I .1 i .... - i I : Arrival of, Trains. The following change of schedule took effect July 4, 1S97, 12-o'clock. northbound! -No. 8 arrives at 6 27 a m, 44 4 t 10os am, r 12 u " 7-0 P m, 38 " " 8.53 p m, t " 62 " "1 0 p m (iieign SOUTHBOUND. j! No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, ' , 1 -"11 44 44 10 29 a m, 7 44 8 53 p m, ' ore 'a " 9;25p m, 44 7-4U a m, tireiKm ; ? No. 35 36, 37 ard 38 stop only at Char Fresh milch cow for sale. W A Smith. Miss Ida Flo we, of Flowe's, spent Friday night iu oar city, -the'! guest of her friend, Mies Mamie Pharr. Rev. Geo. L. Cook preached Fri day night and this (Saturday) morning at the First Presbyterian church. From here he returned to his home to fill his appointment on Sunday at Poplar Tent. We will eel from today, March 31st, to Monday night, April 4th, all goods we have at a CUT PRICE. This sale includes every yard of cloth use the other trains. Wade Barrier, City Editor. ,S:r r,AnrA Salisbury, Greensboro . , i tfJtlC. - vi-..i I D.Ui TT j - r j: 'T-n HM.nffera ior local ivuuu li nerran ana jyiihs iviattif points betweea these stations will have to Carter for marriage. The former is the house ; every pair of from Stanly county and the latter shoes, every hat, everv shirr is from No. 11 t.nwnfihinJl Mr Adam Tucker and Miss Jennie and 111 ct JNoTHING is left Tucker also received license toioxit. marry. I i As seen in another colum the Merry Makers will ' be at Caton's Hall next Monday night arid will render a play entitled "Heart of .J i - Cuba." This company comes well recommended, as . will be seen by a is I' TELEPHONE NO. 71. w e Sell verything sure to read it. In means $3.00 ehoes.for $2 50 It 2 50 " 215 It 1 50 135 It " 1 00 shir's " 90c. It " 75c. 63c. It ' lOe.hainbmg 8c. it 81c. " 7c It " 5c. " ' 4JC. The Woman's foreign Mission- We cant begm tQ arv Societv of the First Preabv- that goee with a bicycle or that may terjan Church will meet an the enumerate all it does i : I. " !i' I lv : . ? i lecture room ot toe cnurcn next "U,, 1 ivionqay at o o ciock. i ne oeu win ring at at half past 2 o'clock. A full attendance is desiresed.! Business they can possibly be sold for. W J. Hill. Opposite Post Office. SHORT items: Mrs. R S Harris,- Secretary u a liuie boy asked for a bottle of Come and be con- you can," the druggist recognized a I vinced. hoasehold name for uDe Witt's Little Early Risers " and gave him! a boU tie of those famous little pills for constipation, aick headache, liver and stomach troubles. Gibson's LESLY & WATSON. magnificent s p r i n g and summer millinery, purchased and pre pared in the best houses of New Yoik and Philadelphia, will be on view Friday and Saturday, April 1st and 2nd. , All the public is most cordially invited. Line of fine sash Rib bons at lowest prices. This Is loWar News ... . BUT SOLID PACTS. We haye the largest line of Dry Goods In Town, ' and we are prepared to sell at as low figures as any one. We can show you the prettiest line of Dress Goods and 4 Shirt. Waist Goods on the market. We simply defy competi tion on Wash Fabrics TAiTSIES IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts GALATIA, ILLS., NOT. 16, 1S93. '? Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. ' . . i nentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of OTIOVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and baro i v. x rroncu slroiiiTv tVlin VAnr. In B.11 Our ftTi uuuKui. t" "r V -T" never sold an article that gare such universal saua xacuon as your toxuo. Yours truly. ABJiET, CABS & CO A.U dealers guaraDteeiGrov 'l'ste le?8 Chili Tomb to;cure chills, fever and malaria in all uT its forms. ' Diiii & Ik 1 Paraernpti Ml, t-enelled and Properly I Drilg Store, Vl CM AV Yl MXW I j I Young ladies of the I Foreign Bargain sale at Cannon & Fetzer Mis8ionary Societv of tile First1 Co.'s Monday. Read their ad to- pre8by terian church "please take 1 ayv notice: The time of your meeting The Register's office has been is hereby changed from April 11th treated to a new coat of white-1 to April 4th. This change is made wash. I on account of the absence of mem- Mr w T. nuoir who h invftd ber8 from town on Easter Monday. fltRnfln,flr nnt Vtm in Hen- The meetin8 wUl Q On next Mon- , , . " I day at 4 o'clock p. m. at the home i r I of Mrs. Elam King. India; is the Don't go to war stay at nome 8Ubj6ct for study. By order of ana swing m one oi me nice, low Executive Committee. swings made by inar31t. J T Pounde. We would call the town authori ties attention to the fact that the pomp in front of Dry & Miller's is out of fix.' Prospects lor the weather are ,tnuch better than for war. T The forecast says : Fair tonight and tomorrow. Just received, Heinz's tomato catchup, pepper and table sauce, olives, preserves, canned apples cream cheese, &c, at ap2. A. L. Sappenfield's. We learn that some of the very fine wheat in the country suffered serious irj jury from the frost (Fri day night. 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street, (Tucker's Store) Raleigh, N. C. Dress Goods" of the very latest styles DEPARTMENT. and patterns. 1 Frpsn cih Pfirnnl . m iavor oi nam French. Oreandies. Materials Lovelv shades in Plisse I Wv Tailor M ad6 buits tlflCb "Rlank Silk Dns. Rc.ttiat (I IdUOr jcvwru Lt uw will notollow us to mention currvvu o. vyoo u, anything like our stock. VOli'l rorscet tnat weUrtmplv low orices Piaia fabric are also ui to date on I in ainele and two tone effects. V 1 m .. - n:. j- ir Clothins. We have a pims, rrayers, uoiu8, 11C I s junior TV Ml 1548 Ladles' Wrapper. Sixes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. What About This, Lawn and Percal Wrappers well made and perfect fitting for 1 Si Thirtyrfive years make a genera-1 59c, 68c, 75c, 98c, and $1.15. tion. That is how lone Adolnh . . . . . , . Fisher, of Zaneayille, O , sobered Tnis 18 a nne lot ot WitAlKb from piles . He was cured hy usin and you wm not break your back three boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazsl J f Salve. Gibson's Drug Store. lover a machine when you see Rev. C L T Fisher, of Elizabeth these. They all have separate College passed through our jcity w Hnin g8andcomein all sizes. llilO kJCkbUAUCbjy UlUlUlUg UU ! UlO big line cf Boy's and Oliildren's Clothing. 1 ran Kjur odock oi iYtens Jtiais is I M 0 1 full and complete. All the Given Awav Free. iN ODDies anauur To the girl under 14 years old, who StOCk Of Millinery brings to oar store the greatest nam- cant be Surpassed, and prices Der OI Our iuu auvBrwBfmeuu?, uuu , taininff BUCK'S TRADE MARK. are iow r.nt from tne newsDiDers of our citv. Come and 3ee ns and be The range is now oh exhibition aMConyinced onr s ore. xoa are inviieu 10 cau Cloths, Coverts, Whipcords ana Worsteds. : , . .-y Every woman must have a Plain - nn0a fhiu pnrintr Wft SUDdIv - send for samples and prices: Perfectly Equipped Mall Order De partment. DpBBIN & FERRALL. and examine it. Collect advertise ments from .news lasers trom March 10 to May 1 1898. D. P. DAYVAULT. V?ay to Enochville where he con ducts services on Sunday. I have again started up my shop, and am making a lot of lawn swings and office tables, and my prices can't be beat. Respectly, marSltf. JT Pounds. ?T t?rT fllTTTl T , nrr. I T i u xsxrA jjaoi i rvememoer Very respectfu I. L Park's I km. Coal! coal! For all kinds of coal Soft or Hard all on me. My Lump Coal Ohu hot be surpassed in quality. Prices -as low as can be hd. o o v J A. C. Black welder A.t-Store on West Depot Street." Phone No. 68 . Needs Xo Explanation. r Madison, N. C., Aug, 4, 1897. Goose Greas3 Liniment Co., Greens boro, N. t'. Dear Sirs Please ship us at once joe grosa doose Grease Liniment. We are entirely out Don t fail to ship t oqee. riease Rive us yjvucio - Ir. is t he v est thing we h vee ve r & W O Jones & )o CONCORD LODGE of KNIGHTS of HONOR. LOOK A 0. & Jo Prepared for Emergencies. UNCLE SAM ia safe from out side interference in his affairs. We are prepared for any em-rgency the demands of traao may maxe ana nave secured the finest and largest assort ment of FURNITURE. Floor mattings at unheard of prices, qoali' Misa Nannie Alexander's Millinerv Tirs Tnnr Tn cLinM. ST Reception Monday afternoon and and Valves. I kMS n Eaaela. Screens. evening April 4th. Do not miaa it. mnn Axr c wTimTrm PinfnrAa Watch Sets. Chamber Sets, next weeK at bt. Andrews Luther- and Valves. Scihracler Univers Our undertaking department is an church by the pastor, Rev. H A sal Valyes. -f " ! complete. Best attention given to McUullougn, services to begin at T all work in tnis line. 7:45 o'clock, Wnrke's Jewelrv Stored Craven orotlniers. Any one wishing io purchase a new, High-Arm, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, iour drawers, cover andr'end leaf, fine oak finish, with complete attachments, should call at this office. We only nave one, and will offer the boyer special price. . o9tf . M JU Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says: 'I was a snfferer for ten years, try ing most all kinds of pile remedies but without sncces. De Witt's Witch Sazal Salve was recommended to me. I used one box. It has affected a permanent cuie for piles De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. Gibson's Drug Store.! . i WANTED AGENTS to eeU oar Prlntlnir Presses, Vuicanizers, Baggage and Key Zuor .iJ. Sr;.ol and Bubber Stamps, Seal Press es ire. J. P. W. DOR MAN CO., l.l r iiuoUtf SU UaltOnMd.Cataloguofree. Meets on the second Friday even in of ea n month. n -Hall in the rear of Dr. W C Hous- ton's Dental roorn. , . ! This lodge has paid to tne iami lies' of its deceased members twenty thousand dollars since its organizay tion- , . . i The Knights of Honoir is now m its twenty-fifth year of - existence.--; and has disbursed up to the Uthof ; I onnQrv 1 "S;ir. lUUIt) LlirU BIAl'T-vua' ..., . I a r n V rm f- till r U w. . m I.IIM M. Ill I I 1 lift..-. UlllllULlO CIA "U""10 1 ,TvIv , its deceased memoers in tne uniteu States. ,...f " 4. For farther information call on' N. D. FBTZERor K. L CRAVEN. M. B. S TICKLE Y Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. 1 SFEMAL AT1EMI0N GTVK 2 Ct'COLLlLt'llUJSbi . I Office npstair8 in ing buildini; j ' near Postoffic , . D jGaldwell, M. D. M. L. Stevens, M. D JJDrs. CALDWELL & STEVKN8, ; Concord, N. O. ' Ofiice in old poet tffice building jppo8ite St, Gloud Hotel. pnore no oi i t r-i -V

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