Vol. X No. ' j-ikj ij r i . n tk . i ono ' I MERIDUNPOSTS. ' 1176, wjiton 1 -m For Cows ". : -Wi I ! LEE LEAVES AT 12.30 O'CLOCK TO-DAY BY OKDER OF GOVERNMENT, Message late Awaillng; Announce" iiientTliatI.ee Is Safe Aboard Cuba Have Independence. Spc- A from the Charlotte Observer to Standard. THE Gen. Lee was ordered to leaye Havana- at 12:30 o'c'ock to-day. Meesage will go in late, jfreaumably awaiting meBsage that Lee has left Havana, possibly, too, on account of a strong fight among Republicans in Congress to the Presidents idea?. Many members fay or both indepen and intervention. Cuban Junta brings the message declaring that Cuba will fight the United Sate before accepting any thing short of independence. The Standard has made arrange ment to furnish any special item of news that may occur till late every evening. A bulletin board may be expected in front of this office con taining news of vital importance, i . COUNTY COM MISS1 ONER 8 Hold Tbelr Hesrnlnr Idonlbly Meet- ing: ana Transact the Usnal Amount of Bnslnss and Some Tblon of Especial Interest. Besides the business as noted Tuesday, the following Hat takers were appointed : No. 1. Jaa. F Harris. ' 2 J Mack Caldwell. 3 Gk O Goodman . 4. FedCline: ; 5. A H Penninger. 7. D W Honeycutt. 8. AW Moose. 9 G F Barnhardt. 10.- Harvey Dor ton. ll.-W S White, No. 12 TowksHIp. Ward L W F A Prcpst, j i4 2 D M Dry. 3 OA Pitts. - S 4G Ed Kestler. Upon motion it ws ordered that tb.3 proposition for the meridian post be accepted.- (C ft ft ti it (f It To D Erected at Concord for the Vne "r surveyors-A Valuable Im. provement. As noted in tbe proceedings of the County Commissioners, our county has accepted the proposition from Mr: J A Holmes, the State Geolo gist lor the erecting of meridian posts at this place. The great ad vantage has also been stated through our columns. In order that the citizens of the county throughout may know what it is costing, and wnat it will be, we will give a con deneation of the contract with the county. The cost of the posts to the coun ty is to be only S25.00and the State agrees to set aside a sum as large or larger lor paying all expenses not covered by the S25 00 which may be necessary for making a complete magnetic map. The United States Coast Survey also agrees to furnish for this work, without cost, one of the most skilled experts in the government emnlov and a full set of the- most accurate and costly instruments made in this country. It is also promised that the work will be done as thoroughly and as economically as possible and in case tne cost is even greater than was estimated, in no case will the coun ty be asked to appropriate anything more than the 525 00 appropriated. JNo part of the work shall be paid; for until after the work of net ting up the meridian posts has been completed and accepted satisfac tory. A torpid 1 ver robs von nf amo tion and rums your -health. ! De Witt's Little Eariy Risers cleanse tbe liver, cure constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. Gibson's Drue Store. For Over Fifty ykam Mrs. . Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by umuons or motners for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, Be sure nd ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootU ir.g Syrup," and take no other kind. asy to Take asy o Operate Are featarapecnllfflfto Hood's Pills. Small In . 2C, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man I 1 T Lecture at Patterson's Mill. Mr. Holland ThomDson. of thin place, delivered a lecture at the school house at Patterson's Mill on Tuesday night. The subject of his lecture was "North Carolina," in the broad sense of the word. It was a descriptive lecture and the map of the Old North State was drawn be fore them. The lecture was, of course, interesting and gave the, pu pils of the school some new j data about our State. ! FOR SALE BY Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 OUR CLOSING OPENINGS. Misses Bracben Zxuar close x"-" ,ne Season Willi -oveiy nunnery Display. It is not an empty saying that M .L A. t . Piij reamers make nrettv hira There's no ose in-having, any but pretty girls, when we bear in mind mat we have so many comnletP mil linery stands. Misses Brachen and Alexander have just had their nrand opening in which a baahful fellow stojd nn chance to see. . , - Calling on Miss Brachen Taeadav we found the spirits serene on the most p osperona openinz ever fin- joyed, by her. The eje was filled witn all that would inspire dreams of lovely woman. 1 At Miss Alexander's we found a profusion of exquisite beauty, the natural and the artificial foreume. Dots, violets arid evergreens all inter spersed so that onr Vision -hu4 to .be v4ou uj noiueTo uetect the differ ence. All were busy touchimr here ana mere, to put on tbe finish to hat whicn mtkes superlative loveli- : i . i - TTT . new. we took a souvenir of a new style of bonnet .that was also new when the ' writer was new and came away reproaching: ourself for not feasting the eyes every day at these stations of beauty. 80 lb Grade worth 25 cents yard, our price cents. Closed out an- -other lot of 25 Rolls, and oan give yoa best: bar gams in Matting you ever had. Another lot of Jap Matting Linen warp, Tokans Medalion, 'lluby and Onyx, new patterns up to date. Cannon & Fetzer Company. NO WAR YET. said. f ' never know havt akena pili tm it is all over." 25c. C. I. Ilood & Co., , Proprietors, Lowell. Mass' nie only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. ; IP DIUS JJuSrii,StLES prove the ffreai 1 rjrsawnXa sells because it 'Vl--iesflRAT CURES ' MT. PLEASANT NEWS As Gathered By Onr Correspondent 1 mere. $ The Cornet Club has receiver! two more callb to furnish music for commencement exercises one from North Carolina College and! one from Yadkin Mineral Springs Academy at Palmerville. j Mrs. James Misenheimer, of Char lotte, is visiting at her father's, iq. a U McAllister. ; "April Fools" were in abundance ast nday. Nineteen aroused themselves from their neaceful slumbers as early as 3 o'clock that morning. It did Mont Ammna Seminary up in fine shape and left town, lney got ashamed of them selves. School was suaDendfid that. evening tto prevent any morel ex posures. . r j Mr. L A Lentz informs us that in case Uncle Sam does not declare war within a few weeks ho will move his family to Norwood, where he will engage in the manufacture J a j "i m . ' ui ipxuie gooas. rne mill, site has been procured and contains over one hundred acres. A Nother Tne Message to Go In Touay Wants Armed InterlerencesCon$rress May : Differ and Cause Delay. ; The President's message weiit into Congress today ( Wednesday). It is undersiood to recommend armed intervention and argues against reci Ognition of independence at this time. He thinks the United States should supervise bffiirs on the island till a substantial form of government can be inaugurated . There is much speculation as to what Congress will do? in the way of acceding to his plans. It i8 moje than probable that there will be that diversity of plans 'and clashing of opinions that will stae off any decisive action for some days to come. On the whole the prospects are more favorable to no immediate war than on Tuesday. Armory Moved. I The armory of the Cabarrus Light Infantry has been moved . from the room in rear of Gibson's drug store to the rooms upstairs over Fetzer's drug store. The change was made on account of the dampness of the room, woich caused th e guns to rus t somewhat. In Beauty, "Quiality j or Price . Is our handsome stok of fitvliah shoesfor men's wear. We have them in all widths and siz-s in fine French Calf, Vici-Kid and Rusaefc kt.h for sprine and summer wear, with modified Bullndotf, Ruerbv. Lndrraro Newport,- Coin and French plain Toes, (Latest Toep.) We can suit anyone and evervnrm in town from our fine stock. Respectfully. Dry Miller, - Shoe Furnishers. Nov For Business Through Stock taking, and flndin? balance on right side, we doff our hats tmd ofl-r roll up our Eleeves, and we are after you for ,r hn..-. .u. Furniture end House Furnishing Line. BuvW a, w Ho 5 M, " , spot, cash sites us a long leal over small dealer. We t n business during the year '98 than any previous year of our existence. We have the stock, We have the prices, we have the rabbit ioot mth the horse sho3 thrown in. We are not giving away gooJs neither are we selling goods at or below cost We are in the busineas for the money we can make out of it. If you want a Suit of Furniture, Poplar, Oak, Walnut, Birch, Birds' Eye Mapbor Mahogany, we can suit you in quality and price. If you want a Parlor Suit j..,- Ranging in price- from 816.00 to .75.00. Call and see us. If you wznt a Side Board. Ward Robe, Cylinder Top Boole Case, Office Desk, Extension or Parlor Table, Picture or Picture Frames. Easels or what nots, don't fail to see us. Shou'd ' ;need a The United States Senate Com mittee has found, by a vote of 19 to 17, that Senator Hanna is guilty of bribery in obtaining his seat. Let him be ousted as quick as the time can be spared from Cuban affairs. Baby Carriage In your; business, we thinklwB nave ihe bast line in the State to select from. Cook Stoves. The Star Leader4Tisrsaid; to be the best. Twenty years guarantee on fire back. Look at them,'and you will .'buy them when you hear the price Baby Renders. Boy Wagons, and every thing to bei'found in a Fira.. Class Furniture Stored Call and see us. BeI!,SHarris:&rCom n,i nv Our Mr,f Belli will answer 11 calls dayrorlnight in the DndertakingDepartment. " - : ;t- rt i