 31. Exclusive Pattern lats and Bonnets and novel designs copied from French artists, the originators of ft ' - jj fashion. Dainty, chick, elegant, gay, dashing, what- 'M evr your taste, it will find instant gratification. The opportunity of choosing first, from many hats and U ' " : - I ' bonnets, no two alike. We will al8 j display all of .n the i.TCnafftr t. uv io iu mwa riturics jeics, xianaKer chiefs and Gloves in all the latest shades. Every- W thing will be beautifully To miss this display will be p ing of the season. H. L; XOOOGGC030000C 5000QC 3K3C3CC This Is Wo War s BUT SOLID FACTS. We haye the largest line of Dry Goods In Town, and we are prepared to sell at as low figures as any one. We can show you the prettiest line of Dress Goods and Shirt Waist Goods on the market. We simply defy competi tion on Wash Fabrics of the very latest styles and patterns. French Ginghams, French Percal, French Organdies, Loyely shades in Plisse Black Silk Duchess. Space will not ollow us to mentioa anythingjike our stock. Don't forget that we are also ud to date on Clothing, We have a big line cf Boy's and Children's Clothing. Oar Stock of Mens' Hats is full and complete. All the Nobbies andOur Stock of Millinerv can't be Surpassed, and prices are low. Come andjjsee Jus andEbe Conyinced V. r. DAY VAULT. . eoal! For all kinds of coal Soft or Hard cill on me. My Lump Coal can not be surpassed in quality. Prices aa low as can be had. o o ' " ' . ' J; A. C. Black welder AtJ4tore on West Depot Street.' Jfhone No. 68 D G. CaldweU, M. D.J M. L. Steveas, M.1D Drs, CALDWELL & STEVENsT JOoncord, N. O. Office in old post ofHse Tbmlding Opposite St, Cloud Hocel.t " . J rPhoneNo737. I New Goa decorated for the occasion . to miss the grandest open ' Parks L Q CONCORD LODGE of -- KNIGHTS of HONOR. Meets on the second Friday eyen m of each month. HaU in the rear of Dr. W C Hous- ton s Dental roomys. ; This lodge has paid to the fami lies of its deceased members twenty tnousand dbllars since its organiza tion The Knight.B of Honoe is now in its twenty-fifth, year of exi8tncr, and has disbursed tip to the U-.h of J anuary, 1898, more than sixty-one millions of dollars to the families of its deceased members in the Uuited States. ' For further information call on N." D.;FBTZE R or K. L CRaYEN. TA1TELE r Ml IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts, Galatia, Ills.. Nov. 16, 1833. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold laet year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and fcava bought three gross already this year. In all oar ex. perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have . never sold an article that gave such universal satis r faction as your Tonic. Youxa truly, . abxsy. Cabs & co. ;r Allfdealers guarantee Groves Taste ' lees Chill Tonio to cure chills, fever and malaria in all its forma. Totice ! If V- K. L. Graven 74 For Ooal. f made easr Mannfactarlzur I Price List of Outfits to J. P. W. Dorman CoM 121 B. Fayette St Baltimore, McL. UJLA. Gataloiroe tree No x x - x